MUHtck Ml j Mm Office and Reside rfrc lUUtlnt By m bum ma Public We St ivr b I Stf BA VALE mm V i -ljT- eyimc Insurance ETC NEWMARKET E SA fe i Newmarket MISCELLANEOUS Contractor EXCAVATIONS ftapWag as nil Am STOUFFYHli SAND Md LID travel and ra Delivered or bin Plant Office phones and CONTRACTU Houe and Farm Wiring A I General Repairs flukes on Burnt Space Better AH Phone Box Newmarket I- Wot plumbing heating Contractor Dealer for Mono System Oil Sheet Metal awl Air Conditioning OAK RIDGES PHONE KING 111 PHONE AURORA NEWMARKET Coal Coke and Stoker Coal Orders taken for Gravel Sand and Crushed Stone and General Hauling JB 1 T THE VARIETY OP DESIGNS la our collection of MONUMENTS la men that we can meet almost any require ment both as to and cost We also make memorials to order of description Youll find our work excellent always and out service and reasonably priced PHONE Optometrist Hours ii Air 1 J Vkaih i i The By LAND OF MAKEBELIEVE NEWMARKET iivvii INSURANCC Confederation Life Association fire Automobile and Casualty Newmarket Newmarket Mount AlWWiWI INSURANCE BURGLARY AUTO AND LIFE New and used cars financed When I was a small child the line that divided reality from make believe was so faintly etch ed as to be practically invisible My friends out of books were more real to me than my play mates and unless those playmates could further my adventures into the magic land I loved they sort of faded out of the picture The gate into a field with little hill and stream was the wicket gate through went with Christian towsia the Holy City boy cousin we the tour from after denuded poor pantry of sauce pan lids and other uten sil with bow and arrows we enacted Robin Hood and if at night we aroused our households with battle cries and nightmarish what of it we had had our fun After these many years I still love the make believe of the theatre and when we settled our selves on the town halls chairs to make the acquaintance of the Felons Daughter I had just as many thrills as when I used to see the fearful melodramas bit the Marks Brothers in the gay nineties the first thing Archie and I thought of was how much the players had improved im proved in stage deportment in enunciation and in acting Their director Joe Dales seems to a flair for making a melodrama exactly what it should be a play where there is just enough edge put on reality to make it funny the good so good and the bad so bad Gilbert and Sullivan made the punishment fit the crime Joe Dales made the actors fit their parts first in his choice of actors and then enabling them once chosen to put on their borrowed personali ties and wear them proudly Kay Kudelka as Betsy gave us a fine picture of a mother who could see no flaw her son who shut her eyes to weakness and almost made herself and others believe it was not there Audrey as Lily her adopted daughter did an excel lent job as the demure maiden of the who where occasion arose could rise too and along the purity and virgin inno cence gave voice to a final sca thing denunciation of the wrong doers as the unusual French maid was in other plays able to give a convincing performance Grace Sinclair as Miss Ophelia was one of the highlights of the evening Every word was distinct she has a way of making you forget It is all make believe and of taking you with her in all situations ridiculous or not George as Lord Mon ty certainly found ah outlet for his acting ability Anything fun nier than his trials with his roses especially his uneasy setting would bo hard to find and his tri umphant entry at the last was a gem vY Frank Turner as Craven Sin clair brought a new face before the footlights and it is to be hoped he is featured often in the future Like Joe Dales in a former melo drama he could give us the real version of a Victorian villain black as the deepest dye Wo sometimes confuse modern vil lains and heroes but ho was all bad John as Fair- weather had a difficult and not particularly attractive part to play Wo feel ho has not yet learned to throw aside the shack les of modesty on the stage We predict that in his next play he- will certainly find himself Don playing the part of Jonas was good Here is another actor who is finding himself and certainty ROBINSON FUELS Coal Coke Fuel Oil and Stoker Coal as the selfless father he gave a convincing piece of acting Once or twice we lost words but that was true of several because it takes a few moments for the voi ces to adjust themselves Fred playing Kobln Steel looked like a Shakespear ean character arid brought back memories of others whom we had We felt he was a worthy successor Bowman as Mrs Kingsley was as always adequate arid satisfying and as iffrsv Bioodgood made us we were hot dependent on a landlady like her It was a realistic performance I sure tttat the Optimists and the Dramatic club must be pleased with the response of the audience One could sense the enjoyment and there was certain ly a recognition given to any fine bit of acting It was fun And we mustnt forget Jack Struthers bit of entertaining A filling of any kind adds flavor this TV Express did MOUNT PLEASANT Rev Kenneth Mathews attended the Mount Pleas ant service on Sunday and had Sunday supper at Mr Bernard Davidsons home with Miss Stiles and Mr George Davidson Mr and Mrs Bernard David son and Mr and Mrs Davidson visited Mr and Mrs Ralph Davidson over the weekend Mr and Mrs Moulds spent Sunday at Port Mr and Mrs Jack spent Sunday London The Womens Guild will meet at the home of Mrs Riddel on Tuesday Oct at 230 pm The Bible study at the home of Mr and Mrs Archie Steph enson was well attended The Editor I was pleased no end with that guest editorial on immigration in your current is sue Excluding Too Many The Financial Post and espe cially with that constructive opening paragraph If Canada is to reach the modest total of millions population by the end of the century as has been predicted by Prime Minister St then our immigration doors will have to be opened wider than they are at present The experts do not agree on the exact volume of immigra tion needed for such a goal but they are unanimous that the minimum annual flow must be over The above almost synchro nized with an item by Forbes Business Editor dealing with this same problem and quoting Rene president of the Canadian Cham ber of Commerce as saying to delegates attending the an nual meeting With a wealth of virtually every vital resource Canada is short of the moat im portant resource people The answer is immigration more immigrants many more We should be aware of the danger of trying to keep so rich a land ail to ourselves Our moral sense urges us to provide sanctu ary and opportunity This latter seems to this reader to symbolize an import ant decision realistically in alignment with todays needs and tomorrows and seems to put the powerful prestige of the nations business leadership be hind Canadas aim of a more ap propriate population in this wide and favored but dangerously empty land It is good to learn that ex perts for once are as unanimous as to the mini mum annual inflow Tins is decidedly encouraging On the other hand it is to be hoped that Canadians will so to speak keep both eyes open concerning this vital traffic remembering the sobering fact that lionemigration is movement Only a few months back I was shocked to learn from my Farm Forum Guide that while immigrants entered Cana dian ports during the past cen tury no less than moved in the opposite di rection Frankly would not have dited this outbound movement from any less authoritative source but facts are stubborn things Smollett With due respect to the ex perts I suggest that if we can reduce the depth and tempo of that outbound stream we will be oh our way Mr and Mrs Ike vis ited their family for a few days last week Mrs George Hamilton and Mr Phil Hamilton have returned home after visiting Mr and Mrs Ted Sault Ste Marie Mr and airs Grant Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Arthur To ronto spent Sunday with Mr sister Mrs I and Mr Waldon The sympathy of the commun ity is extended to Mrs Perry Winch in the loss of her mo ther Mrs Barton Ward Miss Maye visited friends in Barrio a few days last week Recent guests at the home of Miss and Mrs J wero Mr and Mrs A Snider and Mr Gardner all of Owen Sound The Evening held an open meeting last Tuesday Miss gave an address and showed slides on Africa to a large audience of over ladles Mrs Perry Winch Jr led in the worship service and Mrs Edwin Mar- sang a lovely solo Miss missionary recent- twoway S returned from Japan is visit her brother Mr makes food taste bet ter Do you play these Important Public Roles Millions do Millions of Canadians help to im prove their communities by owning lilt imurjHtr For a large part of their premium payments Is invested for them In ways that provide many new roads power plants water works stores homes and other use ful developments Several projects likewise depend in pan on life in policyholders It is a portion of money which life Insurance companies contribute research on child health heart diseases initio the precox of aging and other vital studies The man who owns adequate life insurance tines his a service by providing financial inde pendence for his family For if any thing happens to him his family wilt not he a burden on others these other ways of life policyholder arc building security for the future helping to male Canada a better laud to lite in THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA J ft Good fo own lift Farm Forum Season Opens In Ontario On November 3 all time high said Clif ford Waite provincial secretary for the Ontario Form Radio Forum about this years inter est in Farm Forum activity The season gets under way Novem ber with the national broad cast topic Farming as a Career in which the advantages and disadvantages of farming as a career will be discussed Mr Waite has just returned from a series of workshops for Farm Forum chairmen and sec retaries held in the counties of Peterborough Hastings Lennox and Lanark Elgin and Norfolk He was accom panied by Floyd Na tional of Farm Radio Forum and Mr a UNESCO fellow who is making a detailed study of the success and failures of Farm Forums particularly in Ilalton County Our visits to these counties brought to light that farmers are concerned over low prices This years topics chosen by the far mers themselves will bring more farmers together than ever before in form discussion groups to talk over their mutual prob lems Mr stated There are active Farm in Ontario Ibis year it is expected that the mark will he reached I 1 just give me minutes you something l if r re 1 j Crown life branch of the met in the Sunday school room of Tempera nee ville church on Wednesday Oct How I made my head save my heels brought forth many worthwhile suggestions in an swer to the roll call Resolutions voted on at the convention were given consideration Mrs l Dunn of for ho Aurora and dist rict branch of the Canadian Can cer Society guest speaker of the afternoon was by Mrs Burton Palmer v Mrs A Miller of the Aurora district high school staff by showing n film said that valuable lime is often wasted when a serious problem must be faced Mrs provided lovely bouquets of flowers and afternoon too while the lunch committee Mrs Kveiolt Phil lips Mrs Roy Ho wen and Mrs served lunch The held its annuo fam ily night at Temperance lie school house which was filled to capacity on Friday Oct Mu sic the program followed by The Railway Skit in which Mrs Don- Chalk Mrs Hell Mrs Fred Hoys Miss Jennings and Miss Joan Hare took part Miss Ruth favored audience with a piano medley A ffPha Town Gossip whs rend by Mrs Don The Spie and Span Twins were two stout ladies dancfug with miniature feet A reading was given by Mrs Roy Miss Margaret Bey nan conduct ed the skit The Gathering of Those taking part In the twoact play Wanted A liousekeeiier were Mrs Fred Hare Mrs Nelson Thompson Mrs Jennings Mrs Charles Jr and Miss Mrs Carl Clayton and Mrs Win Mitchell The evening was climaxed by a dance something so Interesting to new so Inexpensive i no more taking down no more putting op storms no more storing painting repairing Saves ft of yir first i COMBINATION WINDOWS the worlds finest all aluminum selfstoring combination windows Positively no obligation to buy wo ask only the privilege of So ask for a Free Survey 895J TO SUIT Guaranteed satisfaction because there are NO stock sizes every unit individually made to exact ly fit the size of your window Write for complete information and literaturejust till out the coupon and mall ST NEWMARKET OUT ltd Ionian Avnga locnlo oil ujMMiti I tfttt Phone 3 MAIN ANI Timothy NtwmutiitrSX Aurora 1115 PINE ORCHARD Willlntf Workers will meet at the of Mrs Douglas Hope Wednesday afternoon Nov at Topic For oil this I urn thankful will bo given by Mrs John reading by Mrs K Johnston roll call verses end Mrs Hold and Miss Helen Hold visited Mr and Mrs Held recently Mr and Mrs James Hope ZEPHYR Mr and- Mrs A of viaited Mrs A on Sunday last Mrs were visiting friends in Toronto Inst week United ary services were well attended both morning and evening last Sunday If Kennedy of Uxbridge was the guest speaker and delivered two most helpful S were recent guests of Mrs Floyd sermons The choir did well and the organist Service at Union church on and choir leader Mrs Gordon Sunday afternoon Nov will deserve much credit he at 230 and Sunday school at Many former residents a of Zephyr attended Interesting ana educational films were shown at svhool on Friday evening Oct by the Ontario under the auspices of the Pino Orchard I Mr and Mrs T Van Pelt To ronto spent Saturday with Mr Van Pelts sister Mrs J terns and Mr Sorry to learn Mrs Charles Wright Is ill Bent wishes for a complete recovery She held a successful sale on Saturday prior to moving to Newmarket services Quito number of ladies mot in the Sunday school room Tuesday afternoon and quilted three quilts to bo sent along with good used clothing to Korea Thj A held their October meeting at homo of Mrs Carl Meyers It was largely attend ed Much business was trans acted The A have just pur chased some beautiful dishes as part of the necessary equipment for the kitchen very hour of every the telephone in your home stands ready to serve a fraction of a cent an hour What else in your daily means so yet costs so little t INI