VMWV tf v- I J A message such as we have to record here from a of Aurora for the past ttiakes pleasant reading apart from tho drcufiutaitc which unfortunately have from Mr George of Mark street Who has performed the duties of building September Mr aked to he regret hi enforced departure from Aurora result- tag from the persisting of He to that he liked the people of At ton he liked Aurora as a town to live In and he had liked his farttime job building Inspec tor That Is a pretty complete testimonial Mrs has regrettably beets ill for some time and it is that a return to her native air may restore her to Fall where is building home In the immediate neigh borhood are members of their family and many old friends If ail oe well Mr end Mrs celebrate their anniversary In year was also anxious we should thank the neigh- on Mark St on behalf wife and himself for what described as their wonderful tiodnesa during the past month of Illness Our been Mr and say too much in praise of many kindnesses No went he said without Lor more of them looking In it there was any service could do to help out We a glad to make these kind- known and Mr of therm In hi younger days Mn managed a hockey team at and has continued Wis interest in the popular national He has sold his home on St to Mr Joe Hay of Hoi- rid Marsh Who he to we had the pleasure of him an Introductory in hi capacity of Inspector We found Mr an agree able and kindly man and per- regret his know we are expressing the Wies of hi many friends in that Mr Mi be stored to health with year of happiness lerrii Mr ha many Newmarket and- a tin Ted Adams barber oil At the request of Mayor Sain King a neighbor- of Wjc luffs to council person- support the written ap plication he had made to succeed building inspector is a member of the Aurora flary club and wellknown Aurora Council decided to follow the usual of advertising for applicants position which right Mi King ald he bad had experience in building feww however as wo know too modest In the pros- of his knowledge of He did not mention the Kin pronto which he and his fa built comprising home and apartments Nor did For Friendly Personal Service Shop At JOHN MORNINGS- DRUG STORE ft Auntm Telephone WHITEIAW Stationery Wallpapers Select Range Of Greeting Cards etc Agent For Era Classified Ad fit Aurora WILLIS Druggist Drug Store Tobacconist etc Founded Telephone Aurora i Make It A Habit Meet Your Friends At The Ha a Hess IDA Graduate mention that his father and he had built properties in Flor ida Actually the position of build ing inspector in Aurora is part- time on a commission basis and duties It involves do not go those of seeing that the are adhered to It is in no sense an executive lis the building in- pector approves the type of building proposed for erection All of that is approved by the council building permits com mittee subject to conformity with the landuse bylaw AH that the building inspector is required to do is to see that the regulations ace observed Whether or not Mr King ob tains the position we can say that very likeable and agreeable man who is used to meeting the public he has sum mer resorts in coun ty and unlike that of a writer for example will not get under anybodys akin Too Good To In the Willis drug store the other day we found John junior chuckling over something he was reading in a trade journal- He passed It to us and we thought it was too good to re main locked up for the eyes of merchants only It set forth drug store rules in operation during the year and the three paragraphs read as fol low The caption notes How Time Have Changed Store will be opened prompt ly at 0am and remain open un til pm the year round Store must riot be opened on the Sab bath day unless absolutely and then for a few minutes Any employee who is in the habit of Spanish cigars getting shaved at a barber shop going to dances and other places of amusement will most cer- toiriiy give hi employer reasons uspcct his integrity and all roiind honesty Koch employee must attend Sunday school every Sunday Men employees are given one evening a week for courting pur poses and two if they go to prayer meeting regularly Af ter W hour of work in the store the regaining leisure time spent in reading good integrity should been questioned in the year 1654 for one reason that he got shoved at a barber shop J a point that we can only re- Jack Times changed as the caption A friend motored us arid three companion to Point last week Ho was anxious to take to the top of the tower Of St church to the surrounding country scenery and panorama of nature in It October and also the famous Chinese In the col lection of the family rtie itself wo open much in in terior we found it one day In the early summer But the entrance to the top tower 5yai closed and a for the fa mous vases they were locked up Kidei clos ed for the were which did not however spoil a del ex cursion on a beautiful October afternoon St Anglican church is perfect model of Innumer able similar churches that have for centuries on ffolb In the southern and eastern counties of England Hut the carv ing which a feature of St ojoj wui originated from Devonshire England and church they erected is on abid ing tribute of their for their land Pharmacy 1 a Man kind Some beautiful of It history on dis play at the Hess drug store an original is tor example drawing color of reputed founder teacher of In China years before the birth of Christ Other tration describe the practice of healing in and In Greece We Mr Hess on on original ID A win dow display Htm More Money estimates of the net from the vigorous peanut by the local have been much Those es timates put figure at from to We now learn that the net result will be not less and may exceed that amount in tha causa of welfare work All of which to rora ews G SINCLAIR Editor TELEPHONE THURSDAY THE THIRTIETH DAY OF OCTOBER HUNDRED AND PENALIZING THE VIGTIMS lime ago damages caused to a owned by- an Aitoi business man arising but of an improper right tuirn made by a truck driver who carried durance AOiir in so doing was to the urgent heed for com pulsory for all users of motor vehicles The owner of the icar earned heavy insurance and in order to obtain some redrew by the driver who the case was eventually taken to court by the a driver made a court appearance but asked for an adjournment for the attendance of wit- he stated he could The judge ordered payment into court of the amount claimed by the car owner pending a further hearing No such payment was made and when the case came up for a rehearing neither- the truck driver nor the witnesses he had promised turned up The car owner had legal assistance and had to lose time from his business to make twdappcar in court lie brought with him a police officer as a witness The judge ordered damages and costs to he paid lo this but not the legal costs involved The latter would have to bo borne by the owner of the car The next step in these proceed it was stated would be an instruction to the to make an effort to collect the damages and costs from the courtdefaulting truck driver case illustrates the loss and annoyance caused to car owners and other drivers of vehicles who try and do their conscientious duty by paying heavy insurance premiums to protect themselves and others while unin sured drivers rampage the highways with no sense of responsibility or means of protection for their victims The foregoing is but another instance the urgent need of compulsory insurance for all users of road vehicles AN EXCELLENT PROJECT In our issueof last week an advertisement appeared oh behalf of the Aurora Junior Chamber of Commerce Announcing its resumption of the public speaking course proved so successful hist season This some- thing really worth while and the Jaycees are- congratulate on a further proof of the their organization The public speaking course will assist all those who wish to learn how to express their ideas clearly and convincingly impromptu speaking is largely the result of practice and The majority of find it difficult to stand lip before audience arid think and talk at the same time But it can bo learned and the best way to learn it is through the medium of such a course as the Jaycees are again available to alt who wish lo take it up at small cost Some of the speakers in town are members of nior chamber of commerce For thai reason we Wish they would at sine time initiate a and debating society which would provide a forum where all kinds of subjects could be debated Good is a stimulating mental exercise highly educational Such a society would develop Aurora possesses many useful but far It can not boast of a cultural stimulus such as a literary mid society we congratulate the on resum ing the public course trust the be gratifying A instructor arid weeks course for the sum of is price to pay for learning the public speaking Nominations to municipal offices will lake place oil Thursday usual practice those who held office will no present accounts of their at the horn meeting Having sat in on all licit meetings dimhif year as a reporter iincl an interested propose in articles fa not committed to anyones we correct in our belief that our has built lip and because of the of readers that II Wo think is true may hot a 1 ay s agree with tiny ingv too to body will olid by nobody is writp idyos to he true and take the -onse- OdiPvo to give impartial jftnd of what has boon said in council wo have faithfully lifted lb do Our work as editor has been to give impartial and unbiased opinions on what has been done or left undone Wo have tried equally faithfully to do that Wo tried our human best to be fair to members of council and to our loyal and valued reader this will give our of COUNCIL SIDELIGHTS Problems And Reading ByLaw Were icsAtlast Punctually on the stroke of pm Mayor Rose called council into session a session that produced sev eral surprises Chief among these was the resignation of town clerk K G Moses who has taken another posi tion in Toronto Another resignation was that- of George Cluff building inspector for the past two years who is leaving Aurora Aurora Social News a Mr and Mrs Edgar Mids Tom Rev Ker of Ihe depart- were recent guests of Mr Mis Herbert We are very sorry to hear thai Melville Atkinson is ill in Western hospital We wish him a speedy recovery Mrs Hope entertained a number of ladies on Friday night in honor of Mr and Mrs- Both who arc leaving shortly for Hol land is home on leave for- ft few days before em barking for North England where he will be tak ing a on the new Comet jet transport Miss Eleanor Death Burma spent the weekend with Miss Manning Miss Case of the tt A A is home on 30day leave J of education of the United church will be the guest ister on Sunday morning in the United church on the occasion of the anniversary of the church and Rev J Aiken will preach in the evening Special music by the choir at both ser vices A Mrs and daughter Shirley and Mrs were guests on Saturday of Mrs Charles The Club of the United i church enjoyed oh old square dance party In the Legion hoi on night fr George are among the guests listed for the banquet to be given atthe Royal York on Saturday Commenting on the situation near the cose of business J described it as a mess It appeared that he had ah intention of dealing in the situation as he understood -it- feiit finally con tented himself with a few brief observations Perhaps it was as for when Mr Murray real ly gels going he is apt to stir a hot debate any ease Mr Moses assur ed council that he was leaving his position as clerk and treas urer for the convincing reasons that he had another job to go to with more money and less re sponsibility They reasons that would appear satisfactory to most men Notwithstanding- the good for tune that has come to Mr Moses affairs at the town hall have not been what oho might scribe as stable during the past two years with five resigna tions on the scoreboard These were Mr Iarge Mr Clarke Dickson Mrs Diamond and now Mr Moses In the case of Mrs Dickson her resignation vas brought about through the resignation of her husband Mr Tom Dickson as recreation and arena manager and their de parture from the district The position of clerk is a very responsible one It could be that if this major fact had been more keenly appreciated over the years a greater stabil ity in the history of the would have been evident There have been only three holders of the office J of in the adjoining municipality of Richmond If ill during the past years wonder how many similar holders of office Aurora has had in that time General Business time was taken up by council oh reports from the finance water and streets Reeve Cook was able to inform council that the Municipal Board had given for resurae- and of St under taking to commence imme diately The chairman of Streets committee Murray confirmed that n contract for the- work had been given to Messrs Curroh arid at a cost of 51778 Councillor J Murray chair man of the Sports and committee again reviewed the arena situation and again there was a fulltime discussion on what had not been done at the An enormous amount of of the arena and fail ure of the present board to act up to their appointed bilities Pass It Rescind What can be described as a curious situation arose in the course of the discussion on tlte inaction of the Arena board At its meeting held or October council passed a motion to the effect that the arena be closed lo the public until such time the seating was made safe and that a letter be sent to the chairman of the Arena board with instructions that steps be taken to ensure safety Councillor Jones at that meeting that had convinced him that three portions of the seating were un safe It was Councillor Dale King who moved the motion and Councillor Jones seconded it It was wonder that Mr King took strong objection to the suggestion by Councillor Davis that council had no right to pass such a motion Councillor said he couldnt understand sen sible men wanting to motion they had passed only two weeks earlier when the condi tions had not changed He pointy out that at hockey match on October por tions were barricaded off from the public However was re scinded arid the Arena board in cited to meet again with coun cil at a further joint meeting in spite of Councillor Corbetls trite observation that the rink was the Arena boards baby with Cook arid several other members of council saying much the same thing in differ ent words Zoning ByLaw On a motion by King seconded by DeputyReeve Murray the Zoning bylaw was banded to the clerk to rood with a request from the that hit Moses be handed a glass water Members of council were- later supported by a supply of soft drinks it could be that the clerk also had one while the 12page script of hiioUtes rending tore at their mental and physical endurance When the clerk concluded the reading there was not more lb it was put aside for an other evening if and when the second reading is things will really get hot We dont be lieve a majority of memers council will commit their fellow- citizens to shackles of such before leaving tor Radio Sta tion at Edgar Mr J in town for a few days prior to his re turn to France where he is as sociated with the office- of the special representative Europe Mutual security Agency Keep In mind turkey din ner at the United church on Wednesday November spon sored by the Womens Associa tion The large crowd attending trie square dancing on Monday night report having had a wonderful timevV new sovereign grand master of the iv Mr and Mrs Paul and Judy are on a vacation at Can ton and Mrs Bon and son and Mrs Hilton Cameron daughters Gal Sandra and Mafy Alton j Mr and Mrs Harold Marshall were guests of Mr and Mrs George Walker on Sunday last Mrs Cornish Mass arrived on Monday Oct on a two wicks visit with her sister Mrs Willis time and thousands of words j vexatious and contentious have been the Nation ARENA REPORT AND COMMEN Cousins Underbill Attack Aurora News Page Tucker Dirty Linen Wash Presiding over what Ho described most difficult meeting ho hud over chaired Mayor Kose finally that a reasonable mutual hud- attained at joint session held on Monday night between council and of arena it i- m In the Oils ver and meeting proved absolute flop arising from contradictions that were never reconciled This further joint meet ing was held because of council including mayor himself had con demned the board for Its continued inaction and to carry but Job for which they wore appointed by j Mayor Rose Councillors lietl Jones od King hud severely criticized the Mayor Rose that not days work had been done on rink to put it In shape Councillor King was man who on Oct went so far as to move a motion SofU of repairs be carried out dkdely The work has not been done yd Mr Kg on Monday evening a motion of confidence in same board by Deputy- Reeve Mur- -yS- Such and incon sistencies arc amazing Council first proceeds to reprimand the chairman and his board for not doing Job wore given to do as easily climbs down pais the board on J the back and gives them a veto of thanks all reminds one of the old lady who seeing played for the first time said these Hamlets aro a re markable family Meeting Under Opening the meeting Mayor Rose said he hardly knew what to y TOw lack Friday Doors Open First Show at Saturday Doors Open First Show at at pm i Friday and Saturday Oct 30JlNMtl -i- v v 4 i GENE Wednesday ami Thursday tot The hottest combination that ever hit the screen -X- r r ROBERT HIS KIND OF WOMAN ADULT