CIRCULATION Average for three months ending September Trading Aurora Others TOTAL PAID SERVING NEWMARKET AURORA AND THE RURAL DISTRICTS NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY NOVEMBER SINGLE COPIES CENTS EACH targe crowds of youngsters have been attending the Crusaders nights every Friday at town hall Under the leadership of Rev A Yielding who started the Crusader nights the see magic movies play games hear lectures on safety Mr Yielding decided to start nondenominational nights to teach youngsters decent living and to do something about the delinquency problem Above a group of boys wearing Crusader sweaters watch Herman put Boxer dog through its tricks The dog belongs to Father J Era and Express photo PILOT UNINJURED CRASH LANDING NORTH EAST OF KING A tight plane a Fleet monoplane crash landed and turned over a hundred yards from the Highway three north east of King Tuesday night The pilot Allan Toronto crawled from the aircraft uninjured First police reports a half hour before dark indicated had been a crash With information at first it was thought that the accident might have been more serious Two jets crashed in the same area last year killing both pilots Th pilot had rented the plane from Leaven Brothers Air Ser vice Barker Airport He was on a crosscountry flight when the craft ran out of gas The plane came to rest a few yards a clump of trees The pilot had landed In a plowed field It appeared that the craft flipped over when it struck a hollow In the soft ground Only damage was a broken propeller Wants Newmarket After Amalgamation Newmarket would be a county town with the York County seat established here if the wishes of Deputy- Reeve Walter Saunders of York township were followed the establishment of the county seat here would depend on amalgamation proceedings Vo According to a report VETERANS PARADE MEMORIAL SERVICE ON SUNDAY NOV AH members of the Canadian Legion branch and Newmarket Veterans Association together with other veterans in Newmar ket and district are requested to fall in at the Newmarket town ball on Sunday pm for a parade to the St mem orial The parade will lead off at pm and proceed to the memorial A service will bo mid there in memory of fallen soldier In World War and the Korean war tor Legion members and Vets will be berets and medals Other veterans are asked to wear The Newmarket Citi zens Band will be on parade day DeputyReeve Saunders may make the proposal county council this week The proposal be related to the decision of the Ontario Municipal board in dealing with amalgamation of the suburban municipalities with the city of Toronto Torontos suburbs from the southern half of the county New boundaries would be required In the event of amalgamation County Commissioner Reeve John Rye East said that Newmarket would be the choice for a county seat In the event of amalgama tion The present county build ing constructed within the last ten years is on Adelaide St Toronto York County council now rep resents rural and suburban municipalities with the southern municipalities contributing an estimated percent of the an nual budget levy Amalgamation proceedings have been at a standstill for the past two years At one point the Ontario premier said thai proceedings would have to be completed by January A largo number of northern munici palities opposed the proposed scheme for amalgamation two years ago OF David Lake Wilcox was found guilty In Magistrates court Newmarket on Tuesday Nov of common assault and sentenced to 10 and costs or ten days Magistrate made a conviction of com mon assault the original charge was assault with bodily harm The charge had been laid by Patrick Lake Wilcox against David Frank following an alleged assault on Friday Oct A countercharge brought against Bourke by Frank wa dismissed as was a charge of damage to the letters car by HISTORIC MILL NEAR ALBERT DESTROYED BY FIRE Fire swept through the mill early last Friday even ing and levelled the fourstorey 100yearold structure in less than on hour The mill was handhewed from oak and pine from the dis trict and was a wellknown land mark It stood beside a mill pond but several years ago the water- power mill was taken put and a diesel engine installed The flrilll was owned by James whose father purch ased it years ago Four were employed Hammett said nas only partially insured and the had taken most of his I sayings j guess Ml have to work for one else he said Four firebrigades from Mount Newmarket and were called to the fire but could do little but keep the blaze from spreading J The fire was discovered by Donald Hill an employee who was working late He smoke and when looked into the rear portion of the building he found it Siji- V Included in the loss was 15 in grain and 15000 worth of machinery Hammett esti mated the building be worth OPTIMISTS HOSTS TO BALL TEAM Last Tuesday evening the Newmarket Optimist club enter tained their Optimist hardball team the Ontario minor baseball finalists at dinner at the King George hotel During the program Thorns and Don Lewis put on a hard fought race by pushing a peanut along the floor with their noses Unfortunately Dormic Thorns lost and the Optimist members on his side of the table were forced to pay a Optimist Bill Austin challeng ed Don Warner to the same race After a few head locks and elbow jabs Bill Austin was victorious Jeff Smith who has just re turned to the club after his lengthy illness was the lucky winner in the draw winning a slightly used pumpkin face Rod and program chairman Frank kept the meeting roll ing in high gear with original stunts Guest speaker for the evening was Mr Yielding minister of the Gospel Tabernacle He spoke to the boys and Optimist members on the subject You Never Know What You Are Up Against Mr Yielding also assisted boys work chairman Ken Stephens in presenting the ball players with their finalists crests J Davis The funeral held for Andrew J Davis former mayor of Newmarket keen sports enthusiast anil porter of famed hockey teams of the past and vice president of the Davis Leather Company until a Jew years ago was attended by a large of people at Trinity United church Monday died early last Friday morning in hospital at Toronto Andy Davis I was a well known business executive ami a jttpular III figure in the sports world The service was conducted by Rev Henry Cotton and Rev J Aiken Andy Davis was born at King- the members of Newmarket horn April the son of team of He J Davis former councillor and of Newmarket welt known business executive and hockey enthusiast died early last Friday morning A large gathering of people from Toronto arid more distant centres attended the funeral services at Trinity United church on Monday afternoon OPPOSE CLOSING OF A municipal board hearing was held in Aurora on Oct 29 to receive complaints against the closing of crossing the new highway In towhshipThe township of King represented by J Lucas township and county solicitor and KM It Stiver The following day a strong appeal was put before the On tario board in Toronto against the closing of crossroads It is reported that the final APPOINT MRS TOtlBRARf BOARD Mrs William Janes was ap pointed to the Newmarket Lib rary board for the balance of to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mrs Stephens The appointment was made at a meeting of the School board last night board has three on the Library board with one appointment being made annually Each represent ative remains on the board for a the late Hon J Davis and Margaret Johnston Davis He was educated at the public school at Kinghorn Aurora high school and Central Business col lege He came to Newmarket with Davis family in when the Davis tannery industry was moved from Kinghorn to to become the largest tannery in the British Empire He married Audrey Ramsay Campbell in She prede ceased him Surviving are three sons Ken neth Aubrey J Ghent and a daughter Margaret Jean Jay- Hi brother Aubrey Davis also a wellltnown figure in the community predeceased him on March 5 1951 Also surviving three brothers E J Davis Newmarket Elmer and Har old Kingston two sisters Mabel Davis and Mrs Edith Webb Newmarket Andy Davis served on New market town council for ten years and was mayor for three years and He was best known for his interest in sports particularly his sup port of the junior hockey teams of the late twenties and early thirties and the team which won the championship He was always ready to give financial assistance to any cause in Newmarket His favorites were are to be laid over until three year term Mrs George Dec TWO MINUTES SILENCE of Newmarket are re quested by the mayor to observe two minutes on Tuesday at oclock to pay to soldiers killed in The fire whistle will be at am PHOTO WINNER Last weeks farm photo win ner was won by Hare Roches Point The Hare farm is on lot concession three North and Tom Hare Keswick sports fig ures operate the farm and Har old is a trucker They have lived on the farm for ten years It was formerly owned by Hazel and was recently pur chased by Earl BAND CONCERT SUNDAY Newmarket Band will hold a concert Sunday night In the town hall at pm will be an bay con cert and proceeds will go to the Newmarket Veterans NOV sup per ami variety program in Bond Head Community to pm Admission Bond Head fi upper to 8 pm Slx Under the Merchants Hold Successful Fall Winter Fashion Show A style of fall and winter for the entire family And an Interior decorating ftutratton in the Wewmarket town hall on Wed by a group of local merchants Models chosen by the Ladies- Canadian legion The went io the Commentator at the fashion was Mrs A fforohto gave a talk interior Mrs Paul president of the welcomed iho visitors and called upon Bert on to apeak on behalf of There were door prize j hair styling Embassy Beauty salon jewelry Yates Jewelry Wallpaper If Stephens and Son draperies Senegals children wear Jack and Jill womens styles Dawsons Ladies wear and men clothing MorrUonx Mens Wear The models wore June Ann Alice Sheridan June Pontine May Brooks Mrs I Vn nee Hetty Cordon Mary Anna Susan Sherry Gordon Wench Yvonne Fair- barn Bonny Newton Gall Wil son Janet Mills Bonny Bain Susan Cm- Rosemary John Robert towisnd weu to AGAIN NEWMARKIT VETS For the third consecutive year was elected president of the Newmarket Vet erans Association Canadian Corp Branch at its annual meeting last Friday evening Other officers elected were first vicepresident Arthur Evans second vicepresident Art Lee secretary Bill recording sec Kestcr Hugo treasurer Herb Giadman mem bership Bill Blight Property Bill Hill by Harold social Noble pen sions Bill rnemorial Keats ways and Jack Wright welfare Ted Mitchell publicity Milt Morton chaplain J Aiken 7 Ml veterans wishing to attend the annual Holland Landing re service Sunday Nov In the Holland Landing United church ore requested to ft at the dugout by Sunday Knr MONDAY NOV In Veterans also are asked to KiihwT at the market square for the prizes Lucky draw arid lute annual remembrance service Admission el which Witt bo in front of TUESDAY NOV Annual the St at of District No to Milk As km in Stroud Dairy Commls- of Province Ontario Refreshments TUESDAY NOV Red Cross will quilt and sow at Trill United church from am to pm Lunch served TUESDAY NOV banquet United church basement pm under the of Kins Legion and mov- ion to orchestra in Wells hall Veterans and com panions per person ftfitK PRODUCERS MEET The annual meeting of District No Toronto Milk Producers Association will be held in Stroud community hall on Nov It at oclock Everett Biggs dairy commissioner of the prov ince will be the guest speaker There will be movies about the milk foundation Election of officers for will be held and an appointment will be made for a delegate to the as- meeting in Toronto in December The dis trict meetings are held alternate ly in and York counties ThJs meeting comes when Sim Is to be host Bond Head United church SATURDAY NOV Johns bingo in the Town Hall at Jackpot games special game SATURDAY NOV to call at Greens General store King City for bargains in Christmas cards Christmas gifts etc percent discount as Ton as stock CALL to nil veterans regarding Remembrance Day parade Nov ember Fall In at town hall 215 pm Dress will be berets and medals The usual service I be held at Holland VN RETORT NEXT WEEK Duo to lack of apace the re port on the opening of the assembly In New York which jurats presented to the Newmarket Home and School association on Oct was held over until next week Rather than cut the account given by Mrs and Mrs Fred A executive members of tho branch UN association In NOV Jackpot and door prize WEDNESDAY NOV Bingo King City Masonic hall pm sharp specials Jackpot under the auspices of King Legion Auxiliary Admis sion 35c THURSDAY NOV in Sharon hall at pm under the auspices of Union Street Good prizes Refresh ments Admission FRIDAY NOV Fourth An nual Community Bazaar under auspices Newmarket Handcraft Group Town Hall to pm the date WEDNESDAY NOV supper at Keswick Memorial front to pm Under the auspices of St Pauls Jersey Treat your fam ily to a delicious meal Admls- children Newmarket euchre dance and draw at new fire fire hall of turkeys chickens arc or for W- Wl NOV Autumn bazaar and ten United church tinder the auspices of the Auxiliary of the W MS Supervised nursery Tea served from to pm FRIDAY NOV market Sutton District filch School IMumnl In Newmarket loh School auditorium DANCING Mount Albert night from to pm to Norm and his orchestra Bus leaves George hotel sharp DANCE in Holland Landing Community hall cancelled for this week elw45 Case was the Public schools ap pointee in and A Jack son in Mrs Stephens had been reappointed to the library board in Discussion on plans for a new library in Newmarket continued at a recent meeting of the lib rary board WANT UN RADIO AN HOUR EARLIER A recommendation regarding tlic radio program United Na tions Today has been forward ed from the Newmarket Home and School association to the The resolution called for a re quest to the CBCT that serious consideration be give to advanc ing the hour for the presentation of the program UN Today topic Introduced by Hor ace called attention to the fact that the program is now aired at 1115 on weeknights it was suggested that greater number of people would be able to listen to the program If it were presented following the oclock news bulletin Mrs Beer seconded the motion which was unanimously carried CRITICALLY ILL John year old son of Mr and Mrs was admitted to Sick Childrens hos pital Toronto on Sunday morn Ing with a ruptured appendix The appendix had been ruptur ed for some time and John was on the dangerously ill list week Yesterday his parents were notified that they could see him and that he was on his way to recovery His condition Is re- gnrded as critical honorary president of the club An active figure in the mining world he was president of Mines Ltd Sheldon Larder Mines Ltd and Perron Gold Mines Ltd He- was tor of MineS Ltd Inspiration Mining and velopment Co Ltd New met Mines Ltd and Mica Mines Ltd He was interested in Pickering College Newmarket where two of his sons were educated and he established a scholarship there Pallbearers at the funeral Monday were members of the junior hockey team Fred Murray Bruce vett Marshall Charles Thorns BUI Thorns and Charles Townsley Interment was at Newmarket cemetery Honorary pallbearers were J C Steer John A Thomson Dr J Robert J Hugh Scully Joseph George Williams Dr John J son J Mayor Joseph Vale James A Hugh Pat Patterson A Perron J O Little C J Murdoch James S Law Gordon L- Manning Jacques Bouchard Robert Barb and J Boylen Also attending the service were Conn and A Hewitt 1 i i Accident Fund Approved Pays For Injury OriWprt AT HOSPITAL CONVENTION York County hospital was rep resented at the annual conven tion of the Ontario Hospital association held the Royal York hotel Toronto from Oct to Present were Miss Lil lian Thomas superintendent of nurses Mrs Dorothy Graham hospital accountant and Frank Courtney secretarytreasurer of the hospital board An accident fund will be put into force in the Newmarket Public schools following the receipt of premiums on Friday Nov The decision was reach ed at a meeting of the public board of trustees last as a result of the favorable re sponse of parents to the sugges tion A letter was sent to parents and guardians of children in at tendance at the public schools Larry Bell said that from a total enrolment of had sign ed for the accident insurance That would give approximately 325 in account for the school term he said The accident fund will cover such expenses as doctor dentist hospital or ray expenses incur red as a result of an accident on school property on regular school days Each child Is re quired to pay cents a year to participate In the scheme The insurance will take effect Immediately upon the receipt of premiums Parents and guard ians who want their children In cluded In accident fund are requested by the board to send cents for each child to the teacher of his class on Friday Nov All collections will be made on this one day A record of those contributing to the fund win be kept and an official re ceipt issued Larry Bell will supervise the organization of the plan It will be by the board with the treasurer Hunt er handling the funds With the support and cooperation of the parents especially during this first year the fund should be very successful said Mr Bell Any balance in the account at the close of the term would carry over for future years NEW STORK FRONT Improvements to store fronts on Main St Newmarket have almost completely changed the appearance of the business thor oughfare Most recent change is at Eves Ladies Wear A new modern store front has been completed there BAIT Arrangements have been made for a church service Sunday at Trinity United church for vet eran members of the Bat talion The veterans will meet at the town hall at wd proceed to the church A large number of battalion will be coming from Toronto SPECIAL SECTION A special third section of the Era and Express this week Is devoted to general news of the district sod the opening of the new Tom and Sons service centre and on The Hunters Special stopped In Mount Albert on SatuWwNov to pick up local hunters for the annual trek to the Many other hunters deer open for one to three weeks depending on the district Is well under way of the hunters are expected home this weekend More fortunate ones wilt remain for the entire season Joined a group from hunt at The BuckHorn Hunting club which hunts out of Burkes Falls has one Toronto and the remainder are local hunting enthusiasts They Include Harry Wright Shanks Jack oil of and Ivan Hunting with the Falcon Hunt club are ton Frank Johnson Bert Morrison all of Newmarket Goodwin Hoi land Landing Percy Richmond Keswlcic 6ri and Morley Mount Albert Other members of the club are from Toronto Is east of Sudbury so that this camp wil remain open for days Luke Lyons Newmarket Is hunting at in the Parry Sound district with the Proctor Hunt club Its members hail from and ManmaR Lyiatft Scar-