j m J Editors Notebook on up tod down the col- of It It I like moving Into a now we are that has been Tic until just a short ago Hart we in not yet all our What shall do now thing atop up these and before too far It ha bent a strain this part days Aa the office cat What with thk changeover in the top brass been pretty hectic Shew been no panic on our part la taking over the editorship just a tenseness Who would not feel a bit tense when reader on Main St a grin- Well wall an be watching to see what kind of an editorial page you turn out Or another jay Youll be getting all people now felling you what to print Our problem is loosening up tab alight tenseness We feel we have etepped into a big job on this editorial page It may bi worth mentioning that we are very that this has prizewinning page Die traditions and standards which were established behind seem immense at this time are almost afraid to look over our shoulder and see im mense shadows of traditions and standards ghostlike be hind us There go the Were la only one thing we can say We hope we will ill have the time to do our best Our tenseness in taking over the new job has been to us personally to the tune of fit With many jobs to do now we found ourselves trying to do two or three job at once for on Friday we were answering the telephone making some notes on a scrap of paper about a news item and paying Mr a bill for photo materials all at the same time In our haste and absent- mindedness we crumpled up some folding money threw it in the ket and put the scrap of paper in our pocket All of this of course was discovered later Saturday af ternoon we a lb bale of in the base ment We stood alone in the press room without the aid of loyal staff Managing in a mesa of clippings and scraps Finding nothing we the lbs of waste paper in big baling machine We wast ed an hour and a half when we could have been putting the storm windows oh the house To make matters worse on the completion of the baling job we found thatll- had wired the bale fast to the baling ma chine All In ali our loss was great er than A Saturday after noon of labor was spent The was lost And in a futile attempt to recover a few funds we add to this 25 cents wasted on a shop pool on the world series Such is life and Sewing Aurora find the rural districts of North York The Newmarket Express Herald every Thursday of Main St by Era and for two or one to ore Mdi Member of Class A of Canada Canadian Wkfy Association and Bureau of Ctrcvtationt Authorized Second Class Mail Post Office Department Ottawa ION Sports Office Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger and TWiMMifWJMmA G PAGE TWO THURSDAY THE NINTH DAY OF OCTOBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTWO from the Files and 50 fit r The Hon J Davis will de liver an address on Putting Yourself Over in the Sunday school room of Trinity United church at oclock Friday evening Oct Everyone young and old is interested in this topic and are invited to be present and hear it pre sented by Mr The meeting will be under the aus pices of the boys of the office at Boyds Livery is being enlarged new floor placed and other changes in the interior of the building Sergeant Ernest OCTOBER Mr Walter Kelley an em ployee in Allans hardware store had an exciting experi ence last Saturday evening He was looking for some black Japan but the can he expected to find it In was empty lie struck a match to look into it when an explosion occurred supposed to be from the ben zine which is used to cut the Japan Kellys eyelids brows and some hair on his head were singed It was feared that his eyesight was injured but it seems to be all right again The Office Specialty Co has let the contract for an addition on Sunday morning as he had been reported killed Ho how on the United Stales Service staff and was ii their factory to occupy present building to the road side It will be feet long and feet wide in the widest part Another addition will be built on the south side 106 feet long and feet wide Mr Hunter has the contract for the mason work and Mr nlng the carpenter work work of excavating has com menced Mr Rose of Franklin has rented a home on Niagara St and will move to tovn in a few days Last Friday Mr little girl had her hand very badly hurt while at her grand fathers Mr J by a rail falling upon it Messrs Dan ford Roche Co purchased tho drug stock of Scotts Pharmacy and will add a complete drug depart ment to their large department store with a thoroughly com petent druggist in charge It will bo located on the ground floor and preparations ore be ing made for the removal of the stock Mr d butcher has purchased the property on Si occupied by Mr McCaf frey from the Bond tale and will reside there Mr McCaffroy has secured Mrs house on St Mr Geo A Lloyd got his thumb cut on a stave machine at Canes factory one day last week is off work Kid will preach on prohibition next Sunday in I the guest of Nixon and family Harrington Dairy has a new coat of paint Mr the trick in quick order Work at the reconstruction of the dam on Water street is making splendid progress The form was set across front of the dam on Wednes day night and yesterday morn ing the men commenced pour ing the cement for the foun dation Many people take great pleasure in standing on the bridge and watch the men at work of West minster Hospital London has been appointed superin tendent of the Ontario Govern Hospital at and will assume his duties on of November It will bo remembered by many people in town that Or was of the Military Hospital In Newmarket until his removal to London when the hospital here was Many people in town will to learn that Mayor is about to move to North Bay The ment was made at the council Meeting last Monday when he Slendered his resignation Mr is the eldest son of the and the lyrhaiiA enjoyed the respect and friendship of tho ever since his boyhood days i p STANLEY r A v -x- I it- Svrsi Recent incidents in town council meetings illustrate planning Policy discussions arose recently over complaints about business locations on Eagle St A ratepayers petition also was questing restrictions in the Veterans Land Act sub division area limit construction there to homes only On frequent occasions council finds itself involved in a jumbled assortment of loose policies Often there are no established policies to be found in answering the questions related to town planning The questions are repeated from time to time in council What are we doing about buildings on Eagle St Can we allow a store to be opened on St Is there a bylaw on i -i- are usually hard to find on precedents is vague Eventually the mayor or a veteran member of council recalls a distant bylaw which partly concerns the question of the particular moment An entirely new council would experience difficulties and waste of time in searching for in forma- tion on town planning policies A planning body could have such necessary infor mation at its fingertips A planning committee of mem bers of council was appointed at one time but nothing has been heard from it There has been no evidence that it exists Council has been its own planning board as the needs arise from day to day Newmarket is years behind the times in the matter of planning A need for planning for new industrial sites has been discussed by some members of council on previous occasions Where coula an industrial repre sentative from out of town find a site to locate a large plant in Newmarket What sites are available outside of town Just what has Newmarket to offer new try Until some encouraging answers are provided it is doubtful that Newmarket will see any new large industries here for many years If answers to such questions are to be found a planning group at least could have them available It could make a survey of possible sites for industries even outside the town limits To council it could offer a choice of policies on general town planning A plann ing group could do the organizing end and council would still retain the right to make ail the final decisions BIG BUSINESS The mayor finance committee and town clerk are to be commended They acted quickly to rectify a con dition which has been a drain on municipal funds The mayor estimated that close to nearly a mill on the tax rate will be saved this year by turning over all insurance carried by the town to another company Tho opportunity was discovered recently to make remarkable savings on all types of insurance including policies for fire equipment liability compensation arena and automobile fleets Council took action im- mediately before the end of a three year insurance term last week to make change mayor point ed out that the savings will go a long way in tiling towards rebuilding of Main The sudden revelation that nearly was being spent unnecessarily on insurance might prompt the question why had it not been discovered long before this Mayor Vale explained that no scientific system had been applied in taking on insurance in the past It had been done around the council table Whenever there was a particular need for insurance it was added without much consideration of tho whole cost The fact is pointed up that town cannot do day- today business casually Council must take a long look into the future on each decision it makes A few years ago town business could be carried out easily around tho council table in a fourhour meeting a month Newmarket has grown to extent that municipal government is now big business- mistake or an oversight which went by without serious consequences ten ago can mean a loss of thousands of dollars in today municipal dealings hi- fH big business persons make look to the future and which p Will follow business on tho municipal level as Weil requires wideawake representatives who make i yight decisions A MATTER OF STOMACHS Basically social security is nothing more than tak ing care of the stomach Professor William A of the University of Michigan told the National Tax Association Convention in Toronto last week And he warned that volume of goods and services must in crease at least at the same rate as the number of stomachs r That may be an over simplification of economic truths the Financial Post says but it is the kind of plain talk that we need to hear more often in this con- fused world As this professor of economics pointed out there are too many people who seem to think in socalled social security we have discovered some magic by which we can all retire young and have the state look after us -V-7- Social security or the state or legislation have nothing to do with such dreaming It all depends on production whether there are enough goods and serv vices such as education plumbing transportation shelter and food These things cant be stored up ahead We must keep right on producing them or they wont be available I Professor summed it up neatly and bluntly in this way Our only chance of filling our stomachs in the future as well as they have been filled in the past is by expanding industrial production and because it absorbs capital that might flow into industry almost every move a government makes blocks the very ex pansion we need FARM PRICES AND COSTS The latest index of prices published by the Domin ion Bureau of Statistics would indicate that the farmer has lost to a large extent the advantage of higher prices for what he produces On the basis of these prices being 100 in May of this year the index stood at 2583 At the same time the cost of goods and ser vices the farmer needs shows an index of 2432 which is undoubtedly still rising Those who remember the years will also remember how little farmers bought in those days The prosperity of the whole community could be affected if similar conditions occurred again Farmers today are on the market for goods and services and undoubt edly their position is better in regard to capital debts and mortgages But they are spending money earned in years previous and if the present slump in prices for farm products continues with no relief from decreas ing costs for good and services the farmer again will return to his buying habits of the late 1930s Those who provide the goods and services in question and the retailers who supply them might be reminded to bear in mind the old story about not killing that laid the golden Well what do you know your favorite correspondent has just received a letter from Miss Dish Miss Pish was a young thing who worked at our office three proof readers ago Now she is married and set tled down in a city Just to show she is still thinking of us she sent a newspaper clipping about a new invention regarding cats A fellow named wrote about a new discovery that rids cats of fleas perish the thought that such infesta tions are possible Slim and I have ex amined this invention through laboratory tests in Bliggens back woodshed We have de cided that the treatment is not at all humane absolutely not at all The chemists in their re search have made good use of the littleknown fact that cats are by nature this fellow says And what we dont know is said Slim Dont be silly I aaid are people or in this case cats which have a congenital horror of being pent up or closely confined My cousin Park Avenue lives under such con ditions and it bother him Slim explained He lives pent up into a penthouse confined to the roof of the Rite building in New York City This is a different kind of claustrophobies said This kind is when you are locked in a trunk and nobody will let you out Oh Anyway this Arnolt says you put a cat in a paper bag CHALLENGING QUESTIONS Speaking to freshmen in Convocation Hall Dr Sidney Smith president of the University of Toronto urged them to exercise their minds upon some challeng ing issues Among them were What stand do you take about civil liberties Do you think that Communists ought to be put in jail What are your ideas about freedom of speech Should it include freedom to criticize the government in power i Should it freedom to express honest political opinions of whatever colour Should it freedom to disseminate sedition or obscenity Have you any opinions about the rights of minorities Should minorities bo segregated Do you approve of the policies with respect to minorities of the government of South Africa Do you approve of policies with respect to certain indigenous minorities of government of Canada What arc your ideas about international affairs Should Canada seek to hold herself aloof from commit- abroad- r J- Would you agree to a world state to which tho sover eignty of your nation would be surrendered Do you believe it Is possiblo to reconcile East and tho Is force or show of force only solvent of inter Mortal problems Do not bo afraid to have opinions them carefully express them forcefully and change them frequently If you are right so much tho better If you are wrong there is more hope for you than if you were indifferent to issues president said J ti I not of on tight in International nation of mum it of to of wfiWi on JrV rs fcY with a few of these newly in vented crystals in the bottom of it Your cat finally he is locked in the paper bag will set up a fiendish dis turbance jumping around madly and emitting spittings and Whats all that got to do with fleas said Slim as we proceeded to follow the demon stration on a cat we invited from the cold autumn evening It says here that the cat a communi cates his panic to his fleas when he finds himself sealed up in the bag The fleas their turn start getting a little hysterical too with the result that they release their hold on the cat and plummet down intbv the bottom of the bag where the crystals proceed to knock them out for the time being Thats why you have to be so quick about the bag into the furnace before the fleas come to again- Of course youve gotta make sure that the cat aint still in the bag too Slim said Why certainly Or else he would suffer untold discom forts in the furnace But after the cat settles down from his hysteria from being almost suffocated to death in a paper bag a new batch of fleas move event ually onto htm Slim pointed out Well you just repeat the process I said there absolutely no- thing humane about the treat ment at all I think we should report such misguided advice to the humane society said Slim I agree Its certainly no way to treat fleas at all Slim added It certainly isnt I agreed J 1 15 The Top Six Inches by Dairy We should really say good bye to the old boss We doubt it very much if anybody else could have put up with us as patiently as he did What with missing deadlines and getting indignant with reasonable fre quency we would have tried the patience of anybody We want to pay him the tri bute that highest one any man writing a column could pay and that is that he never used the red pencil on us We only re member one occasion when he was annoyed at us and that was last Christmas will forgive him that one However we have one com plaint we want to register it good and early with the new boss We have been putting up for a long time with that cat sitting on the top six inches The cat and her dis reputable friends hangerson and shady acquaintances We are tolerant and while we dont particularly like cats in general we will admit that we have about a dozen of them on the farm because we be lieve that there is no better way of getting rid of mice But we never tolerated any impert inence or familiarity on their part and we are greatly put out with the recent boldness that this Ginger feline has been exhibiting No respect for us and for our opinions We would strongly suggest that this situation be stopped We resent our name and our cows being used in such a slighting and ridiculous fa shion It is useless on his part to suggest that we should read our column to our cows They are well educated thanks to the services of the Canadian Broadcasting corporation and we ban all commercial jingles and high pressure bleating of cheap radio announcers We always felt that a radio in a bam is a necessity Some say it makes the cows happy and contented and they milk better It might be closer to the truth to say that it is the men in the barn who are hap pier and happy men make for happy cows So much for the boss and for the cat and our opinion of radios in the barn We would like to point again to the re cent decline in the cost of liv ing index The food index is down four points and undoubt edly further declines will come this fall a Unless similar declines in other items goods and services will follow and we dont think it will it means just one thing and that the farmers buying power will decline by this much This in turn will be re flected in sales of other com modities Admittedly the buying habits are different from income groups but there is no reason to believe that farmers will keep buying the way they have been We cannot offer flny solution that would be simple and im mediate But we do feel that is the time when farm or ganizations should watch care fully They should scrutinize the margins on all items we have to buy In recent years when money was more easily earned and farmers bought more goods there was a tendency to take a tolerant view of retail margins and the spread between the producer and retailer We sort of said well he has to liV6 so on The time come when we have to ask again through the Federation prob ably that distribution costs be watched carefully We dont think that the immediate lift ing of the embargo even would bring spectacular results v FAVORITE STAMPING GROUND -W- e T- Tiifjtftpi T