Newmarket Era and Express, 30 Oct 1952, p. 10

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v MAD DISPOSAL COLLECT It AND KM- Y0UK6 LTD ft- Uii When it and very painful and an effort fox you to or bend the has gight the of Iumtago a day you have to Get at counted 134G OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH County of York PUBLIC notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll for the Town- hip of Whitchurch will be held in the Council Chambers Van Ontario on Saturday No vember 1st at oclock p to hear and adjudicate upon all- complaints against the As- cessment Roll of The Municipal ity of the Township of Whit church made in the year or the war ALL parties interested are re quested to take notice and to govern themselves accordingly DATED at Vandorf Ontario this day of October John Crawford i ClerkTreas v mm CARD OF THANKS Mr P Robinson has returned home from St Michaels hospi tal Toronto and wishes to thank his many friends for the beauti ful flowers cards and Rood wish es sent him while there mi JC r I B O S TRANSPORT LOCAL A LONG DISTANCE MOVING AND CARTAGE STORAGE CRATING AND PACKING PHONE NEWMARKET MOTHER Give he a bo of red berried Holly All wrapped for For details write PO Box Park BC THE CD MORRIS NURSERY LTD NOTfW FOR your gun licenses deer licenses and township licenses Apply Reg Willbee Mount Al bert- Sanitary Contractor Septic Pumped Cleaned and Repaired Hoar Sendee RICHMOND HELL TURNER J Br QUICK RELIEF cough fight for treat Take to and comfort- regularly and TOWNSHIP Clerks notice of first posting of Voters List VOTERS Municipality of North GwJIIfiri bury County of York- NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section of the Voters List Act and that I have posted up at my office at Keswick on the first day of November the list of all persons entitled to vote In said Municipality at Municipal ejections arid that such list re mains there for inspection AND I hereby call Upon all voters to take immediate pro ceeding to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law The last day for appeal being the of November DATED this day of October Winch clerk notice TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to Section of the Mechanics Act Chapter to satisfy a lien against on J Bartholomew In favour of Milton Kef for in the amount 12525 a Terreolane Counc No Wvi512 Serial No Motor Mi t owned by Dr J will be sold by public Auction by auctioneer at the premises of Eagle Street Newmarket at eleven am oclock on the day of Novem ber FULLER BRUSH DAVE of Is the new Fuller Brush for East and Townships For local sales and service phone collect CARP OF TIIANKS Wo wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our many friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy Special thanks extended to Dr and Rev Mr for wonderful assistance fluting our sad ber eavement in the loss of a dear mother and wife Mr Tomes and family CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our relatives many friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy shown us during the illness and death of our loving and father also for the beautiful flor al tributes especially thanking the Rev Mr for his consoling words Mrs Carson and daugh ter Patricia CARD OF TOANKS Wish to thank my friends and neighbors for the lovely flowers fruit candy and cards and A for the plant sent me while in the hospital and at CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to our friends for their acts of kindness during Mr Clarks illness In York County hospital also for the assistance to the family Mr and jVt Fra Clark CARD THANKS We wish to extend bur sincere thanks to neighbors and friends for the lovely floral arid acts of kindness also thanking the pallbearers Dr Cock and Rev Yielding for their kind comforting words during our sad bereavement in the loss of a dear husband and father Mrs Chandler arid Murray HASH by George Sports Editor good now we can join thbpttle front Two Georges by is to beat like holding two aces site number in Aurora tip some our viewpoint unfounded arid about the tlie recent clash Elsewhere columns due to a slow whistle the genial Fred Spefer coach rightly takes ho private so in for mysiyso Your scribe was there OF THANKS We Wish express our sincere for the acts of kindness of our friends and neighbors during our sorrow In the passing of our little daugh ter Joan the many floral tri butes cards and letters Mr and Mrs Booth by Kes wick BIRTHS i Mil SAT 5i- i a i vK mm v J w I J ANDREWS U At York County hospital Friday Oct 24 to Mr and Mrs Cecil Andrews Newmarket a son At York County hospital Saturday Oct to Mr and Mrs Beard- more a son At York County hospital Tuesday Oct 1952 to Mr and Mrs Newmarket a daughter BULL At York County Wednesday Oct 2ff to Mr and Mrs Robert Bull Aur ora a son- YorkCounty hos pital Tuesday Oct to Mr and Mrs Arthur R Cedar a son York County hos pital Wednesday Oct to Mr arid Mrs Kenneth Foster Newmarket a son GREEN At Collingdale Pen- Thursday Oct to Mr and Mrs Joe Green Naomi Hockley a son Kevin Albert a brother for Joey GRIST At York County hospi tal Monday Oct to Mr and Mrs Fred Grist Newmar ket a soil At York County hospi tal Tuesday Oct 28 to Mr and Mrs Verne New market a daughter York County hos pital Sunday Oct 20 1052 to Mr and Mrs George Aurora a daughter York County hospital Saturday Oct to Mr and Mrs Albert Law Richmond Hill a son LEONARD At York County hospital Saturday Oct to Mr and Mrs Steven a daughter MORTONA t York County Oct to Mr and Mrs Morton Sutton a daughter MIBDKMA At York County hospital Tuesday Oct to Mr Mrs John Newmarket a daughter At York County filial 1052 to Mr and Mrs Harry Aurora tt on York Coun ty hospital Tuesday Oct Mr and Mrs William SutherlandAurora a son York Saturday Oct to Mr and Mrs Thomp son Holland Tending a son Reg Blackleg the referee in question need make no apologies his stewardship of the game qui Vantage point he an excellent game a sharper and more on his toes than off in the series For at reason Bombers were caught for yards in penalties It sounds like quite a large set back but the Iets look at the other games in the series- piloted by other competent officials In those two games Bombers were assessed and yards And isnt it a fact the Bombers had yards tack ed them against Richmond Hill in an exhibition game Again a different referee But does our opposite say the referees jobbed em In those contests He does not Could this oversight perhaps be due to the fact Aurora won those games Well leave it with you to draw your own conclusions Its unfortunate these accusa tions away off base and- with no basis of fact should be hurled about promiscuously No Reg need make no gies hes been bossmanfor col- week was officiated lege games at Pickering for oyer ma poor and- biased manner charge is ridiculous when big husky boys with the will to win play for keeps injuries no mat terhow good the protection are likely io crop Up and frequently do Its all in the a ami theres no deliberate intention to maim or injure -V- If this charge were based on fact Fred Speer coach would be the first to give it an airing He hasnt so fie on that nonsense More and more in the land of sport there seems to be a grow ing tendency to blame the offi cials it you lose when just maybe its players shortcomings Ah well maybe its an easy way out For our pennies Spcersmen were full value for the win they werent given much chance to holding the heavier and more powerfully man Bombers They battled like it was their day and more power to them- ABERS LETTER TO SPORTS EDITOR Sports Editoriyl sincerely feel that reply should bo made to a sports writeup which appear ed in Aurora paper last week This article which was read by many local people was purposely written to leave the impression that the football game at Pickering College The blood and thunder town leaguers Newmarket and dis trict if you please will be off and running on what shapes up as a slam bang act ional season Tuesday Nov in the Newmarket arena Newmarket Regents arid Mount Albert defending champ ions will provide the kickoff attraction at hi the nightcap game chimes Kct- Jets league newcomers Will tilt with Bruins- Judging f the various pre dictions coming out of the rival camps the going to fly in what promises to be the leagues biggest and brightest year A quick review of the pros pects of the four teams might not be amiss The Motilities with coach Murray Edgar doing a good job of hauling back most of last years regulars are being in the arena hallways as the learn- to beat Sparking the desire to hold manager Hairy bid to sign a top flight shot stopper Town Regents wholl shoulder local hopes to bring home the bacon appear headed for a ban ner campaign The Red White and Blues trotted out players lot practice Sunday List In- eluded two netminders five and three complete forward Units and theres more to comb says manager Mel Slick- wood and team sponsor Harold 4 J Trainee list included goal keepers Bill Ingram Cook Deb Cooper Basher Groves Bruce Aubrey Smith and Jack Smith while up front made up of Bill Lowell Waller Stan Gibbons Jack Bob Smith Ken Groves and Spitfires of last year Don Gib son Thorns and Molts Thorns i VV Kettleby Jets leagues first year team and dark horses have INS LEYS for i Young onto the trophy will be hi squad that dispenses both Bob Dixon scoring whizz- Bill Brett Couch Doug Boss Bruce Paisley and ever- ready shot blocker Bill land Bruins finalists last season with old reliables Archie Forfar Forfar Bun Sella and Jim to carry the scoring load plus Andy- Lloyd Mike VanNostrand and new re cruit to bulwark the defense appear stronger speed and scoring power John has the job nailed down defense will be built around Doug Terry and speeder Gerald Stan Foster exAur ora Bear Don Ihe flash Rocket Young and Ted will spearhead the Jets scoring units win Take your choice well ask than last term Bruins hopes to leave a note in our Christmas for a title may hinge around I stocking as to the winner Win York Title 20 years and his judgment and fair play have never been ques tioned That record speaks for itself As for my own observations your scribe has been attending football and various sporting at for years is of physical education there and during those years this corner has never and I do mean witnessed an unsportsmanlike act by a official student Pickering is one place where sportsmanship and fair play is placed higher up the ladder of success than the mere winning of a contest Thats as it should be in all college and high school sports where building of charac ter and fair play is uppermost in the minds of the physical edu cation men As for Taylor being involved in physical education are striv ing to develop the mental moral arid social values in the boys and girls with whom they work These Values such as obedience cooperation selfcontrol friend liness perseverance and aggres siveness could not have been ob tained from Tuesdays game if the article in the Aurora paper is to be believed true Frank Gregoires DoubleBlue Aurora high Bombers are the new North York Football kings The Bombers put the clutch on the title Tuesday afternoon with impressive win over Fred Speers Haiders boys after losing the first game at Newmarket came back handsomely to take the next two and title Fridays game was an Aurora triumph Peering at Tuesdays affray on neutral St Andrews field Bom bers won it with a smashing three touchdown third quarter drive that hauled them from behind a halftime deficit Newmarket forged their edge on the strength of Neil Tates touchdown chuck to Art Keg is responsible arid- a single kicked by Tate Auroras point was a sin- i i- iow ripifly at and a I KING Suddenly at York County hospital Monday Oct husband of Florence May Rogers and father Vera and Kenneth Funeral service was held on Wednesday Oct 29 Interment Mount Albert cemetery Suddenly at his home Churchill Tuesday Oct Herbert in his year husband of Etta ami father of Mary Mrs- Bruce McLean of Hazel Mrs Wright of St Catharines- Vol ma Mis Roy of Funeral service was held oh Hiursday Oct Interment Churchill cemetery his home Ave on Mon day Oct Hurry Barber husband of Lily and of Raymond Newmarket Arid Donald Funer al service was held on Wednes day Get- Park cemetery J At Holland I winding on Friday Oct Maiy wife of Tomes and mother of Frank Margaret and Gordon Funeral service was held on Monday Oct 27 In- termenl cemetery Keswick Burnett wife of Ward mother of Mrs Perry Winch Keswick Mrs Fred Hail Sharon Mrs Newmarket J Frank Ward St TimmaH George Ball Weston Mrs If New Westminster Donald Keswick Funeral service was hold on Wednesday Oct 20 Interment for the organization of basket ball and hockey official climes for the purpose of improving the officiating in this district To think that a man whose whole life has been to physical education and who in many parts of the coun try considered to be one of the top in physical educa tion Canada should be to the accusing remarks that appeared in that paper lamentable is inconceivable that a man who holds the concepts of physi cal education so highly would favor youth oyer another Apologies are in order to Reg Yours sincerely J by Don Busby Bombers put their offensive machinery into high gear in that third quarter Strike The third quarter was three minutes old when husky hard driving Geo punched off tackle to find a hole in the Newmarket line to even the score Keith Kincaid passed yards to Jim Crysdale at the five and romped over for the That play and Don Busbys con vert gave the DoubleBlue a lead and Auroras tiyeiye wrapped It up be fore three quarter timCran but as plunged two yards for the third Aurora major Busby converted to make it There was spectacular against Newmarkets aerial of fensive feature with the new champs In the Friday game it was New market away in the lead first as Neil Tates 25 yard pass hit Don and that coupled with Lau rie VanZants convert gave New market a lead Aurora from there on threw up a strong defense against the aerial offensive Don Busby rouged and Aurora rolled from their own forty on four succes sive plays and then slanted Geo Vrana off tackle for a touchdown to tic it all at Aurora went ahead to stay in the second quarter as Don Busby kicked a rouge and Ron hit Bill Jans with a yard heave in the Newmarket end zone to make It Aurora I- J Preston A Dawson Easter- brook Morning T Andrews J Har rison B MeCachen M Lawlor Jans J Busby W Case Brown Forties Rogers- J Wilson rlewTnarket Tate B Lockhart A Sinclair R- hock- Morton VanZant P Bannister B P Groves P Creed A Horner Gillespie B Towns- ley A Keffer Carter J Sine Director of Athletics line work and a sure fire defense Aurora Bears havent laid a win by the heels US yet- they lost and 8 to hi a home home Friday and set Ahdy and Charlie arent about this state of affairs Why should Ira curricula only poppcil up once and that In the last five minutes of game PAIR WINS GOLF TOURNEY and Bud a pair of Newmarket golfers overcame the elenients and opposing twosomes to win the twoball golf tournament staged eel at the Highlands club Au rora- over the Thanksgiving weekend The was the last of the season at the Highlands and the two I proved they could take it by winning despite the Jeff Haider Watt Fines and Tommy and alone their part they be The Bears have been hey drew- five minutes pitted tough junior each and have put dash and scrap into their early gallops to or loss hold ihclr own Hieyll he better as coach final defense duos and attacking units so it speaks volumes for it go In junior Fridays game was a Bears stride for stride with the highly touted Hangers Teams played hockey and that pleased Hie vr Vi Vj r AfTi I v 1 mm if rf THE SCREENS COMPUTE PASSION PLAY FILM ID GLORIOUS COLOR T ir Hint left sides with four men apiece went on the Mock to crack nil tie and left themselves open for a Palmer Rangers speediest puck hound got It id beat in the winery at to break the lie and less minute latei seconds apart Clark counted and it was nil up with the Bears Deals out inten tions of brightening 1 lowed roes evening Iliey around citadel for turned the tables in Ihe mid dle stanza outpointing the Bears to make It all and the teams traded two goals apiece up to the three quarter pole of the third to make it nil Walt Fines did a grade A job Popper Martin Haider and Bill a Bears or up Hems other scoring efforts before Andy and Jack Woods worked in for the Bears Woods o wrirkhorse was up runt and Joe Burke ployed a standout game in goal in the first two Boh up with Ids best effort to dale stored twice Mon day to pace the Bears in their first mad test Andy Bill Smith Cook Watt Fines and Grant collected the other credits as the Boars all hut pulled the game out of fire with a fourgoal third period spurt rain wind and snow they en counter in their tour of the links CO At and Inch wells PHONE KKSWICK it 7 I iw SPORTSMANS Special All wool shirts at Mor- Main St Newmarket St Aurora own ON Beatty Stainless Sled AT SPILLETTES Appliances Sales mod Service- Mala Sk Phone IS See this boy modeling hours per day showing these outfits Small boys and girls a wool satin lined fur collar sizes to I I Sanforized plaid flannel shirts i Sanforised plaid lined jeans Boxer style Caps fur collar to match Quilted lined Mitts leather lined Parkas and coats Roys to V J If gabardine full shhMtJI fur collar 7 nil wool fancy satin Oh so warm m Sixes

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