momma Solicitor Public Corner It Rohm Them vm Office Block Tout tad Wellington Streets Aurora MISCELLANEOUS O Dales and Residence ISO Main Si renin By Appointment A- Solicitor Etc STIVER LYONS AND VALE Barristers Solicitors Notariss Mathews M Stiveb Lyons Joseph Valb Bay Oat Toronto W At Contractor For CELLAR EXCAVATIONS and Gravel Bud and Fill Avon News for thla column be In the office Monday night Copy must be is briefly as confined to news and reports Other than reports and announcements will be printed separately Union Street branch met at the agricultural board rooms the home of Mrs Archie Thursday Oct 16 with on October There were SAW and GRAVEL LTD for government improved stone of various si crushed and pit ra Delivered or at bin Plant phone Office phones 370 and ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Farm Wiring General Repair Oil Space Heater Household Box am members and visitors pres ent Members trie Institute were guests wtt of their members The roll call was ed with a current Mrs Frank Perry a suitable ply to the tion program was with fol lowing which Kirs Perry wel comed the Bogarttown Institute Bogarttown ladies provided the program which began with community singing followed by ah Medi cine from Bees given Miss Starr Mrs Fletcher sang two hymns Mrs gave a reading High Cost of Living Mrs Ridley and Mrs Walton played several piano duets Mrs gave short address followed the reading of several poems by Ed na Jacques A reading was given by Mrs Harper Romance in the A humorous heading was en by Mrs Frances I Meeting A contest conducted by Mrs Mrs Campbell presiding Many Interesting arid helpful mending hints were given in an swer to the roll caltvuV Current events were present- edby and Mrs Frank Hodge converter for home took charge of Jane Roberts and pre sented piano solos was played by Marilyn and Edna Perks The contribu tion to the program Was enjoyed The Newmarket Institute has decided to have a borne baking table at the annual Bazaaar to be held in the town hall on Friday Nov It member will be called to assist in the project either by donat ing baking delicatessen pickles canned fruit vege tables All the members are asked to work to make this ef fort a success Mrs Robert Lewis was chosen delegate to attend the annual Institute convention at the Royal York Nov to r The Common Round By Isabel lngU ColvUU KAWARTHA Lakes how fair they lie Girdled by pines that each vagrant breeze Their waters rippling the changing sky Reflecting in their blue the clouds and trees Within their depths the fish dart v to and fro the fisherman with dreams of what might be and bass and pickerel go Intent on fly and gnat for all seei Shy the lakeland roam A MILLS Solicitor and Notary MAIN ST Phone violet runic Convey Insurance St Newmarket Phone S3 JAMES D SOLICITORETC 35 MAIN ST PHONE NEWMARKET DENTAL PLUMBING HEATING Dealer tot Morse Pressure Em Sheet Metal and Air RIDGES 111 PHONE AURORA ftpgaritown branch will meet at the home of Mrs Ted on Tuesday Oct at pirn Motto Todays best should Penrose ended the At- the singing of the dainty lunch was served by the north group The November meeting will be held on Tues day instead of Thursday- be cause of the convention DR NOBLE DENTIST MUNICIPAL OFFICE Office Rerldcnee NEWMARKET Coke Wood and Stoker Coal Orders taken for Gravel Sand and Crushed Stone and General Hauling ji VanderVoort DENTIST Mala St Newmarket phone CHIROPRACTIC fc 1 Mate J DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC ST Newmarket Phone Re OPTOMETRICAL THE VARIETY OP DESIGNS In our collection of MONUMENTS each that we meet almost any require both as and cost We auto make memorials to order of every description our work and our aervlee and Aurora branch regular month ly meeting will be held on Thursday evening Oct at at the home of Mrs Fines St Roll call My Thanksgiving Blessing program in charge of Mrs Anderson convener of community activities This is our Halloween party and a prize will be given for the best costume Shower for bazaar on November will be fancy work and knitted goods also articles valued at and for the travelling fish pond Hostesses Mrs Klees Mrs Foster Mrs E Foster Mrs Davidson Sharon branch held its October meeting at the home of Mrs Phil Hamilton members and one visitors were presented Roll call was answered by a gift of jam for York County hospital jars of jam were donated An at home instead of a November meeting was discussed and it was decided to have Miss Anna Lewis show slides for- the program Date of the at home to be pub lished later glad to hear Dr Mar- Arkinstall She spoke on Good Health three essential things for good health are food rest and exercise she said gave two Certain People and Minding the Gap Mrs Ward gave current events A contest was put on by Mrs J After God Save Our Queen refresh ments wore served and the meet ing closed A number of mem bers went on a tour through War- after meeting Roll call Hat speech Our guest speaker P Skit and music by Hostess are Mrs Harper Mrs C Penrose Mrs Johnson Mrs Mrs Price and Mrs Johnson priced M Main St pp Rosy Theatre PHONE For Appointment IT A HURST Optometry MAIN ST Office Hour- IMS AS WON EVENINGS 6 MAIN ST NEWMARKET JOHNEJARVIS Confederation Life Association Fire Automobile and Casualty Eagle Newmarket Phones Newmarket 3M ACCOUNTANT A a co mm flnifend i k r i New and need financed PHONE JOHN DALY Watch and Repair St or Newmarket ALL WORK a KEN ANDTICBflCIAN INSURANT Crown Life WRIGHT auto 9w Newmarket Todm the way Enquire t your local coop MiSftan sun regular meeting of the Mount Albert branch was held Thursday Oct at the Commun ity Hall with 30 members and seven visitors present Tho roll call was My Favorite Hobby During the business period for wool was donated to be knit for the York County hospital bazaar Nov was decided on as the night for card party and dance Hor ticultural Society was given a donation A nice amount of fruit pickles a donation of was collected for towels for the York County hospital As usual a Halloween party is be ing planned for the children The November meeting is to be held at the home Mrs Sinclair The conveners Mrs Broo crick and Mrs a most interesting program on Hobbies Mrs George Walsh gave a talk on hobbies as satisfying and profitable way to spend our spare time If people would indulge In a hobby fewer people would have nervous breakdown A mind is a happy mind she said Describing Mrs Walsh spoke of a Mr a hobbyist she visited His wife docs and he just completed a fretwork grand fathers clock A large and varied display of articles including 4uUarUgs col lection of corns paintings figur ines and wore Mrs ployed old selections oh tlio piano It was announced that show is hold jit Toronto at the coliseum from A social to a close a most pro gram The regular meeting of Newmarket branch was hold in Diabetes and diet was the sub ject of a talk by Dr Grant to branch held at the the home of Mrs PearsonSnielt- Oct There were 28 la dies present to hear this import ant topic- A disease of the pancreas dia betes occurs when this organ fails to manufacture enough in sulin to balance the carbohy drates and sugar the blood stream There Is rib proven cure or recovery from the disease but with the discovery of insu lin and the use of proper diet a very great deal has been accom plished v The disease is more common in persons of or over notice ably those of overweight al though the young are not ex empt They have the malady more acutely and require more insulin but are less susceptible to departure from diet To be come influenced or persuaded to slacken from the prescribed dieting is folly said Dr Grant A greater percentage of women than men have diabetes Dr Grant was introduced by Miss Boys Reg who with Bath and Mrs arranged the pro gram Medicine iti the home cup board brought out answers to the roll- call while Mrs A Black provided a health theme when she told how happy people are those who have vision and will accomplish their aims in life by perseverance Failures along the way stir initiative and spur one to greater action Sleep hills of achievement are not won by the rapid climber They ate surmounted by- the steady worker Keep plugging away is my advice today was the title of a few verses which aptly closed her motto remarks The branch is sending for book which will contain the his tory of and community as its history Members contributed the 35c fee toward the branch share in helping to finance the ACWW conference next year The Institute is arranging a party for neighbor hood children on October in in the evening Parents and friends will attend and all arc urged to appear In costume Prizes will bo awards and a collcctioft asked for to defray expense The euchres will commenceoh Friday Nov in the hall Marshall Further plans were made for the bazaar to be held Saturday Nov Mrs welcomed guests from and Institute and introduced the guest speaker Mrs Elton Arm strong who based her remarks on Where no wood is there the fire out so where there is no talebearer the strife She said we should in ail societies learn to do our discussing in the meet ings and to be big enough to see the other fellows viewpoint and abide by the She gave the challenge re sponsible citizenship a wider interest and deeper knowledge of and affairs She suggested that something should be done towards unifica tion of educational standards across Canada- Why should a student moving east lose a grade she asked We must first learn to give and take in our own communi ties before we can expect to have world wide Mrs Armstrong urged us to al ways say New Canadians not and of two boys she had the pleasure of know ing who had brought much of value to Canada Mrs Trevor Proctor and Mrs Ross Walton favored the meet ing with a duet Each dappled fawn a moving living flower While many woodland creatures make their homes the forest where the pine trees tower The birds sing undisturbed their v choicest lays Rejoicing in their woodland They have no care but joy in lovely days Their food secure their toil its only price Through woods on lakes the happy people go Who find and love this land of wood and lake For Canada has much her peo ple know For those who beauty love for beautys sake These lakes are strung like pearls on a chair Sapphires blue in emerald settings rare They drink the nectar of sun and rain And ready lie the loveliness to share calls come where the skies are blue Where recreation relaxation wait for you EvcrytHna completely including mens shirts TELEPHONE Newmarket but REVITALIZED tAl T AMINO you you iU old f i 1 Vjj f NEWMARKET DAIRY w Phone 252- 131 Prospect Sti Newmarket J 0vVc3 J ROCKET a magic name to thousands of delighted owner ROCKET flashing highcompression power at very best ROCKET drive the sensational Super or the Classic 98 for your Rocket thrill Experience smooth swift surge of Rocket Engine power as it teams with Super Drive Thrill to the ease of Hydraulic Steering the amazing convenience of the automatic headlight dimmerl Come ride the Rocket theres nothing else like itl Make your date with an Ohhmobile Super 88 or Classic 98 x rfttS feS f PJ T branch meet on Oct at p m at the homo of Sirs Harry Morton Motto Service is the for the privilege of living on this earth call What I grow in my garden and why Program Agriculture by Mrs It Mrs Norton and Mrs Eves Please note that be a Jam and jolly shower tot York Coun ty vy lakeside be held Tuesday Memorial hall Keswick at welcome Gome Roll of a Citizen Cfi m Its A V A rA u i i WXvEfcs j J ir jl i MB of Den Quality for AHmtfaw he hall Tuesday Mrs Hodgson- cof- d a abort meeting and then withdrew in favor of the meet- J isi hT v i rfi- Mrs presided over tho WA assisted In the period by I Graham Mrs Black and rf l V jiV l V- ta a iyjL j r i