Office Cat Catnips By Ginger Mr Robert ftealdent The American Feline Society New York Dear Mr President Mr Bruce West in the Globe has dedicated himself to a National Mouse in November obvious to this correspondent arid am sure to most read ers that Mr West never would have thought of mouse week had not National Cat Week come first It just happened said Mr West that his National Mouse Week was dated for the same time as National Cat Week Your favorite correspondent also received your batch of ma colored poster stamps literature and slogans urging lis to Save Americas Cats West definitely made light of National Cat Week sponsored by your American Feline Society New York On certain points we go with him and we com mend him for making his Na tional Mouse Week strictly Canadian effort But this correspondent must support the cause of cats in general for obvious reasons We ore dedicated to making light of national weeks which originate south of the border but in this case wo must devi ate mi urn a the position of rats In general We cannot under any conditions support his Na tional Mouse Week we ore forced to support National Cat Week even though it originated south of the border We must point out that Can adian cats are self supported and completely independent They are not influenced by propaganda from the United Slates Canadian cats really dont need week received your batch of Cat Week publicity previous to the publication of Mr Wests column Had Mr West not set himself up in opposition to Na tional Cat Week we might have taken an entirely differ ent stand on this Or we may have ignored the week But since the cause of cats in gen eral has been struck a mighty blow wo support your week Mr West says that Mayor Lamport has been approached on the idea of releasing a pair of mice on the City Hall steps to open National Mouse Week A union of National Cat Week supporters local quickly organized Monday night has already laid plans to picket the City Hall steps with angry cats oh the opening of our week Down with Mr West and his National Mouse Week A cat I must remain Sincerely yours Svtng Aurora and the of North York Ntwmwkit Ere Herald 189 Published Thursday of Main St Newmarket Newmarket Era limited Svbstttplhn for jroari for one year advance Singh copies of Class A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Bureau of Circulations Second Class Mall Post Otlke department Ottawa JOHN Managing CAROLINE ION GEORGE LAWRENCE RACINE Job Printing and Producton T H IS EDlfO MA PA G PAGE TWO THURSDAY THE TWENTY-THIRD- OCTOBER NINETEEN Mr West has struck a mean i blow at cats Setting up a week in opposition he is weak from the Files of yyz and 50go Ginger v iml- i Owing to the expansion of Ws trade Mr John Jones of Owen Sound practical watch maker has been added to the staff of Jewelry tore Verne Arnold son of Mr aid Mrs Arnold who was located on the staff of the at Brace- bridge is transferred to Au rora i Mr and Mrs Armstrong of New Toronto motored here afternoon bringing her mother back to town after a fortnights visit on the Hamil ton highway The surplus earth during the grading of Victoria Ave has been placed on the low corner of the Stuart Scott school grounds which will be a big Improvement when seeded A Quantity also been used on the low corner of the lawn of St Pauls church grounds There were numerous tors at the new hospital on Sunday afternoon The house and tot on Joseph Ave belonging to Mr Ben Bees have been bought by Mr Richardson- of Kagle St through real estate Office The Junior Farmers of New market District from to years of age are having a in the market building Newmarket on Wednesday of week There will be live classes of stock and five classes of grain The highest ten in wilt be shown around the city of Toronto and entertained at the Win- fur Fair at the expense of IJie Department of The competition is open to the public- J Mr and Mrs Frank Ham- melt Weston and Mr artel Mrs Harry daughter visited with friends fin Tottenham on Sunday The following been ap- pointed delegates by Trinity to the provincial Sunday fehool convention in Toronto iioxl week He v A fihalj Mr Walter Stephens Jackson Mrs Hewitt Mrs and Mrs Winn and Mrs Micklo of spent the weekend with their daughter Mrs How ard Cane THE OLD HOME TOWN OCTOBER Last Friday night some Royal Templars drove out to Mr Walter Eves residence and gave him a surprise as a token of good will and had a splen did time While playing on Thanksgiv ing Day Wallace McDonald son of Mr McDonald had his arm put out of joint at the elbow The town electric light ser vice was added to the Era Of fice oh Wednesday making it the rnost complete printing of fice to be found in any small town In Canada Fast presses typesetting machine gasoline and electric power newspaper folder etc Visitors are come- Sunday morning while assisting to get breakfast ready Miss Ethel eldest daugh ter of the Methodist parson accidentally knocked the tea pot off the kitchen stove and scalded her foot so badly that the skin all peeled off when her mother removed her stock ing Medical aid was sent for and sho is doing nicely but it may be several weeks before she will bo able to be around again J and wife and J A Collins who were attending the Quad rennial Convention of he Christian at Norfolk Virginia got back home last week and brought many kind ly regards for Newmarket peo ple from Americans who were delegates here four years ago It was very warm down there and fell the heat titan any time last Colling came back mora satisfied than ever with our own delightful country Mr Simon Rogers of sort of r Mr Solomon Ro gers from here Mariposa in has been visiting relatives in this vicin ity for the past few days A freight car loaded with fruit jumped the track at a switch at lust Mon day afternoon and delayed traffic for several hours The car and contents were a total wreck Forbes of viile former science master in Newmarket High School was calling on friends in town last Friday By STANLEY HIGHWAY REGULATIONS A few weeks ago a gravel truck was involved in a fatal accident in this district Last week another accident on the new highway resulted in three fatalities and over twenty injuries It is difficult to satisfied that the Department of Highways- is not fully responsible for this senseless slaughter gravel truck broke down an occurrence which perhaps is inevitable But it was not carrying any road flares That fact shows a laxity in regulations or enforcing regulations A bus crashed into the truck three were killed many injured Trucks carrying gravel sand or fill are important in the departments extensive building program They are indispensable They are encountered oh jiiriy high way day or night Is it not time that they should be covered by more extensive regulations and that regula tions be enforced- The trucks may not be employed by the tlepartmeht directly but the construction companies employing the truckers are under contract with the Department of Highways It is not easy to believe a government would award a to a contractor equipment does not guarantee the safety of public The depart ment should go further arid attempt to establish mini mum hours and reasonable returns to these truckors Such measures would go a long way towards eliminating overloading and speeding two factors affecting road safety There is yet another safety factor to consider The new highway for the greater -part- was surveyed as the crow flies There are stretches where for miles there are no houses or other inhabited places The department should consider the establishment of an emergency signal system or a safety patrol Such a device could have saved lives last week when the bus crashed into the abandoned tow truck Assistance through a signal or patrol system would enabled the driver of the broken down truck jo stay with his vehicle instead of leaving it as it was a death trap A NATIONAL LIBRARY One of Canadas needs is a national library at Ottawa This need has been described for years by educationists and all who are interested in the nations cultural development To our knowledge nothing more has been achieved in government quarters- other than recent suggestions of plans That Canada should lack a so long is something approaching a national disgrace It has been said that Canada alone of all coun tries is destitute of a national A national library is a symbol of cultural achievement is a centre riot only for scholars but for those who art inter ested in art science and literature has been an enormous growth of literary output in Canada during the past quarter especially within the decade A great number of new books havebeen published by new authors many of which have gained international distinction It can be claimed that Canada has a literature of her own History science biography and fiction of high quality has come from Cat tad tan authors Despite literary achievements Canada has no national storehouse for the preservation of these works by her native authors no repository fo works of art It is time that this fundamental national need re- the attention it deserves if EXCLUDING TOO MANY Financial Post If Canada is to reach the modest total of millions population by the end of the century as has been pre dicted by Prime Minister tion doors will have be opened vvider at present The g do riot agree on the volume of immigration needed for such a goal but they are unanimous that the minimum annua flow must be over rporMhe time since the migraltoit boom of 191015 we reached tliat Then we year under new selective icy adopted last J no will be or from Ottawa hint Thinking Canadians will certainly say they should be so long as they are keeping us from getting the kind of need arid can use in Canada fy v There is plenty of work in this Country waiting for both the nativeborn arid the immigrant provided Ihey are will i to work In the lust three or four years of substantial we have- demonstrated that We have absorbed more than Hal a million newcomers since the War without any tips in our Indeed without the additional people our recent amaz ing industrial development riot have been possible is one vital point in this business which we must keep firmly in mind That is the effect on our More people in Canada mean rriorc sales in Canada of our surplus duction at home Transplanted here from Britain and from Conr Europe these people will consume far more goods than we can ever hope to sell them while they remain in Europe At the same time the3 will help share the burden of defense and other overhead that is bound to be top heavy in a country of vast distances and still sparse population PLANNING BOARD NEEDED A number of property owners complained to council this week about a particular case where property in their subdivision was being resubdivided Two lots on a corner had been sold and three houses arc being built on the two lots according to the delegations spokesman According to the town solicitors information the particular subdivision in question near the corner of Eagle St and Lovne Ave was approved by the minis ter of the department of planning and development in 1950 Following approval the department suggested that the town pass a bylaw to prevent further subdivid ing- The homeowners were of the opinion that the town had passed a bylaw to prevent further subdividing of lots They believed the houses being built at the were being built in contravention of the bylaw We have no recollection however of such a bylaw being passed We are not attempting to put blame on one or more individuals The issue which arose over the three new houses and the resubdividing of lots has not yet been settled council the case further shows that council needs help in planning The final decisions on town planning- should be made by council The town council alone however has not the time to attend to the- many details of town planning In a community the size of Newmarket it is possible that a separate body a planning board is needed to assist council It was stated by a member of the council planning committee this week that the committee had a policy of goingover new subdivisions The failure to pass the covering bylaw may not be the fault of the com- yet it would appear that members of the com mittee should not have let the passing of the bylaw be pushed aside for two years The answer may be that council has too much work to look after NUB OF THE TROUBLE The Printed The present sessional indemnity of 1000 plus the taxfree allowance members Parlia ment says the member for North Julian Fer guson is far loo little to bring into Parliament the type man the people of Canada riccdrho present remuneration of honorable members he describes as disgraceful iind iifisultiii is easy to think of a good Canadinhs who would regard iiicome of 6000 a year 2000 of it taxfree as disgraceful insuHing is little to suggest that the United States gross which pays numbers of the House of lives a salary of is fortunate iii the to public life is the Mouse of Commons At no in pari history- has been intended that the sessional should be Salary A salary implies tenure of f ice and tenure of tends lo make the I little bettor than an The problem of how to attract to run for is a one but llio experience the US does not indicate that pay is the Britain had the best and most independent purling when the were not paidiWf7 fyrifi not master of people the is their guarantee infriigement it their right their agent In international and iuve It not the of the to atuume the of activities which on Individual tr Pages from Editors Notebook i j Irwublc Thin we lias hften norm hut wi only out- once a day we our t for oilier meals llreakrunl In Ihe bltf- km lor u to food at any time ftm- we have to it that la entirely much llio half took Ihii children arid wont home to mother for week last day There was agreement on Imtir of emirate good Butwhcnwe rise at and trudge down the state to the kitchen- view pile of dishe1 in the arid thai he frying pan liaa frying for three days without wash- we are- turned away Breakfast has a miser able failure The evening meal is not much better- Since all Ihc available dishes other than have been Used up during the early pari the there is nothing lo cat from- other than cans or Rooking pans Last night enjoyed some canned stew out of a howl can see the problem It would he heresy or something for a- man to wash dishes when His wife is away There is only one thing left to do that is to start in on the good foresee another problem tomorrow The sink will be overloaded We will have to use the wash basin upstairs or the bathtub The Newmarket Dramatic club presented a successful show last Thursday Friday and Saturday There seems to be a renewed interest in the club More people are joining and the future promises more pro ductions more often The director showed In acquiring a for the Felons Daughter by a department of highways surveyor drug store soda fountain The surveyor Is in town for only six weeks He given art itinerary membership in the club after the final perform Friday night is John from way was his first fllicc on The construction Work St a great change west of Newmarket Persons who have riot fori a drive that way the past weeks will notice a The roadbed being raised considerably between Eagle St si ml Davis Drive corners so that a passing motorist has a bet view of Newmarket After dark a hew row of street lights on the new continuation of Ave in the marks the town well y was talk council of taking advantage of the new construction on the way being done to improve widen the northeast corner the Eagle Whenthe job is completed the danger of summer tourists passing Newmarket without realizing its existence long a to merchants may have disappeared Tnisis a season of initiations Last Friday the high school had its initiation day and there were strange looking creatures walking along Main St Picker College also had its new boys celebration and a chain gang was forced to march through streets last Wed- new boys were tied by their wrists to a long rope and razzed by the old boys A rm r 1 The Top Six Inches by Dairy Farmer i i e We were at a sale the other day a farm sale held by a man who has retired from farming Now there are few things that are so much like an economic than a farm sale first because it offers a vari ety of implements and animals that are of everyday use sec ondly because it attracts a very large crowd considering the amount of money involved and finally because the prices realized represent the confi dence a man has in his own business It is especially true for live stock Soihe are subject to fluctuating values depending the lime of the year A may pay a lot for a loader which he can hook on and use next day or very little if he plans to store it for eight months before it But the price paid for livestock a gauge which shows the far- thinking and confidence At this sale prices were very low They showed a great lack of confidence in the immediate future and they showed a tion which hasnt been seen and finally they indicated that income is small er than it has been foe years The man who sold out less and he in turn will not have the to spend on his new home so circle continues If this circle will continue long enough we may well have eventually lower wages and lower prices But it would need to continue for couple of years at lest before the benefit would ever reach the who sold out today In the meantime the farmer is go ing to bear the brunt of the present low food prices This of course is the crux of the matter Whether the low feed prices will give us an export market or not or whether the embargo is- lifted soon or net the farmers income is down today and his cut down to the where the rural communities will soon feel the effects of If this turn of events is at lowed too much or in other the farmer 13 alleged to retire into his own shell and live froxti day to the he some years ago it take a loSgV tinie to bring his earning power to where be Sooner or later jwnA shortages wilt develop fiur give yp or cut down some of their programs we wilt have imported foods arid all other that of the expects- We have no doubts that the y government Jbiid the Federation Agriculture are of these some serious thinking going oh now to assure relief But let the high civil servants and our leaders ire member that vhat is and sort of sohxe show of confidence Any fanner among the maaV which may effect his income weather rainfall and disease price is to think about dont expect prices subsidies and such but what they do want is some of statement to show that those who are in the position to know really do know what going on rs j j i mtt ya m 4 RISE AND SHINE m Ik iv v A Ox mi A 4 at J 1 r I-