y r Oft fc- i BUNGALOW Clue to kit faotaoomi large modern link and cup- good size living room bathroom side drive and gar- if of land Priced lor Phono Newmarket bungalow all conven ience garage garden on highway miles from Newmarket Possession Decern- Elgin Evans phono 2Wj2 New market UNDER construction bedroom bungalow on Ontario St Newmarket For particulars phone New clw4 IN Newmarket bunga low large modem kitchen rah- tiled floor plenty of cup board bath rubber tile floor on west side of town Close school bus service Phone or write PO box Newmarket house and modern hardwood floors con Apply Andrew St Ne Insulated house in Holland Marsh elec tricity and running water Close to and Christian and public school High school bus stop Oarage and small bam with running water Excellent garden Priced right for quick gale Apply A Van phone Bradford or Lewis phono Newmar ket NEW bungalow oil heated hardwood In front rooms nice lawn lot Priced right for quick sale Mur ray Baker phone 651 Newmar ket 3f37 ARTICLES FOR SALE UPHOLSTERING Chesterfield suites occasional chairs rebuilt recovered In anv fabric Apply Ken Sargent fo St or phone 382 New market UPHOLSTERING Chesterfield suites expertly re built and recovered Free esti mates free pickup and delivery All work approved by the of Health workmanship guaran teed- DYERS FURNITURE Cali Newmarket RUGS Save up to percent New rugs from old rugs woollens and discarded clothing Reversible seamless approximately thick Made In latest color tones Phone New market VENETIAN blinds aluminum or steel made for all of windows Kirsch drape tracks drape arms and pin hooks etc Free estimates and installations Phone apply Ontario St or write PO box New market rws jau ARTICLES FOR SALE dining room suite bedroom suite kitchen cab- market met Quebec heaters solid walnut bedroom suite near new j HOYS threepiece beige PIANO McMillan in real good condition Phone New- clw44 f HOUSE WANTED WANTED to rent a small for permanent home In Newmarket or vicinity preferr ed Write Mr New- market rz KV- ROOMS and basement part of house miles north of Abstainers preferr ed Phono Quecnsvlllc clw44 FIXTURES FURNACES FILTERS FITTINGS COMPLETE bathroom fixtures BATH or 5 BASIN CLOSET Powder room sets- white or color with chromed fit tings KITCHEN SINKS white or color chromed fittings and KITCHEN SINK CABINETS for porcelain enamel drain board tops or plastic tops FURNACES coal and oil gravity or air- conditioning with controls and replacing FIL TERS- for forcedair furnaces FITTINGS and pipe In copper- cast iron black and galvanized steel Laundry tubs shower cabinets electric ranges re frigeratorspressure systems- oil burners FREE CATA LOGUE Write or visit our new modern showrooms We deliver you pay for no freight JOHNSON PLUMBING SUP PLIES COME in arid try out the famous reclining chair Call Newmarket clw44 invalids wheel chair restaurant stools motor motor cycle like new Drop- leaf table coffee table spark guard brass dogs 2 swords large chests drawers dressers double beds complete Antique walnut dresser and wash stand marble tops china cab inets tables odd chairs ladys walnut desk drawers Water fall China glass and other articles Hirst phone Queens- 21116 REFRIGERATOR and range never used must sell Sacrifice lor cash Box No 220 ELECTRIC stove Moffat 4 three- speed elements Mercury control oven warming oven Excellent condition Phone Tom Misses Sizes sizes CM PROFESSIONAL- DESIGN I Genuine Samson boat Chrome plated blades Sizes 39 PRICES TO SUIT ALL Just In time for the skating classes CANADIAN TIRECORP ASSOC STORE snow suit size three Pink baby bunt- in condition Phone Newmarket BABYS wooden crib without mattress Apply Queen St E phone I055w Newmarket BUNDLES of standard asphalt shingles Burma red Ap ply Andrew St Newmarket 1 MERCURY 12 ton panel DODGE combination and hoist TOM BIRRELL SONS LTD Ford and Monarch Dealers Ford Tractors and Dearborn Implements North Main Ph HELP WANTED USED CARS EASY electric washing machine In perfect condition Phone 1181j or apply J Allen Pine St Newmar EIDERDOWN campers sleeping bag waterproof with mattress S50 Phone Newmarket LAMP SALE complete with shade and free bulb 1275 Table lamps complete with free bulb Beautiful Boudoir lamps with tree bulbs S575 pair Modern style table lamps all colors free bulbs from to DYERS FURNITURE Call 1250 Newmarket RESIDENT HEAL ESTATE SALESMAN FOR THE TOWN OF NEWMARKET An excellent opportunity with a long established firm with agents throughout Ontario Ileal estate not necessary however applicant should have a complete knowledge tttul farm properties and a desirable house on the main street- Please apply by letter only to McLean David McLean Limited Real- tors I Phone Newmarket Clw44 ESTATE FOR A NEWMARKET bungalow shingles all insulated nicely decorated floors mod- fen kitchenattached garage view residential area cosh rtiiuired f- JOSEPH BROKER QUEEN ST PHONE LOTS FOR SALE choice building lots on jnd Ave Newmarket Newmar ket tMO BUFFET light oak with mirr ors Would a beautiful modern piece Kroehler sofa bed like new blue Oak book case dropleaf table All good condition Phone New- market DRAPERY SUP COVERS BEDSPREADS VENETIAN BLINDS Custom Made I Ik 20 SQUARES brie red with white mortar line Bargain per square Phono Aurora 5rl5 EXTRASPECIAL complete with shade silk shade with free bulb for only See this display of lamps in our store now Com pare these with any competitor Call 1 Newmarket BEDROOM suite itpiece wal nut nearly new Phone Newmarket lw44 HUNTERS See its tor heavy plaid shirts a71i All wool Pen man combination underwear suit heavy wool special felt insoles pair warm gloves from to 105 rebuilt army boots reversible hunting caps and vied GOOD used suit able for house Phone Newmarket RENFREW cream separator and stove sales and service Complete stock of parts ex- change bowls expert repair work Mail orders promptly filled We cover Ontario and York Counties Write or phone Moonstone 3 long specialist In cream separators Hillsdale O BED walnut finish mod ern box springs with coil spring mattress like new Very rea sonable Phone Newmar ket V FORD custom door black FORD custom door green FORD custom 2 door alpine Mite METEOR custom door green HUDSON super luxe door FORD door de luxe low mileage local car FORD club coupe CHEVROLET NASH good transmission TOM BIRRELL SONS v Ford and Monarch Dealers Ford Tractors and Dearborn Implements North Main Ph SKINNY LOVELY CURVES Gain 5 to lbs new pep TVy famous health and Tonic Tablets size only All drucgists LUMBER FOR SALE LUMBER 2x4 and lumber Hough or dressed Ed Blizzards Sawmill Eagle Newmarket 3w43 COLLIE pups mules Phone North York Humane Society Newmarket HOUNDS 1 years old Ernie Ellis 2 Newmarket Newmarket Pennsylvania black and Ian crossed with blood hound John Warren Mount Al- rU v BRICKS for- Bark Range approximately 3000 Enquire Cutting St Newmarket jAi MISCatANEOUS FOR SALE OH RENT Hospital beds wheel and Invalid chairs and Son Mount Albert 3503 THE BEST BRONCHIAL SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi- 1 A prompt and tor the relief of bronchitis tight or chesty coughs and colds cents The Best Drug Store Newmarket r t i 1- 23 WORK WANTED USED TRACTORS MIDDLEAGED lady desires work the day full or part- time References Apply Newmarket GARDENS plowed large or small Phone Newmarket after c YOUNG reliable woman desires day work Write Era and Ex press bo WE are now equipped install large septic tanks for restricted area For prices and call Murray Bakerphone Eagle St Newmarket V HUNTERS Specials- wool hunters jackets 1795 at Main St Newmarket and St Aurora DEALERS AGENTS WAGON JOBBERS See Page this issue for ad- vertlsement Top Selling Low Priced Phonograph Records If you- are qualified to handle an agency for this complete line In your town send a- letter with ref erences to Imperial Distributors GSR Bath- Street Toronto Ontario COME In and compare will not be undersold by any competitor anywhere You be the hidge I phone Newmarket 4BURNER electric range Underwood typewriter domestic sewing machine Phone or apply Joseph St Newmarket clw44 space heater practical ly new Phone Newmar ket MERCHANDISE AT Mens all wool red plaid Humphries hunting coats Regular Sale price AT for cash Small boys all wool suits to years Some with long pants some with Regular value Cash price Extra knee free Come and get them- FORD Ferguson FORD reconditioned FORD Tractor recondition ed excellent shape 1150 1950 FORD Tractor recondition ed like new FORD Tractor recondition ed NEW Major old style bargain 1350 Trade and terms on all above tractors TOM BIRRELL SONS LTD Ford and Monarch Dealers Ford Tractors and Dearborn Implements North Main Ph TO RENT OARAGE Centrally located Phone Newmarket ARABLE land acres or more Sharon Apply Mr Nelson Car Valine Farms phone DEEP freeze 17 ft in ex cellent condition Reasonable Phono Aurora SMALL kitchen coal or wood cream enamel In good condition Phone New market evenings VIOLIN size bow and case Violoncello bow canvas bag end pin and rubber ATTENTION NOW available at a great ng set Genuine waterless nu i si sleeping bags heavy grey blankets 195 ouch Army Duf fle bags army haversacks 3 power Held glasses with carrying case and each hunting knives from Sl05 each compasses Come in and look around STAN TAYLORS Army Airforce Store Aurora Post Office Phone now while supply lasts Easy credit terms low down pay ment- ho carrying charges For further information without any obligation send yonr name and address to Box Newmar ket and our salesman wilt call V AT Allwool young mens covert cloth suits For the small built man who 22 HELP WANTED STENOGRAPHER with good knowledge of shorthand typing ami filing- Good working con ditions five day week Write Era and box SALESMEN WANTED 2 ENERGETIC men to sell electrical appliances in Newmar ket Sutton area All leads supplied No canvass ing Car necessary Excellent commission Write PO box Sutton lw44 t CAPABLE girl or woman fond o children required for general housework Private room in ijui ve green chair radio walnut Both In good A Stout 10 Raglan UUon Reasonably Newmar lwi3 COOKSTOVE coal or wood Electric In first I APIECE suite wine green cabinet con- priced Rogers Newmarket a good suit chea p Sizes W fc Regular I home and good price wages Toronto house or rooms by clean end reliable tenants Phono I class condition Apply 20 Sec ond St or phone New market Newmarket r 4 with Of back and cellar that doesnt Irwv hydro Apply Mrs Ar thur Holly Holland Landing handy to business section preferrwt Terms Write PO box Newmarket FURNISHED or rooms jor fi from Newmarket Phone SMALL cookstove ivory trim General Elec tric stove Brass bed mid spring Hall clock 11 Catherine Ave or phone Aurora after pm OOM AND BOARD t WORKING mother with baby tKard where landlady would care for baby during the day Era and Express WOULD board child over ywim In good country home Write Era and Express box APARTMENT FOR RENT apartment and kitchen furnished weekly Write Era and box irV lw44 TWO newly decorated three- room flats bathrooms year around hot water rate en trances Enjoy skiing In winter and old hole In at Rips Ranch one mile east of Aurora slop light north corner Phone J I Parliament Aurora livinsroom SPEQIAIS velour or food suites complete with tables lamps smoker has- sock etc all pieces for only hay nowpay Our prices meet all competition DYERS FURNITURE iFor Sale reasonably priced WINDOWS each whit two panes glass in the foil- owing sizes 3d inches Jnches Incite Inches inches x 23- Inches tables wicker fern stand Phono Newmarket I328w CCM new con- Ion Phono New- market c3w43 brown Alpacama coat Mans black Chinchilla coat Both like new Phone Newmarket LADYS black silver fox collar size chamois lined Navy blue tailored suit size Apply Main St or phone New market NEW UNBELIEVABLE VALUE LUXURIOUS BEDSPREADS AT ONLY THIS is the latest rase It has thousands of small velvety tufts which completely covers the spread Absolutely finest type of spread made at this price First quality- In full double or With attractive pal terns or wilh solid same color designs All shades Makes an ideal plft Send COD plus postage to Please do tell anybody except your friends AT Allwool boys tweeds sizes to to years Regular Value up to Sale price Extra Out they must go WANTED TO BUY SCRAP steel tin or metal City prices paid You deliver or we pick up Northern Steel and Metal Co Davis Or New market c8w37 SMALL kneehole desk drawers on Phono New market clw44 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION to Toronto refunded if not flfttisficd i- fc room apartment and kitchenette unfurnished monthly Possession November Write Era and Express box LADYS black Persian Paw fur coat size good condition For quick Phone New market WOOD burning with attachments for oil Cheap for quick sale Phono New- market apart- new unit needed Radio battery set no batteries black coat size reasonable Apply Urlm- fit Newmarket TOWN AND COUNTRY MFG Box Place Mont real Quebec V MCUTON fur coat lull length like slo Phono Newmarket WHITE enamel kitchen coal or wood with reservoir Atlas bench saw Singer treadle sewing Factory built 14ton traitor All In ox- condition Phone Newmarket ilJSWTKS table with tip proof Duncan Base ami ant slain proof four chroma in colorful plastic exceptional value at See them today FARM CLERK for local drug store One with some store experience preferred or one anxious and willing to learn this type of busi ness will bo considered Apply Best Drug Store Newmarket elw11 TEACHERS rural business men and those in seasonal occupations if you have the desire to increase your income during the autumn winter and spring seasons and can for the dignified stimulating and challenging part time work we have to offer write Era and Express box for further Information Replies confidential c4w41 SALES OPENING Are you looking for something better Do you wish to increase your Income We have a good opening for a man or woman- full time or parttime to sell na tionally advertised Pro ducts In Newmarket No experi ence or investment necessary We help you get started Write immediately to Ranger J ft Company St Are you thinking tiling your kitchen or bathroom floor If so please call Newmarket for free estimates for rubber mastic maxboleiim and plastic wall tile J Bundle and Son Andrew St New- market -v- WANT your radio repaired in a hurry and guaranteed Phone Newmarket 28 LIVESTOCK SALE SOME dualpurpose dark red heifers registered and vaccin ated choice dark red young bulls Harvey Holt lw44 and accredited ae from the great producing dam Mae who has been an honor list leader each year she has been P testing and a superior Produ cer in and has lust finished a dav x record of approx imately tOOO lbs milk and lbs- He Is sired by Ran Annie Spartan grandson of Sovereign and Warksman Wo have full brother born Apply Trebble phone 21408 l REGISTERED Jersey cow young to freshen November to service of Brampton Beacon Cows dam has two stiver mods records Reasonable price Robinson phone Newmarket WEANED nigs Phone Newmarket 2w43 PIGS about lbs Apply Frank Sharon phone LIVESTOCK WANTED Horses for mtnk feed Highest prices Rex Smith Queens ville phone collect tf40 Horses for mink Will call for with truck Good cash prices paid Frank Coleman phone or PO box 25 AllHerbal rheumatic tablets for muscular arthritic and sciatic pains Price Best Drug Store phone Newmar ket v MUCOUS IN Thunas Pink Tablets for the nose and throat for the dropp ing of mucous discharge sensa tion of the lump in the throat and other disturbances These are the same reliable pink tab lets that have been used for many years by adults and child ren with good results Price 100 175 Best Drug Store phone DENNY PROUDLY presents your com plete needs in wooden products for Christmas all the Toys lawn chairs val ance boxes cupboards You it and Denny Will supply Reasonable prices Phone Newmarket We repair alt makes of sewing machines New machines up Singer Center New market Main St phone Trusses surgical supports elast ic hosiery Cor those who suffer from varicose veins ankle and knee trouble Arch supports Lumbago belts Best Drug Store phone Newmarket AtE SATURDAY NOV A Auction pale of farm stock implements cattle hugs Ford tractor years old- and tractor hay grain and household furniture etc the property of eh lot 16 con King township Terms cash Sale pm sharp Ed clerk Far mer auctioneer phone SATURDAY NOV Auction sale of registered and grade Hot stein cattle new tractor and combine implements hay grain furniture the property of Clark Johnson lot con 4 East GwHHmbury township Sale cash NO reserve proprietor quitting farming If ctok Kert and Clarke Prentice j SATURDAY i sale of frroom house and houses hold furniture walnut glassware in the village Zephyr the property of Andrews At the time ahf place will be offered for subject to reserve bid house hydro good well poultry house garage land with plenty of fruit trees Property In good condition Terms on chattels cash Terms on property 10 day of sale 1400 within 30 days bal ance on first mortgage at per cent Interest Possession Dec ember L Sale at one oclock Geo A S Far mer auctioneer J i rate Flowers FOR EXERY OCCASION Flowers Telegraphed All Over the World MAIN STREET Phone I Iv Member Florists Telegraph Delivery Association Flowers wired to all prti of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A US Main St Phone Attend One of These SUNDAY NOV i DYERS FURNITURE CLEARANCE SALE Console rind models Sewing Machine Co Main NCrwmarkot station wagon coat size white tube skates sizes and tap shoes size Phone Newmarket af tor PUBLIC DEMONSTRATION OF PNEUMATIC HARVESTER At farm of Annus Camp- bell miles north of Friday Oct 1052 at pm Come and see for yourself This machine loads hay or straw in the field arid Koch St Montreal unloads it at tho barn- no extra equipment will stony lanirTbe price Is fight The ideal machine for onotrtftn save costs be Ihdopcridont Dont demonstration In own district by Out USESTgUFOR FORD ton combination ami hoist low ml on Re FORD ton Comb ami Hoist excellent condition MRRCURY ton express ton cab and chassis win new tires CHEVROLET 3ton 1W with platform excellent condition fc INTERNATIONAL ton cab and chassis bargain FEMALE HELP WANTED POULTRY All kinds of live poultry Will pay above market price at voire door Phone poultry Any them in or will call on re quest Highest prices paid V Oak Ridges or phono King GEESE Chinese Toulouse ami Proven lnat- Reasonable Phone Newmarket caOP RaTred Rock pullets reatly to lay Phone 80r24 Aur ora GARDENS V BAPTIST CHURCH Invites School pm Evensong and a message from Gods Word Location Corner of Muriel and Arthur I pastor Laurence Evans LADIES Your spare tlmo agree ably and profitably employed by taking orders for lingerie and hosiery for ladies men children ami babies also bedding Nothing easier with our with colors containing about sup garments all with samples of our materials All a value of being loaned to you free Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded Fast delivery Gener ous commission bonuses gifts etc Wo ore positively the ones who givo the most to their Rep and still offer lowest soiling prices Join our satisfied Representatives by writing immediately JOUR LINGERIE Inc Iberville St Montreal CREAM separator parts Lister Vega VIkIur Anker- llolth Renfrew Do Laval rtttachmenls up -Agency- for Renfrew Laval- Viking cream septus terms Free dem onstrations no obligations It Hinsdale WHEAT straw stack Apply Mrs Levi Sharon phone i WANTED to a Reed strong horse for the Winter for Ids keen Can work single double The horse- Is Cedar Valley district For write P Ontario St Apt WOOD FOR SA16 QUANTITY dry hardwood cut In one foot lengths Phone 20517 HARDWOOD foot length Phono Mount Albert MIXED wood and cedar kind ling one foot cord at farm Arnold Cedar Valley phono Mount Albert FRIEND ME INtf Street Meeting for Worship Come to Meeting All welcome Nov meeting God works his power in those who give themselv to Him CHRISTIAN CHURCH Main Newmarket Rev Fred Organist Mrs- Eugene Cane 1 1 worship Coiumiinion Sunday school pan Gospel service- Subject Belief that works Wed prayer and fellowship meeting the Anniversary Services observed November through to Nov Ifith When you cannot pray as you would pray as SALVATION ARMY CITADEL Queen St Sr Major Laura Collins Lieut Phyllis Canavan Sunday am Holiness meeting 3 Sunday school Gospel service REV Pastor Church of and Life -Hour- every Sunday at 1570 School Miss Clara It Rally preaching Special sinking belly Vices Vr a ting TUuVailVMS hit for rwvoM meeting -RiST6RitHa- Rev am Divine worship Guest soloist Mr George Simpson Toronto school Evening THE GOSPEL TABERNACLE Associated Gospel of Canada y Pastor REV A Pianist MRS KENNETH LANG School for all ages- amThe Pastors subject epistle of James pm Pastors subject Present of Christ Crusaders Halloween meeting in Newmarket Town hall Friday Oct lit 7 y i FREE METHODIST -ii- Paster SUNDAY school Murray Divine Worship Oct 31YPMS social at I larvey Nov to Nov prayer meetings pm Church Revival meet Nov to Roy holds evangelist m m fastoriifc jiijSuiiday service fltoakUlassembling ourselves manner It- worship We Owe The Reform SUNDAY SCHOOL- am The Senior school aURiThe Nursery class v Beginners and Primary Evening worship g For a You will be welemnir iteSss r jtf L i