Loyalty has been defined as among the of the virtues Certain of philosophers have argued that the highest form of loyalty is that of love for ones native country But whatever the differences in definition one thing is certain the most enduring loyalties are those which have their origin in the home This was made apparent in a and friends Speaking of loyal ties Mr Cornish said he now had reunion that took place on Saturday night Nov at the home of Mrs Willis on Spruce street when members of the ftiihr family assembled in force to enjoy a turkey dinner as a elude to celebrations that took a two hours showing of beau tiful colored slides of New scenery and personal covering a period of four a gathering took place present at dinner were Bob Cornish the eldest of four brothers Mrs Cornish Mr Willis Mr and Mrs Frederick Cornish Mr and Mrs Ernest Cornish Mr and Mrs Philip Cornish Mr Jess Cornish an uncle of the Cornish brothers who is hate and hearty In his year and Mr Later in the evening the company was joined by Mr Douglas Cornish son of Cornish Miss Ruth Parr and other guests From England The Cornish family emigrated from Bristol England to Canada in the year They settled in Toronto and with the passing the years the family has enjoyed prosperity In J Mr Cornish took a position with the Norton company In Worcester Mass and after holding several positions with his firm which is one of the largest manufacture- operators in the world he has for the past ten years been chief supervisor in the work of the training of salesmen Mr Corn ish is now in his year of service with his company The showing of the pictures in color which Mr Cornish with him from his home in Mass proved a delightful experience for his privileged on lookers A great variety of New England homes was portrayed on the screen many of these pro viding evidence of the loyalty of New Engenders to the Mother land England Tudor and later styles have been closely copied from their historic originals The majestic pastoral scenery of the State of Massachusetts was magnificently described in a long series of camera shots as well as many breathtaking snaps- of floral culture some of which grown at the Cornish home Holders On Sunday Nov further Cornish gatherings took place at the Guild of All Arts and at the hotne of Mr and Mrs Philip Cornish in Toronto Our American visitors said they had had a grand time in to Toronto and to Aurora where they have many relatives Aurora News Page J G SINCLAIR Editor HALL AURORA TELEPHONE three of them as far as countries were concerned his native land of England the country of his first adoption Canada and final ly his homeland the United States of America Although evocative of differing sentiments he said his loyalty to all three of them was firm and sure Mrs Cornish is the for mer Miss Ida and a sis ter of Mrs Willis We Feel Honored In our issue of September we took pleasurable time out to say in an editorial that it was our opinion that Mr Beverley Baxter is one of the few great journalists Writing today His London in Macleans ma gazine is usually a masterpiece of fine English and clear logical exposition We also said He can Write beautiful prose com posed of sentences that fit to gether so smoothly that when they are read aloud they sound almost as lovely as a little minu et of Mozart We could have written much more on the subject of Beverley Baxter had space permitted at the timefor it happens that our admiration for a great Canadian who has given great literary dis tinction to his native land does riot end there Canadians are much too prone we fear to praise the talent and genius possessed other lands and to overlook its own native endowments We hope to repair our own omissions at some not distant date What we wrote about Mr Bax ter went Into the file of news papers and other thoughts en gaged our time Imagine there fore our very great surprise and pleasure to receive a letter writ ten on British House of Commons and signed Beverley Baxter How he had gotten hold of our meagre tribute we cannot say but here among other things Is what he said In my long years as a writer I have had pro bably more praise and more criticism than I have deserved but may I say with complete sin cerity that I have seldom been so touched as by your recent re ference in your columns to my writings We feel greatly honored that so busy a parliamentarian and so prolific a writer as Mr Bever ley Baxter should find time to write us at all and more espe cially to receive such generous words from him It is but ano ther proof that the greater the burdens some men carry the greater is their courtesy and kindness to others Page Column r REVIEW OF COUNCIL 1952 Council Has Faced Up Many Difficult Problems And Tried To Do Good Job The council has been confronted with an unusual amount of heavy business That is the first thing that must in all honesty be said here Four of the nine men who were to thcac responsibilities were new to council work They had to learn their job and it is a job that is not too easy to learn i It was most fortunate that the standing of these projects is the head of the table was a man ex- widening and improving of the street highway After years delay he work is now underway and when it is com pleted Main street should be Council lor- Jones was able to inform council at its last meet ing that excellent progress has been made toward the comple tion of reservoir This Is another major project for which the present council can claim full credit The reservoir like the widening his mayoral stature a subject of debate for He has carried out his several years But while vious councils debated the pernced in municipal affairs ind flood business man would have been most iunafe had it been otherwise with someone in the chair who himself inexperienced would have been a real of the blind leading the Mayor Hose had served on and later as mayor for years He had knowledge he could impart to In ite as those who heard his luiural remarks will In his third year in the By and large the business of U in has run ampothJy interludes of sharp con- to which we pros ily refer There is no reason these differences On I contrary they prove thai has not been a body of ten Strong differences ion are an indication that of council is being taken there are no indifferences there is The WZ council has not been stagnant all of the projects the preterit council lis record I- will be eon- THURSDAY THE THIRTEENTH DAY Of NOVEMBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTWO of the out- did nothing more concrete about them These two projects by them selves would bo most creditable ventures for any council in a single year Out there have been others chief among them undertaking of installation of sewers in several areas In town There has been ft considerable amount of street paving carried put for which the streets committee can toko credit as it can take credit for the street widening an undertaking that was brought Into action by Councillor J Murray when he personally in terviewed the deputy minister of Highway In June Page Column COULD LOSE EVERYTHING A special meeting of council is being held this evening Thursday further to consider the zoning by law in a committee of the whole In a recent letter to the press the town solicitor Mr Lome C Lee dealt with features of the bylaw which are of the greatest gravity to property owners Pointing out that zoning includes the whole of the Town of Aurora Mr Lee said I am afraid that our citizens are not aware of what this zoning means to them He then asks Do the owners of property know in what zone their property is located Do they know that in many instances they would be unable to ascertain this looking at the map that they might have to engage a surveyor for this information Many of our citizens own parcels of less than one acre in size which parcels are located in the proposed green belt A Mr Lee then proceeded to show how in certain circumstances property owners could lose their rights in their property Here is what he wrote The bylaw provides that no buildings can be constructed on any parcel in the green belt of less than one in size In the event that any existing building should burn down or be destroyed the owner of the parcel of tefld will hkve lost all use of same Practically all the buildings along the creeks of our municipality fall into this y Regarding the complaint council that filibustering was responsible for the delay in passing the zoning bylaw Mr Lee commented In the foll6ving terms The Planning Board has had this and the zoning map under its consideration during first eight months of and then in September of this year submitted it again for approval by the council without having done anything to overcome the objections that were made in -S- We believe that a majority of the members of coun cil are rightly opposed to shackling the town of Aurora with this dictatorial bylaw In that case why waste further time and expense on it MANAGEMENT Arena problems have been and still are so much a matter of public discussion that no apology is needed for continuing it As our readers know we have re peatedly recommended that the management of arena affairs should be amalgamated with the work of the Recreation Commission Apart altogether the question of the personnel of the Arena board the town of Aurora is losing money each year in consequence of the present setup This was made clear in the article we published last week written by a former member of the Arena board and the Recreation Commission Mr T Swindle If the Recreation Commission Mr Swindle point ed out were operating the present arena under present government regulations a grant up to a maxi mum of a year would be available but under the present setup only about of that amount is available So the community is losing between to a year and getting a dawdling inefficient administration To that Mr Swindle added the following comment The Recreation Commission would present a proper financial statement and accounting promptly each year the press would have access to its meetings and could keep the public informed and publics confidence would be restored KNOCKING THE TOWN I From time to time the other paper charges us with knocking the town But it gives no specific instances The reason it does not do so is because such charges are false We have knocked certain cliques and wouldbe dictators in the town But that is a very different thing from knocking the town itself a matter of fact have constantly boosted the town and the amiable and neighborly people in it Why should we knock a town that wo live in and like and the majority of the people who are personally known to many of whom friends and a great many others our very loyal supporters Scores of people in Aurora have been named by us during the past few years for their good wqrjis To name thorn has bee our personal pleasure Most of the industries and organizations in tovVnjKnve been written as a public service For such work been thanked and not for thanks Wc have tried only a Job in which we live a in gone elsewhere at tile changeover lit the editorship of one of t in Ontario in the veipsfiitw Airiij that we chose to join the And Wo have never regretted the choice thoit made We like and tho majority of people in it whom we personally know Aurora is a good town and the charge that we knocked it is both false and fantastic Even so some Banner addicts might believe it COUNCIL SIDELIGHTS Some Members Of Council Resent Council Sidelights Banner Bans Murray Speech Recently we learned direct from the horses mouth that our feature columns Council Sidelights were resented by members of council It was agreed that our reports of council left no room for complaints It was further agreed that our editorial opinions were our own business But the line was drawn at Council Sidelights They were resented When we asked why we could get no clear answer We asked Reeve Cook who listened to the discussion it he could give us any instance where we had mis- reported or misquoted him in anything we had written The reeve said he couldnt say and gave as his reason that he was far too busy a man to find time to read our newspaper Yet the reeve has found time to condemn our paper Now can you hon estly condemn a thing unless you have some knowledge of ft At the last election Cook took some of our writings dating from the spring and had them reprinted to sup port his reelection to the 1952 council The leaflets contain ing a photo of the reeve were distributed throughout Aurora during the closing hours pre ceding the election The reeve secured his election and the Au rora Banner admitted that our writings republished by Mr Cook helped to win him many votes Now the reeve assured us and two or three listeners that he is far too busy a man to find time to read our newspaper Well its always interesting to learn the facts direct from their ori ginal source Reeve Cook does not read our newspaper Thats one for the record Council Sidelights May wo explain the purpose of Council Sidelights which we have been writing for over three years and some readers appear to like more than other features our newspaper They are an attempt to describe in formally what has taken place at council meetings After listening for three to four hours while members of council discuss the business of the town an observer should be able to form some opinions of his own We cannot put these opinions into reports of coun cil which would be a most un ethical thing to do Reports are one thing comment is another We dont get the two mixed up Sometimes in Council Side lights we try and give closeup pictures of members of council We cannot see that there is any thing wrong with that although difficulties can arise as we found out a couple of years ago when we said something about members enjoying a cigarette Mr Don Glass later assured us that he hadnt smoked a cigar ette for years Of course did not say that all members of council smoked cigarettes and so we were able to clear ourselves on a matter which by no stretch of the imagination could lose any candidate an election But we make no pretence that Council Sidelights are always a work of commendation Some times they are critical of what has happened in council and for such reasons they may be re sented However it is our op inion that men holding public office must expect some critic ism from time to time and not feel resentful about it A public man who doesnt inspire some criticism at some time or other is not inspiring anything Coun cil Sidelights are not all honey We hope that fact does not con stitute a reason why Mr Cook does not read them Tempers Rise Col succeeded in rais ing the ire of council when he interjected some remarks on the dog control question There was a suggestion of something really patronizing in the way he spoke as though he pitied council for its lack of erudition but took satisfaction in smiting it Whe ther he was aware of it or not Col talked down to oil in a manner of a high and exalted official making a casual call on his staff and lecturing them on their inefficiencies Actually council had good rea son for its complaints in regard to the dog contract The presi dent of the North York Humane society frankly admitted tem porary failures and made an ex cellent impression on council by her conciliatory arguments Mrs Askew made an excellent ad dress and won the sympathy of council in her recital of the dif ficulties encountered by the so ciety in its first few months of operation in the district The remarks of Mrs Fielding were equally conciliatory so that both these ladies presented a good case in the circumstances It was therefore most regrettable that Col valedictory comments at the close of the delegations represent should have bawled it all up to put it in the common idiom His remarks had the effect of rubbing coarse salt into a raw wound that was in the first stage of healing Councillor Ralph Tucker be came very angry at the of the coarse salt He Page Column RECREATION COMMISSION Reports Show Square Dance Club Proving Very Popular A long session of the Recreation commission was held on Thursday night Nov much time being taken up with discussions on business of a routine character Don Class presided and there were also present Coun cillors and Murray J Buchanan J Davidson Swindle I Per- recreation director and W Harvey Bell sec- rotarytreasurer Following a reading of the that these activities were minutes of the previous meeting and presentation of accounts the chairman announced the resig nation of William Allen from the commission resulting from business reasons Mr Gloss ex pressed regret at the loss of a valuable member and on mo tion by Councillor sec onded by Mr Buchanan sec being well supported Apprecia tion of the reports was expressed by the chairman Mr Buchanan stated that the handicraft classes were now get ting under way In report on the playgrounds Councillor J Murray said it was hoped to ar range hockey and outdoor skat ing on the Tyler street and Ma- rotary was directed to send a avenue playgrounds Mr letter of appreciation to Mr Swindle complimented Council- Alien for services rendered to lor Murray on his success in the commission quiring too Machell avenue pro- Tributes by Mr and for use a playground Mr Buchanan were paid to Mr on objective in which Mr Harris and members of his had succeeded Mr choir for their appearance Swindle where others had fail- banquet given by The recreation director report ed assistance promised by the the Reports Lions Rotary clubs and also Reporting as chairman of the from the Legion A membership social committee Mr of 12 children had been secured gave very heartening accounts at the present time for the the success of the square J malic the direction of dance club and the Saturday which would be undertaken by dances SM3rJMi i rcy KIDNEY PILLS r W I PAINT YOUR WALLS I WINDOWS CLOSED NO ODOR w fits I i MEN ir I I T ft mm ss- fcr-v- j j fSc 1 if a- COST ywi a 7 10W tr FRI lttl Theyll go last at these prices so order early for best Club Clothes f7 5 Two Newmarket and Aurora Street Newmarket Aurora Phone re- Main Street EXCLUSIVE DEALER FOR TIP TOP TAILOR S v v FRIDAY DOORS OPEN SHOW AT SATURDAY DOORS OPEN FIRST SHOW AT MATINEE SATURDAY AT Friday and Saturday Nov 1415 DOUBLE FEATURE FEATURE NO i i j r FEATURE NO TEN THOUSAND SHAWNEE TOMAHAWKS I liv kV4MMf a 1 JON HALL Monday Tuesday and Wednesday r E f STARSPANGLgD jt MUSK N SSI EVANS VIVIAN ttUHMTS HI Coming Soon The GREAT JACK AND THE ABBOTT AND Plus THE BULLF LAUREL AND HA CROSBY lane JUST ST i v 5 i