j j r POULTRY KM NEW Hampshire tossed white Wyandotte pullets months commencing to lay each Large and healthy birds Allan Zephyr phone Mount Albert a IKYING hen and Rock pullets phone Newmarket MISCELLANEOUS BIRTHS LOVING pullets A Retake Cedar Valley phone Mount Pert tf34 THANKSGIVING fowl turkeys ducks Apply Ben Cox L Sharon LARGE Leghorn pullets Laying Phone Mount Al- feeirfe W WOOD MIXED wood and cedar kind one foot cord at farm Arnold Cedar Valley Mount Albert QUANTITY of mixed dry wood Albert FIRE wood Clean dry wood cut In short lengths Free livery Taylors Saw Mill 2nd concession Whitchurch Phone Newmarket or Aurora lost LADYS yellow gold wrist watch on Sunday Oct between Davis Dr and Timothy St Re ward Phone Newmarket BROOCH- between Anglican church and Bolton Ave New market Phone Newmar clw41 PAIR Mans light blue trousers Phone Newmarket PAIR boys pants size 4 grey wool serge with blue srtipe in vicinity of Arctic Lockers Sat urday pm Reward- Phone Newmarket PEDIGREE miniature Collie female Sable color on ear Phone Newmarket j Kentucky black and tan purebred one year old A very fine dog Gordon Young Mount Albert vi MISCELLANEOUS COME In and compare We will not knowingly be undersold by any competitor anywhere You be the Dyers phone Newmarket AllHerbal rheumatic tablets for muscular arthritic and sciatic pains Price Best Drugstore phone Newmar ket STOVE wood dry Poplar Ducks alive or dressed Sid Maries 2nd con lot lie V MUCOUS IN THROAT Pink Tablets for the nose and throat for the dropp ing of mucous discharge sensa tion of the lump In the throat and other disturbances These are the same reliable pink tab lets that have been used for years by adults and child ren with good results Price The Best Drug Store phone A DENNY DOPE PROUDLY presents com plete needs In wooden products for Christmas and all the year round Toys lawn chairs val ance boxes cupboards You name It and Denny will supply prices Phono Newmarket FOR SALE OR RENT Hospital beds wheel and invalid mm and Son Mount Albert repair all makes of sewing machines New I Singer Sewing Center New- Main St phone surgical supports hosiery Cor those who suffer varicose veins ankle and trouble Arch supports belts Best Drug Store phone Newmarket THE BEST BRONCHIAL COUGH For coughs colds and bronchi tis A prompt and effective rem edy for the relief of bronchitis tight or chesty coughs and colds cents The Best Drug Store Newmarket SALE OCT Auction sale of farm stock implements and household effects including Oliver tractor nearly new The property of H lot con 1 mile of No reserve Terms cash Sale auctioneer phone 23rll Stroud SATURDAY OCT 11 Auction sale of household furniture and frame house with hydro water furnace good lot dishes and garden equipment at lot con Scott In the village of Zephyr the estate of the late Norman Homer No reserve on chattels Terms on property 10 percent days of sale balance within days Sold subject to reserve bid Sale at pm Fanner auctioneer SATURDAY OCT Expens ive auction sale celebrating the second anniversary of the new Livestock Sales Arena situated on No high way selling all types of liver stock This week specializing in dairy cattle horses ponies pigs and a special furniture and mis cellaneous sale rings operating- at same time Why not make this your weekly market where buyers and sellers meet Sale every Saturday 1 pm Sellers and AtkinsonV auctioneers X TUESDAY OCT Auction sale of farm stock and ments including brand new tractor The property of George Fennel lot con miles east of wick No reserve Terms cash Sale pm phone Stroud WEDNESDAY OCT sale of farm stock and imple ments the property of Victor Brown lot con 10 mile north and miles east of Stroud reserve Terms cash Sale pm Sproule auctioneer phone Stroud THURSDAY OCT auction sale of herd of fully ac credited registered cattle pigs poultry threshing machine new tractdr and Farmall A tractor farm stock implements hay grain furniture etc Sale at noon sharp Terms cash No reserve Farm sold Property belonging to Walter on lot con Markham Ken and Clarke Prentice auctioneers THURSDAY OCT Auction sale of household furniture the property of V Terry Rogers Heights Newmarket Time pm sharp Terms cash Smith auc tioneer WEDNESDAY OCT Auction sale of cattle hogs Ford tractor and implements at lot con Twp the property of William Sara Sale at Terms cash Lloyd Tumor clerk A S Farmer auctioneer w THURSDAY OCT Auction sale of farm stock and imple ment cattle horses hogs and furniture tractor on rub ber lot concession King township two miles north of pavement the property of Shipley and Judges at 1 p m No reserve Redd left clerk Farmer auction eer Telephone SATURDAY OCT Auction sale of farm implements horses household furniture etc the property of Charles Wright east half of lot 23 4th con Whit church Terms cash Salo pm N Smith auctioneer CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my friends and neighbors for their lovely flowers and cords during my recent ill ness In the hospital and at home Mrs Wellington IN ABBOTT At York County hos pital Wednesday Oct to Mr and Mrs John Abbott New market a son BOYCE At York County hospi tal Wednesday Oct to Mr and Mrs Edison a son CONNELL At York County hospital Tuesday Oct to Mr and Mrs William Newmarket a son COOK At York County hospi tal Friday Oct to Mr and Mrs Earl Cook Richmond Hill a DUNNAt York County hospi tal Saturday Oct 4 to Mr and Mrs Keith Dunn Sutton West a son At York County hospital Saturday Oct to Mr and Mrs Donald Aurora a son HARMON At York County hos pital Sunday Oct to Mr and Mrs William Harmon Newmarket a son York County hospi tal Tuesday Oct 1952 to Mr and Mrs Bruce Hood a son HOWARD At York County hos pital Wednesday Oct to Mr and Mrs Kenneth Howard 2 Newmarket a son At York County hospital Sunday Oct to Mr and Mrs Joseph Kowaichuch Bradford a iar J York County hos pital Monday Oct to Mr- and Mrs Kenneth King a son MOODY At York County hos pital Monday Oct Mr and Mrs Moody Bar- REYNOLDS At County Oct 6 to Mr and Mrs Joseph Reynolds Bradford a daughter RAYMOND At York County hospital Monday Oct 1952 to Mr arid Mrs James Raymond Newmarket a son STOKES At York County hos pital Wednesday Oct 1 to Mrs Donald Stokes Miami Beach a son At York County hos pital Monday Oct to Mr and Sedore Cedar a son York County hospi tal Sunday Sept to Mr and Mrs Clarence Scott Newmarket a daughter TOOLEAt County hospi tal Sunday Oct 1952 to Mr and Mrs Toole Mount Albert a sort At York County hospital Saturday Oct 4 1952 to Mr- David Island a daughter York County hos pital Saturday Oct to Mr and Mrs Robert Walker Aurora a son WHITEAt York County hospi tal Friday Oct 3 to Mr and Mrs John White Sutton West a daughter BROWN In loving memory of a dear wife Margaret Ellen who passed away Oct My thoughts wander as daylight fades To the land of long ago And memory paints scenes of old In the gold of the twilight glow I seem to see in the soft dim light A face I loved the best I think of her when the suns last ray Goes down in the faroff west Sadly missed by her husband and family COOKE In loving memory of a dear motherinlaw and grand mother Maude Cooke who en tered Into rest Oct Gone but not forgotten Sadly missed by Stanislaus and grandchildren DAVIS In loving memory OX a dear husband and father Calvin Davis who left us so suddenly Oct While you dear Cat rest and sleep Your loving memory we will al ways keep Sadly missed by wife Margaret and family In loving memory of our dear mother J Law- son who passed away Oct She has taken her last journey In Gods beautiful ship called Rest Away from this world of sorrow To a home of eternal rest Words cannot say how we loved her Deep in our heart theres a pain God alone knows how we miss her As we wander along lifes lane But a voice seems gently calling Dear one be good and true At the end of life battles be watching and waiting for you Lovingly remembered by daugh ters Gertrude and Flora PRICE In loving- memory our dear mother Elizabeth Price who passed away October We are always together in lane Not just today but tomorrow the same Wherever we go whatever we Our thoughts dearest mother are always of you Ever by sons and daughters Mr and Mrs Thomas Aurora announce the engage ment of their daughter Florence Elizabeth to Mr Douglas Henry Case son of Mr and Mrs Lance lot Case Aurora The marr iage to take place Nov I at 3 in Trinity Anglican church Aurora Mrs Geraldine Mainprise wishes to announce the engagement of her daughter Margaret Christina Ida to Mr Ronald Hutchinson son of Mrs Hutchinson and the late Mr Roy Hutchinson Toron to the wedding to take place the later part of October On Saturday Oct at oclock in Cosburn United church Toronto by Rev A Sophie Lillian daughter of Mr Benjamin and the late Mrs Litner Baldwin to Mr Frederick Bruce son of Mrs Fairbarn and the late Fred erick Fairbarn Sutton West AT HOME Mr and Mrs Thomas Apps 24 Joseph St Newmarket will cele brate their wedding anni versary on Wednesday Oct 15 and will be at home to their friends and neighbors from to oclock in the afternoon and to pm in the evening Auction Sale of Livestock Implements Some Grain Household Effects the property of GARNET MILLER Lot rear of Con Old Survey King Township miles west of No Highway OPPOSITE POPLAR BANK SERVICE STATION a brief illness York County hospital Tuesday Oct Florence E wife of the late Aulcy and mother of Ruth Eileen Mrs Helen Joyce Mrs Doris Lillian Mrs Fair and William Robert Bill Funeral service was held this afternoon Mount Albert as result of motor accident at Sat urday Oct Dorothy Agnes Pollock aged wife of Judge Av Gore Bay mother of John Sudbury sister of Ernest Pollock Mimico and daughter of the late Joseph and Linda Pollock of Keswick Fun eral service was held on Tuesday Oct Interment Newmarket cemetery POLLOCK At on Oct Ida May Smith wife of Percy Pollock in her year mother of Doris Mrs Barker Joseph and Funeral was held Sunday QucensyiUer cemetery RACINE pet i Qupbec wife of Henry Racine mother of nieimaVMrV William Brown Toronto interment In Victor- lavHl Newmarket on Mon day Oct Gladys Irene wife of Robert Smith and mother of and Aubrey and sister Ross and Clara THvott and Mrs Georgia Newmarket Carl Trivett and Bruce Trivett North Bay Funer al vice was hold on day Oct Interment ket cemetery SPEEUS Suddenly at on Friday Oct 3 May Wlco wife of the la to Leonard sister of Mrs Thomp son Evelyn Louis Edith Wil liam Norman and Mrs Snider at service was hold on Tuesday Interment Alliston Union SWVli-i- CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs Henry Arnold to thank relatives friends and neighbors for sympathy and flowers received in the loss of a loving mother CARD We wish to extend our sincere thanks to relatives- neighbors and friends for their many acts of kindness expressions of symp athy and beautiful floral tributes received during the illness and loss of a loving wife and mother Thanks arc also extended to Dr the nurses and staff of York County hospital Miss Irene and Rev Campbell Percy Pollock and family CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends neighbors and nurses for calls cards gifts and kindness for little Anne since her recent tractor accident and Cora Foster and family Mount Albert CARD OF THANKS The relatives of the late Mrs Cole wish to thank the many friends and neighbors for their kindness during her recent ill ness and sudden passing Special thanks are extended to Rev K CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness sympathy and beautiful floral of ferings received from relatives and many friends We would especially like our kind neighbors the staff of York hospital and Mr Rhodes for his consoling words and help our sad bereavement of a loving husband and father Mrs J- daughter and family card of thanks The Pine Orchard In stitute wishes to thank the of Newmarket for their fashion show held at the school last Wednesday night ENGAGEMENTS of Ella daughter of Kiln RR Newmar ket and late to Mr Kchheth Albert son of Mr and Mrs Victor Toronto the marriogo to take place on Saturday Oct at pm In Christian Baptist church Newmarket Mr and Mrs W Dickson Hill wish to announce of their daugh ter Barbara Joyce to Mr Don ald Grant Sine son of Mr and Mrs L Sine Newmarket the marriage to take place on Oct 25 at oclock in Dick sons Hilt United Missionary church Dicksons Hill SATURDAY OCT cows Black cow years fresh Ayrshire cow years bred Sept Black cow years due about time of sale Durham cow years fresh Red heifer due about time of sale Roan heifer 3 yrs calf by side Red heifer calf by side Black heifer 1 year White heifer year HORSES years Bay mare years 3 Sets double harness sow pigs Red and black sow pigs White sow due about time of sale- Red sow due about time of sale Brood sows Red and black hog Pigs lbs Pigs weaned 5 Pigs 165 lbs CHICKENS- Laying hens year IMPLEMENTS Moody threshing machine com plete with belt cylinder good condition tractor Al on new rubber plow new Horn manure or dirt loader suitable for or John Deere tractors almost new Springtooth harrows almost drag harrows in good shape Cockshutt manure spreader most new binder G ft cut almost new discs good shape nearly ft mower Roller Turnip drill spout disc drill scuff lor Steel wagon almost new Hay rack good shape Anderson milking machine and motor portable electric separator capacity practically new LnvaV separator city new root 2 Single plows root Hay rake ft MasseyHarris stiff- tooth culti vator- Chatham fanning milt Weigh scales Floury grinder 3 Sets of sleighs Quantity of bus oats and a little barley mixed Cutter Brooder stove Platform suitable for Several sets of double trees neck yokes of grain bags Blacksmith forge almost new Crown gear and pinion suitable Tor Ford tractor Small brooder house EFFECTS Dining room buffet Round extension table Dining room chairs Square extension tabic Kitchen cabinet Linoleum Quantity of old Iron Articles too numerous to men Auctioneer Clerks Los Mount Rcddtck No Reserve as Farm is Sold Time of Sato pm clw41 TENDERS TENDERS FOR ROAD GRAVEL SEALED tenders plainly marked Tenders for Road Gravel will be received by the undersigned for the supplying and delivering of yds of 3- in crushed road gravel until noon of October l VA Additional information obtained from tho undersigned Lowest or any tender not accepted Engineer Water St Newmarket NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF the Reg istry Act RSO Chapter AND IN THE MATTER OF part of lots ten eleven and twelve In the eighth concession of the Town ship of East in cluding registered plan num bers ten thirtyseven fortythree fortyfour and three hundred and thirty- five known as the Village of Mount Albert and of part lots eighteen nineteen twenty and twentyone in the second concession and part lots nineteen twenty and twentyone in third concession of the Township of East Gwillimbury known as the Village of Queensvllle TAKE NOTICE that His Honour J McDonagh Judge of the County Court of the County of York has appointed Friday the thirtyfirst day of October at the hour of oclock in the afternoon at his Chambers in the City Hall Toronto to hear the application of the Inspector of Legal Offices for an order di recting the Registrar of the Reg istry Division of the North Rid ing of the County of York to have a survey and a plan pre pared of those parts of lots ten eleven 11 and twelve in the eighth concession of the Township of East bury including registered plan numbers ten 10 thirtyseven fortythree forty- four and three hundred and thirtyfive know as the Village of Mount Albert and those parts of lots eighteen 18 nineteen 19 twenty 20 and twentyone in the second concession and part lots nine teen 19 twenty and twentyone 21 in the third concession of the Township of East and known as the Village of AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that a copy of the aforemention ed appointment is hereto annex ed DATED at Newmarket this sev enth day of October Mathews Stiver Lyons Vale Newmarket Ontario Solicitors for the Township of East The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Oct NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF CLAIRE JEWELL DECEASES ALL persons having claims against Claire Jewell late of the Town of Newmarket in the County of York widow deceas ed who died on or about the day of March are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the day of November AD full particulars of their claims After the said date the Executor will distribute the as sets of the said deceased hav ing regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice DATED at Newmarket Ontario this day of October AJ STANLEY MILLER Newmarket Ontario Sole Executor Continued on Page 8 A J I IN THE COUNTY COURT OF COUNTY OF YORK IN THE MATTER OF the Reg istry Act Chapter 336 AND IN THE MATTER OF part lots ten 10 eleven and twelve in the eighth concession of the Township of East including registered plan numbers ten thirtyseven forty- three fortyfour 44 and three hundred thirtyfive known as the Village of Mount Albert and part lots eighteen nineteen twenty 20 and twentyone 21 in the sec ond concession and part lots nineteen twenty and twentyone in the third concession of the Township of East known as the Village of His Honour J G McDonagh Judge The third day of October AD The Inspector of Legal Offi ces having this day applied to me pursuant to Suction of the Registry Act chapter for an or der directing the Registrar of the Registry Division of the North Riding of the County of York to have a survey and plan prepared of those parts of lots ten eleven and twelve 12 in the eighth concession of the Township of East including registered plan numbers ten thirtyseven fortythree 43 fortyfour and three hundred and thirtyfive 335 known as the Village of Mount Albert and of part lots eighteen 18 nine teen 19 twenty 20 and twentyone 21 in the second concession and part lots nine- tee twenty and in the third concession of the Township of East known as the Village of NOW I McDonagh Judge of the County of York do hereby appoint Friday the day of October at oclock in af ternoon chambers the City Hall Toronto to con sider said application and if the said application is grant ed to consider by whom the costs and expenses of the appli cation and of the survey and plan shall be borne AND I DO ORDER thot all per sons who are or may be inter ested in the said application at tend at the saine time and place so- desire and ill the event of nonattendance the said application shall be pro ceeded In their absence AND DO ORDER that copy of the appointment be served upon all persons who appear cording to the last roll to bo the owners of lands in the said Township above described by post prepaid and mailed at least ten days be fore Say appointed and published I vq issues Tho Newmarket Era and Express a newspaper pub lished in the Town of Newmar McDonagh Judge i i Over 17000 licences were in Think SAFETY mm zis r ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS GEO H MINISTER e v son has Ackosen When a manager retired last be wrote General Manager to tell why he was son also had chosen a career shall always recall my banking pleasure and I cannot think any other occupation that gives one i opportunity to meet people form lasting friendships I have privileged to serve the bank inAtX provinces That my son has banking is also a great satisftfntenfo He is most anxious to make good ort his own account A AAAM A young man on the lookout for ari and worthwhile career opportuiutiesto ahead should take a look at bankings Have a talk with the bank neighborhood branch It may well Art prove an important turning point J life A trS F irih 3 fc7 fc on an actual letter la presented here j THE BANKS lvin WMafi A i-n- il V r kJ