Era Oat INS JewHter BLUEBIRD DIAMONDS AND ELGIN WATCHES HONE IS MAIN ST NEWMARKET JACK FRASER Stores NEWMARKET foil i STOREY MOTORS COCKSHUTT FARM EQUIPMENT NEW and USED CARS COMPLETE GARAGE AND COLLISION SERVICES i J ST SOUTH AURORA PHONE Be A lucky Buyer Buy your used car in the evening at your leisure from our new lighted Good Will used car lot MORTON Bros Ltd Eagle St Newmarket Phone 846 OPEN EACH EVENING UNTIL PM PERMAHLL ANTIFREEZE THE FINEST GALS OF CANADIAN TIRE CORP ASSOCIATE STORE ft SON NEWMARKET Main 81 Phone Next to H L I I Main Newmarket WE SPECIALIZE SON Phone PAINTS I FLOOR COVERINGS WALLPAPERS I A I Ltd YOUR DODGE DEALER SALES AHD SERVICE PHONE MAIN ST NEWMARKET FEED THE COOP WAY For The Best Results USE COOP FEEDS COOP Store phone Mill phone WARD AND ALLAN CO General Contractors INSULATING ROOFING SIDING To All Lucky Farmers They use Gasoline and Oil Care Saves Wear We pick up and deliver CECIL TAYLORS SERVICE STATION Phono Main and Davis Dr Newmarket Lubrication Washing Atlas Tires Accessories IMPERIAL DEALER MASSEY HARRIS Sales and Service Davis Dr W Newmarket Phone t I P I I HAROLD SIMPSON i HOME ANBFARM DELIVERY SERVICE GASOLINE MOTOR FUEL AND STOVE OIL FOR PROMPT COURTEOUS SERVICE PHONE 3800 DYERS FURNITURE Authorized Kroehter Dealer Free Delivery Anywhere Main St Call Newmarket to the owner of this farm if he can indentify it IS THIS If you can identify your farm you will receive SI gift certificates from the merchants who are listed on this page you have to do is come to the Era and Express office You will also receive a framed photo of your farm See also front page Sraail Associates 209 Park Windsor Copyright Robert Yates Jewellers FOR If That Spec Gift For QUALITY and DURABILITY in Main St Phone SPECIAL THIS WEB CASE ft with motor good to clear now SALES AND SERVICE Y0UN6 AND SON PHONE MOUNT ALBERT STIVER BROTHERS Grain Row Feed and Coal Clover Seeds Our Specialty phone 243 AURORA 3 Mi A AND EX PRIMS CLASSIFIEDS GUT RUST ihSULTB MORE PliOPltt READ Til KM PHONE 780 FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SERVICE ATTRIDGC SON When you Build Use Good Lumber When you Need it CALL OUR NUMBER OFFICE PHONE RESIDENCE PHONE 118 f AURORA GUARANTEED RADIO Complete lino of Admiral Newmarket Furniture and Electric Ltd GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Phone Main St Newmarket See International Harvester Dealers CONSTABLE and Phono Nownmrkct Oat Davis Dr S and SPORTING -T-J- N fellR DEALER and APPLIANCE PHONE MAIN ST NEWMARKET PERKS FEED MILL LTD Feed Service Master reeds Farm Hardware PHONE BOX 1 5 Purina Chows Lowe Bros Paints NEWMARKET SINGER Sewing Machines REPAIRS RENTS NEEDLES OIL PARTS SEWING CABINETS FASHION AIDS IRONS NOTIONS DRESS ACCESSORIES FINISHING SERVICES Phone 1075 Main St NOW WITH VAWABIE ADDITIONAL TRACE MINERALS ROM ON NEW FORMULA Up to more eggs per bird were laid by started and grown on the ulOFep formula tnan by birds raided on regular And these regu lar feeds ore the same feeds that have helped grow so many high producers on FULOPEP QUEENSVILLE FEED MILL Residence Phone Mill Phone GIBB GLEANERS All types of alterations and repairs Cleaning dry cleaning cold storage Phone for pickup and delivery GOING HUNTING Guns Ammunition Accessories NEWMARKET Sports and Cycle Shop Phone Main St Newmarket YOU TAKE NO CHANGE WITH A You Must Be Satisfied Or Your Money Refunded Rear mounted for traction easy steering clear vision easy on the tractor along with a patented prying action and low cost A loader second to none ERNEST AND SON Mount Albert Phone L MEMO TO ADVERTISERS I see the OMalleys bought that house on Melrose Street Although Mr and Mrs Reader are glad to know about the they a lot of other things on their minds problem right in their own hornet Is this a good time to trade In the old car Are we carrying enough insurance on the house What shall we have for Sunday dinner Oar readers are interested in the newt and that relate to their needs Give them the news about your merchandise and service through the advertising columns of this newspaper fefefcr a copy of our report which give you complete and audited Information about circulation and Express W Stewart Beare RADIO AND APPLIANCES MAIN ST NEWMARKET Gumey Electric Range Victor Television Leonard Refrigerators