Newmarket Era and Express, 9 Oct 1952, p. 16

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J- i- V Mr J Nancy Lake King Eleven brother In the Mac- family to Canada Scotland In settling on what now the Bishop farm King Mi Mac great grandparents are In the Presbyterian churchyard of Strange church When she attended the an niversary of Strange last June as a charter member she flowers on these graves and blew out the candles on the large birthday cake only survivor is her In- valid sister Dr Helen Continued from fti I Si Andrews church on Friday evening Oct the of fe Strange mm St Pauls will for preparatory to iythe Sacrament of the Lord Supper to each of the on Sunday Sunday C dispense the Which mark his first pi patioii in this capacity since his ordination and June On Sunday Oct large com munions partook of the Holy Sacraments at and King United fiervicjojg dueled by the minister At Were communicants and at King Mrs Marvin Hunter and Miss Helen Hunter sang a duet at the service and the choirs of the other churches sang suitable anthems Mission Message i Mr Harold Ballantyne a lay man in St Anglican church spoke to All Saints and St Johns Anglican congregations on Sunday in Connection with the Bryan Green Mission a great move ment which will be heard in To rontos Coliseum from Oct to Nov 4 when Mr Green the rector of Birmingham England will be present to address au diences every evening at oclock The Toronto Anglican diocese is responsible for intro ducing Mr Green and his work to Ontario The Girls Auxiliary of All Saints church are meeting this Thursday to organize for the fall term They will continue their study and project work on India written from personal ex periences by a friend of Miss Mary Janes Walker the A president It Is entitled Snakes Alive On Wednesday Oct ley will meet at the home of Mrs Phillips when the program will be arranged by Mrs Ball The hostesses will be Mrs Ross Mrs Shropshire and Mrs Williams The fall rally will be one of the subjects under review as several of the society were in attend ance Anniversary St Andrews Presbyterian church Strange was beautiful ly decorated in a scene of flowers fruits and vegetables on Sunday for anni versary cervices commemorating year of the founding of the congregation and year that the Stone Kirk has served as the house of worship for many of the descendants of the pioneer famines of the district Large congregations attended both services when Rev Calvin Chambers minister of Scarbor oughs St Andrews church was the guest preacher The choir of King City United church sang three beautiful at the morning service service one entitled A Song and a Prayer Mrs Pat- ton was organist In the even ing Mr Floyd Davis enriched the service with his excellent solos accompanied by his wife at the organ who presided for the singing of the congrega tional hymns David the minister who preached at in the morning was present with his colleague Mr Chambers for the evening service Anniversary J The fiQth anniversary of United church will be cele brated on Sunday Nov a homecoming for former mem bers and adherents and an open invitation to others to Join in the festive occasion The color ful and fascinating history of the congregation as it moved from one house of worship to a second and on to the third and present is filled with folk lore and stirring incidents relative to Vaughan townships progress On Sunday last there were who partook of Holy Communion in beautiful edifice Mrs Percy Lambert of Maple was the special speaker at the thankoffering meeting of United held the homo of Mrs Aubrey Glass October with a very large at tendance A pleasing speaker Mrs Lambert told why she con the glad season tho year when the beauty of trees flowers and the harvest Is fulsome manifestation of J presided iifU -J- and friends of Miss Bessie of South Dr Toronto were shocked to hear her sudden death lost W night as the result accident in the city which skull She was a cousin of Norman Mac Strange Mrs a and Mrs Mar- Hamilton A sister also a writer were on their way to visit their was Lady who prede ceased her as well as her bro thers Angus and Campbell all lawyers Her fa ther Archibald was principal of Toronto Grammar school now collegiate Mr and his wife are taking a weeks holi days at their cottage In district Mrs Morrison London Is spending a week with her daughter Mrs Alex Campbell Mr and Mrs Allan and children called on their cousin Mrs Ar thur Fleet on Sunday as they aunt Mrs Bert Wood conces sion Mrs Ernest Wilson and son Toronto have been visiting her parents Mr and Mrs A Kellcy and Mrs Palmer has been staying with her par ents Mr and Mm A Wilson Consider Guide Company When the ladies auxiliary of the Brownies met at the home of Mrs on Mon day evening a general program of activities was discussed in cluding the prospect of forming a guide company It was de cided that Mrs Oak Ridges York County Guide commissioner be invited to meet all mothers of the Brownie pack and others Interested to feel out the ground for a guide company in the King district At that time Mrs will enlarge on the objectives and benefits the brownie and guide work and show how the system is bene ficial to a community The local Brownie pack can do with more leaders at the present moment Further notice will be given re garding the special November meeting Mrs Williams spent the weekend in Toronto when her granddaughter Mer chant was given a birthday party by her mother their Drive home Jackie was eight years old and enter- ton visited her daughter Mrs young friends Miss Mildred Gillies Toronto and Miss Mabel Rumble spent the weekend at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Geo Rumble Harvest Scene Mrs re turned last week rfom a long va cation at Yorkton Sask and other prairie points she brought with her a spray of wheat from the Yorkton wheat fields It had a special place in the har vest decorations at St Andrews church at Strange last Sunday for anniversary day Mrs Herbert Connis- for a few days last week With her was her daughter Mrs Arnold Hansen her husband and son Bobby A son was born to Mr and Mrs Bob Walker on Saturday Oct at York County hospital Their eldest child is Shirley two years Wins Fur For the price of a four cent postage stamp minutes of her time and the right answers to a contest Mrs J A line possesses a 400 persian paw coat given by Harrys Dry Goods Newmarket to the per son who identified 32 fur-bear- used in the manufacture of fur coats Although Mrs is well acquainted with fur pelts handled them for years as a saleslady in a store she says she could not have achieved the count had not been for her sons Jim and Bill both hunters who helped her Ontario leads all provinces of Canada with the largest output of sugar and highest percent sugar In beets Best sugar out put in was pounds The flying fox is actually a animals whoso are bat m 1 It isnt far from where you are your DRUG STORE 9 i OK i a nirlZZI DRUG STORES CANADA REMEDIES tube Analgesic tin Asthma Powder ox Blood Purifier Com rt Solvent liquid tot JayneV Eczema 2101 2 Peroxide 2orK26 He Rot COMPOUND 296 Tonic 2M 2 J- 20 ox 2m126 3 Sweet for Sweet WJiitc liniment ox Foot Powder ox bot I ox- 2 7o tube I Aid Salve 2orSl ox 270 WickStyle fzoaucz Cod liver Oil Cod liver Oil Fortified i A and P Vitamin Compound Tablcta 2o Bottle with MINERALS JO ox Yeast and iron 2ornM it Halibut- J Oil Plain 2ol21 235 box Vitamin improved box Multiple Vitamin Capsules improved 1 2426 Wheat Germ Oil Capsules box and Minerals 2WjiP9 box hold Ointment ox 2or tin Ointment 5aD tube Ptntaid Bum Ointment tin 2M36 Eczema 2or jar Heal Salve ox 23b tin ffinc Ointment IK ox Athletes Foot jar Iodine Ointment with Methyl Mi Solution ox Klenro liquid Antiseptic 1 S Tablets Antlvplic and Si box Asthma and Hay Fever Tablets 24s 2or 66 Mates 244 2w36 Dyspepsia Tablets 2M61 One Minute Headache Powders tablet ii form 236 One Minute Headache tablet rt form hot Rexall Kidney and Bladder Hits box Mi Antiseptic Throat Tablets Box NERVE TONIC TABLETS GOS with Vitamin MilkofMagneaiar Tablets Minted i 85s Milk of Magnesia Tablets Minted 45c box Rexall I 126 276 Rexall Stomach and Tablets Artificial Vanilla 7iwUcC bot Castor Oil ox Sail ox tube Toilet Lanolin ox Bottle MINERAL OIL 1 1 tiny Iodine 2H no rod ox Witch Hazel 2 2or51 pat tdi Cod Compound with Creosote Bronchial Cough Syrup ox 2 or 86 box Cold Capsules 2t76 ColdandCatanh 2 Compound with APC206 Iodized Throat 41 jar Rub 246 Nose and Throat Relief with 4MOI bo Quinine Bro mide Laxative Tablets 241 V1 Bottle SYRUP Syrup White Pine and Tar with Wild Cherry Rexall TinyTot 251 45c Rexall TinyTot Nose Drops 2 46 UP STAT I RUSHES SUNDRIES Imperial Finish C Pine Vellum sheets and envelopes Treasure Tones linen Laid 30 Envelopes Notes envelopes Vellum sheets envelopes vAtt 2101 Golden envelopes Vellum Uriah Floral Notes envelopes Note Pads Berkley Foldover Pads Vellum Finish linen Finish 40c Letter Size Pad Finish 2M41 Lord Baltimore- M Finish Blue Berkley Vellum Finish 2l6 lie Finish Envelopes Baltimore Fountain Fen Ink 221 Old Colony Mucilage 22l Rexall Load Pencils 2iQ7 Eclipse it has Fountain Cards- i Assorted 2frw40 box box Cards- 1C Aborted box Cards Tans ami 226 Rexall Childs Tooth Nyl 221 Rexall Tooth Nylon bristles 2W36 Rexull Denial Plate Brusli Tooth Brushes Nylon Bristles in plastic V tube shapes Lather ft Ladies Hair Brushes Assorted Colors Indies Nylon Bristle Hair Plastic Bucks 2 MUilary Hair Brush Brush hi 50c Nail Brushes Nylon Bristles 2arSl Nail Brushes Nylon Bristles 2w Nail Black Hi 40c Denial Floss vial Defender Latex urn or large roll Pro Cap Zinc Oxide Plaster l Plain 256 roll Pro Cap Zinc Oxide Plaster Gauze agexlOyds for AG Quick ActiiiR Plaster for Monogram Clinical Thermometer 2151 Baby Pants Vinytite Plastic fifi Medium or large Klenso iJ Blades 2V26 50c Blades riser 10c Bobby Combs Gents Dressing 15c Rexall Dressing Combs fc 2ii 2orll assorted colors Dressing Combs Ladies 2M16 Curl Combs Plastic 2vl6 Fine Combs While 2M16 Rubber Pocket Combs CoZO 10c Rexall Pocket Comb incase 11 Rexall Handle Combs Ice Tone Colours 2 26 Combs Black 4c ladies Combs 2M99 Square Furniture Polish 2or61 Genuine Leather Billfold Zipper Blacker Brown forUW English Morocco Billfold Zipper Black 2r42ft Genuine Calf Billfold Blacker Brown 2501 Trifjle Strand clasp Inbox 220f 100 Figurines Assorted Chatacters 2os Christmas Corsage or tef I 7xull J 2m 36 i SMETICS ENTAL and SHAVING NEEDS t Box flLUK Mv Night rdei 2M V 266 Viah 2M tin Dainty Powder of Southern Frame He of Southern France 2096 Rf MOVER perfumed j fc efeV 0C jar Gardenia of Cleaning or y VaniJiing Cream 286 Bottle wrrtNiR hot of Airnondn Hand 286 rtv Apple or Pine JSotigtis Blue or My Night V i 2MU36 110 pkg Bath line Fragrance Emu 246 iii- 251 03 Hair Tonic Arid 2wlOl Hair Tonic ft Dicing 215l Oil 2AWS1 hot Coconut Oil With cA Olive Oil VM Hair Tonic v J 5 v SOAP Takeshi Box 2m 86 cake Rexall Germ icidal cake Tor i 240 27c cake Pine Bough or box or Jasmine 7eJriiJ Jena of Talcum 2061 I BLUE DE COLOONK gift 2186 150 of Southern Franco Ran Cologne decanter 2151 305 Cologne or Old English Hath Jjji Sob 300- Hay 100 or Honeysuckle Yah Cotogiie n fc 2M60 Tooth Paste 31 W5 Package REXAOENT POWDER i 2m i C pkg Dental Fix Bitten Tooth Powder Mi Tooth Powder with Sodium Per Pratt Tooth Alter Shaving A U5 After lotion 2 i v Klciuo rt Shaving Cream 2w56 5Tubo STAG SHAVING f ADHESIVE PLANTER lavender J Regular or RrutliteM hot lavender Alter Shaving Lotion Lavender Shaving Soap- tfWsfaSB 2126 5c hot IVsli J 2M86 36 huh Jr DRESSING 2 boo Stag COLOGNE limit quantities by A T v fey OIL a K fcr MV MICHT sHlWDER ttMTJo ATM I I aunt r mm CtMT is iv fcaiM flSV- REXALL FLOOR WAX I 0 MM 276 for I- i- f t Best ftPRKSCIUPTlON i i MARKET ONTARIO ORIGINAL ONE SALS MUf JMrtfcf

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