If f Beautifully decorated with Unilmti of bronze and gold Keswick church the Betting on October when Evelyn June daughter of Mr A and Mrs Cowlesoni Keswick became the bride of Gordon Charles Hunt son of Mr and Mrs Hunt New market Rev George Campbell off fei nted and Mrs Ted was singing The Wedding and during the recep tion Where eer you Walk The bride looked charming In strapless gown of white taf feta and a jacket of lace with a folded neckline and dolman style sleeves The skirt ended in a short train Iter fingertip veil fell from a heartshaped cor onet of matching lace She car ried a basket bouquet of and trailing Ivy Mrs John slater of the bride was matron of honor Her other attendants were Mrs John and Miss They wore similar floorlength gowns of Keijy green taffeta with matching hats and gloves and carried basket bouquets of chrysanthemums and ivy Mr Robert was the best man and the ushers were Messrs John and John At the reception in the hotel Mrs ccived in a of Neptune green brocaded with a corsage of pink roses She wa assisted By the grooms mother who a floorlength gown Beauty chiffon velvet with a corsage of yellow shaded roses For travelling to Florida and- other points in the United States bride chose a teat blue suit over which she wore a blush pink top coat with a corsage of white gar denias Oh returning the bride and groom will reside in Jessie May Kerfoot daughter of Mr Thomas Kerfoot King ston and the late Mrs became the bride of Murray Hall son of Mr and Mrs Hall and grandson of lews Mis Hall and the late Mr Hall in Baptist church Toronto Sat urday Sept Rev Gordon Brown officiated amidst a color ful setting of mixed gladioli af ter the soloist Mrs Black had sung the Lords Prayer Given in marriage by her fa ther the bride wore a ballerina- length gown of white net with a lace basque and a lace over- jacket with standup collar and pointed sleeves A head piece of pearls held her finger tip veil and she carried a bou quet of Her attend ants Mrs J Race matron of honor for her sister and Miss bridesmaid for her cousin wore similar gowns of over taffeta with lace Jacket and matching caps in coral and smoke blue- They car ried bouquets of yellow and bronze mums Mn William Hall Jr was groomsman for his brother and the ushers were Messrs Leslie Watson and Bernard Rochester Guests at the reception din ner held in the were received by Gladys of the bride wearing a gown of navy blue with rose accessories and a corsage of pink roses and the grooms mother wearing a venderrose gown with purple accessories and a mauve corsage couple loft on a trip to the the bride wearing a twoipitce suit of amethyst gabardine with black nylon ac cessories and a corsage of white gardenias Murray Hall is a nephew of Mrs Horry Hill Newmarket arid the late Mr Hill Marks Its Second Anniversary ENTERTAIN BRIDE Among those who entertained Mrs Kenneth prior to her marriage were miscellane ous shower hostess Mrs Herman kitchen shower hos tesses Mrs Arthur Lloyd Misses Marian Pickering Smith and Joan miscellaneous shower hostesses Mrs George Quanta and Miss Hilda Davis of Aurora linen shower hostesses Misses Irene Curtis and Shirley presentations were given by Youth for Christ ex ecutive congregation of New market Gospel Tabernacle and staff of the Veterans Land Act Newmarket i craft SHOT SUN ft SHOT GUM for by r and fully only In much smooth boll lock pad blued walnut Quid Bin i 4 Shot Gun full choke auto matic hardened frame All metal parti Oown Cuaramwd not to walnut Clean and trouble free barrel barret barrel Martin and ft RIFLES I 12 Col Bolt Adieu Shot Hide barrel AS if flt Mirii J Hit Self corliidce of 0 flnivhtt Arcfcoi recr igtt col i h J Clip type it with onwn rilling Seotcned 2l a a j MfiU 21 it fait boil Hooded front Jam light sporting type wmlUaYerloil M 7fx bar rat AarfeMlia 12 Cat i only round type rifling fet ww M1RLIN HUH POWER RHUS Merit enoel5v amokeiafi barrel feuiMtoclr of Tubule hW iicni Wounloln eight aM MJ length h W Wen revet tit JO30 eotrlggea top low boxy the Stole loth I Solvent Ji5 1 iXkotlng oil frei A detune deer rifle Po the man vho fiui Wt tool norrled by wet Blue tfiliStock With a sense of pride Lady president of King crafts Guild guided the thoughts of the organization back over the past two years when she pre sented her address at the second annual meeting held at Cedar Brook the home of Mr3 H Denton Oct We eta walk ahead with confidence toward the goal embodied in the constitution to endeavor to improve the skill of artistry of those practicing crafts said the president The sale of work undertaken by the organization at Kings- wold Lady home last June was the- highlight of the yean enterprise was a valuable experience for the fu ture development Kingcrafts it astonished uft that the articles we had produced were hot only highly praised but were keenly sought by our ftoncraft friends The formation of the junior group the is a progressive step The president stressed the importance of in stilling children with a desire to create with hands The annual report prepared by the secretary Mrs E Johnston was read Miss nifred Roys It contained a de tailed picture of the years Designs front Textiles Snowball choir attended Sha- Mrs Victor Carroll enter church last Sunday evening led a few friends last Thursday Miss Vera Clarke assistant to the curator of the textiles branch of archaeology of the Ontario Royal Museum was the guest speaker She has charge of his torical gowns of ancient and modem textiles and Is doing re search work in this capacity Miss Clarke displayed pieces of textiles from various coun tries and periods Illustrating the quality design in relation to the medium in which they could be used in handicraft By drawings Miss Clarke demonstrated how to choose a motif and fit it into space She said the outdoor scenes and na tural life at King offer unlimit ed possibilities Mrs M Weiss thanked Miss Clarke for her lecture and Mrs R thanked the hostess Mrs Denton for her hospitality In preparation for the pre- Christmas sale of craft work amongst members on Nov at the home of Mrs all work should be in the hands of Mrs Geoffrey Beatty by Nov Carrying on for the coming year are Lady Mrs J Grew and Mrs first and second vice- respectively Mrs B Johnston sec Mrs Bryan Mrs C John ston providing special music for the anniversary service Rev Graham preached at both morn ing and evening services A large number of people from Snowball attended the cooking school in King City on Thursday and Friday even ings Seven ladies brought home prizes on Friday night They were Mrs Calvin Mitchell Mrs Gould Mrs Bill barren Mrs Mrs Mrs Emma Farren Mrs C Copson Mr and Mrs Roddick spent Saturday evening with Mr and Mrs Gould Mr and Mrs and family of Orillia spent the weekend with the formers mo ther Mrs Emma Mr and Mrs Gould Jill and Gary of Newmar ket spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Wm Gould Mrs spent a few days in Toronto last week returning Sunday night Miss Eleanor White a few days with Mr and Mrs Bruce Judge of Kettleby Mrs J Palmer Mrs Pal mer Mrs Berg Hanson of Pick ering Mrs P La of Mal vern Mrs Roy Howe of To ronto Dont forget the bazaar and chicken pie supper to be held in the basement of the church on Friday Nov Supper served from to oclock Mr and Mrs Aubrey and Helen spent Monday even ing with Mr and Mrs Gould V AURORA ORGANIZES I Aurora town hockey league with its preliminary meeting be hind it will get down main business of organizing for the season tonight Thursday Oct 30 in the Aurora arena at All players in terested in playing hockey fcfer the leagues banner are re quested to be on hand so that officers can be elected for the coming season and the league can get off to a flying start in the near future United church parsonage on September 27 The bride Miller is the daughter of Mr and Mi groom is the son of Mr and Mrs Fred Coatcs With the bridW and groom above are the matron of honor Mrs Howard sister of the bride and the best man Mr John brother of the groom Photo by Ma who has been a resident in a for several years has moved to Toronto Mr and Mrs Don and Miss Stokes Toronto were in town over the weekend Rev and Mrs Dyer stayed oyer night on Sunday with Mr and Mrs returning to their home in Toronto on Mon day i m r Mr Thompson has been very ill at his home for the past couple of weeks Mr and Mrs Graham and Mar garet and friend of were Sunday visitors at the homo of Mr and Mrs Theaker Mr and Mrs Earl and Mr and Mrs Alex McDermid were weekend visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Gordon Knott Sunday was a memorable day in Mount Albert United church when fine anniversary services were held Rev Dyer of Century church New Toronto was the guest speaker and as a former minister in Mount Al bert was welcomed back by congregations who got much food for thought from his fine ser mons Special music was prepared by the choir which was assisted at the evening service by Mr Terry always a welcome soloist The Board of Stewards hod asked for as an offering to carry on their work and were reward ed by a gift of for which they are deeply grateful Mrs the weekend in Toronto Miss Watts and Mrs Oilman Brampton were visitors this week at the home of their swteriniaw Mrs Ed Watts Mrs J Burr was a visitor in Toronto at the home of her nephew Draper Two carloads of WMiJ ladies attended a special meeting in United church on Thursday evening when Mrs a former missionary of West China was guest speak er They were grateful for the invitation to hear such fine talk and also enjoyed the social The girls under the leadership of Mrs Gladys got away to a good start for their winter The following the officers pros Ruth first viccpres Anno second vice- pros Betty Rolling sec Rate Ruth Harrison devo tional Thomp son Betty Morton Caroline Old ham Margaret Tyndall pianist Margaret Next Friday evening will be Halloween the annual com munity will be hold in the town hall at pm and treats for all S4 don your Hallo ween costumes and come out for evening of fun with the kid- It Is sponsored by WI Young has gone to KempvilJe to take a dietetics course at college Get your tickets now for turkey supper in the town halt from Mrs Bruce Rolling supper is to be held on Novem ber 26 Turk of the Maple Leafs will bo guest speaker Member of the girls ball learn will be hostesses I Womens Institute will hold a euchre and In the town hall on Thursday Nov This Is the first of the season so please come along and have a good time With your neighbors There will be a concert in the town hall on Monday Nov sponsored by the stewards of the United church The Merry Mixers club of Goodwood will put on their drama Ember Get Wise Plan to attend at pin Mount Albert branch of the Canadian Legion will hold its annual Remembrance Day parade to the park gales on No vember 9 at pm The parade will be followed by a service in the Community hall All veterans are asked to attend and fall in at 230 fe hands sales sirvice YOU IL GET REAL MILEAGE AND SERVICE SWELL ILL MARATHONS NOW AMD fa v Year after year more people buy Chevrolet flSTSl V mm in its very fact that more people arc buying than any other car proves that Chevrolet does offer more value than any other car And the values there for you to sec In features like Body by Fisher with world famous construction JumboDrum Brakes for safer smoother stops VnlvcinHcad lingiuc with the more efficient and economical design thats setting the industry trend Simpler smoother Automatic Transmission are a few of the fine- car features offered by Chevrolet in its field and yet Chevrolet is the lowest- priced line in its field Thats why we say theres no value like Chevrolet value and why buyer preference backs us up Come in and see exactly how much more Chevrolet offers and how much less you need to pay i r opflonol on Da toil