rv I 111 IX I m nil IN w TO Includes Wesson o I I Of- 1- because II- on the ballot for public declaration because I feel an oblige- and promote the interests of alt- Aurora and elsewhere I ask in fairness to you rrjSfJrtake come out and vote against broken promises lie and JS I News Of The News for column must be In the office Monday night Copy must be written at briefly as possible and confined to newt and reports Other than routine report and announcement will be printed separately I it iiii lfWIli MUM TIC -r- NONE 0ili BOY POLLOCK V21 r T3 PROP r yon wall lf WASHDAY SERVICES The Sharon branch members entertained their husbands and families in Sharon hall Nov Over sat down to supper Af terwards we all enjoyed slides shown by Anna topic Glimpses of Historical Ontario We also enjoyed the singing voices of the three Sharon girls Donna Watson Patsy Hall arid Elizabeth wroth as well as a social evening meeting will be at Mrs Weddels home Dec Roll call an unusual way to wrap a of soft toys Report of con vention will be given by Mrs Evans There will be Christmas carolsT- and an exchange of Christmas gifts not to exceed 30c Refreshment committee J Mrs Wright Mrs Donaldson The Newmarket branch met on Thursday Nov at the ag riculture board- room for the regular meeting with Mrs jCamptHjlj- in the chair Mrs Robert Lewis and Mrs gave interesting re ports the annual conven tion Each member answered the roll call giving her maiden name the collection of old photographs of membcfrs taken in childhood days were very amusing Mrs Pollock the new district president has accepted an invi tation be with us at our De cember- faceting The meeting closed with refreshments and a social half hour J I m The Beach branch will meet at the home of Dec 3 The lunch com mittee Mrs Mrs Brewer and Mrs Evans Union Street branch will meet the home of Mrs Edwin Dec at p Mi Scatter gladness joy and mirth all along the paths of earth Reply Mrs J Roll call Your favor ite Christmas carol A Christ mas card shower and exchange of gifts among members only report of the convention will lie given by the delegate Hos tesses Mrs Eric Dunham Mrs Frank Graham Mrs Whit field Mrs Roy One of most interesting meetings of the year for the branch was held at the home of Mrs Norman King members and two visitors and three children present After a brief business session of preparing a program for the Keswick meeting and deciding on Christmas baskets Smith the convener took the chair The grandmothers pro vided the program Mrs Sweet- man after giving a short ad dress gave two poems Mrs Mann gave a very enjoyable reading 5i Mrs Smith conducted a con test to determine who had the most grandchildren with being the winner Mrs gave two interesting pa pers one concerning the history of the Lake Simcoe area A reading was given by Mrs Main- prize Mrs Kydd demonstrated a Christmas centre piece Mrs Smith conducted another contest to determine who had the most named articles in their purse with Mrs Kydd the win ner A lunch was served by the The Common Round By Colvitie At the WI area convention luncheon at the Royal York the most satisfying event opart from consoling the inner man was the talk on Horizons Un limited by Don Henshaw It is one of the most satisfy ing sensations I know of to sit back relax and listen to a man who never hesitates never re peats himself and who leaves One with the feeling aptly pressed ly a hearer that she wished he had kept on another half hour Mr- whose original home was Miami coming to Canada on business met and el in love with a Canadian girl So far so good but as the novelists say the course of true love never runs smooth In this case the bar to Imme diate felicity was the ladys pa pa who had at one time suffered in a business deal in Florida However after we heard Mr eloquence most of us The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Nov branch met ai the home of Mrs Jack Preston Nov were members present Members of the Gorm- institute guests The roll cail Was answered- Name famous woman yes- why i Roy Harper welcomed ad provided the program their president MiKays in chair The pro gram was opened with singing Mrs Gamble gave a talk the Lord History Book- She enlightened us oh some of the historical places around Mrs read a poem An Idyll of a arm Smith gave a splendid paper on Friendship Roy Smith and Mrs Roy sang a duet Friendship Jesus Discussion on the Nations took place under the fol lowing headings Food and Agriculture Health Education and Culture 4 Universal and Dec la rat ion of Human Rights A contest was conducted Mrs After the singing of God Save Our Queen a soc ial halfhour brought close a most Interesting program- OBltUARIES Alfretta Lloyd AND Y I A rAftcr a long illness death to William Edward at his home leaving his he former Stella two young children Judith and the parents Mr and Mrs James a brother Stewart KidOeby and a sister Mrs George Forester Strange Mr had been ill for several and had spent five weeks in hospital ore i re turning to his home Ills suffering from an Incurable mal ady steadily worsened He was an active man having been em ployed Sand and Gravel Company Earlier he was a King employee Ho and bis wife were closely with Temper- church funeral was condittcxl the minister Rev Meddle at Thompsons funeral home- Aur ora Interment was made in King cemetery 4 Mrs the Tamper correspondent at the and and Hid staff convoy to her In the loss of voted husband am ti loving father of children Wot Mr8 lias kept tip her weekly correspondence during the trying points to her high sense of duty her com unity Lloyd died sudd only on Sunday Nov at her home Eagle St Newmarket Although she had- been confined to hl 13 years she enjoyed health arid showed a keen interest In local events and In the people around her She had many friends and enjoyed her numerous visitors Mrs Lloyd was Alfretta Dales on April on the Bin concession of King Town ship daughter of Mary Ann Ramsden and David Dales She married Edwin Charles Lloyd on November Mr Lloyd predeceased her on October Surviving are a daughter at home and a number of nieces and nephews Lloyd a member of Trinity United church The funer al service was conducted by Rev J Allien assisted by were Herb Webster Stan Dudley Hancock Walton riml IxjwJs Interment was In New- market cemetery V the lovers were united While this was going on Mr became enamored with Canada and applied for Cana dian citizenship- Then said something which every natural Canadian should take to heart He said that only after you hove sot in a court room surrounded by members of tense j people waiting 16 see if their citizenship papers wilt be proved can one really appreci ate citizenship you do not just take it casually as a of course Listening to Mr I think we as never before ap preciated our rich heritage as Canadians We must Mr told us encourage conserve build up our youth that they may in turn he the builders of a greater Canada This is becoming more and more important as Cana dians in many walks of life are being offered inducements to go to other countries lie told of one young Canadian who was offered a salary so many times greater than the one he was in receipt of to go to the States He was tempted he told Mr for he had and children and he turned it down Why He said he wanted to stay and help build Canada We were told loo that Cana dians ore far too inarticulate about Canada If we arc proud of Canada why not lot the world know it Then as an af ter thought lie supposed that the Americans come up here and DOMINION BANKS ASSETS DEPOSITS SHOW SHARP RISE FORMER NEWMARKET Appointment of Mrs Michael Humphries Toronto formerly Newmarket as nfew chairman of national lexUId standards committee of the Canadian Asso- of Consumers was an nounced recently She succeeds Mrs Wo rr eh Current tit ihe department of household of Toronto Humphries director research laboratory at York Mills from the University of ronton doing A work with Mrs Current followed by year milking of effects of wear in stained cotton Iter marriage she was Maty scholarship after finish ing public school and collegiate in and kct Her husband former schoolmate who lotor served In the air force graduated in honor psychology in 1H52 arid cur rently doing research work spoh- by the Hoard The financial statement of The Dominion Bank for the year ended October last shows as sets and deposits up sharply both items recording the largest increase in the history of the bank Total assets exceed the half billion dollar mark for the first time amounting to 517 millions on October up millions from the previous year Deposits at millions show increase of loans and dis counts are down millions to millions put call and short loans against securities in Can ada and abroad increased sharp ly so total loans recorded a rise of millions to millions yearend peak The statement reveals a strong liquid position assets ore equivalent to 208 percent of lia bilities to the public Immedi ately available assets vara fi02 percent of all public liabilities Profits for the twelvemonth period before providing for de preciation and Income taxes es tablished a new peak How ever income taxes rose by and provision for deprecia tion so that net pro fit was reduced 10000 ih is is equivalent to a as compared with a share in the pre vious Security holdings largely Do- and provincial bonds amount to millions an in crease of millions STILL LISTENING talk so much of the USA that you would never be heard think when Mr concluded that we all felt we had caught a glimpse even if a small one of what the speaker termed Canadas Horizons Un limited I was privileged to attend a Ladies Aid anniversary a short time ago a luncheon given by the of Wesley United church to celebrate years of work for their church A anniversary is always colored with gold for there is a richness of memory and achieve ment about it that a lesser an niversary lacks When SO years ago the La dies Aid was formed commun ity dominion and world con ditions were very different but one thing was the same and promises to be the some with out end church work for The very delicious luncheon carried out the golden scheme in table decoration and the food testified to the fact that the ladies have retained the magic touch which transforms the common place food into that fit for the gods Following the luncheon pro gram was given in the church Mrs the presi dent acting as chairman I am hot giving the items Im afraid in their- proper order but hope J omit none Mrs Robert Carr road the minutes of the very first meeting Mrs Grimshaw Miss C Reynolds Aurora played a brilliant duet Mrs song a pleasing solo Mrs Hunt gave a delightful reading the Allan Powell arid sang a quartette Mrs gave a most interesting account of the work of the now through the years and the president inter spersed the numbers with timely hi me A very charming part of the program was the presentation of copies of the hew addition of the the two charter members present Mrs Haw- tin and Mrs Powell Aurora Rev a former brought o message of post mem ories present good wishes and hopes for a fine future for Wes ley The program concluded with the benediction pronounced by Rev pastor of Wesley It was n occasion marking an ending and a beginning it was well worth while and those re visiting Wesley could find in the fine display of old photographs much to bring tears and smiles The gates of memory opened and those could enter lived again the past Then the gates closed ami life went on because we must go forward The Alumni OF NEWMARKET HIGH SCHil REQUEST THE PLEASURE OF YOUR COMPANY AT THEIR At Hofne Fri TO BE HELD AT THE HIGH SCHOOLJ Evening NMMffn AT OCLOCK Please extend an invitation to and mm ERA AND EXPRESS FOB CWWMiii i- FOR All a OIL BURNER SAIES AND SERVICE Imperial oil burners 55 down balance in monthly payments FUEL CONTRACT GUARANTEED Enyeatroughing water softener systems- J ill MAIN ST S NEWMARKETS PHONE w s VIBRATED 8 and fe t Styles of Rockfaee PINE ORCHARD CEMENT BLOCK CO Phone Mount Albert I HUNT mailed by the Joint Masters and mem bers of Toronto and North York Hunt for annual mora Party to he hold in New market high school on Friday at oclock farmer in the district over whose land the club received I tat ions they asked to Mrs I Aurora ATTENTION Alii If you desire Information hi regard treatment or anything connected with veter ans contact or phone Newmarket Information will ho given freely regardless of af filiation T i