w yy uy vsTrppzwi if yy r j file Newmarket Oct 1MB Erf i i J KftW HEIR KETCHUP SPECIAL Classy I ASSORTED HABITANT PEA SOUP MILK NEW CALIFORNIA LARGE POUND l- fir iiM CELLO mm -a- A I Extra Large size each WITH PORK 4 TOMATO IB TIN TIM MIL OX UN INT RICK if i BEANS SPECIALf Halloween CILLOIAG A of Tin Candy l A L I T Si i fir it IAV0UR SHELL TLB lfi J MB VAN KIRK ODnis29e L J VAN KIRK CHtPlT COOK MIX Von T v s t r t- fat firtljj I i CARONI POUND TIH WG rr mm ho iT POUND fa- Ta CUT CUT TINS 2 SOIL TIN J HARVEST r 1 isoz pko UN LU i CILLO WMOtt SLICED COUPON t- GIANT id 3 IGf PKO TINS GROUND PRIDE of ARABIA COFFEE ft POUND W SJ COLOURKWIK BAG ri i P v a l Lean Ready to Cook I J iXVI S933 I A- S Mr and Mrs Robert Harold Stevens who were married recently at Trinity United church The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Cephas Andrews Newmarket Mr Stevens is the son of Mr and Mrs Welly Stevens Sharon Photo by SHOW COLOR FILM ON TOWEL MAKING A color motion picture Towel Tales will be presented on Monday Oct in the New market town hall under the aus pices of the Newmarket Wo mens Institute A twohour program which will include movies a demonstration and question period and a draw for towel sets Is being provided through the courtesy of Sene gals Proceeds go to the New market WX The movie Towel Tales il lustrates story of towel mak ing from the creating of beau tiful designs through the inter esting dyeing processes intricate machine work and highspeed looms in action to the finished product seen against its appro priate background The program will assist rriakers in learning to recognize the important towel weaves crash terry and It will help them in the selec tion of towels for their homes and outline what may be ex pected in colorfastness un- shrinkability and wear SPORTSMANS Special All- wool plaid shirts 705 at Mor risons Main St Newmarket and St Aurora J iJ- i Wish to announce they are now tailoring Major and Repairs PICK UP AND DELIVERY ARRET ilBlIBklll I i r L li QUALITY Main St Newmarket Pa SPEtD QUALITY StRV JMrs Maude Toron to is a guest at the home of J Little and Mrs Little and Mrs J Mi and Valerie have return ed from England and are spend ing few weeks with Mr and before taking up residence in Quebec City and Mrs Lome Mr Ray Scott and Miss Marg aret to where they attended a Free Methodist Young Peoples con vention over the weekend Mr and Mix V are at home of their soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Bruce Cutting and family members of the markei Art club spent the week end at Dorset on a sketching Alex Webster West formerly of Newmarket visiting in town hist week Flight Cadet Lloyd Harvey the weekend in lowh guest of Mr arid Mrs Robert Scott John Dixon Niagara Is visited tins week at the homo of Mr and Mrs Hugh arid airs Bruce and family and Mr and Mrs visit ed in Toronto on Sunday p and Mis Ed rd Kenn edy Toronto spent Thanksgiv ing with Mr and Mrs George Osborne I David Walker the Canadian Field son of Mr and J Walker has returned home rifier months service in Korea Miss Price London is the week at the home of Mr Mrs J It Walker rflfr and Mrs Stanley J St Spent the weekend at Niagara Falls with Mr and Mrs Keith and family r Jim liowlett and Albert Git- spent a weeks holidays in Windsor Detroit and Michigan Mr and Harper Soctai News spent Sunday with Mr- and Mrs Gilbert Rev and Mrs Elmer Seattle Washington visited their cousin Mrs last week and other relatives in Ontario -Mr- and Mrs Merle Thomp son East Jordan Michigan and Mr and Mrs Bert Keith Toron to visited at the home of Mr and Mrs Waiter Hurst over the weekend TALKS AND DINNER MEETING Several interesting talks high lighted the October dinner meeting of the Newmarket Busi ness and Professional Womens club Miss pro- sided Mrs- Ernest Hank gave an in formal account of her to and France Mrs let oh Wills arid Mrs A an excellent report on United Nations activities In her interesting and educa tional talk Mrs advised against surprising ones beneficiaries It was very for them to understand the terms of the will she said Mrs Rank conducted the members of the club on a word- tour of the sections of England and France she visited this summer- After an absence of nearly years Mrs Rank re turned to her home in Bristol Mrs Rank was the guest of several members of the Kolter- P club She deliver ed an album containing pictures and thumbnail sketches of the members of the Newmarket club The club was op led by i Newmarket group Many parcels and cor- have been exchang ed between two groups The club will be the re- tipichl- of a hum at Christmas time With the best wishes of the Newmarket club Drapery 5T and Slip ICS a- AT OUTSTANDING SAVINGS Save 100 to 200 a yar Included in his group of fabrics are Heavy Roughtcx Rayon Damask Plain Cloths Striped Damasks Hand Prints Florals Diagonals- Geometries Leaf Patterns and Printed Si VERY SPECIALLY TO SELL AT THIS REMARKABLY LOW PRICE ALL INCHES WIDE SPECIAL Yard 295 M 1 FOR THIS MONTH ONLY Heres Welcome News All plain fabrics to inches wide Reduced to Yard Drapery Track Reg foot Special Drapery Lining Regular Special yd All draperies bought will be cut and matched at no extra charge Hi PA J s PpS5Jw i 1 A I CUSTOMMADE A m m m Drapery Lined Making 500 a pair Chesterfield SlipCover Making M Bedspread Making 500 All made to our wellknown high stan dard at a real saving in price j w i VI CLEARING Fabrics Guaranteed washable for slipcovers bedspreads or draperies flj Vi Inches wide regular SPECIAL YARD inches wide regular SPECIAL YARD Si I v tub of the modern pharmacy there turns a lamp as old as history itself lamp of learning fc For todays pharmacist Is a man of long To get his college degree he must have a broad and exact knowledge of the many technical sciences associated With action handling and of drugs biological products and other agents 9 He must pass rigid State to become a license X f like your doctor he must keep abreast of the latest medical developments the newest drugs and the constant Improvement In pharmaceutical products The shelves of his arc stocked with the newest dis coveries of medical science and an array of bright attractive mer chandise that go to make todays drug store a center of service in its community Oct better acquainted with your pharmacist Trade with him hes a man you can rely Harvey Lanes Drug Store Main St Wo Deliver Newmarket to Special each to Suceial each valance boxes made of molded improve appearance of any window make it easier to hang Kasytopaint surface can finished to complement your decorating scheme to 3inch size each inch each tti5 r T v-v- fliv i w- v J i t s ia a- J- i V t