wv J J J r j or Dr Rose Resented By Many Concerning our report last week of the official opening of the new Aurora District High School we I have not been surprised to hear complaints of a serious omission in the proceedings We noted this as we sat in our place in a rear part of the auditorium but did not wish to mention it in our report of what otherwise was a great occasion Wo mention it now with re- r spite of much com meat The was th failure on somebodys part include the mayor of the town in the proceedings Dr Craw ford Rose was on the but even in that instance he introduced lo the audience af ter the exmayor Mr Bell had received a prior introduction This was an unpleasant display of bad taste and an illformed idea of etiquette if it were done otherwise it was merely clumsy or forgetful However the omission of the mayors name from a program on such an occasion the failure to invite him to sneak while he was on the platform something in a worse cate gory than bad taste or just clumsy Those who were responsible for drawing up the program and inviting the mayor to the platform should have remembered that whoever the mayor of the town is the towns first representative Of Her Majesty Elizabeth By virtue of his mayor of the town Dr Craw ford Rose is Auroras first and official representative of the Crown Were any 1 personage to honor Aurora a visit in this yzzr of by virtue of his office would automatically be to assume the of that office both ancient and Were he to neglect to functions of his office other than inescapable of health he would subject him to degrees of that would to extremely unpleasantivV Sackcloth and Ashe The oversight to tar has been noted people who were present high school day night Sept nothing that can be done it now except that whoever was responsible for drawing program and failing to call on the representatives of Her Sla while he was on the iotm should wear sackcloth and for one day at least and then take a course in etiquette In such voluntary penance end search of absolution the de linquent or delinquents would be getting off lightly in compari son with penalties inflicted in olden times in England whence Canada derives so many of Its ceremonial procedures Simi lar lapses in those days would have meant either the pillory or Imprisonment for the offenders Other lapses occurred such as speaker who stood up and began by saying Premier Frost Mr Chairman ladies and gentle men Premier of Ontario as Mr Leslie Frost undoubtedly is he was not the chairman at the proceedings concerned and should not have been first ad dressed It was the chairmans prerogative le first address ed even if all the titled people fit the land had been on the platform The chairman of a meeting is In fact the chairman however lowly big station In life or his claim to wisdom it is unfor tunate that lapses disfigur ed an otherwise outstanding oc casion Brought Hack Turkeys Fry skip and his lead William Morris are enjoy Jug epicurean delights these days They lake their lawn bowls away and by skilful use of them they bring back turkeys They did the trick again at the A doubles tournament Wednesday Oct J when they won three games among 20 rinks This is the seventh tournament Mr as has won this season Ho must know how to play the ultimo of lawn bowling Seems The charge of filibustering appeared to be aimed chiefly at the town solicitor Mr Leo in connection with the pro traded debates on the zoning bylaw If our assumption Is correct our contention is equally correct that no man better than the town solicitor could on members of council on what Is essentially a legal matter affecting property Make A Meet Your Friends At The a HESS IDA Two Graduate St Airorm M MM owners of today and of the future v no lawyers on the Planning Board Surely there fore its members should be pleased to submit to the sensible course of taking legal advice from a legal authority who hap pens to be a fellow citizen and himself a property owner Recreation Commission Under the chairmanship of Mr Don Glass the bimonthly meet ing of the Recreation Commis sion was held on Thursday ev ening Oct One outstanding feature of the proceedings was a report by Mr J Buchanan on the proposed swimming pool for the construction of which a contractor had submitted a price of which would include dressing rooms and other equip ment Discussing the project Mr suggested the bulk of the money could be raised by a community drive Ah earlier suggestion that the site of such ar rangements were completed for should adjoin the had now been aban doned Air a location oh epidpubliGshool ground Reports the Com mission arrange for its annual Other repdiesented by Mr an Councillor Reporting on supervision at the arena the manager said this presented difficulties especially among the younger children In the ten towns with which he had been associated Mr said he had never seen so much cigarette smoking among and years of age as was prevalent in Aurora Its terrinei ho said pointing out that this a matter for par ents to deal with ft regard to playground per vision Mr Glass observed that he felt that citizens should take an in the behavior of children and should not hesi tate to take fiction where it peared to be necessary in clean sport free from roughness and horseplay The Congratulations of the Commission were extended to Mr and Mrs John on the occasion of their wedding anniversary Woni Hall Event- The internationally known group of Chicago musicians sponsored by the Youth for Christ movement will present a program inclusive of Negro spirituals at the Lions Hall on Wednesday evening October 15 commencing at pm The group composed of colored sing ers includes graduates from the New York Conservatory of Music The special speaker will be Don has recently completed a tour of the United States for the purpose of ad dressing high school students The group is engaged on tour of onenight appearances only in Canadian towns and Mrs Cooper of the Aurora organiza tion states that local members feel specially privileged in se curing the Chicago singers and special speaker Admission will be free and all voluntary pro ceeds will be devoted to the Youth for Christ international mission Thanksgiving Window If you are interested in seeing an original store window dress ed up for Thanksgiving celebra tions lake a peek at Frank groceteria on Well ington east Frank has a flair for artistic exposition and his window pays visible tribute to many local industries Wo could describe it but wont Such a good picture should ho seen for oneself The Rotary Boys They really went to town on Friday night and all day Satur day last giving the town works Planters peanuts pro vided ay Very attractive flout and as for the local who campaigned on Main street with trays of peanuts all day Saturday and evening they were zealous and Untiring on of this cause There may have been others whom wo did not see on Main street Saturday evening Hut those we did see were Harry Clarence Davis Gordon Hoffman and John Wil lis was In Charge of a depot stationed by Jim Wil sons store If know any thing were all doing a swell job Wo understand that all the worked on the peanut campaign under chairmanship of It was a model of I and enthusiasm Aurora News Page 9 SINCLAIR Editor HALL AURORA TELEPHONE PAGE NINE THURSDAY THE NINTH DAY OF OCTOBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTWO NOT FOR AURORA Two more hours were spent on further discussions on the zoning bylaw which has been darting in and out of council since the year 16 THezonitig bylaw ghost haunts the council chamben Lome Lee has tried on it ieturns to tease and tantalize members council It is a most In sober reflection two hours good hours wasted- for no progress was made towards its likelihood of irig passed by this council This is riot strange view of the fact that it is spicomplex in structure and so in its legal mind can grapple it By jo not suggest Jbat all legal minds could it vVtIanQ the intelligence of councillors who do not understand it It would be a reflection on the intelligence of any member of council who voted for it know or not it applicable for cities such as Kansas Chicago or Toronto But we dp that it is not icable or th js coin- It is out of line with a small town such as Auiora Dr requested that council do one thing or the other Pass it or throw itjduU It is our View that council should accept this challenge think that council should vote it arid throw it but- Put an end tc the thing once and for all This positive action would save both time and Its would soothe the nerves of irritated propertyowners Planning is But not planning that tick up a community for an indefinite number of years That is the essence of the proposed zoning bylaw which is bad in principle and would be worse in practice RESULT On June when the a vote of six to three decided to sign a contract with the North York Humane Society for the control of dogs during the sum- mer months it was anticipated that very successful re- suite come out of it That this not proved to be the case is not the fault of council i to remedy old at grievances on thenar of many Aurora people v-v- Year after year destruction and annoyance caused by dogs oil the loose had Who took pleasure iti their flower and vegetable gar dens To cure this more than irritating situation the council put teeth into a byJaw of good intentions but lacking in force The council approved a con- tract which in practice come up to For this failure council we is not to blame We heard all the arguments put forward on be half of contract by the representatives of the North York Humane Society Col Dana and Mrs Fielding when they came to council Those arguments were so convincing that us a member of council we would have had no hesitation in voting with the approving majority Editorial J we supported the contract do not regret that support or retract one word of it What we do say is that explanations should now be made by those who sponsored the contract and con vinced six out of nine members of council that it was a good proposition We support those members of coun cil who claim that Col and Mrs Fielding should come back and make the reasons clear why the contract has not fulfilled lis purpose They should be in a posi tion to give all the necessary answers Meanwhile our sympathies are with those members of council who gave support for the contract They did their best in a good purpose and the disappointing result is no fault of theirs TOO MUCH FAMILIARITY An article written by editor of an tiding Canadian weekly interested ft dealt with the question of whether or not the editor of a weekly should accept membership in local community clubs or he content with occasional them as a guest if ami when Jib wore invited to do so He argued in favor of thp latter course The gist of- the arguments in the article was an in- sistenco on the duty of an itor lo remain impartial independent at all times He should remain outside the 1 fact ions the writer assorted I ought to become a joinerV If he so ifte judgments likely to- influenced by thus his and judgment was conflow reading of sode to have occurred between Montgom ery and Mr Winston Churchill during a military foreftep war gojnejy said he lit too much To familiarity nothing There Is an old saying that too much familiarity greeds is wo think alia matter of bal ance and sense of proportion He is indeed a poor man who cannot maintain friendly terms with his neighbors and at the same time express opinions they may not always Progress itself is result of differences of opinion COUNCIL REPORT Among correspondence was was as much to as the a letter from Mr George Wilkin- Arena board said the deputy- son assessor informing council reeve that Ihe assessment roll had been complete In his which Wont Take It presented a number of compar- said that abot a IS Kofi h of Lets do shown as now and talking The assessor stated that rulings past he declared made by the had limited Councillor Tucker said ho was his own assessment valuations very disappointed that nothing for the current year in respected been done lo which Mayor of industries but these would that the and at a rested with the chairman of date if and When the town board and its members reassessed The mayor Councillor Jones said he did Mr Wilkinson on his let hot agree with the remarks made by the deputyreeve Cbiincil is not to blame at all in this said Mr Jones 4 I wont sit here and take St The re- letter from Mrs he said rested with Tyrrell Floury street drawing the Arena board It was appoint- attention to a dangerous inter- to look after arena affairs section at Wellington and Wells and pointing out the need for supervision in the interests younger was fav orably received by council Councillor Clarence Davis said he agreed with what Mrs had written and was supported by other members of council Mayor Rose said he would see that something was done the Councillor J Murray brought to the attention of coun cil the heed for altering the posi tions of stop signs and Metcalf in the inter ests of greater safely for the children Hospital Board Mr Harry Seston agreed to serve on York County hospital board in place of Mr J Bols hy who announced his resigna tion and was duly appointed by council Poppy Tiff bay Mi D appeared before council on behalf of the Legion to request permission for the holding of- a tag day on Nov ember and hoped the coopera tion of the town would be avail able A memorial service would be arranged for the afternoon of Sunday Nov Mayor Hose assured Mr kinsou that Poppy Day would be widely honored by the citizens and council would cooperate in every way Humane Society A letter was read from the North York Humane society in connection with recent criticisms of the dog control contract offer ing lo send a representative from the Newmarket headquarters to answer any questions Members of council took the view that the Aurora delegation which sold the idea to council in the first place should come back and explain why their promises had not been fulfilled is they whom we want to see again said Councillors Tucker and Murray with other members concurring Arena Councillor chairman of the Property committee said that the town foreman had made additional suggestions in to the laying down of a ditch at ho east end of the arena and these would mean a bigger job was formerly proposed by council i Deputyreeve Murray said that open ditch should first all be tried out- as council had al ready On this Mayor Rose agreed saying they should stick the already approved by coun cil uhdllic town foreman should bo so instructed Councillor said he would that councils wishes were carried out Arena Hoard Councillor Jones then stated lhat in his opinion three sections in the north east part of the arena were unsafe for public seating and before the rink was opened to the public these sections should be made safe Letter TO Board V- J Councillor King said that the arena board Should by council to see that seating was made safe arid that until this is done the rink should not be opened to the public Councillor Murray stated that even now the board had not ob tained a guard for the and the situation was dang erous for those were employ near it Mayor Rose sold that appar ently so little interest was taken that the of the Arena board did not even know that a service mart had been up to the arena to see the compressor Discussion ended on a motion by Councillor King seconded by Councillor Jones that a letter be sent to the chairman of the Arena board with instructions that steps be taken to ensure safety in seating and that the arena remain closed to the general public until such work is completed Planning Hoard Councillor Tucker reported that the secretary of the planning board Mr Barker had received 40 in fees and had returned this sum to the board Council ex pressed appreciation of the action Mayor Rose said he had looked over the zoning bylaw but found it hard reading without maps and difficult to understand It was resolved to have a further meet ing with the planning board to discuss the zoning bylaw on Tuesday Oct at pm A bylaw covering the appoint ment of Mr Wilkinson as town clerk and treasurer was approved together a bylaw authorizing the borrow ing of to cover half the cost of widening and improving Street highway A prepared in connection with the closing of Wells street for the protection of Public school children It Is pro posed that the street be closed from am until pm Mon days through Fridays Floodlighting Park Councillor I J Murray in formed council that a meeting of sportsmen was being held to ex plore the project of floodlight ing the town park and that he would keep members informed on what was done to fur her the matter Councillor J Murray drew councils attention to the fact that complaints he had made of the condition of the submitted for its im provement had hot received ton matters were brought up long ago as April said Mr Murray yet nothing been done Mayor Rose mat ters had brought to in the early spring and noth ing whatsoever has been done were and his own report on the bad condi tion of rink At least we were expecting that something would be done said hut not a single days work has been done Deputyreeve Murray charged that matter had not been handled In right way Bates- the question of tho dates of nominations and elections He be held on November Olid voting take place on December The matter will bo further discussed at tho next regular meeting council Council at AW flotect Range Of Cards Agent For Era Classified Ads St Aurora THRILLING THRILL All HORROR SHOW NO at Cassidy in a thilling western Plus- 3 Stooges and 3 Cartoons i Monday Tuesday Wednesday October 131415 4 or- Rewinds win a torn mm AtDMl MOM END- I AND t SOON The African Queen HEPBURN Son Of Palefate ROOKKS RUSSELL Lovely To Look At GRAYSON