1 T T r i Womans World By Caroline Ion The Newmarket Dramatic club opened its new season with a threeact melodrama of the gay nineties Lily the Felons Daughter Directed by Joe Dales the presentation was one of the best by the club which we have seen Weddings The Newmarket Era am Express fet I J ty ACT COME BASIS ONLY THE SUPPLY IS LIMITED i i J BOX 89 NEWMARKET i Those who missed the produc tion at the town hall on Thurs day Friday or Saturday of last week missed an evening of fun We chuckled through the per formance and since then on re calling certain characters or lines have had another laugh Specialties during intermission or as our more learned col league Herbert phrased it in his column Show Business ink Tuesdays Globe and Mail the olio entertain ment was provided by a colored gentleman named My hut thats a talented cat we have our staff It was a very smooth produc tion There wasnt a weak char acter in the play a per iod of time we have come to ex outstanding performances from such actresses as Grace Sinclair and on this occasion she maintained her reputation- De livering choicest with deadpan expression she was re warded with roars of laughter from the audience Experience did not account for all of the fine performances turned in by the cast Two of its members had never appeared behind the footlights before as Robin Steel coal was very the hero John J -i- V J- iustgiweim f sfc TiS- W va fa 1 1 A in r- 1 it S5 up your fcHI it Fred as black as good as was Is probably an un known name to youas it was to appears that the director was having difficulty finding the right our brave herd as handsome as a Greek god Over coffee morning at spied with his eve eagle eye one John Ah hub says Joe Theres our Of course Mr was rather amazed when approached to see if hed consider the male lead in the clubs opening presentation Me is employed with the depart- merit of highways and was to be in the for about six weeks He agreed to try the role arid was- a perfect counter part for blond Halms who gave a fine Don and George were both very good with the latter contributing sortie touches of humor Frank Turner the villain was soundly hissed by the audience and Kay mama applauded her exits tribute to their performances Supporting roles were ably handled Sty who also acted as prompter Dorothy Bowman and Evelyn Denne- lines arc due Ken Learn ing staging Jack Fisher light ing Lillian Warner properties Dorothy Bowman makeup and Florence Goldsmith music Authentic costumes for the heroine loaned by Mrs Herbert Dunham added to the excellency of the overall production In genuity a vital quality in any dramatic presentation was pres ent The attractive hurricane lamp used in one of the scenes was nothing more than a lemon squeezer inverted over a green vase The club planning an Eng lish pantomime for the Christ mas season Jack and the Beanstalk is the one selected Probably the club will travel with the opening presentation Lily the Felons Daughter as one invitation has been received to date martin i fe WINDOWS worlds finest all aluminum selfstoring screenstorm windows NEWMARKET OHT no obligation to buy KV we ask only privilege of man ration So ask for a Free Survey to aim Guaranteed satisfaction because are NO slock sizes every unit individually made to exact ly fit the size of your window Write for complete information and literaturejust fill out the coupon and mail Eglinton tint oil mmi Of wide interest was the pretty wedding in the Christian Baptist church Newmarket on Septem ber when Violet Doreen Cur tis daughter of Mr and Mrs Wil liam Curtis and Kenneth Roy son of Mr and Mrs Roy were united in marriage by Rev A Yielding The church was beautifully dec orated with standards of chrysan themums and baskets of gladiolus the music was played by Rev IE of Tor onto Before the ceremony Air Donald brother of the groom played as cornet solo Handels Largo and during the signing of the register he played The Holy City Given in marriage by her fath er the bride chose an original gown of white satin fashioned along princess lines With long sleeves a r in to a point French rosepoint lace gathered at the waist formed full side panels oyer the satin skirt Appliques of the rosepoint lace were also fashioned on the tight ly fitted- bodice which buttoned the mandarin collar Her fingertip veil of rosepoint lace was held by a Mary Queen of Scots headdress edged with tiny seed pearls The bride carried a white Bible with a white orchid surrounded by deep red roses and Miss Irene Curtis was of honor for her sister and chose a gown of Autumn corded taffeta The heartshaped neck line formed a cape collar which gathered at the front to a bow crinolined hiplength oyer a full skirt tapered point at ihe back She wore matching elbowlength mitts and headdress and carried a bouquet of bronze chrysanthemums Miss Shirley to sister of the o Miss Muriel of and Miss Hilda of Aurora were bridesmaids and wore similar gowns of Green corded taffeta with matching mitts and headdresses They carried of yellow chrysanthemums Miss Susan Lloyd was flower- girl and was gowned in Autumn Gold corded taffeta The long threetiered skirt and shawl col lar were edged with pale green lace She wore a matching bon netfashioned headdress arid mitts and carried basket of yellow chrysanthemums Mr Victor was best man for his brother Ushers were Mr George Curtis brother of the bride and Messrs Bruce and Gleii Langford brothers of the groom After in trie church reception rooms the brides mother receiv ed wearing a of Morning Glory Blue crepe and lace panels Her accessories were navy blue and she wore a white gardenia with pink roses The grooms mother assisted in a gown of dusty rose with black accessories andwore a gardenia with pink roses For travelling the bride chose blue dressmaker suit of silk and shoes and bag of navy Her hat was of- frosted white beaded and her furs minks were from the groom Her LADIES SKATING CLUB corsage pink The Newmarket Indies Morn- roses and On their I ester the bride chose a navy suit with matching accessories Her corsage was American Beauty roses white poms with pink chenille stems and pink satin ribbon On returning the happy couple will reside in Newmarket yj Guests were present Toronto Aurora Lang- staff and Newton Robinson SPRING FASHION SHOW Plans were begun for the an nual spring fashion show by the Newmarket Business and Pro fessional Womens club at the clubs October meeting Mrs Boyd was appointed con vener The date was set for March the Newmar ket town hall PUPIL WILL GET Business and Professional Womens club will present an award of to a girl pupil at the Newmarket high school commencement exercises next month Skating club commences the season on Wednesday Oct All members are urged to attend New members are welcome NO DANCING OCT 28 No classes of the Betty Gor don Dancing club Newmarket will be held on Tuesday Oct The classes will be held the following Tuesday as usual Proven for Newmarket and district if believe this to be one of the ever built Will against nolsK Beauts fill with famous per return from a trip through On tario Quebec and the Eastern Coastal States Mr and Mrs Langford will reside in Midland CO On September 27- in the United church par sonage a lovely autumn wed ding place when Miller daughter of Mr arid Mrs Harvey Miller Sharon became bride of Mr Ira man son of and Mrs Fred Mount Albert Rev officiated at the ceremony The bride chose length dress of white oyer white taffeta Her shoulder- length veil of white net fastened to the headdress with white orange blossoms To match the dress the bride chose white shoes gloves arid purse The brides corsage was red roses and while mums Mrs Howard of the bride was matron of honl or She chose a dress of mauve taffeta and matching accessories with a corsage of- pink roses and Mr John brother of the groom was best A reception was hold at Sha ron hall where the brides mo ther received n rosewood silk mesh dress with black access- odes and a corsage of pink and yellow rosebuds and She was assisted by the grooms mother who wore a gray gab ardine dress with black access ories and a corsage of mauve and yellow mums Leaving for a wedding trip to the United States the ride chose a navy blue serge suit with matching accessories and a pink coat Guests came from Toronto Whitby Newmarket Mount Al bert Bradford and Barrio On Saturday in a quiet ceremony in the Free Me thodist parsonage Helen Rut ledge youngest daughter of Mrs Marvin Holt and the late Mr was united in Charles Cecil Galloway eldest son of Mr and Mrs Cecil Galloway Keewatin Gordon officiated The bride chose a cinnamon colored dress with matching front embossed lace- panel and brown velvet hat and gloves to match She wore a corsage of yellow baby mums Mrs Mur ray Varncy Newmarket was her attendant She wore a leige suit with brown vclyct hat and gloves to match and a corsage of yellow baby mums Mr Murray Varney was best man A reception followed at the home of the Por a wed ding trip north the bride wore a honey beige wool coat and brown accessories Mr and Mrs Galloway will reside in Holt Those attending from a were Mr and Mrs Cecil Galloway and Mrs Port Perry Mr and Mrs Murray Mr and Mrs Harold Toronto Extra rich siecialFiil softens dry skin Smoothes hands anil all oilier si HI iiicab A base and icrislc3S Fragrant uvea when used lining household You kirn ita ha iiiiIiie in Household talks can or crack unless you only lotion especially to prevent hand damage it happens Economical A bottle of further than mi because of its rich uniform Always have 10 on hand one in the bathroom ami one in the kitchen i kw care and protection many Iwhl willing social knowing your hands will a busy day youve had even protects from effect of the suds Begin TODAY to us lotion TV Hi Pauls Anglican was the setting for a pretty wedding on September when Evelyn daughter of Mr and Mrs Gor don became bride of Ivan Howard Bray son of Mrs Ethel liray New- tiutrket rtcv J T of ficiated the ceremony arid Mr was organist The bride given in marriage by her father was dressed in a white satin gown with white fingertip veil Her was a of poms and car nations outlined with ycllnw roses with native net and ivory satin ribbon She wore a blue sapphire necklace the of the groom Miss Chris Went maid of honor wore recti faille Pay Black and Miss wick were the other attendants dress- in mauve faille mauve taf feta and matching They carried nosegays of yel low surrounded with mauve poms and yellow satin Miss Marilyn Muudy was flower girl dressed in taffeta and net Kite carried a nosegay of yellow roses Hint mauve poms with yellow Mr Stanley Pollard assisted the room Messrs and were the The reception wan buhl at St Pa tils ball where brides mother received in blue crepe dress with black no and a corsage of Am erican beauty roses with white chenille atoms feathers and Am erican Beauty satin ribbon She was by the mo ther who wore a cocoa brown with brown access erica and corsage of Johanna Hill chenille stems and feathers with with lime green satin ribbon For a honeymoon trip to Ni agara Falls Buffalo and Gladioir iiuiins adorned the Christian Baptist Church Newmarket for a lovely wedding on Saturday Oct oclock Hey Fred the marriage of Shu ley Mount youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Leslie Mount Sharon and Archie Ed ward Forfar son of Mr and Mrs Milton Forfar of bride given In marriage by her looked lovely in a gown of white net over satin with matching bolero and finger tip veil She carried a cascade of red roses and white mums Miss Margaret McKay Bradford was the brides attendant wear ing a gown of houlfanl cornflow er blue nylon over with sinned yolk with a blue flowered bridal wreath in her hair She carried a cascade of pi ruses and yellow mums The wedding music was played by Mrs Cane Miss Mur iel sang The Lords Prayer before the ceremony and Through tin Years during the diguing of the register Bruce Forfar was best man were Messrs Allan Mount Douglas Mount The reception was held at the homo of brides parents where guesfcs were received by the brides mother who was a navy blue crepe dress with blue necessaries and corsage of pink roses was by the lit a dress of navy blue silk and wearing a corsage of red ruses Tlie bride donned a tweed suit with green blouse and brown accessories for travelling The couple will reside In vtlle Gab STATION WAGON fcOATS 1 1 VAIiUK y W 1 v jiS I CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS social All wool plaid shirts 5705 Morri sons Main St Newmarket and St Aurora Doctors say that eight- hours proper rest In bed will save heartbeats a SEE US FOR ALL TYPES OF VrEsso Ml iwiiihi payments softener r rl U h v