-r- s Educators and sports have expressed consider able over a sports column published in the Au- Banner last week The re porter Barker wrote at considerable length to criticize director of gjysical education at College who a game at the college field Tuesday last between Aurora high and Newmarket high school The writer who lacks ma turity descended to what we would call a very low level to Jeer at an outstanding figure in the field of physical educa tion He went so far as to say that Mr Blackstocks lost the game for the Au rora players needs no de- and do not mention reikis because the Banner story affect his reputation What are concerned about is the Effect ft has had on the minds of in our schools has had years of experience in the field Of education known Across Canada as an outstand ing man In his field He is par ticularly well known for his integrity A young upstart yet in his early twenties with not much Wore than a years newspaper experience and little experi ence in the sports field as com pared to his target has been allowed to charge In the pub lic prints that the Aurora play ers were robbed by Mr ft is disappointing thai a newspaper should allow audi poor to be placed fore the public particularly be fore adolescents in our schools Mr career is de voted to teaching adolescents the right approach to athletics Good physical educators teach adolescents that they should accept with good grace the decisions of adults once they are appointed as referees or other field officials That a person who has been given a responsible job on a news paper should preach the oppo site Is indeed a disgrace Blaming a referee for a teams failure to win is a and we have often heard stu dents reproached by their edu cators in such instances But when a reporter does the same thing in the press bow can these educators hope to combat it on the playing field A new union is being formed In Newmarket The union of managing editors local Main St was organized this week with the sole purpose of seeking better working hours So far membership has been low The editorial on this page which is favorable toward bet ter hours for servants re minded us that weekly editors are in a group of the least pro tected workers of today It is Interesting to note that curious or demented individu als sometimes comment on the fact that the newspaper is pub lished oh Thursdays and then ask What do you do on the other days We never have the strength to answer them Our local at present gunning for a 55hour week but results from our efforts have been poor so far ami Serving Newmarket Aurora rural districts of North York Era 1S32 The Express Herald Published every of Main St Newmarket by the Express limited Subscription for years for one year advance Single aach Member of Class A Weeklies of Ccnado Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association end the Audit Bureau of Circulation Authorized as Second Pott Office Department Ottawa JOHN I Managing Editor ION Womens GEORGE HAS RETT Snorts LAWRENCE RACINE Job Printing and Production THE EDITORIAL PAGE PAGE TWO THURSDAY THE THIRTIETH DAY OF OCTOBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTWO From the fsm0Xt and 50 YtatsAac A pleasant was spent at the home of Mrs A Dyke Aurora when about of her family and friends gathered to celebrate her birthday on Saturday On account of her recent illness the celebration had to a week iter two daughters Mrs Archi bald of King and Brown of accompanied by their husbands her son Mr R Mrs Dyke family of Mrs Cross and Mrs grxiriddaugfiters her niece from Toronto Miss Cook arid Mr were among those present Yesterday Mr Fleming Young brought to the office a most beautiful garnet rose from an outdoor bush that has also waiting develop With fruits and in what- towri v the weekend was the guest of J onto Last Saturday Mr Daniel Snider a carpenter at Canes Factory fell off the roof of a building where he was work ing a distance of about feet to the ground No bones were broken but ho complained of his nock being stiff after the accident new plan of King City is now registered in Newmar ket and the description in all future must con form to this plan which is No The plan of will now attention in the Aegistry Office- The second of the Public Library Board entertainments is to take place the Town Hall Friday evening Nov arid will comprise Lime Light Views describing the wonders of prohistoric ages as revealed by science exhibited by Mr Gilbert A Smith A of Tor Si Davis of his former parishioners embraced the of shaking hands at of the church service last Sunday morning Newmarket citizens are lighted hear that a part of the plant belonging to the of the William Cane and Sons Co Ltd is shortly to be jo- opened Hope Morgan gave an tea at her studio on Ave for her pupils Morgan and her sister Morgan both girls and daughters of the I late Judge Morgan leave this I week to spend the winter in At the annual fowl of Trafalgar United church atten ded by over the family of Bronte formerly of Newmarket nut on an excellent program with two or three other artists so a press report reads brick on Mr cons hew house was started this week The former has been nearly nil torn down First snowstorm of the sea son oh Tuesday evening Just enough to make the ground white Mr John house on street is getting a new roof Mr V shipped another car of hogs to on Monday Lawrence Cane Ed Shuttle worth Thos Trnviss and one or two others leave tomorrow for Par- Sound District oh their hunt CIVIL SERVANTS FIVEDAY m T Civil servants want a fiveday week and members of the Civil Service Federation in the Newmarket dis trict have expressed a feeling that they deserve the same treatment as applies to workers in private industry of the Staff Side of the National Joint Council for the federation held an interview with the Minister of Finance Mr Douglas Abbott last May Mr Abbott at that time emphasized the importance of public opinion as to the desirability of the fiveday week for civil servants Some areas Toronto Montreal and Ottawa already have the fiveday Week According- to Mr Abbott his officers have beeh preparing data on the fiveday week so that the question could be raised with the cabinet this fall It would appear that it is only a matter of time before the fiveday will be implemented throughout Canada The first question -which- comes to mind concerns the increased cost to the country The workers them selves say the of week will probably result in small increases in operating expenses for a few sections of It government particularly where continuous operation is involved Post offices and customs offices are examples of departments where it is riot practicable to have yearround fiveday week without more staff or costing more money The fiveday week the yea round however is advantageous to both employer and employee represen tatives of the Staff Side of the National Joint Council say The objective can be readied in many departments without increasing staffs statistics show that the five- day week is in throe quarters of all the largo industries numerous benefits in a longer weekend will undoubtedly result in greater individual efficiency during the condensed working week they say A number of departments have adopted the scheme already and another number of departments have had it for ten weeks during the summer The civil servants association believes that the elimination of the relatively inefficient half day on Saturday will mean greater productivity The case for the civil servants which they have put forth themselves seems reasonable if the cost of the scheme as small as has been stated it would appear that the fiveday week should bo implemented giving the civil servants the advantages as there are in working for private industry AN -ACTIVE- FAITH There is a group of thinkers in Paris known as Their philosophy is one of despair They believe that life is hell and that only a few pleasurable experiences make bearable at times It is assumed that an existentialist accepts the basis of life as being of and then seeks what relief there in as many pleasurable instances as flible rius thinking i said to be result of the king years of war in and the condition looked for every week like a letter Que Hems ore the first thing looked for as a letter from iiome and then comes Breezes Mr Ceo Wiley of TOWER OF BABBLE I lie war years the production of atomic bomb the cold war and the extremities of political Ideologies in the world provoke in the minds of viduals everywhere often have friends say something like this Where is it all going to end I dont any hope for world or cant avoid a third such voices often- from individuals in periods of motile They sound as tliough their thinking level has dropped 16 that the existentialists welfare state ft the world helplessly grows towards socialism ami wo hear talk of a fear that we will never got rtay- Wo talk idtMjlwe Increasing so rapidly that wo will have to fight the Asiatics or even tually be wiped from the It rcfishihghbw to faith in the world Mr Michael a young United Nations Worker director of the Toronto brunch of the United spoke at the College chapel service last Sunday night on the United Nations He called the United Nations An Active We have a choice of accepting either of two direc tions of thinking we may put our confidence in the belief that the world is doomed to a future of war and strife or we may put our faith in this world organization The preamble to the charter of the United Nations speaks of faith To save succeeding generations from the scourge of war which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind and v To reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights in the dignity and worth of the human person in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small and To establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained and To promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom and for these ends To practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as gootl neighbors and To unite our strength to maintain international peace and security and To ensure by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods that armed force shall not be used save in the common interest and To employ international machinery for the pro motion of the economic and social advancement of all A young student spoke of getting nowhere talk ing with the Russians in the UN and Mr answer was the important thing is that we are still talking The member nations have been talking long for seven years The marked its seventh anniversary on October 2d the talking has not dimin ished and the active faith has not lost its power CRITICISM The World is passing through troubled times The young people of today think of nothing but themselves They have no reverence for parents or old people They arc all impatient of all restraint They talk as if they alone knew anything and what passes tor wisdom with us is foolishness with them As for girls they are forward immodest and unwomanly in speech behavior and dress From an address by peter the Hermit in REGULATIONS AND TALENT Tim Sun Swift Current Susie We arc not entirely in accord with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporations lo re private stations to increase use of Canadian talent to a pcrceiilage This legislation would go into effect if the of passes oil the idea Now we are not against Canadian artists as a matter of fact we are very much for it hut that is something which preserve on its own We would feel very much like the private broadcasting if I the government tried to to write edi torials on Canadian topics up to Wjb content of the editorial space of this sort if persisted in from one regulation to another and unless wo want to retain our Canadian way of life that spirit of private enterprise and freedom to plan and conduct business as the spirit moves within reason hen tiuch moves as proposed by- lite should not lb condoned nor should it pass without Parliament haying something about Awl It seems lint Canadian talent If it is good Will bo the forced a larger quota of Caiiadlan it could lie within bounds of that wo could belli for grout run of they are Canadian poos llie CUC forgot I is toners can turn a tinmll knob and do with It Modi- proghiiiis will gel the kind of reception from the listening public they always got A turn i of the There must bo bettor talent a break without regimenting private Industry and thats what radio stations Or Office Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger Slim received a yel low ticket yesterday on the cracked windshield of his old which he fondly refers to as the Having foiled to borrow a dollar to pay the fine Slim went to the police office to plead his ease without success You sec it was this way Slim pleaded on bended knee before a stalwart gendarme with face of stone I parked me bus alongside this here parking me ter got out and reached into my pocket for a penny I drop ped it on the sidewalk and it rolled under the vehackle right under the middle of it While under the car I back ed Into the red hot muffler pipe and was so startled by pain that I hurled myself into an up among one of the rear sets of springs v While attempting to tato myself therefrom this here ridiculous position your wor shipful self came along and put a ticket on my car The escap ing fumes from the exhaust pipe therefrom was so and choking that was unable to cry out and offer a verbal plea in my own defence So you see officer my pica bears some justification If the evidence the de fence please send me a bill said Slim So it was that spent the night in the local sin bin Slim submitted a 25 page paper on something about the Letter of the Law this week and it was refused by the new edi tor- An injustice has been done I heard Slim cry out in the edi torial room But do you think it war rants a word blue paper re port said the boss After all there is no public issue in volved and the fact that you spent a night in the isnt even worth a news item Wheres the freedom of the press cried There has been mi injustice done and here youre supposed to be a fearless editor Wall jest for that 111 take it up to Corners and get it published HI take it to William Ru dolph Cursed Jr the publish ing typhoon of East township I will Slim said Cursed Jr also refused BUgi gens blue paper and so it came- to pass that Slim took his re port to the editors of Flush tabloid news weekly printed in the city The editors of Flush rind the editors of Blush are the ones who join forces and present the Mush of Time in the reels Bliggens blue paper was printed all right even hit the Bay Briefs a scan column in Flush Bay it was stat ed this week that a certain lice department In a certain town on Fairy Lake is reported to have been ihtimidathig a certain natural born primitive artist who lives by a railway track that the department lowed an unconvicted citizen to languish in jail a whole night awaiting morning ThreeInch headlines roared the charge that human rights have been violated didnt a hung jury even complained No I said No said Slim What did you have then I dont know said Slim I dont know whats got into lately He isnt self If ho doesnt watch out hes going to get into trouble Kusterd the linotyplst and the printer found an old plug hat in the office the other day and they started dol ing a Ted Lewis number in the composing room just before five Oclock Wo are thinking of putting- them in the Pol lies this year as an advertising stunt They may even go on tot the Follies J the printer is ly keeping goal with a local weed league Kusterd the printer is also getting in con for a press police s 1 by Dairy Farmer si From time to Ave have been arguing the ease for more advertising and more publicity for dairy products At times we felt that the case was pretty hopeless and sometimes we and thought that after all we might be wrong and the thing to do Is to go oh the way wo always have However a couple of things came to our attention lately ami we are happy to tell that both of them ate good constructive steps hi the right direction One is a press bulletin froni the Dairy Farmers of Canada Moiling the virtues of cheese and telling the public the value of the Canadian a cheese It is well written and it is the kind of information that housewives and other peo ple interested nutrition will pay attention to For example it tells Use that one pound of round steak has SO grams of protein in it while one pound of Canadian has grams protein It quotes one of our best nutritional experts in saying that the Canadian of cheese should be doubteil since it is only one ami of ounce per week Another bulletin tells lis a bit about different types of cheese and points out their origin and their use Now this is the type of in formation that will Increase the- consumption of dairy pro- ducts if it gets into the right hands The Dairy Farmers of Canada are undoubtedly aware that merely distributing this will not assure thatll will be printed and talked about But let us give them time and will seep through the way it should The other hopeful sign Is that the Royal Winter Fair is going to have a Dairy Lane where- dairy products will be display ed and sold Next year they are planning a small manufac turing plant as well This year there wilt be a milking parlor set up and- in operation Now this one is really hitting it right We believe that no thing much interest for the consumer as showing thing being done One can write and talk and argue but the factor will get them interested and keep them in terested and keep them talking is to show them something hap pening before their eyes The Winter Fair by making room for such a display shows true leadership the kind of imagination and interest that one would expect lite Winter Fair has been often criticised for many things it has been siikl that the horses are getting too much attention It has pointed out that the kings Guinea competition has lost its educational value Well for our money the is still the greatest agricultural show The men at the head of it do a terrific job and do it well Anyone who saw the Kings Guineas steers judged last year saw the best show a stirring spectacle of young people showing their years work Neither is the criticism of the horse show entirely justi fied It is one of the major horse shows on the continent til an agricultural setting It benefits from being connected with the largest grain and live stock show and makes it part of the countrys agricultural effort It also pays bills By adding the Dairy lane feature to this years fair they have taken a step in the right direction a step from which we will benefit I J vF it a J i a- A 4 I- A of the their guarantee Infringement on their righH their agent In international and national Issues it not the function of the to the direction of those activities which rect on Individual choice i I r- THAT PROM STlftEBTfe IS TO