If 1SfffE i fi X I fiTM x iwSfe v V Si tress Thursday Oct j j NEWMARKET VV I- v a l il A Feed Smke Master Feeds Chows ir v f- j x i- COI f I v i fl3SfS -fr- PHONE I Main Phone 337 STEPHENS Newmarket V m i SPECIALIZE COVERINGS iV WALLPAPERS y SIHI COOP WAY lor The USE OKI i w Sales ft used car the evening at your leisure from YOUR DEALER Good Will used car lot mi Phone EVENING UNtlt v Mi PULL COL i fflliFlEST Mai to eyv 1 d STOVE OIL CI A SERVICE PHONE 3800 i- t y CiA7v j fi fc T- ft- K-J- Dealer y Delivery Anywhere Main St Call Nowmfirket IP rf v MWiiif TJ I i Jo- u 7v m y i AND SERVICE PHONE 1 3 1 MAIN ST NEWMARKET Mill phone Store phone WARD AND General Contractors INSULATING ROOFING SIDING Lowe Bros Paints PHONE BOX 315 NEWMARKET I W To ill Lucky Farmers They use Gasoline- and Oil Care Saves Wear We pick up and deliver CECIL TAYLORS SERVICE STATION Phone Main and Davis Dr Newmarket Washing Alias Tires Accessories IMPERIAL HARRIS Sales and Service Davis W Newmarket Phone CAN YOU IDENTIFY YOUR FARM FROM THIS AIRVIEW r r VJ i 3V- Vr L S rf In Gift Certificates to the owner of this if he can t identify it If you identify your farm you will receive certificates from merchants who are listed on this page AH you have to do is come to he Era and Express office You will also receive a framed photo of your farm See also front page Small Associates Park Windsor Out Copyright from KING CITY from ML SCH0MBERG For QUALITY and DURABILITY in I FARM EQUIPMENT AND liKtMSS GUT THE iwST UK AD mi vr CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SERVICE International Harvester Dealers r CONSTABLE and Phone Oat Davis Dr When you Uo Good you It NUMBER j j OFFICE PHONE RESIDENCE PHONE 118 Ta- GUARANTEED RADIO SERVICE ComplolJll i- Tr Vi 4 J J HARDWARE PAINTS GUSJBWES fe and SPORTING GOODS Your Dealer For MOFFAT McCURY ifl- and I- j SINGER Sewing REPAIRS RENTS NEEDLES OIL PARTS SEWING CABINETS FASHION AIDS NOTIONS DRESS ACCESSORIES FINISHING SERVICES- r Phone 1075 Main SL Newmarket GIVE PIGS A wuFUL-O- You can 4fifr by hem a Young pigs the sure take to within ip Jays am make fast gains Sows milk is usually not enough ami they sued is built nutritions rolled ais Natures best grain for growth I f mine w PIG STARTER Come in and us soon FEED MILL Phone Alill GIBB All types of alterations and repairs Cleaning dry cleaning cold storage Phone for pickup and delivery Meccano Electric Trains Toys Join Our Christmas Club urn urn rf Sports and Cycle Shop Phone Main St J- Newmarket YOU TAKE NO CHANCE WITH A LOADER- You Must He Satisfied Or Your Money Refunded Rear mounted for traction easy steering clear vision easy on the tractor along with A patented action and low cost A loader second to ERNEST AND SON Mount Albert Phone MEMO TO ADVERTISERS I- see the OMalleys bought that house on Melrose Street Although Mr and Mrs Reader are glad to know about the they have a lot of other things on their minds problems right in their own home Is this a good time to trade in the old car we carrying enough insurance on the house What shall we have for Sunday dinner i Cw and that relate to their needs Give them the news about your slices through Ask for Spy of our report which will icpmpJe twd audited information our circulation i J i i L J J i v i Tki I if -VC- fes Pf fc IIS MAIN ST J vj v- I i J