to Aiii fe J true what they say it 0ivMjt m A nil A iwwli ami jKTnwt ft A meat of it uniform en ham in and wi In kitchen chapping tail weather can chap or tout jftn lotion ilewgned to prevent hand it happen ITS A Womans World By Caroline Ion With the official opening last week of Warren- something unique in the field of Canadian child welfare came into being It will be with inter- cat by workers across the Dominion TODAY to cm the cottage unit as it In called is established practice in the United States and Great The main cipti behind its existence is that by working with limited num ber of youngsters in a Very special group atmosphere more can be accomplished in a short interval than by a longer admis sion in a standard institution is home to girls be tween the ages of and but only for a short time Their stay varies from three months to years and is governed by their ability to adjust to normal liv ing experiences The girls who are admitted to are neither delinq uent nor incorrigible but rather they are unhappy adolescents who feel rejected In many cases they have been taken from emotionally unstable homes where cooperation love and loyalty were met less frequently than were friction hate and dis trust A succession of foster homes in which these girls fail ed to find the help they needed has built up their feeling of in security Perhaps in group not admitted in groups but rather come as individuals to During the trying time- of initial readjustment a girl is welcomed not as a mem ber of a group but as a separate person At present there are five girls at No more than girls will be admit ted at any one time Recognized social agencies recommend the girls for admission- During a girls stay at the caseworker plans with the plac ing agency for the time when she will be leaving the institution St Faiths Lodge the forerun ner of in Toronto it self has a history of public ser vice in child welfare which dates to It was begun by a group of Anglicans to give residential care to young girls the residence of the late Aubrey Davis is named in honor of Mrs Warren a founder of St Faiths and its president for over 30 years is financed in part through the Community Chest In her welcome to the visitors following the dedication service they will find that they are of the board Mrs wanted that they are important A Ward outlined how they had been able to pay for the to someone The need for close association between each girl and the mem bers of the staff four highly trained people is apparent Girls beforehand HAND LOTION Mad by Make of These moil people work under pressure worry more sleep leas Thia strain on body and brain makes fitness easier to lose Harder to regain tense lowered overwork worry any or these may norma kidney action When kidney get out of order excess acids and wastes remain system Then backache real that leaded follow That a lime to take Kidney Pills- stimulate kidneys to normal action Then you feel belter sleep better work Utter Ask iot Kidney Pills at any dru counter Fresh Killed CAPONS 1 lb 59c We have a large stock of A HEM TOM TURKEYS for your THANKSGIVING DINNER Sweet Home Cured PICNIC HAMS lb Maple Sweet Home Cured HAM whom or half lb Maple Sweet Sliced Side BACON lb Wing and Porterhouse STEAK Fresh Lean MINCED BEEF Boneless Rolled RIB ROAST lb 75c property Such capital expendi tures do not come within the policy of the Community Chest The board of women was re sponsible for raising the needed funds Donations from friends and business acquaintances to gether with the money from the sale of the former house in Tor onto paid for the Newmarket property Some of the Anglican churches and associations also helped This board of St Faiths Lodge is responsible for the over all policy of and controls the purse strings Director of is John He is a graduate of the University of Toronto school of social work where he obtained his Later Mr Madded in institutional Work at Wayne university Detroit His wife Diane studied child psychology the Institute of Child Study University of Tor onto Other members of the staff include Dutchtrained social worker Anna Capon and Maud who was personnel director for the Gallup Poll These members of the staff echoed Mrs Wards words that they had desire to remove the girls entirely from the commun ity or isolate from every day i ving experiences The girls attend local schools churches of their own denomina tion and community organizations They will invite home after school fas would any adolescent girl whois fortunate enough to have own home For despite its lavish setting skilled stuff interesting program Warrendale Is oh Institution Only if these girls are accepted in the homes of this community can the project meet success The Indies Auxiliary Cana dian Legion one of their monthly euchre and parties In the Newmarket hall on Fridays Oct Mrs Howard waa convener winners includ ed Mrs A Smart and Mrs Anne served at the close of the evening li- H0 DONATION The Newmarket branch la dies Auxiliary Canadian has a donation of The was made at the auxiliarys and parly on Friday Oct It repre sented the proceeds from a series of weakly parlies which had held at the home of Mrs Annu MtCoinh by Mrs Mc- and Mrs fieri LIAISON GROUP FORMED FOR SCOUTS GUIDES A ScoutGuide liaison com was formed in Newmar ket last week at special meet ing which was well attended by representatives of the Scout mens committee the Guide Lo cal association the ScoutGuide Mothers auxiliary and the lead ers of Cubs Brownies Guides Scouts and Rovers The meeting which was held on Tuesday Sept 30 in the Scout hall was called to discuss the coordinating of work in the ScoutGuide movement within the community Elected to the liaison committee were Percy Hutchinson chairman Mrs leigh Armstrong secretary and Mrs Nelson Ion public rela tions Mrs Bert Budd was the ScoutGuide Mothers auxiliary representative and the leaders appointed to the committee in cluded Horace scouts Charles cubs Kirk Ever ett cubs Mrs Ray Brownies Mrs Thomp son Guides The rovers will ap point one of their members to sit on this committee The ScoutGuide liaison com mittee met on Thursday Oct with the following items of busi ness being decided Local plum bers be asked to help install the new furnace the Scout hall Leaders and boys helped dis mantle the old one on Oct and plans are to install the new furnace this week Plans for the ScoutCub annual apple day on Saturday Oct Mothers auxiliary to serve cocoa and do- nuts to the boys Prizes for best salesmen No trespassing signs to be erected at the Scout camp site Pine Orchard and the camp be closed on Oct This was done Provide blackboard for scouts at Scout hall New cement floor to be put in entrance hall of Scout hall Percy Hutchinson to supervise Kirk Everett to ar range for the loan of the equip ment and the ScoutGuide Mo thers auxiliary to pay for ma terial Each group be asked to undertake as a pro jectone of the following accounts coal janitor hydro and wood JOHN ARK TO speak at society meeting John Clark wellknown hor ticulturist and public speaker will address an open meeting of Newmarket Horticultural society oh Wednesday Oct 15 His topic will bo Bulbs Illus trated meeting will be held in the Sunday school room Trinity United church Newmar ket at pm Mr Clark was the official lec turer of the Ontario Horticultur al association tor many years and in that capacity visiled Newmarket on several His background in this field makes him an outstanding au thority oh phases of hor ticulture with his timely talk on the fait planting of bulbs Mr Clark will bring gardening district many helpful sugges tions Light refreshments will bo served by Mrs Elgin Evans and her committee In charge of the program is Marrow A- cordial invilallon Is extended to the general public at lend TO AWKNIJ It New market I raft group will lectures on weaving in Toronto- of the month are Mrs p Bides Mrs Arthur navies Mrs ami Mrs tred Hughes The will bo given by the Quebec weaving auth ority Mr under the of the and Weavers of They will he held from October to HI inclusive Newmarket Social News Mrs Frank Coleman and Mr and Mrs Robert Shicn are spending a few days this week in Buffalo Mr and Mrs Bert called on their sister Mrs Gilford on Sun day Wendy daughter and Mrs J CIoss spent last week with her grandparents Mr and Mrs John Sr Aurora Mr and Mrs Elgin Evans spent Friday and Saturday in the guests of Rev and Mr Henry Cotton PLANS ANNUAL BAZAAR A meeting of the Newmarket Handcraft group was held re cently at the home of Mrs to begin arrangements for the Community Bazaar This year marks the fourth consecu tive one that such a venture has been attempted Date for the community ba zaar was set for Friday Nov Mrs George McNelly act ing general convener This year the bazaar will not be car ried over into the evening as in past years It will be held from to or pm MISSIONARY SPEAKS TO WOMENS GROUP Mrs Arthur was the guest speaker at the September meeting of the Womens Mis sion Circle Christian Baptist church Newmarket Mrs with her husband leaves shortly for mission work in Bo livia Present for the special meet ing were members and nine guests Mrs William Epworth presided She introduced the speaker This couple will go Bolivia under the Canadian Baptist Mis sion board and will be under the sponsorship of this Newmar ket church will be a member of the staff Southern Cross radio station in Bolivia The speaker outlined the pre parations for work in the mis sion field which she and her husband had completed She is a graduate of Toronto Bible col lege and Mr graduat ed from Institute of Technology Later he attended a foreign missionaries retreat with representatives from Bri tish Columbia to Nova Scotia In addition they attended the Canadian School of Missions where they had five lectures a day arid learned all phases of ad justment necessary for lite and work a foreign mission field Following business session and Mrs inspiring address a social halfhour was the group Mr and Mrs Motley Hun ter Toronto were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Nelson Ion and family at their cottage Black Lake Haliburton Mr and Mrs Stanley Miller Miss Frances Miller and Mr and Mrs Ross visited in Kit chener on Sunday Mr and Mrs Roy Reynolds Barrio were weekend guests at the home of Mr and Mrs James Coltham Rev and Mrs Austin Thax- and Mr and Mrs Kenneth Beckett Toronto visited on Sat urday with Mr and Mrs Rich ard Beckett Mrs Norman is spending the week with her mo ther Mrs J Crocker Toronto Mr and Mrs Roy Martin and Wayne visited Mr and Mrs Dennis Martin Keswick on Sun day I Mrs Sarah Peacock return ed home on Monday after spend ing a few days in Toronto the guest of Mr and Mrs Herbert and family Mrs John Loveless hame spent last week in town the guest of Mr and Mrs Rich ard Beckett Lynn daughter of Mr and Mrs J will spend the Thanksgiving weekend with her grandparents Mr and Mrs John Sr Aurora Miss Marjorie McCarnan is holidaying in West Virginia Mr and Mrs A Covie- son Toronto spent Sunday withj Mrs Jim Barker NEVER BEFORE girdle so effective m id completely different from any other NOW CANADA All Makes Take Your Pick EASY TERMS Appliances SALES SERVICE Main St Phone WELFARE WORKER HEY KIDS SPECIAL HOLIDAY MATINEE MONDAY OCT 13th AT 2 For Newmarket Cubs attended the Sliriners circus in Maple Leaf Gardens Toronto on Saturday Oct The tickets were by Andy Davis The boys travelled- by chartered bus were accompanied by the of the Scout Group committee Percy ihsoi Master Wuss Assistant Cub Masters Alma Harris ami Shirley social work me busy I find time to advise iuv daughters even tittle things like getting their clothes white Must swish Blue through the rinse I tell them ami out of the blue comes whitest wash Yes pie- vents yellow tinge Marvelous for white hair toot the girdle that walks and doesn ride the ifh PrT Try on a Sarong today IV Need a better harvest of savings Buy a Canada Bond at tout local M branch Come fair weather or foul ran only grow In value ra PLUS RIDES AGAIN AND 3 STOOGES COMEDY aruw LUCKY DRAW HopafoAQ Hun Hi A 1 is ft M t M pat iJTU ra if J Kin fc- Bank of I i L Newmarket Branch BROWN Manager Alitor Branch ALBERT Managei WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY A I OF IIFE SINCE i ft