Newmarket Era and Express, 9 Oct 1952, p. 3

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jjSl -sV- i v LEGAL J Solicitor and Public Floyd Comer Amor Office AMI a Block and Wellington Street Telephone Aurora MISCELLANEOUS i- Joseph O Dales la Office and Residence M4 Main St renln By Appointment A HAWKINS Contractor For GRADING CELLAR EXCAVATIONS end Gravel Stud Fill Phone Aurora In The Welfare Of Our And Teenagers Solicitor Public Etc- AimoftA raome MATHEWS STIVER irons and vale Barristers Solicitors Mathews K- M Stiver E Lyons BA Joseph Vale qC Mala St Toronto SAND for approved crafted atone of wfooi tend end pit rail Delivered or at bin Plant phone Office end IN ELECTRICAL CONTRACTUS and Farm Wiring A Genera Repair Oil Burner Space Heater All Phone Box to Ontario Si Newmarket j A At MILLS and Notary MAIN ST nose Ml VIOLET Insurance St JAMB OTTO SOLICITOR ETC MAIN ST PHONE NEWMARKET PLUMBING HEATING Contractor Dealer far Fairbanks Morae Oil Sheet Metal and Air OAK RIDGES PHONE AURORA EVANS FUOS DENTAL DR NOBLE DENTIST MUNICIPAL OFFICE Office Residence 1344 Coal Coke and Stoker Coal Phone Orders taken for Gravel Sand and Crushed Stone and General VanderVoort DENTIST St Newmarket Phone CHIROPRACTIC J DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC ST 8M OPTOMETRICAL Dear Friends For two during the Fall and Winter months there has been a meeting for schoolage children every Friday night in the Gospel Tabernacle on Mil lard This meeting met with exceptional success Hundreds of children thronged our doors and many nights large numbers were unable to secure a seat Three weeks ago we opened in the Town Hall The meeting was packed We had a grand time and were greatly pleased to know that we had a large rep resentation from every church in the Town Protestant and Cath olic Because of the tremend ous crowds we have been forced to continue holding our meetings in the Town Hall Our little church would not begin to accom modate them It would appear that we have been in contact through these meetings with at least two thirds of our schoolage children and perhaps more We have made a very sincere effort to make the meetings interesting A good movie Some magic A story or two Lots of singing A Crusad er yell Above all else a def inite appeal to the youngsters to be true sincere and loyal Christ ians We have not been light or careless in our dealings with the youngsters nor have we sermon ized them We have tried to make them know that we are their friend and that above all else we wish them to know our Lord and Master This is the answer to our juv enile and teenage problem If we can present a sane sensible friendliness we will win them to the Master and to a life of worth while service Children who are won for Christ DO NOT APPEAR IN THE COURTS OF OUR LAND The jails are not filled with men and women who learn ed true values when young We do not have any denominational bias in any of our meetings WE ARE INTERESTED IN HELP ING YOUR BOY OR GIRL TO BECOME NOBLE VIRTUOUS AND ABOVE ALL ELSE CHRISTIAN Surely every dayschool teach er every Sunday school teacher every Pastor and Church work er every man and woman in any place of public responsibility every business man and woman and EVERY FATHER AND MOTHER should be interested in a meeting such as this arid give it every possible support Send your children come yourself and let us shake your hand Newmarket needs men and women who are interested in children The children need Sincerely yours in the Interests of our future citizens Rev A Yielding Adv News Of The News for this column must be in the office Monday night Copy must be written aa briefly as possible and confined to news and reports Other than routine reports and announcements will be printed separately The branch of words especially of those Institute will meet in the hall who are absent is to be replied Tuesday Oct at oclock to by Mrs Ross Mainprise Roll Motto Be generous with POTTAGEV1LLE The members of the Community Ratepayers Association wish to extend their deepest to Mrs Bill Laing and family in the death of a loving husband and father Owing to the death of Mr Laing who was an active mem ber of the association the regu lar meeting to be held Tuesday Oct will be postponed to Tuesday Oct delightful evening of danc ing was enjoyed by all those who attended the dance on Fri day Oct sponsored by the association and held in Kettleby hall There will be another dance in the near future The communitys deepest sym pathy to the family of Mrs Percy Pollock who passed away at the home of her daughter Mrs Ted Barker on Oct 2 af ter a lengthy illness The anniversary services on Sept 28 were well attended with visitors from Toronto Willow- dale Sutton Roches Point and Keswick MOUNT ALBERT P was the guest minister at Pine Orchard Community church on Sunday evening and the choir also went along to assist the musical service Mr and Mrs of Newmarket spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Sinclair Mr and Mrs spent the weekend with friends at attending the dedica tion service of the new United church hall on Sunday by Rev Dr Note So sorry we are losing Mr Meyer editor of the Era and Express Best wishes to our new boss call is a famous person I have always admired Elm Grove branch our guests will provide the program All members are asked to provide Dr Grant of King City will address branch at the home of Mrs Pearson Smelt- zcr on the afternoon of Oct One of his subjects will be dia betes This will be an oppor tunity for the new doctor to be come acquainted with folks Mrs Marshall The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Oct Pago and Miss Boys con veners of home economics and health are arranging the pro gram Roll call will tell of medicines you should have in your cupboard steep hills of achievement are not won by the rapid climber but the steady worker the motto of the month will be enlarged upon by Mrs A Black Mrs Archie McDonald will give current events and the refreshment con veners will be Mrs fie Bath Mrs Boys Mrs Frank iy W ri AIRPURIFIER AND CLEANER SALES AND GUARANTEED SERVICE FLOOR POLISHERS AND COMMERCIAL Authorized Dealer HERS HUL EAGLE ST NEWaiARKET HOLLAND LANDING The Holland Landing Home and School Association held its regular monthly meeting on Monday Oct There were people in attendance and the guest speaker was Dr John Dales He gave a very interest ing talk on the panorama of health from the cradle to the grave A film was shown which emphasized the talk given by Dr Dales Mrs Gordon Hitch ing rendered a delightful solo The meeting closed with a social hour SUTHERLANDS CEMENT BLOCKS Bond Head Ontario Plain and rock face Rock face silo blocks J SUTHERLAND Phone Bradford Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned and Repaired Service I RICHMOND TURNER Me tee ficcalcd announce Mm as teen in 4tnr en Me fif 5 -r- V KESWICK CO and fi Inch wells PHONE QUEENSVILLE KESWICK ONT THE VARIETY fi OF DESIGNS In our collection of MONUMENTS fa mth that we can almost any require meat both a to kind and cost We make memorials to order of every description oar work excellent always oar prompt and reasonably 6 SON MAIK ST NEWMARKET Over PHONE 1050 Wi A Newmarket Hours 9MAZM Closed by Appointment a ir ACCOUNTANT a NEWMARKET J366RANT GENERAL PRACTICE PHONE KING 1 BY APPOINTMENT AswieUUoa S4 MM I LOCAL LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND CARTAGE FURNITURE CRATING AND i TC EVERY PERSON WHOSE NAME APPEARS ON THE VOTERS V ELECTION DAY DAY DECEMBER I 1952 iame may not be entered on the list t is inTormanon may by examining the list at the places hereunder noted during the hours specified or i by checking A CONLIN Accoontant itmr JOB DALY Clock SI St or All WORK GUARANTEED Insurance New and can financed Bill MAIN ST NEWMARKET PHONE Mf TECHNICIAN Wf- 1 FIRE neat Newmarket PLUMBING and BEATING Deep and well pre- sure system Installed serviced SERVICE PHONE NEWMARKET the coop way Enquire your loesl MB NIEZEN formerly of Den Holland Quality for Travelling by bus is a won derful way to see our country busy farms that highways the rivers and lakes our hills and forests fascinating close- ups of every town and city your route On your next trip go by bus Youll enjoy the thrill ol much VANCOUVER CHICAGO WASHINGTON ST LOUIS Subject to change Tickets and Information at KING GEORGE HOTEL NEWMARKET Phono and 5 except Wed and Sat af where list may also be examined VY TOWN HALL CLERKS OFFICE oclock am to pm and Wed and Sat I f C w omissions may be obtained at the Town TUEOIsT l TOW T a J 1 J name Is not on the and you have the of an elector at THE TOWN time between and 5 pm Sat and Wed to 12 noon and Remember The Lust Date for Filmy Appeals is OCTOBtUi thereafter it will be too tete qualify to vote at Municipal Elections you must Owner or or Wife or Husband of an Owner or- Tenant T NOTE Those who occupy a domestic of two or more rooms In which they sleep prepare servo meals and qualify as above are ENTITLED TO VOTE AND BOARDERS ARE NOT entitled to vote i I- ti MAKE SURE YOUR NAME IS ON THE LIST DUTYIB a-

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