Newmarket Era and Express, 9 Oct 1952, p. 13

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RmI Discount Date SECOND Of I m Tins for Town of Newmarket Wed Oct 1952 Wesley Brooks Bate Be Warm Save Fuel tabling We i ri Check Your and Stove Pipes We lute toed stocks NEWMARKET CO OP Newmarket Mill phone RCA VICTOR ThlS Week S hits on records Belong To Me I Weal To Wedding Wis Were Here Aid Sweetheart Half As Meet Mister Noon Somewhere The Way The Freddy Martin Hack Snow Steve Gibson Eddie Fisher FranMe Carle Billy Frank Carle Ted Carle Strings Ruga Carle Carle These Records Available How At The Music MAIN ST ROBERT BUDD MANAGER After years experience in the insurance business we have expanded our operations with the opening of an office at the new home of Evans Fuels at Timothy St opposite the bus terminal The Mutual Life of Canada and General Insurance Phono Newmarket Sharon Club Holds Annual Acheivement Day Members of the Sharon Calf Club held their Achieve ment Day at Newmarket high school grounds on September The boys brought out the best group of calves yet seen in their annual show and gave real evi dence of their ability to care for livestock The students of the high school were released from classes for a part of the afternoon and a large audience was on hand During the course of the day the students were acquainted as fully as possible with Calf Club work and a demonstration how to throw an animal was given by Bill and lor of Sharon The select group of calves was the largest try and judge George Jr finally chose the calf of Norman Taylor Sharon as winner The Ayr shire Jersey and Guernsey Win ners were Bob Armstrong Ken Sharon and Leonard The winning Shorthorn calf was brought all the way from firstyear club member Roger Trie only Hereford calf was exhibited by Bernard Holt Ti the showmanship class the win ner of the York County Club calf halter was Bill Taylor closely followed by Bob Arm strong and Jim The big event of the day was the announcement of the win ners in the whole club pro ject The were by the and knowledge all phases of cattle including judging feeding showing re cord klng and attendance at total of points was as follows Bill Tay lor Sharon Norman Tay lor j Bob Arm strong Roger Snodden Bernard Taylor Sharon George Greenwood Richard Muriro Sutton Ken Sharon 826 Wilfred Aurora Bernard Holt Bud Cedar Brae Jack Hopkins Queens- Queensv Recent guests of Mr and Mrs Herb Kershaw were Rev and Mrs Bird Kingston Mr Bird la a brother the wellknown Canadian author Dr Bird Halifax Miss Anne of Montreal was also a guest- f Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Bruce Louise Mor ton on the birth of their ten Miss Vera Arnold of Toronto spent Saturday with Mr and Congratulations to ftfrr and Mrs Bill who were married in Toronto on Saturday Also to Mr and Hatty Milne who were married in church We wish both young couples a long and happy married life extend sympathy to Mr Percy Pollock and family in the death of Mrs Pollock who was buried on Sunday from the funeral home Bob had an unfor tunate accident last week when some machinery slipped and much success in his new posi tion and also extend our good wishes to our new editor Mr John Dont forget that next Sunday Oct is Thanksgiving Sunday There will be special Thanks giving music and messages at United church Sev eral babies will be baptized at offering for the Mi is requested The Newmarket and Express Thursday Oct 9 Page 11 Cement Blocks and plain Also Styles of Blocks PINE ORCHARD CEMENT BLOCK CO none Mount Albert I Hie viile The is under the direc tion of MGickDVrri and K Pearson of the Ontario De partment of New market arid is by the Newmarket Lions club and the Sharon Junior Farmers with John of Newmar ket as club leader KESWICK Mr and Mrs Brown Vancouver who are hereof or a few months stay are away on a motor trip to New Brunswick to visit friends Miss Linda Badger Toronto returned home Wednesday after spending a week visiting her friend Miss Terry f The many friends of Judge and Mrs Brock were saddened to hear on Sunday of the tragic motor acci dentnear North Bay which took the life of Mrs and her granddaughter and sent Judge John Currey and Mrs Ross to Mrs Currey formerly Dorothy Pollock daughter of Mr and Mrs Joseph Pollock Keswick was born here and lived in Kes wick most of her life until her marriage Always bright and friendly she leaves many friends and relatives here to mourn her passing The funeral was held Tuesday church Newmarket Interment in Newmarket cemetery The month old daughter of Mr and John was buried in Sudbury on Tuesday Deepest sympathy is for judge Currey still lit hospital and Mrs John who suffered a leg irt the accident Mr Munrb Mann is home from KEtTLEBY Thanksgiving services will be held on Sunday Oct at Baptist church The pastor Rev Snialley will speak at the morning service at oclock and Rev Jerry Zee- man Toronto at the evening service at Special music will- be provided Mr and Mrs Jack and son David were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs John Little Mr and Mrs Geert attended the circus at Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto last Saturday night- Miss Grace Webster spent last weekend in Toronto Mrs Gladys Vandewater spent the weekend with her son in Weston and Mrs Egbert and Mr and Mrs spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Hare Thanksgiving services at the United church last Sunday were attended The soloist Miss Mabel Brown of Toronto was much appreciated and enjoyed by all Detroit- owing to the illness of mother There- is a great deal of over the greatly add ed amount township A miscellaneous shower was held on Thursday night for Mr Bill and his bride at the home of Mr and Mrs Roy The local schools enjoyed a half holiday on Thursday after noon when the teachers attend ed the York teachers meet ing at Sharon school Dor othy Bowman of was the guest speaker and her own interesting and unique way gave a very helpful and in structive address- Mrs of Cold- water spent a couple of days with her sister Mrs Well- man The library will be open on Saturday during the fall and winter beginning this Saturday the visited the local schools on Tues day for the children Mr and Mrs Leonard Well- man and Billy spent several days attending the provincial plowing match at Carp near Ot tawa Mr and Mrs Geo Phimister and boys of Newmarket and Mr and Mrs Reg Button and family of spent Sun day with their parents Mr and Mrs Geo Pearson We wish Mr John A Meyer little department store hi York County Ladles SEE OUR NEWEST Fall and Winter Fashion Coats priced right for your pocket ALSO Childrens Coats from to fa and from MEN COME IN AND INSPECT OUR Smart Tailored Suits Station Wagon Coats Penmans Work Socks Nylon reinforced PREPARE NOW FOR WINTER We carry a full stock of mens and childrens winter underwear Also a full line of household furnishings Two of Our Specials Nylons 1st quality 99 Chauffeurs Caps reg for 99 Many other Bargains too numerous to mention HARRYS DRY GOODS The Friendly Store at the Bottom of the Hill WAIN ST OPPOSITE BOTSFORD NEWMARKET PHONE 864 1 For Your 0M Range or Rangette SPECIAL OFFER GENUINE RECTO ELEMENTS OVEN PULL OUT OVEN ELEMENTS LARGE DRAWERS ACID RESISTANT PORCELAIN FINISH SURFACE ELEMENTS AUTO OVEN CLOCK LAMP ASSEMBLY Reforestation Refrigerator Washer or New Machine Barn RenovalJon mage Price 37950 EASY HUMS SALES AND SERVICE NUT TO Last Sunday Bethel held anniversary services with Rev Butler having charge at the service at 2 pm with the child rens choir providing the music In the evening at Rev Ma thers of Sutton United church had charge Soloist In the even ing was Mr Clarence There was a good attendance at both services Visitors from Keswick and Sutton were in attendance She church was beautifully decorated with fall flowers The organist was Mrs Lloyd Mrs Robertson and Mr Thurs ton spent the weekend visiting friends in Congratulations to the Mens Softball team who were successful In winning double- header game Newmarket on Thursday evening thus niakirig thorn Junior champions V Misses Jean Morton- and Jean Sharon Hew to New York to spend the weekend with friends Mr and Mrs Norman King and spent Weekend with Mr and Mrs Jack Morgan Clare- While there they attend ed Fair and Mrs Winch have returned home after spend ing a month western Canada and USA Mr and Mrs Gordon and family visited Mr and Mrs Carl on Sunday- -7- Mr and Mrs Donald Winter and family and Mr and Mrs Freeman Toronto call ed on Mr and Mrs A and other relatives on Saturday A largo crowd attended the anniversary servicesfit Bethel on Sunday Congratulations to the recent bride and groom Mr and Mrs Bruce who were led in Toronto on Saturday Wo are pleased to report that Mrs Huntley is homo and doing well Mr and Mrs Tom over n Tor onto spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs The public Is Invited to a farm ers meeting to- bo held In the Community Hall spon sored by the Quaker Oats Co Mr and Mrs Harold Bray vis ited Mr and Mrs Smith on Sunday Mr and Mrs A J Wilson called on Mr and Mrs Win Winch on Sunday Friends of Mrs Brock rey regretto learn of the death of Mrs and granddaugh ter in a motor accident on Sun day Mrs was formerly Miss Dorothy Pollock of Kes wick J ZEPHYR The services of the United church Zephyr will be held on Sunday Oct 20 at Ken nedy Uxbridge will conduct the services Special music by the choir On Monday evening Oct following the anni versary services there will bo a turkey supper served in the room also a splendid pro gram following the supper and Mrs spent a few days with friends at this week Foundation or Breeding Stock Seed and for Pasture Renovation New Truck New Implements New Tractor MAKE YOUR GOOD PAW Farm Improvement Loans are available for a wide variety of purposes As much as may be borrowed for long as 7 years at an interest of only 5 Modern farming is a changing business Profitable farm production requires the farmer to keep up with new farming methods Modem equipment and buildings good livestock and a sound landuse programme axe necessary They help increase income and make possible better farm living Loans are available to help overcome the problems of financing necessary changes on the farm What improvements are needed on your form Decide what changes you wish to make Then talk them over with the manager of your local Dominion Bank He will be glad to help you THE DOMINION BANK A Banking Service Youll Like 2 GREAT BUYS IN HOME BEAUTY mm it SO mm SO fit jrrLv c CONOOLIUM CANADA LIMITID jusr to COiOMK fc it

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