1 special softens dry skin Smoother hands and ail other akin areas A powder flattering and c Mr and Mrs John are pictured after their recerit mar riage at Keswick Both are from Keswick The bride of Mr and Mrs Lloyd Pollock The groom is the son of the late Mr Frank and Mrs Heaton Photo by HOLDS The annual meeting of the Junior Evening auxiliary WMS- Trinity United church Newmarket was held at the home of Mrs Frank Robin- 1 son on Tuesday Oct 21 A novel part of the was the sale of house plants by members Mrs Bruce pre sided- The devotionals were conducted by Mrs Harold Gar rett Mrs Harper a for mer vicepresident of the pres bytery explained the duties and work involved in each office of the auxiliary At the close of the business session a social halfhour was Refreshments were by the- hostess assisted by Mrs Kenneth Miller Mrs A Hicks and Mrs J A Malt- land ii J V v j delicate fragrance even when used before doing You know its by colour in the bottle j t j j of gee lotions of it rich uniform hare two bottles on btnd hi the bathroom and one in the kitchen ITS A r tasks stormy weather chap or crack your skin unless you use only lotion especially designed to prevent hand damage before it happens iw- lw ia Oh what we heard a man say last week was I terrible Really you wouldnt believe it but its true Promise you wont repeat a single word if we tell you We dont like to bear tales but some things we just cant pass over lightly Theres no telling where they might lead Goodness only knows how long this had been on without our know ledge i We stumbled upon this infor mation quite by accident In fact it all came about when we were invited to a banquet at the King George hotel Now on the sur face that appears to be quite in order The reason for holding the banquet was an acceptable one and so with those interested in conservation and particularly with the Upper Holland River Conservation authority we pre pared to enjoy a delicious meal The speaker of theevening was introduced It was noted that he was a sportsman and keenly interested in conservation Then after a brief we heard this man begin to tell of the wild life in the country In fact he even went farther than that and spoke favorably about it We almost choked over the coffee Surely Newmarket inhibited than their city cousins How local dances com pare those at the Royal York we mused The speaker referred- to beaver moose and deer No mention was made of pink elephants It was very confusing There wasnt one green cow purple giraffe or even a small snake must have lost a different weekend Suddenly our attention was brought back to the topic We had been led to believe in the simple way of life We had been trained that our children were to be taught the good simple pur suit of But no more Here were all these prominent citizens listening and agreeing with our speaker He said the children should be taught to ap preciate this wild life To know that it was heirs to enjoy Oh we just knew that would shock you Isnt that terrible My what is this world coming to that we should encourage our young ones in this way Wild life is not for thorn And so although as said before we WCXUMEET The regular meeting of the will be held at the of Mrs Roy Meads Main St North on Tuesday Nov at pm V A reception was held at the home of tiiid Mrs Ernest Rank Newmarket on Friday Oct in of and Mrs John Sullivan Fort Lee New Jersey Returning from their spent on a motor trip through the eastern stales and provinces the couple spent the weekend at home of the brides parents About were present for the social evening There were guests present from Oakville Burlington Toronto Aurora and Newmarket Six of the nurses who had trained with Mrs Sullivan the former Thompson attended as did many of her high school friends Many lovely gifts received by the CKOCOtATe A ROBIN HOOD CAKE MIXES TISSUES TO VOLUME I AT -A- in the year this man wasnt dont- like telling tales we felt going to pretend that life in the We hod to put a stop to this Despite care house lores our evening enjoy affair Minever what busy ttve w ism beforehand Hi -ft- v t fo lotion by of MUM country was Well maybe there is the still in operation Certain ly there are a few liquor charges laid in court weekly but that could hardly be termed the wild life have heard some tall tales of local residents visits to that big bad New York We read accounts which imply that our neighbor to the south is given to wideopen living But here in our small town of New market we were being told to protect that wild life After our bewilderment we began to wonder if the wild life in the country was so much better than that of the urban centres that it warranted protec tion Of course there is that Bohemian atmosphere in New- dreadful state of affairs Its bad enough when grown men praise wild life Its even worse when make compari sons and claim that the wild life is wilder in their districts But really you agree with us that such Wild life doesnt naed protection There must be more wild life in the country or the city Let this about the animals of forest not confuse the issue J SCOUTS COLLECT The annual ScoutCub Apple Day held In Newmarket and district on Saturday Oct was well supported was raised by the boys through the sale of their apples iri Newmarket Sharon and The scouts and cubs make this one appeal annually for funds and the money raised is used locally for the work of this worldwide youth movement The boys and their leaders wish to thank those who supported their Apple Day making it such a success- CLARKS Beechwood Bee MARGARINE CHIRY CONSOMME ASPARAGUS 1 xj5v AYL NEWPORT Sir IRT SCOTCH Vff GKAVY TIM Or JAR TED MILK 27 SWIFTS fc I m m m Social News Mr and Mrs Bert spent last weekend in Niagara market remember the arts crafts Davids the guests A ceremony was solem nized ah Tuesday Oct at the home of the bride by Rev when Rosa Amelia daughter of the late Mr and Mrs George was united marriage to William Lewis To ronto son of the late Mr and Mrs Lewis J- The bride wore a navy gown with hat to match and corsage of orchids also the gift of a gold wrist watch The bride and groom left on a trip to the United States and on their return will reside at Park Avenue OGERS GOLDEN SYRUP OX REGULAR VITONE FUDGE MIX 2 TINS l TIM MB TIN i TIN 33 31 v ARABIA fc ll ASSORTED FLAVOURS CHRISTMASCAKE POWDERED Mixed Pickles MARALECAKE Auatrcdian Currants CHOICE MIXED KGS NO SIZE EACH JAR EACH 13 IIS J 59 32 33 m fm SHELLED ALMONDS BLAH 23 19 ONDS FRUITS Z 21 COTTAGE BRAND WHITE WHEAT mm SLICED OR 14 LOAF -t-t- and drama Then it might be that the rural population is less a -r- i r Tt P I ITS ft allwool English gabardine or covert cloth with a s InAIIWool y iis v j TOPCOAT i IN GREW BLUES J-e- SEASON fe J HI r- i ly7 L I VLV il ST I 1 i of Mr and Mrs- Robert Mr and Mrs Jack Sine Kit chener were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Grant Sine Mrs Maurice and Mrs Armstrong return ed on Sunday from a weeks trip to Newark Wayne Martin on the weekend in Keswick the guest of Mr and Mrs Dennis Martin Calvin Davis Has return ed home after spending the past two weeks with daughter Mrsl Lloyd ifiirst Buffalo Spencer visited the home of Rev and Mrs Bull oh Sunday I Mr and Mrs Barton Elliott bridge were weekend guests of Mr arid Mrs Roy EI- Mr Barton is the sheriff of district Noll Lament Ltmen burg US James Johnston New and Mr and Mrs Allan Johnston to were guests la t week at the home of their niece Mrs Nelson Ion and Mr rDr and- Mrs John Sulli van Fort Lee New Jersey and Miss Toronto were weekend quests of Mr and Mrs Ernest 4Mrs J Strutters accom panied her children Jane and Douglas visited her parents week Mr and Sirs Gordon was a guest at the home of Mr and Mrs Grant Sine Sunday and Mrs Arnold Bray spent the weekend in Buffalo and while there attended the funeral services of their Lloyd Hurst Mr and Mrs Jack Hamilton were guests over the weekend at the homo of Mr and Mrs Frank Mrs Ft Dempster returned on Sunday from a four months holiday trip to the west Mrs Dempster visited friends and relatives In Manitoba Albert and British Col Mrs A Hart arid Mrs Earl Crawford are holidaying at St Petersburg Florida rr- Mr ami Mrs Percy Jones Toronto spent the weekend with Mr Jones mother Mrs It W Jones rVisitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Fred Hoover on Fri day were Mr Clarence Atkin son and Mr Gordon Calgary cousins of Mrs Hoover tMrs P has returned homo after spending the sum mer with her sister Mrs P Bo- tun North iv BAKE AN AFFIX MONARCH PIE CRUST FRESH APPLES 33 each me How In AM if i Cream Stylo Corn SALADA Oronae Pekoe Tea tort TINS 61 2o Who raises child of her own flesh lives with nature who raises child of anothers lives with God CHOICE PEAS Dr Bollards Health Food for Dogs 2 29 ill M C KEiS pkg LARGE FAB S fiBBift y 37 STU DEODORANT ax ft 1402 Blaidwd Sailed 25c ml MO BEANS m 1 JEfitYWAl0tt4 NORMAN MIASM i A MUST SEE EVE1JY WOMAN C0HW6 SOON choice short cut first ribs Short rib choice blade roasts blade bone removed Boneless and rolled brisket plate choice Rolled roust lean boneless lb TO COOK lb lb fowl choice A lb k ALWAYS BUy YOUR AND OFTEN