NORTH YORK PERSONALLY Continued from trimmers included He built William and Emily Haines the of good fortune that has come his way Mr Evans wilt tell you- To wife devotion and guid ance Elgin attributes all the later success and hap piness he has experienced tt- P After his marriage ho oper ated a farm at Davis Corners in conjunction with lumbering which he manufactured at vari ous points in York county In the first World War he manu factored lumber for the con struction of airplane hangers For some years he lived in Au rora In a home which he built on Wellington St and is now occupied by Mr and Mrs Corner In in order to get the quality of timber he needed Mr Evans bought the Sterling property situated two miles north east of Newmarket on Sharon highway East bury reputed to contain one of the finest stands of old timber the countryside he quit moving his mill from place to place setting up a stationary one with planer and five new homos- on the same ij vr- For Personal Service Shop At MORNINGS DRUGT0p ft Wallpapers Select Cards etc or Era Classified Ads A Aurora I farm four and one duplex Mr Evans opened up a subdivision known as and during the pres ent year he has opened up a twoandahalf acre subdivision In all there are lots homes have been sold and a number of new homes are being built Honored by Among his many other activi ties Elgin is active in boys work He is chairman of the North York Boys Work Board and trustee of the camp proper ty at Camp Ashungyoohg los Point Lake In over boys and girls en joyed the camp facilities He Is a member of Trinity United church Newmarket an elder and trustee and also repre sentative to Centre Presbytery Toronto When the Newmarket congregation undertook to build a new parsonage Elgin was pointed chairman of the build ing committee and by his un tiring efforts one finest and most uptodate in the Toronto area was erected He was recently honored by be ing appointed a commissiohef to the general council of the United church of Personal Mr Evans is of hunt and fishing youth he was a keen soccer player and still follows the sport He is a member the Aurora Hunt club and president of the Frank lin trout club On August last he celebrated his birth day But that Is only a date on the calendar for Elgin enjoys fine and looks around the 50 mark Mr and Mrs Evans now re side in their lovely summer home on Lake highway two miles out of Newmarket Pate A REPLY TO CRITICISMS To Pass The Zoning ByLaw Would Be Betrayal Of Trust Newspaper Of Free Opinions Dug to health reasons we were unable to attend the further joint meeting of council and the planning board which was held on Tuesday night October 14 In bur absence considerable attention appears to have been given our editorial entitled Not For Aurora which appeared ill of October in which argued against the passing into law of the contentious zoning bylawv Not our editorial but the hold the bag editorial on the Era and Express The town council has all the page entitled Need For Plan- power necessary to run the town came fa for a reading by It has the power to zone Thursday the twentythird day of October nineteen hundred and fiftytwo Aurora Social News B Id 1 Considerable amusement was engendered by the reading of the two edi torials asserts the smaller peri odical which reported pro ceedings in its issue of last week differences in editori al Opi It must have felt that it had discovered a news scoop of- rare value for not only didit report these proceedings in apparent detail- but it quacked away oh its editorial page in the manner of an old goose that had wad dling the dry and dusty highway for a long time and suddenly flapped its wings hi loud satis faction at the sight of a pond by the wayside Reasons For Existence In its editorial the smaller peri- Aurora News Page takes very does however make this great pleasure in wishing them both many more years of hap piness in the good fortune they have won for themselves W- mm i 16 WEEKS COURSE FOR 15 Toronto Instructor t w J A i i- V V I v -fesr- re fr V S 1 s5 J tr s- taxing Browse a rnmmml- at doee nee better I fc-J- i- 5 -v- il I- siTASi acknowledgment of our services to Aurora and we accept the tribute with the due humility the occasion deserves Here is its acknowledgment should of course fee an expression of gratitude to a paper published in another town for its keen inters est in Aurora affairs Aurora News Page which is an independent publication con taining its own news and opini ons is printed at Newmarket Its rival the smaller periodical circulating in Aurora is printed at Brampton On iwo counts we can call it quits On other counts we have good reas ons for our existence We pay office rent and taxes to the town of Aurora for the use of our iiee We maintain a home Im Aurora and pay rent to an Auro ra landlord We support a wife arid buy our food and clothing in Aurora- above are reasonable reas ons in support of our continuing Jive in a town which we like- Another reason is duct Aurora News Page which a lot of people like and support Is the smaller periodical in a bet ter position as regards good reas ons for its existence here It prattles on the subject of the goose and the gander An appo site question is Which Is the goose and which the gander Two Editorials The editorial which appeared in the Era and Express on Octo ber entitled Weed For Plan- in no way concerned with the of our own editorial appearing In Auro ra News Page of the same date entitled Not Aurora The first editorial dealt in general terms with the need for planning a need which we have always supported Our own editorial dealt with the imposition of a xohhig bylaw on the municipality of Aurora which in practice is a restriction the rights of property owners and citizens it has sup ported the need for planning the Era and Express at any time supported the imposition of a zoning bylaw on the munici pality of Newmarket Era and Express supports the liberty of the subject Era Ex press supports a- liberal not a totalitarian policy There is a world of difference between a planning board that is content with making lions to council for improvements to the in which it a planning board whicfisceks to control of pro perties and disposition of its land Industrie and business Why should control of pro perty- In the town of Aurora be taken out of coun cil which W the ficdple is responsible to placed the of a group of electors have control at is not planning autcjdraty That is riot It by a clique A If members of council w foolish as bylaw they guilty of a betrayal of who elected thomtoi of Home Pertinent Questions We would reasons why Moulding and his hoard ore so anxious acq the zoning bylaw passed lib full of vexatious and re strictive conditions Its language is obscure To make head or tail of it beyond the wit of ordinary men It a legal word for lawyers to for whatever future pur poses are best suited for the town There was the instance Of the subdivision on Ken nedy street west A largo dele gation of Kennedy street proper ty owners among Dr was one and appealed against the pro posal to build homes After considerable discussion council agreed to meet the of the Kennedy street delegation This act of zoning was done by council not by the planning board and councils action was upheld by the Municipal Board What council did then do now Its powers have not les sened But they will be lessened if the present council were to pass the zoning bylaw In place of the rule of council elected by the people it would be rule by the planning board which is not elec ted by the people Aurora pro perty owners and citizens would then be tied up as tightly as a victim in the tentacles of an oc topus They might try and free themselves by legal actions But legal action costs money arid once the zoning bylaw is passed it is here to stay for years or more Freedom Of Expression The smaller periodical appears surprised that there should be a variety of opinions expressed in Miss Charles i3 spending a few holidays with her mother Mrs Charles Wells St Mrs Geo- London is visiting her sister Mrs Todd Ross St Mr and Mrs Heath spent the holiday weekend with friends at The many friends of Chubby Atkinson are sorry to learn he is still In the hospital They wish him a speedy recovery The sympathy is extended to Mr and Mrs Browning Well ington St in the loss of Mr Brownings mother Mrs Browning who died on Sunday Mrs Browning will be greatly missed Wellington St for her cheerful smile The funeral ser vice was held on Tuesday In terment was made in Aurora The Guild of Anglican church met at the home of Miss on Tuesday Claude White and fam ily left Friday- night for Calgary will join her husband who is stationed there Mr arid Airs John Bruce of Spruce St moved this week to their new- home In Guests over the Thanksgiving weekend at the home of Mr arid were Miss Marj ory Bailie who is in training in the East General hospital Miss Beverley Ashtdri from the and Miss at St Josephs Mrvanil Mrs- H a Steels and children- Islington were week- guests of Mrs Charles Web- Mrs Wilfrid Dun- called on friends town this week The regular monthly meeting of the Womens Institute will be held at the home of Mrs Finos St on Thursday evening at S pm The program will be in charge of Mrs Anderson This meeting will bo a Hall oween party and a prize will be given for the best costume There will also be a shower of fancy work and knitted goods and art icles not exceeding in value for the bazaar which will be held on November Miss Mary Rose daughter of Dr and Mrs Rose spent the weekend with her parents Mary is in training hi East General hospital Mr and Mrs Fred Powell for merly of Vandorf and who for seven years were with the US Air Force In Anchorage Alaska called Webster on Tuesday- of last week on their my to Chicago where they will take up residence Mr Powell resume his duties the Air I Horticultural Society held a dinner at Wednes day Oct Mr Ed Little Richmond Hill was the guest speaker taking for his subject Mums Prizes were presented to the members who were during the The O Class held Talent Tea In the church pari- on Tuesday afternoon October the 20th and the Ladies of St Andrews church are holding a rummage sale in their Hail in the after noon and evening Councillor D- J Murray Mis Murray have been on a visil to friends at and ester over the weekends Mrs Roy social editor of Aurora Page will be glad to receive locals and news items Please TOWN OF Applications will be received by the undersigned up to Applicants experience education and salary K MOSES C M Clerk Town of USE ERA AND EXPRESS CLASSIFIEDS IN TURNING UNWANTED ARTICLES INTO CASH Whiit S ay ft Continued from Page 11 good job censured those who said it hadnt and sought votes of confidehce from time The protests Mayor Hose the Era and Express Here is Councillors and Murray what its former managing editor reinforced by Councillor his final contributions as to the differences of opinion held by its writers It was rare circumstance find one opinion on the editorial page the opposite in a column and a sec ond columnist damning the other two That policy will not he chang ed for the Era and Express is a democratic newspaper capable of d many different views It is not modejled to a fixed set of rules like a military textbook We do not consult with anyone as to what we shall write Out of its own mouth the smaller periodical has now con firmed what we have repeatedly asserted that Aurora News Page is a free and independent publi cation Jones who warned that portions of the sealing were unsafe for public use A motion was pass ed to the effect that the arena be closed until the seating was made safe This newspaper was attached by the old board for publishing statements that have been on true up to the hilt Ought it to vc remained silent and gen erally let thjngs slide until the time when perhaps the con demned portions of the seating collapsed causing death or in jury to those who were unaware of the risks they were taking It the duty of any worth while newspaper to publish ma terial facts not to them That course have followed and will continue to follow rifting Dramatic Owing to ear trouble deaf ness arising a chill wc were unable to attend a meet ing of the recreation commission held on Thursday night October Mr Bell secretary- treasurer toils us that standing feature of was an appeal- for leaders to a drama club Aurora There is plenty of talent a vail able The problem is to- find leaders and teachers to promote it- Druggist The Store News- agent Tobacconist etc Business Founded Aurora St Telephone AuthatUeU bottler Ltd UXBRIDGE BEVERAGES LIMITED PHONE -1- Preparations for annual Community bazaar are well underway with Mrs Geo again convening the project will he held this year the Newmarket town hall on Friday Nov to p The market Handcraft group sponsors tlio Community bazaar to provide an outlet for all in the town Not all groups which par ticipated in past years reg istered as yet To dale have done so with one of these being a how organization in town planning to have a booth at the bazaar in cluded the Womens Auxiliary Legion Junior Ladies Aid Chr church j evening branch St Pauls Anglican church Catholic League Mrs Dove Hood York County Hospital Womens Aux iliary Womens In stitute Newmarket Girl Guides and the Newmarket Handcraft group X Afternoon tea will be served by the Handcraft group bazaar will not be open the evening as in past IndU who wish their crafts may them with the Handcraft fifteen percent is retained on all sales made at bazaar the group to help defray OKi MOTHER Give her a of wite Box Si i w i Li i v a v ivwtc fT v v 7tt V L iSsV j sstv i J W J fence w ii v Clerl re was a day for me when my of Toronto manager showed could replace my poor milkers with cattle My preheat herd is the lie district I get greater profits from milk higher percentage milk gains and investment by cutting i s IMPROVEMENT Vf loant rt let nt mpltminu or Iffif rowntMs ttiHlidyihcrfQuh6wyOUcM drop in and It ftitk i m3 a fjfcK- A -A- firyi m- i i w I while property ifi