Newmarket Era and Express, 9 Oct 1952, p. 4

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-S- Ti 7 J L I J SALS HOUSE in Jacksons rooms and bath winterized bungalow J phono Sutton HOUSE on 4 acre Reasonable Cash down Phone Newmarket ROOM frame house with at tached garage conveniences Im mediate Apply Timothy St Newmarket broomed bungalow oil heated hardwood in front rooms nice lawn lot fx Priced right for quick sale Mur ray Baker phone Newmar ket HOUSE WANTED WANTED to rent A small cot tage for permanent home in Newmarket or vicinity preferr ed Write Mrs Rubaud New market tf36 FOR RENT SHOP suitable for shoerepair la building Mount opposition Roy phone Mount Albert REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OPPORTUNITY NEWMARKET partly finished 4room bungalow on deep roof is on price Includes insulation and some blocks NEWMARKET house nicely decorated 3piece bath central nice lawn and gardens possession down JOSEPH BROKER QUEEN NEWMARKET PHONE LAKE WILLOW BEACH cash General Store and lunch room with apartment above This property is priced right for a quick sale For further informa tion call Mr at MA collect A Real Estate Broker 3I70A Yonge St Toronto WANTED TO RENT UNFURNISHED apartment or house by Oct adults Phone Newmarket 4 UNFURNISHED rooms or house Phone Newmarket APARTMENT FOR RENT ARTICLES FOR SALE ft WE have several 3 and room apartments for rent In Newmar ket 1 and 2 children welcome BOYD REALTOR IT MAIN ST NEWMARKET PHONE ARTICLES FOR SALE i Chesterfield suites expertly re built and recovered Free esti mates free pickup and delivery Alt work approved by the of Health workmanship guaran teed DYERS FURNITURE Call Newmarket RUGS broadloom Save up to 50 percent New rugs from old rugs woollens and discarded clothing Reversible seamless approximately thick Made in latest color tones Phone New market VENETIAN blinds aluminum or steel made for all styles of windows Kirsch drape tracks drape arms and pin hooks etc Free estimates and installations Phone apply Ontario St or write PO box New- market DRAPERY custom made slip covers bedspreads Venetian blinds Material Kirsch tracks Pin on hooks lining weights tapes etc For information or appointment call Richard cal Main St Fro estimates no obligation TULIPS TULIPS EXTRA large heavy bulbs All colors separated or mixed Rea son for selling no room Phone or apply Main St New market 2WHEEL car trailer nearly new Phone 587m Newmarket LADYS tailored blue suit size Black winter coat silver fox collar Phone Newmarket NEW Firestone tires and tubes bags of cement Park Ave or phone New market If S LATER THAN YOU THINK JOIN our Christmas LayAway Club Now Believe it or not you just have ten weeks before Christmas many people have al ready started to lay- away for Christmas Do It Now PICTURES JUST arrived beautiful assort ment of living room pictures Come in and see them now Have one away for Christmas a beautiful Gift that is something different- DYERS FURNITURE Call Newmarket Advertising Rales STRAIGHT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Two ft word minimum of cent for each advertisement when ftdveriUement is repeated on weeka percent discount If advertisement Is paid within week of Coming Events costs two cents ft word minimum cents Price when on weeks Bale the first week fiO cents for each successive week J J Card of Wedding and announcements for tfhnouncement less cents if paid within week of publication for each Insertion plus cents a lino for verse less if paid within week of publication Classified may bo phoned Into or left at The Era and Express office on Main St Newmarket phone at White- laws phone Aurora at Mrs phone Kin or with any correspondent Advertisements accepted through the mall where name of sender and address Is clearly indicated advertisement gets into over homes in North York HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED driver Must be 25 years or over To drive nights weekly Newmarket LIVESTOCK SALE YOHSflIRK sow with pigs week old sow with pigs weeks old Apply Robert Davidson ven phone 27 FARM ITEMS CLERK for local drug store vr One with some store experience J 5 preferred or one anxious and months old Clyde mare years ARTICLES FOR SALE PAIR ladys white plain skates and boots size in good condi tion Phone Newmarket after pm PAIR ladys Samson figure skates white size Price 10 Apply Queen St E phone 47 Newmarket verandah posts approximately ft Screen storm door Apply Niagara St Newmarket ACRES Block basement With sub floor and hydro Also other material for complet ing house Phone New market LOTS FOR SALE FIXTURES FURNACES FITTINGS LOT 40 foot frontage on Church St Phone Newmarket on Avenue Road subdi vision Sewers and water install ed Road graded and gravelled Building up fast but a few choice lots left Apply corner Avenue Rod and Ave- phone or Newmarket 1 m r now for attractive on sur veyed subdivision excellent drainage ft ami ft front- age Size of lots thousand fj ft minutes drive from Newmarket on Sharon highway phone Cw38 building lots on and Bolton Ave Newmarket Willis phone Newmar ket ROOMS FOR ENT FURNISHED room suitable for ight housekeeping Close to bus No drinkers No children Phono Newmarket flat in brick house un furnished on St Apply Mr Arthur Holly Holland rooms sec- end floor heated and electricity laundry tub hardwood floors Corner Park Victoria No children Phone Newmarket COMPLETE bathroom fixtures BATH or BASIN CLOSET Powder room sets- white or color with chromed fit tings KITCHEN SINKS white or color chromed fittings and KITCHEN SINK CABINETS for porcelain enamel drain board tops or plastic tops FURNACES coal and oil gravity or air- conditioning with controls and replacing FIL TERS for forcedair furnaces FITTINGS and pipe in copper- east iron black and galvanized steel Laundry tubs shower cabinets electric ranges re frigeratorspressure systems oil burners FREE CATA LOGUE Write or visit our new modern showrooms We deliver you pay for no freight V JOHNSON PLUMBING SUP- PLIES Mans bicycle Good as new If Smith St Newmar ket SPRINGFILLED full size mat tress perfect condition best of fer Phone 807 Newmarket FALL coat brown tweed box style size Winter coat black with lynx fur collar size Ap ply 24 Davis Dr Newmar ket COOKSTOVE Choice of two in good repair Mrs J A Broad phone 306 Mount Albert slw41 PAIR white skates size Mans suit coat size 3840 Girls heavy coat black fitted size Kit chen table and chairs suitable for cottage Ladys navy blue rayon gabardine trench coat new size Reasonable Phone Newmarket 3 ONLY Brand new Winchest er 3030 rifles Regularly to clear each Aurora Gen eral Store Aurora LADYS fur coat dark brown Coney size 42 Worn one season Phone Newmarket MODERN kitchen cupboard Jacket heater with pipes Phone Newmarket BROWN station wagon coat gabardine strides size 32 Girls navy taffeta dress new size Girls red fall coat and hat size Plaid skirt size Maroon moire dress size 18 AH priced for quick sale Phone New market PRODUCE willing to learn this type of busi ness will be considered Apply Best Drug Store Newmarket GIRL or woman for general housework Sleep in Must be fond of children Write Drawer Aurora or phone 385r Aur ora clw41 PARTTIME EMPLOYMENT old Apply Sutton phone Sutton clw41 BARNYARD manure phone 202 Newmar ket HOUNDS I Ellis 2 Newmarket 43814 Newmarket YORKSHIRE sow and suck ers 5 weeks old R phone 152r6 Aurora after pm lw41 dining room suite 2- piece chesterfield suite Best offer Phone Aurora BOYS windbreaker and helmet set size 4 Girls grey coat with hood size Babys pink chin chilla snow suit All in good condition Phone 1045w New market 2w4I BEAUTIFUL modern walnut piece bedroom suite 3piece blonde maple studio suite as new English oak dining room suite Walnut Cedar chest as new ft Brass fender fire screen logs Chest of drawers dropheaf sewing machine annex heaters Quebec heaters invalids wheel chair studio couch oak library table coffee tables brass kettles China glass etc Hirst phone 21116 AMBER honey in lb pails per lb B Kays 1 ABOUT acres turnips Will consider selling in field Frank Coleman phone Newmarket clw41 CHOICE young roasting chick ens Phone Newmarket TURKEYS for Thanksgiving Choice quality Apply John Howard phone Sutton 2w40 EXCHANGE WILL exchange ladys biege ga bardine suit size excellent quality and style worn only times for ladys winter coat similar size and condition suit able for maternity wear USED CARS 8 sedan heater good mechanical condi tion Phone Newmarket PAIR girls figure skates size and 12 In good condition Phone Newmarket GIRLS bicycle In good condi tion Apply Mrs Rose Au rora telephone 228 QUEBEC modern Apply Scott MANS winter overcoat blue grey size 42 in excellent condi tion Priced reasonable Apply Mrs Cotter St or phone until pm New market CABINET radio in good condition 15 Phone New market WHY WAIT THERE is no time like the pres ent drop in and see our new line of bedroom suites compare their style and quality then compare the price to city prices we think youll be surprised DYERS FURNITURE Call 250 Newmarket clw41 MANS winter overcoat size 38- half price excellent condi tion High back sink Bots- St or phone New market after pm HIGH powered rifles and shot guns bought and sold Bring your gun in for an estimate Morri sons Sporting Goods Depart ment Phone Newmarket CONFIDENTIALLY OUR prices compare very fav ourably with those in the City and we are always pleased to arrange terms convenient to our customers All transactions are of course treated in strictest confidence Come in this week end and look around the store No obligation to buy DYERS FURNITURE Call Newmarket FORD coupe almost new tires body and motor In good condition Phono Mount Albert CHEVROLET sedan in condition Will sell for cash or best offer Apply Simcoe St W Newmarket If P motor CO cycle as new phone PRINCESS Pat Cookstove in perfect condition Phone 2O120 PIECE taupe mohair chester field suite Phone 1304w or ap ply St Newmarket PAIR girls figure skates size white Velvet skating dress green plaid wool dress size Phone or apply Ontario St Newmarket DODGE Custom drive upholstery air- conditioning Perfect condition throughout miles Apply Lome Cole Cotter St USED TRUCK FOR SA FORD 1ton panel Brakes and motor good 8ply tiros Would suit contractor or farmer cash Phone New market TEACHERS rural men and those in seasonal occupations if you have the desire to increase 1 your income during the autumn winter and spring seasons and can qualify for the dignified stimulating and challenging part time work we have to offer write Era and Express box for further information Replies confidential c4w41 AGENTS DOOR to door salesmen wanted to sell our 225 wellknown and guaranteed products including cosmetics culinaries medicines tea coffee etc Large discount Splendid vacant territories in your neighborhood Unlimited in come for the ambitious person No risk Very little capital need ed Particulars St Hubert Montreal c4w40 FEMALE HELP WANTED LADIES Your spare time agree ably and profitably employed by taking orders for lingerie and hosiery for ladies men children and babies also bedding Nothing easier with our magnif icently illustrated catalogue with colors containing about sup erior quality garments all with samples of our materials All is a value of being loaned to you free Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded Fast delivery Gener ous commission bonuses gifts etc We are positively the ones who give the most to their Rep resentatives and still offer the lowest selling prices Join our satisfied Representatives by writing immediately JOUR LINGERIE Inc 4235139 Iberville St Montreal 2 REGISTERED Hereford bred and vaccinated regis tered Hereford bull months registered Hereford bull 27 months Hereford heifers yearlings vaccinated J Davidson cr2w41 PUREBRED Suffolk shearling bucks Buck lambs Ewes and ewe iambs Marsh New- market SlraslerSon FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND AMBULANCE SERVICE PHONE i 28A LIVESTOCK WANTED Horses for mink feed Highest prices paid Rex Smith Queens phone collect MAIN STREET is Horses for mink Will call for with truck Good cash prices paid Frank Coleman phone New marl or write PO box 25 POULTRY WANTED All kinds of live poultry wanted Will pay above market price at your door Phone Newmar ket Live poultry Any quantity Bring them In or will call on re- Highest prices paid S Oak Ridges or phone King tf40 Era and Express classifieds bring results FOR EVERY OCCASIOH Flowers Telegraphed All Over the World MAD STREET- Phone 573J NEWMARKET ivM J Member Florists Telegram Delivery Association Flowers wired to all of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A SPECIALTY Main St Phone Attend One of These CHURCHES SUNDAY OCT v WORK WANTED LARGE cream enamel coal and wood stove Renfrew nearly new Water tank and warming closet Phono Newmarket BABYS crib with mattress in good condition Priced reason able Phone Newmarket 1 J UNFURNISHED rooms second floor bathroom hydro garage and garden Abstainers and non- smokers Phone Newmar ket or apply Newmarket bedrooms Ap- Prospect St or phone Grill privileges Phone CHILDS crib and mattress largo or apply St Price Phono BABY bunting bag largo baby bath like new Phono New market AT Army bunk beds Phono Newmarket AT Brand new tank stylo vacuum cleaner Phono 290 Nowm AT coal blow er with brand new motor Phono Newmarket AT1nsLCT Reconditioned Realty washing mnchino Brand new motor Phono 200 New market LADYS fur coat In good condi tion size Price Phone Newmarket BROCK coal or excellent condition Apply Geo Burns Sharon range waterfront excellent condition CLAIRE Jevel combination and coal range like new washer like new year old SALE used sets Admiral 10 table model 225 Admiral console 225 WcBtinghouse console Admiral mantel console 150 These sets are thoroughly reconditioned and guaranteed STEWART BE Radio and Appliances Main St Phono SKIRTS and I Girls coat size cerise color Phono 1045m COMPLETE Ford V8 just overhauled Harold Keswick phono Roches Point STUDIO couch dining room suite bed couch springs mans bicycle ski is and boots size Phone Newmarket UPRIGHT piano in good condi tion Apply Banks 1st house on first north of Belhavcn phone Sutton m MERCHANDISE r A WOODS hunting jacket will be given to the lucky hunter who shoots the largest deer this sea son if the deer hunting license is purchased at Morrisons Sport ing Good Department Phone Newmarket USED refrigerator KclvhiatorTfl ft nil porcelain cabinet One only Applian ces Newmarket- MACHINERY FOR SALE TRACTORS Six good used tract ors up CASE combine with motor See this one now FORAGE harvester Skyline with motor corn and hay attach ments Priced to clear now PLOWS all sizes CULTIVATORS and disc har rows hammer mills Stable equipment STEEL roofing YOUNG AND SON Massey Harris Sales Service PHONE MOUNT ALBERT TRANSPORTATION AT allwool combination under wear Shirts and drawers For troubled with rheumatism and arthritis Why pain for a few dollars J c4w40 To Ave Toronto plant Leaving New market am Leaving Toronto pm Phone Newmar ket clw41 TO days weekly Leav ing Newmarket pm Return ing am Phone New market TRANSPORTATION WANTED TO Electric Must be there at am Leaving 445 pm Phone HAVE your garden ploughed with a rotary plow For appoint ment call Loucks Newmarket FEMALE hairdresser years experience in English styling desires position in Newmarket area where adaption to Canadian requirements possible Write Era and Express box New market Are you thinking of tiling your kitchen or bathroom floor If so please call Newmarket for free estimates for rubber mastic and plastic wall tile J and Son Andrew St New market tf40 UPHOLSTERING Chesterfield suites occasional chairs rebuilt recovered in any fabric- Apply Ken Sargent St or phone New market WE are now equipped to install large septic tanks for restricted area For prices and Informa tion call Murray Baker phone Eagle St Newmarket WANT your radio repaired In a hurry and guaranteed Phone Newmarket tf40 ESTIMATES given free Mnde- kitchen cabinets Art King LIVESTOCK FOR SALE breeding ewes One and two years old Purebred David St New market ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Newmarket Rev Meredith Minister Herman G Fowler ftlus Organist worship 230 pm Sunday school pm Evening Service As the summer draws to a close we resume our evening ser vice and extend a cordial wel come to alt FRIENDS MEETING Street am Meeting for Worship Come and meet with us All welcome Bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all His benefits Psalm mount albert baptist church 0 Rev Sidney Kerr InterimPastor Bright brief sunmiertime servic es continue under the minis try of PASTOR ERICKSON of the Maple Hill Baptist Church A cordial welcome to ail TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister Rev M J Aiken Organist Norman am Thanksgiing service Five Grains Of Corn THE SUNDAY SCHOOL am The Senior school am Nursery Beginners and Primary pm Evening worship Rev Craik of i- Let us give thanks for Gods great bounty SALVATION ARMY Queen St Newmarket Major Laura Collins Lieut Phyllis Sunday am Holiness meeting pm Sunday school pm Gospel service S THE GOSPEL TABERNACLE Associated Gospel of Canada Millard Ave Pastor REV A YIELDING Pianist MISS VIOLET CURTIS THANKSGIVING SUNDAY The church beautifully decorated with the autumn motif Bible School for all ages Moving pictures am the pastors su Titus pm the pastors subject What Must I Believe- NOTE Due to the great the Crusaders will again meet Town Hall on Friday at Pict ures gifts bunnies WANTED TO BUY SCRAP steel tin or metal City prices paid You deliver or wo pick up Northern and Co Davis Dr Now- market REED in condi tion Phono Bradford HELP WANTED SALES OPENING Are you looking for Do you wish to Increase your Income Wo have a good for a man or woman- full time or parttime to sell na tionally advertised Wat kins Pro ducts In Newmarket No expert enco or investment necessary we help you get started Write immediately to P The J Company St St Montreal BERKSHIRE hog 4 months old Apply Lloyd Sharon lot 4 con phone 20102 a ii WORK horses black years old about lbs Byron Arm strong Zephyr phone Mount Albert PUREBRED Suffolk ram lambs Apply Allan Lockle Zephyr phono 4814 Mount Albert Black cow 4 yrs old vaccinated duo Oct Harold Litner wick phone I77w Roches Point WEANED pigs Apply George Vernon Newmarket phono 141W12 FREE METHODIST CHURCH REV a BULL Pastor Church of the Light and Life Hour every Sunday at am kc 10 am Sunday School Dedication of New song books It m Thanksgiving Worship pm Evangelistic Rally pm Prayer Meeting Oct 10 pm Class Meeting pm Children en joy the craft work The little church with a big welcome CHURCH OF THE Minister Rev A Petersen Organist Miss June Pianist Miss Greenwood am Sunday school am Thanksgiving service Missionary Emphasis pm Evangelistic service Wed pm Prayer meeting pm Junior meeting meeting Rev from Zephyr showing slides from New- foundtand You ore welcome to attend Rev Petersen is being transferr ed to Saskatchewan and will be preaching his farewell sermon October pm FREE METHODIST CHURCH HOLT Rev Casement Pastor SUNDAY 1030 am Sunday school Murray pan Divine Worship WED OCT pm Prayer Meeting THE CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH Main Street Newmarket Minister Rev Fred Organist Mrs Eugene Cane am Thanksgiving Day Ser vices Subject For what we have received or From whom we have receiv ed pm Sunday school pm The of Grati tude Wed Oct Quarterly business meeting Every mem please note All welcome GARDENS BAPTIST CHURCH Invites Sunday School pm Evensong and a message from Gods Word Location Corner of M Arthur Sis Pastor Laurence iiJiaijKii

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