Newmarket Era and Express, 30 Oct 1952, p. 1

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V IS J I AURORA NEWS FRONT PAGE Second Section CIRCULATION Average for three months ending September Newmarket Trading Aurora Others TOTAL PAID NEWMARKET AURORA AND THE RURAL DISTRICTS OF NORTH YORK MA YEAR YEAR ii NO I NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY OCTOBER 1952 SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS EACH i GIVES ACCOUNT OF TO ENGLAND j Mrs William gave an Informal account of her recent trip to England and Wales at the Oct meeting of the Wo- mens Mission Circle Christian Baptist church Newmarket eld in the Sunday school room was well attended Mrs William presided Mrs Adams brought gleanings from the Canadian Baptist paper An appeal was made for good used clothing to be brought to the November meeting These donations will be sent to the minister at Coch rane for distribution there Mrs had the pleasure visiting a family In Cardiff Wales who has been the of food parcels from the Mission Circle for several years They were pleased to sec her both Mr and Mrs and wished to be remembered to all the Mission Circle ladies Mrs was confined to hospital during Mrs Jiillabys stay Mrs told of the great of many food items in She outlined the dras- cute in food which fly of pictures the group was taken to the many places of Interest visited by Mrs a few of the more his ones included Trafalgar Square and its famous art Buckingham Palace the Tower of London where she was able to view the Crown jewels Canada House and Westminster scene of many ceremonies Most unique historic place vis ited was Dickens Old Curiosity Shop still in its original state visited the London Zoo con fining an unusual collection of and animate and Edin burgh Cast Je Mrs was impressed with the wonderful gardens small parks and JwVeJy green hedges every where November meeting will fee held one week earlier than V START SURVEYING FOR chalrrnart Of he loads and reported meeting ftaSJ started Main establish base lines fi Former survey Jobs were so that Is taking time to conduct an accurate Mm tended ivaiibfe called for chd Week but will be started is said i i COURT OF gSo court of- revision for Appeal life assessment be lield on Dec Wie last date for filing Oct I illliiiNIH 1 I f Night classes in typewriting bookkeeping short- ami basic English for new Canadians at Newmarket school on Wednesday Nov pm The department of education repnrcmcnts for at least in each class and registration tip X was sufficient to start these classes J 4 J 1- Children in are getting their costumes ready for tomorrow night Halloween when they will be going from house to house asking for a shellout Gordon three and a half or so above son of Mr and Mrs- Tom Surgeoner Park Ave was prepared early for Hallo ween In plug hat among the autumn leaves he is planning on an original face for his pumpkin Era and Express photo FIRST CONCERT TUESDAY The first concert of the 53 season of the Con- cert Association will be present ed In the Newmarket high school auditorium on Tuesday Artists are J Vickers tenor and sack harpist Those attending arc requested to present their membership cards at the en trance V Students Visit Firm Radio And In Action students of grades arid accompanied commercial teachers Mr Die Mr Garrett of high school visited the Machines plant on Don Mills and the radio and television studios of the Wednesday last week At the first building that the International Business Ma chines Co they were divided into groups and taken on a con ducted throughout the plant and offices A wellinformed guide each group The students were- particularly impressed by the happy con tented atmosphere prevalent the building result Sng from routine which has been idopted by the company Ari in feature was their Think prominently placed iroughouV building A ornplimcntary dinner ended the visit at the to Machine plant students continued on to see the Happy Gang radio broad cast where they received a pleasant surprise by having the master of ceremonies Hugh welcome them over the air A tour of the radio and television studios was of interest to everyone students wrce surprised to learn that for radio program of one hour in length it takes ID hours of week and for a program of the same tehgUt It takes from to weeks Ion They saw broadcasters and Gal Jackson John Pratt and At the Toronto si undents viewed an unusual typo of movie In which there talking It provided finale -to- on enjoyable day Mkhaol Will Hie spring floods lot the Toronto branch of the United Nations association spoke the Sunday evening chapel 1 service at Pickering College on United Nations An Faith pin bis Mr Hind said it would cost each person in all the member of the United Nations Stents a year to finance the world if costs were spread out UN costs third of the total amount New York City spends on gar disposal Cmirula cents per person on Hie United Nations Awhile per person is spent NATO according to Mr Hindis If of the work of UN in keeping Only IW men In white patrol the miles of between India and keeping the peace While of border dlaturhaneo was through was known about UN workers he said wore almost a war between Greece garia over a tiny island the two the rivers course changed and the had started The UN was working to case strained reja- loan over this ridiculous situa tion Tito chief enemies of the arc fear and ignorance the speaker said The Newmarket will be an air de fence post in the newly formed defence scheme which will include civilian all over the country The name for the civilian vol unteer group is the Ob servers Corps and it will sup plement radar coverage of the country with eyewitness reports of aircraft seen or heard A chief observer will be ap pointed within the next week by Mayor Vale and when the sys tem is organized there will be a number of observers appointed in town Official observers will normal ly serve in the observation post in their own neighborhood Fit ter centre volunteers will be LBS POTATO A potato weighing four lbs one Is on exhibition at store hi Mount Albert It whx grown on the farm of Murray Crone Mount Albert A surprise party was held on Sunday Oct at the homo of Mr and Mrs Bert The feathering which was attended by friends and relatives mark ed the celebration of two birth days Bert and his sons Harold An enjoyable social evening was spent utilized in the filter centre sev eral of wbicb strategically located across Canada will be the filter centre or plotting centre for the district which Newmarket is located As soon as the filter centre J operational traiiiihg classes for both observers in the immediate district and filter centre volunteers will start The has set for aircraft flash calls into the filter centre at Barrio In a matter of seconds or minutes a volunteer plotter at the filter Centre will receive the report add dis play the appropriate symbol on the exact location of the point or origin on a huge plotting room table Subsequent action and corn- will enable defend ing fighter aircraft to engage a possible bombing force before it reaches vital target areas Acting chief observers have already been appointed in some districts around Newmarket They are Wilkinson Aurora Davis Albert Sutton Irwin Winch Keswick Brown Hill J Umphrey J King and J I Smith Sharon Murray Coulter age school section 3 the first prize winner public speaking when 10 students winners of the preliminary con tests of public schools inspector oratorical competition held in Aurora public school on Oc tober His subject was to West in which he described his trip from India to Canada For his impromptu speech he spoke on Hunting trip pi India The second prize winner David Rhodes uart Scott school Newmarket on Along Algonquin- Trails His impromptu speech was A Pic- hie Saunders SS placed third speaking on Electricity and My Favorite Subject at School Murray Coulter will compete York competition on Nov at York County Council chambers when the Council is in session were A Miss Mary Fletcher Mrs Wil fred Adams and principal- of AU or a public school Food clinic will conduct a cooking school in the Newmarket town ball tomorrow and Monday afternoons at p She will be assisted by Mrs school is being sponsoretl by the York County hospital womens aux iliary SPITFIRES OPEN TONIGHT Will the Spitfires have a hust ling tenih this year Will they he stronger than last year Are there any newcomers just a few of the ques tions being by the man on the street You want to know Welt you pay your and you will find out for yourself tonight Thursday Oct Coach Harry Morrison sends the Spitfires over the hoards at the local arena in an exhibition con test With Lindsay Game time is pm Lindsay carry a senior tab the It will be re called the Spits eased out a onegoal win over lust season to got- hockey vampaign officially on its way iltetiirn between the two teams is scheduled for the Lind say arena Saturday night- No vember SHOW CAMP PICTURES Harry Bryant scout master Hamilton Mountain scout com pany will show moving pictures of the company summer camp in at the regular meeting of ihe Scout Guide Mo thers auxiliary It will be held on Monday Nov ft pm In the Scout hall Newmarket An invitation is extended to the cubs and scouts of Newmarket as well as to the leaders of the guides brownies Cubs and scouts to join with the mothers of these for this meeting Light refreshments will bo served KKSWCK NIGHT Keswick Optimist club plan a gala night of fun and at countries is that their national mem- arena Keswick Saturday Nov UN Fear spring from a nee and it can only bo conquer ed by attacking about the he mild The weekend activities and the fundraising program wick district wJU have an opportunity to sea How Canadas national game lacrosse is played as Fred Coll service at the college Bradford sportsman will mi were an observance of the United Nations seventh anniversary last week It was seven years ago October that founded A of European stu dents who are being sponsored by at the University of To- visited the college and toured the Newmarket district on the weekend Tho students from the Nether lands Jugoslavia and other countries visit different parts of province on weekends through the assistance of a uni versity organisation devoted to lead a couple of Celery towns onto the arena floor for an exhibition contest iy Other aelivitic1 include la monster bingo in hall at pm arid later in the evening a draw for ft new car will ho made BADMINTON CLUB Newmarket Badminton club has secured Newmarket high school gym on Monday and Wednesday nights of each week from to pm for their over- activities this sea son Old members of the club and prospective members invited to attend the t iAik- THURSDAY OCT Jingo nf Hall Newmarket at pm names Jackpot door prize v- 31 Masquerade dance In Holland Landing Community Hall at pm Prizes for best costume Mitchells Ad mission 50c FRIDAY OCT Optimist Clubs Halloween Dance t Newmarket High School per couplo lunch Included Don likes orchestra FRIDAY OCT and MONDAY NOV Canada Packers Food clinic will present a cooking school under the auspices York County Hospital Womens auxil iary pirn Town Valu- prizes Ticket sole limited Admission fite Ml DAY I donee Victoria to Norm Burling and cents Card I SATURDAY NOV I Al United church bazaar tea under tfio auspices of Urn A 8w48 and Monday and Hood Cook ing School Lions Hall Aurora tit pm Sponsored by Our Lady of Grace church Lucky draws and prizes Admin sinii Tickets on sale now MONDAY NOV sup- per and nrogrnni in Holla ml Landing United church base ment from pm on Adulis children under years We MONDAY NOV Com munity hall Holland landing Homo and School Association at pm the will the school i children ami show films- All welcome WEDNESDAY NOV A Annual bazaar and supper in Sharon Hall Time oclock Adults Children clwll NOV sponsored by the Newmarket in the Town Hall at pm Special games Good neighbor games at lend- mice prize No for jackpot Jackpot One line any cant num bers culled games THURSDAY NOV Chicken Patty supper from 5 to pm Under the auspices of the Ladles Aid of St Pauls Anglican church Newmarket In the Par ish Hall Admission FRIDAY NOV pie mid In Siiovvhall United church basement under auspices of I ho served from to pm Admis sion SI for Children NOV Fourtlr An nual Community under auspices Handcraft Group Town Halt to pm the date FRIDAY NOV Newmarket Firemens euchre and draw at new fire fire hall pm sharp draw prizes of turkeys chickens eu chre prizes Tickets or for SUNDAY NOV church choir Ixuiutlful Cantata Penitence and Peace soloists Vera Bel- soprano Michael baritone Mount Albert every Saturday night from to Norm and his orchestra Bus King George hotel JS HYDRO mm SUNDAY Hydro he shut alt sections of New- Sunday Nov from to 2M Power will be off front L30 to in the sooth section this sec- includes the part of town Queen St south on the east of Main and from Millard Ave south oil the west side of Main MEMBERS ADDRESS HOME AND SCHOOL Mis and Mrs Prod Becker Toronto branch United Nations association in Canada the citizen ship meeting of the Newmarket Home and School association It was held on Oct 28at the rlnco Charles school with a of id Mrs toy presided in of the program was Mr Arthur Lloyd The meet ing opened with the singing of Canada with Mrs At- kins on at piano Mrs Breckon tal the group hi pray- or Tin field day and by Sam uel Jefferson Kenneth Stephens the the guest speakers were Mrs Him vote of thanks close if the discussion period Caito Becker with other women rnemeiprs of he to week in New the opening the United Nations They gave an Inforiiv tin their Impressions at the Home and School A social half hour the in close light ly Mrs Charles and her com mittee PLAN FOR CHRISTMAS- A with traditional music and dance j will be presented by the Newmarket Dramatic club on December and This new venture for the and it wok pec ted that sev eral new faces will appear in the mm Ami The is a well established favorite and first held this week have enthusiastic reac tions from club members ANIMAL TRAINER OF FARM PHOTO CONTEST J The farm picture in lost weeks farm photo contest was that of Air and Mrs Pearsons oh the third concession of King south of the Aurora Gene re farming is done at trie Pearson farm but they specialize in- breeding and Airs Pearson is a horse trainer Be fore they settled on their farm King Mrs Pernson trained lions bears and other wild ani mals for the circus- at their for mer property near She became interested in maJs oh tlie coast She re ceived training from the well- known Canadian artist Emily Carr later Worked with her It was her association with the artist that she became so in terested in animals HOME AND SCHOOL RAISES FUNDS- The fall pro jects of Newmarket Home and School association have met with success From the basket lection and the approximately was raised There will be no Fun Fair this The baskets were collected by school children of the New market public schools- and through the cooperation of their teachers the sale of these baskets realized At the October meeting of the associa tion president Mrs Ray extended the organ- appreciation to the teachers for their work in this undertaking are to where they the spring of good used cloth ing any appropriate donations The association wishes to thank those donated articles those who at the sale and those who attended a All persons who have applied to take the above courses and any others who are interested in Ihe courses ore asked to pear at Newmarket high school- at oh Weiinesday evening- for final enrolment assignment i to and payment of fees i Fees consist of 15 for their course WUi number students in each class number- J A over the required a portion of the fees will be refunded to teoie Who at tend least fiO percent of Classes will be held all subject and Wed for a total of Courses in wood working not carpentry arid dress making will he considered providing is sufficient to make it possible to receive approval from theilepartrnent ci lion Anyone Wishing to enroll in cither of these latter courses Is asked to register Novem ber An announcement regarding other courses fori which people have already applied will be made in near future De mand has been made for some of these leather work millinery and welding 5S HUNTS Oh I Toronto and North York Hunt will meet at the iidomeUoii of the fifth concession cost ttliti first aid or a north of j oclock in the morning Agoin at In the the second meet will be held at i intersection of the concession anil the soiitli of On Wednesday Nov meet will bo held at pm at the cor ner or Wellington St east and the concession of AT District Greenwood made official visit- to Lions clubon MondayEvening he Rave a very thoughtful arid address the theme Tike Streams of Following the address the club presented him with a gift as a rcmembnuuG of his vinit Moff was the win ner of the theatre tickets pre sented by the manager of Theatre Gene McCaffrey and Buss tailtwisters for evening put gathering Halloween mood with their unique LETTER Miss Jeanne daughter of Mr and Mrs John Mines St Newmarket a reply from the Queen Inst week While in York County hospital recovering from an op eration two weeks Jeanne wrote a letter to the Queen ask ing for photograph The following reply came back- The Waiting is by the Queen to thank Miss Jeanne limes for her letter Heiv Majesty very re grets that owing to her rules these matters it is not possible for the Queen to send Miss lines a photograph SCOUT Moving pictures taken at World Scout Jamboree King- ton Jamaica will be presented tonight Oct In Newmarket Scout pm All stouts Veil us their fath ers are attend tic- will bo served by Hie ScoutGuide Mothers buy TRIAL FOR OF HOTEL John Russell and Bui- lock Bolton were committed trial charge of theft by Rfagistraie S when the accusal men appeared before him lost week A similar charge against Gertrude Russell was withdrawn Bait each man was set at 200 The charge involved the disap pearance of household linen and from the Mansion House Sutton on September Follow ing the search of their residence a pillow case from the hotel was discovered the property by Chief Constable William Hill Both men acknowledged being at the hotel on the night of the theft pleaded not guilty to the charge a TAIL calf with no was born oil lite farm of Carl Mount Albert- It is imported that there Is even a sign on the calf HALLOWEEN BAZAAR BY TOMORROW A ttefeAbaarVvrfll bo held tomorrow Oct froia to tiie Loyal market it will be tho former location of Jewelry store Main St This Is the first bazaar to be attempted by logo and the proceeds will be used to support the orphanage the Loyal True Blue and Oarage Home Rich mond Hill it It feature a shellout table with cookies and ritid parcel post sale -i- fr- Oh will be many hand made including aprons and stuffed toys A large home baking table is Goner- convener is Mar row prcsi dent of the lodge 3 The Baptist Newmarket wilt meet at the homo of Mrs Mi Steel Wesley St on Members are requested to note the change of dote meeting has inoved ahead one week of a supper f i Tropbtoa and awards for the field day of the Newmar ket public schools were present ed at the Oct meeting of the Newmarket Home and School association Outstanding ath letes of the year wore Graham George and Beverly Samuel Jefferson principal of Alexander school the presentation of the Frank Bowser and Dr Hewitt trophies to Graham and Beverly On behalf of the Home and School association Kenneth Stephens presented to the champions Mr is chairman of the Optimist club boys mil tee This- years champions junior boy Grant Perks of Mrand Allan junior girl Knrcn Peat tor of Mr and Mrs Joseph Peat intermediate boy John son of Mr and Mrs Alex intermtHliato girl Lin da daughter of Myrtle Purcell senior boy ham George son of Mr and Mrs Percy and senior girl Beverly of iSVN tfL rcvi

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