5 J Eft V- v5 r V s in t District correspondent Large Crowd months had their Every year when Hallow- en masquerade party Is staged at King City wo say it was better be held on that day At Rev Douglas Davis of ville a former minister of the congregation years will preach and United church choir will sing Rev Charles Murray will be the minister at and than the last This because the costumes are so interesting and there is such public interest displayed by when every one enters into the full spirit of the celebration Last Friday night proved the exception as the attendance was larger and trip lost week when they flew choir will assist from Mention to Nov Anniversary services will be held at the Ninth Line They are staying with her mother Mrs Arthur- Welles- ley until they locate accommo dation nearer the air craft plant where Morris has been working since early in Oc tober The McKinnonV have returned to Ontario after living at Macann for months Miss Rosemary Davidson was enrolment during the next two to three years In the class Mar ilyn four and her brother Harold five wore cute figures as Mr and MrsTwinn ing first place David Davie two as Hop Along was sec ond and Gall Thompson four an old fashioned flower girl was third The judges were Dr Campbell McKay Maple Mrs Toronto and Mrs Johnston Although not a prize winner the unique costume worn by Clair deserves mention She represented a tree the foundation of her costume being a gum sack over which were Utile slabs of bark from a tree By classes the winners of the show were Junior girls fancy Rosemary Davidson little bopeep Heather Crooks the Bad Queen of Snow White Barbara Billings Little Indian Junior girls comic Carol Parker Funny Girl Boys fancy dress Fox Soldier the Spirit of Billings Robin Hood Fred Thomas a Priest Junior boys comic Brian Cowboy Douglas Parsons a Scarecrow Dennis tramp girls fancy Paula Flapper Angela Robin Hood and Audrey Chaplain Gypsy Queens Girls comic Carolyn Parker Halloween Candy Kid Senior girls comic Betty Cun ningham Anne and June Brown Henry VI1L Nancy Pat- ton a lady Shirley and Stella Thomas the washing on the line Senior boys fancy Rodney Bell flapper Richard Chaplin flapper Stewart Davidson arid Johnny Walker man and wife Senior boys comic Simpson Indian man Ronnie Fox Don Gordon and Jim happy pair Teenagers Suzanne Grew dude Timothy Grew girl John Martin girl friend Adults John Rob Trie creature and Betting Billings a couple Halloween At hail the Womens Institute sponsored a Hallowe en event Oct attended by over in costumes Hunter was chairman and Miss Helm Hunter played for the general sing song and for Fred Boys who was dressed If Aunt Jemima singing Old Joe Shortening Bread and Steal Away Of the children in costumes s- he number of child- October 24 To points to big increase in celebrate the event her mother Mrs Adam Davidson King St gave her a birthday party inviting seven young guests Miss Jessie motored Miss Alice Ferguson Miss Carole Musk and Mrs Stiles to last week Reeve Elton Armstrong will be speaker at the Armistice ban quet sponsored by King Legion and ladies auxiliary on Remem brance Day Nov in King United church basement at pm Squadron Leader John Perry Maple will be a guest He is twice past president of the Can adian Pathfinders club and a member of Vaughan township council Joseph is president of King Legion and Mrs Arth Fleet is the auxiliary president The entertainment movies and dancing to Sally Lloyds orchestra will be held in McDonald and Wells hall after the banquet Veterans and com panions are asked to attend Andrew J Davis The death of Mr Andrew J Davis of Newmarket was keenly felt among old friends of the Kinghom community where Mr Davis was born and raised He received his early education at school and his first teacher was Miss Alice Fergu son King City Ernest Hollins- was one of his school mates They sat together at one of the old double desks used at that time Much has been said about Mr Davis interest in sports but his first coaching in this line was on the Kinghoro school football team and he was one of its most enthusiastic players Hunts In Township On Saturday Nov the beau- farm of J toty KingNobleton side- road will be the setting for the start of the Toronto and North York Hunt at and pm with luncheon intervening The site is located between the sixth and seventh concessions and has many advantages to spectators On Wednesday Nov Eaton Hail Farm third concession at will be the scene of hunt at 2 Watermalns for Heritage Park Mrs Jackson and her Jack are going to have installed in their Heritage Park subdivision The WOO foot main will be taken in west from the fourth concession along the semicircle roadway that is built within the subdivision There are lots five already sold Frank son of Mr and Mrs it King has been transferred from Mon treal training depot to Clinton which give him bet ter opportunity to take his leave at his home Mr and Mrs Bert Wood Mm Arthur bar sister Mrs Tom Baker attended the service of Mrs Mary- in Toronto on evening Mrs Mrs Voods aunt and a great aunt of Mrs Fleet and Mrs Baker Miss public health nurse at- Detroit Mich and her friend Miss Jean Jack son who Is the staff of the Ford hospital Detroit were weekend guests of Mr and Mm Irving Scott Miss is a second cousin of Mrs Scott The nurses were joined by Miss Margaret Chambers Toronto a at Toron to General who is specializing at hospital at Mr J and Mr Alex Mustard paid a visit last veek to Mr Clark former resi dent of Scott township Mr Webster has been clerk of Scott or nearly Having Hold acres of acre farm on Nov Scotland Grant la building a new fiveroom church on Nov at am and pm Rev will preach at the morning service and Mrs Ross Kenncy will he solo ist In the evening a sound film entitled For Good or Evil will be shown At church Nov a sound film shown at pm entitled Challenge of Africa QUEENSVILLE were preschoolers with Carol as girt winning fancy girl and Linda the comic girl Brian boy and Donald Judd corn- winner Ciin graces to Lee fancy girl Janet comic girl hoy as a Mounted Police McKay comic Grades to fancy girl Carol Anne as Miss comic girl Margaret Cairns fancy Kan as a decorated wedding cake comic hoy Adult class fancy lady Betty comic lady Fuller most original Mrs Millard adult gents Bob as a bread salesman Legion Bingo lite first legion auxiliary bingo held Oct brought a good pro fit and was well prizes were exceptionally inter and the jackpot for Nov will be has commenced well and ocia prizes are to feature the Mrs Arthur Fleet auxiliary president called Auction ale Those who had a flair for an tiques found them at the Lewis auction sale hold at his sixth concession farm in the on Nov Balmy brought nearly to find the of fine grain modern and old farm im plements and antiques which created interest- doubly democrat used by ham and his wife to take to church at King bought for by Jim and Doug Kerr Mr- paid cents for a of ancient cutters Ho has no use for them but thought they ought to bo purchased by some one An oval shaped oak butter bowl over years old brought competitive bidding ft sold im Daw kin Mrs Clarke Toronto bought the ft set which was handed down to through the Ash with We are pleased to report Mr Art is home after spend ing seven weeks in York Coun ty hospital Mrs Charlotte- town is spending two weeks with her daughter Mrs Jack and Ann Our deer for the north over the weekend J Aylward Stickwood Ray mond Huntley Herman Cole Clifford Greenwood and Orris Maries went to Pickerel River and Jack Kavanagh near all for two weeks Doug Beckett went for one week near Burkes Falls and near for one week Halloween night passed off quietly A record number of children shelled out Lillian Johnson and son Elnier spent the weekend in Kitchener Mr and Mrs Watson Churchill spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Bill Burk- holder Jr Mr and Mrs Bert Duncan Vermilion arid Mr and Mrs Geo Duncan were week end guests at the homo of their nephew and niece Mr and Mrs Charles They had sup per on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Floyd Winger Mrs Ralph Robertson and Patty Stroud spent several days with Mr and Mrs Rex Smith Miss Mary Morton Keswick and Miss p Toronto both student teachers at Toronto Normal school are spending this week at Hillside school Mr and Mrs Carman prize- and Jim Toronto spent Sunday with and Mrs gus Smith Mr and Mrs and Donald Islington and Mrs Jack Toronto spent Sunday with Mrs Jacob Smith Mrs Harold Miles Islington I spent several days this week with her mother Mr and Mrs Frank- spent a couple of days in To ronto with Mr and Mrs Cam Johnson Mrs Clair Smith spent several days with Mr and Mrs J Smith Mr and Mrs Smith moved to Vindsor at the end of the week Mr and Mrs Frank Ross and girls and Mrs Pearson visited Mr and Mrs Rex Smith on Sunday Mr and Mrs Dave Boyd ami Kim and Mr and Mrs Bill Jack son and baby Donald Toronto spent Sunday with Mr arid Mrs Clark Mr and Mrs Dawson heller Toronto spent Monday with Mrs George Cole Mr and Mrs David Jacksons Point were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs J Smith Plan to attend the films Hillside school on Wednesday night Nov pm The Evening Auxiliary Is holding its annual bazaar on Saturday afternoon Nov In United church basement Large crowds attended both services at the United church an niversary on Sunday The choir under the leadership of Mrs Jinny Morion supplied music at both services Mr Jack Morrill receiving treatment on his foot at the compensation hospital at Halloween was alive with witches goblins and tramps shelling out in and district Over members of the com munity gathered at the church basement on Thursday evening Oct 30 Half of the crowd was in costume Prizes were won by the following competitors little Danny Chalk Marie Wilson and Beverley Isaacson Mrs Boys won the ladles prize For mens prize Hare arid William Turner tied both wo men Best couple were Mr and Mrs Jack Macklih Mrs and Mrs Fred Hare conducted the games The apple diving contest for the children was won by Mrs Donna Jennings The couple winning the same game in the adult class was Mrs Don Chalk and Mr Jennings Shirley An derson and Gerald Jennings won the musical knees game Old est lady present was Mrs John Jennings Youngest child was Wayne Among the thousands attend ing services at the coliseum To ronto to hear Rev Brian Green were Mr and Mrs Maurice Bey- and Mrs Everett Phillips Mr Carl Beynon Miss Rosemary Wright Mr Satin- brook Rev and Mr and Mrs Nelson Thompson Date of the W A bazaar is Nov 21 at church Judy has six ter rier pups for which she would like to find good homes The church service Sunday evening was conducted by Mr Roland in the absence bit his father Rev Ernest Sunday Nov the evening service be conducted by a group of young people from Wesley Mrs Faulkner Is a welcome newcomer to our choir and Sun day school Miss Jennings spent the weekend visiting her mother Mrs John Jennings DOG CONTROL Continued from Page that if it were picked up he would prosecute the Humane society Put some teeth into your bylaw said Mrs Askew and well take care of the rest Taking The Blunt Councillor J Murray said it seemed to him that council was being made to take the blunt The agreement was he said that the society had undertaken to dean up the dog nuisance in the summer months but the promis es made had not been carried out Pebble in town wore very unhappy about the situation and were asking what they were get ting for their money Asked how many dogs had been picked up in Aurora Mrs Askew said that eight or ten had been picked up in the month of June Councillor Tucker said he had no intention of belittling the work of the Humane society for which he had a high regard But he was not satisfied with the promises made and what had come of them Mayor Rose said trouble appeared to come from their own bylaw which was not strong enough to meet the situation He suggested that a new bylaw be prepared with teeth in it and that it be made operative for a whole twelvemonth of coun cil approved the and Councillor King chairman of by- laws was requested to instruct the solicitor accordingly Mrs Fielding asked Mayor Rose if might say a few words and the request being granted said she was sorry if councils had not been fully met She endorsed Mrs Askews remarks in connec tion with difficulties that had been encountered but assured council that they had all tried to do their best Plans they were making would bring improve ments Murray said he believed the society had done its best and hoped that the matter might be left there Remarks Resented The discussion had ended on a conciliatory note with Mayor Rose thanking Mrs Askew and Mis Fielding for their attend ance when Col intervened I with observations that greatly incensed members of council Saying that there had been fric tion over contract he added that friction seemed to be the usual thing with them He then left room Councillor Tucker immediately rose to his feet with the remark greatly resented what they had just listened to from Col adding that he would move a vote of censure and that Col- should be called back to hear it Councillor J Mur ray said he would second the returned at this point saying that he had heard what was said Addressing him Mayor Rose said You have done more harm in the last three min utes Col than anything that has happened during the whole meeting Col Dann understood to say that he had to withdraw Motion Not Put Addressing Coun cillor Tucker said he took strong exception remarks You have shown no respect- for this council he said adding that he resented such P Atthi point Col Darin left the- council chamber with Courts clllor Clarence Davis saying that he took strong exception to what had been said The last time he was here he described us as small town politicians said Mr- Davis Mayor Rose said if the motion were asked to be put to the coun cil ho had no power to refuse the request He hoped however the mover arid seconder of the motion might reconsider it Deputyreeve Murray said that Col had evidently let his feelings run He hoped council would not be worried too much about it Councillor Murray said he was willing to drop the matter if Mr Tucker was agreeable Coun cillor Tucker said he had made his protests He felt the elected body had been badly insulted but he was agreeable to drop the The incident then pas sed with council proceeding to other business Mr Edgar entertained the parents ot No at the school last Thursday evening with a Halloween party There were prizes for the best cost and the contests and the parents Mr and Mrs Jack Coop er BEACH following received Hal children provided an enjoyable prizes at school program Mrs Clifford Sweet had the Juniors In on Friday for ari even ing of fun arid treats Sunday services- Sunday school at am worship at and pm Rev Berry has been holding a week of revival services Dont miss this day of the camp aign Sympathy is extended to the family and relatives of Mr King who passed away so sud denly In Newmarket hospital Mr Harry spent the weekend at home with his J possible Walts Bob Rose Rickey Roy Do an Foley Ronnie Shirley prize Miller Scdore Recent guests at the home of Mr awl Mrs Tom Lowndes ami Robinson and Mrs C Montgomery Toronto Reserve for a in Memorial hall under the of St A All those who would like to contribute baking as soon as STORE I T MOUNT liere was a good attendance or ladles at Mrs Tom Swansons last to quilt for the On Account of III Health Bargain Sale Of All SHI great reductions PERCENT DISCOUNT On Mens Work Clothing Etc J Fall Stock of Rubber Boots Ladies and Wear Yard Goods Knitting Woo Notions and New Stock Christmas Cards and Wraps Hardware Paints Gift China PERCENT OFF GROCERIES AND iVy school supplies Si ALL NEW STOCK EVERYTHING MUST Sa Starts C Saturday November EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Globe Heat Toledo Scales v Refrigerator JO Ford Truck r AW A large mi ve United church children vc by for the muni iutiUmti by ok The Homo two eldo C for Mr Is living mm loo ynroH to Mr hurry Mr of of been flown to the pie in nummary of A ehiifef two bus Joed the piwnfonfc fares those inter- nN When ehureli flOIh anniversary Nov Mrs Mr of the firiinnyafi fiO ago tabic when the cake cut during noon The luncheon will held in church for ail Who care to participate reunion wry with 1 K iii iUtf vrtf ft WboiKrnlAliiibi Holy Ham A befluUfOltCi following AiwioeltfUon whleli wait oproMoicdfti iejVico iw isftml cock choir Hie Mm The given by the and Mitt by proved be a The concert el the ariim who been on member for a eiUertolner Her Or Johnson end Mr follow mother to fta yon buy a new car I you want full measure of ftuunl value for every dollar you And vxaclly what When yon buy a inwaea a car which will ttivi you yearn years of economical of of most iu world li mmui ami out how y it s to oho a great HOW mm