E- P ft j- j r- ABE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED BY I Three Years MONDAY DEC 1ST w iri J COMBINATION IV ii W5j BENCH SAW fr rMCIWfT ft QUALITY ipHf MW fl rftpth B tip I 414S to ft fll W Hall wwif HOBBYIST and CRAFTSMAN M rtwo MtlM run fctfcj fc tff mhi i Mfr WAV BAMO Hh 14M 149 7 gr V in ffffM I 3i rf Township Present King as a unit with acres of land nd7000 people composed of separate communities each with its own problems is a big job for a five- man council to handle That the taxes have only in creased one mill in three years is good financing No tax sales were instituted iii and re sponse in tax arrears payment la satisfactory It reflects the pros and civic responsibility of citizens The population is in creasing per year and more and more estates are being bought up arid better homes built and King township is con sidered a good countryside In which to live These and many more facts were brought out by Reeve Elton Armstrong and others of council at their nom ination meeting chaired by Ross I have never begrudged any time spent in directing the fi nancing of the township as a whole the reeve declared The creditable financial status of township the growth in popu lation expansion of schools and the building in the newly form ed school area the benefits of conservation the necessity of heavy machinery for yearround road maintenance the problem of getting fair concessions from the department of highways in assessment and give greater as sessment on buildings Councillor Snider asked for reelection on Dec Councillor Hodgson believes a planning board independent of the township council should be instituted in King township He thinks the township weed sprayer should be available for use by ratepayers Roadside spraying is not sufficient The farmers fields would benefit from independent use of the ma chine Mr Hodgson advocated improved school bus roads Some in use are too narrow for safety He would like the roadway Improved west of High way No Another plank III his platform is improved health services in schools He mentioned that Oak Ridges school board Has a school nurse When the new consolidated school Is op eration the number of pupils five rooms would do well with the services of a special health scheme He spoke of Other schools that are bulging at the seams As the township in creases in population the school space will be at a premium he said Mr said there is still room for improvement of roads Make roads safe for school child ren and do more sanding in winter months he said He be- Acclaim Elton Armstrong Reeve To Elect Others In King Twp relotion to the closing of certain in keeping a close eye on crossroads to the high way the townships favorable position in relation to county equalized assessment were men tioned by the reeve While we do not want to ex empt any portion of our pay ment as a municipality to the County of York we are glad to know that through the work of the assessor and legal staff we were able to reach a satisfactory by the county for and Closing of Roads Concerning concessions from the provincial department of highways in the closing of town ship crossroads to the highway a decision will be reached on Dec At the hear ing given property owners con cerned the proposal Mr Armstrong said his hands tied He was blamed by a spokesman for the department for delaying an answer regard ing certain improvements of the sixth and fifth concession roads which the department was Pro jecting He said he had filed his dissatisfaction with the township lawyer Regarding conservation the reeve said King pays a year for its share in the Holland River authority He had no fi nancial report from the Humber Valley authority but said that the township is receiving bene fits from the scheme berg Lions are planning to dam the creek which through a lo cal conservation authority would not cost the community more than one mill after the govern ment subsidies were paid The reeve spoke of the coop eration received by township school trustees He commended the way in which trustee boards have managed where new rooms are being added as the cose of the consolidated school building Deputy Reeve said the best investment the township has was the pur chase of the Give the road supervisor good machinery and he will give good service to taxpayers said today percent of the road travel is done by heavy traffic He said the township population will reach before long Councillor Jennings said to roads are better than they have been for years More ditches have been dug grades cut off and machinery well used There is no demand for lower taxes the demand comes for better roads and for the removal of snow as fast as possible He believes the con cession and should all be treated with oil calcium from end to end The status of the sixth and fiflh concession roads which have access to the new highway overleaf inter sections will be improved Ho said Valley auth ority pays 50 grant to those- establishing arm ponds approv ed by the engineer They pro- greater fire protection He thinks measured assessment system will be set up in the new your This would cut the land taxes but he would give 24- hour snow plowing to every tax payer Others in the new rank and file spoke well of the present council and and said they would be candidates asked for support if he contested Donald told his hear ers to retain the character of the township as much as possible As a corporation lawyer and having lived in both city and rural municipalities he sees how his own village of King City Is gradually changing from a pure ly rural place to a semirural community He fails to see why the burden of the town- ships taxes should come on real estate He believes a gasoline tax give municipal rev enue Mr Barker in council for six years some time ago had no fault to find with the pres ent council asked for sup port on his former record of fairness to all taxpayers Open House Dec On Tuesday evening Dee at oclock open house at King City school will be held for everyone in Miss Eva Dennis principal Miss Doris and Miss Ethel Thomas the teachers will be hostesses It is hoped that Mr H G Gal- pin school inspector will at tend Mr Harris of Au rora music supervisor intends to bring some of his singers to provide entertainment The new strip projector presented by the board to the school will be used to show still pictures- and movie Nancy and Kemp grade orators will de liver orations which they gave at the King township oratorical contest this fall Refreshments will be served by the girls of grade Open house is on evening well worth attending Burled In King Cemetery The funeral service of 22 son of Mr and Mrs Lewis was held at the family residence Vnughan township Thursday Nov with interment in King cemetery Rev conducted the service Pall bearers were young men of the Hydro Commission associates of the deceased Honorary pall bearers and flowerbearers were other close friends Tile young mans tragic death was a shock to his parents his elder brother Donald and the entire community Bruce had been working with the Hydro since Nov when repair work Reeve Elton Armstrong has been reelected by acclamation to serve a fourth term In King township municipal council He was acclaimed at municipal nom inations held at Nov when no opposing nomina tion was made For the first time since electors of King township will select a deputy reeve and three councillors on Monday With the retirement of deputy reeve TV Arthur McCut a keen contest is Wil liam Hodgson and Ray Jennings present councillors are aspirants the deputy The are prepared to carry the con test through to a Mr Hodgsons name was proposed by William and second ed by Peter Mr nings nomination was moved by Howard Morning and seconded by Arthur The six competing for three council seats are Russell Snider seeking reelection Wilfred farmer at north of the Ma Ron road on the following Monday forenoon was the scene of his death He had moved a roll of wire to the road side and inadvertently turned to touch a live wire- Doctors worker for over two hours in an effort to restore consciousness to the victim The hydro crew erected a tent over the young man and every avail able means was used to revive him with no avail He passed away about five oclock that af ternoon The only noticeable scar was a slight mark on one of his hands It is believed volts of electricity had pass ed through his body Hundreds of friends viewed the remains and the presence of many young men bore testimony to the esteem in which Bruce was held He was born on the old Had wen estate and had at tended Hope public school and Richmond Hill high school He had helped his father on their fifth concession farm but had been employed with hydro for the post two winter seasons Bruce was a member of United church and a very active worker in the fellowship group He and his brother Don were found every Sunday morning taking up the collection for the congregation at Teston church MORE KING NEWS PAGE William Barker gardener at King City Aubrey farmer at Wil liam H West King town ship and Douglas far mer third concession district Donald lawyer at King city also nom inated withdrew his name Both Mr Barker and Mr Kehoe have served on former King township councils Douglas was nominated as a councillor in but did not Although Mr re ceived nomination as deputy reeve he stated he had informed his council some time ago he would retire In effect this con cluded about years in mun icipal life It was pointed out that Mr opinion at sessions of York County Coun cil was highly regarded A man few words he was known for welt balanced advice and good judgment His place on king township council was high ly regarded by the reeve and councillors i SCHOMBERG LIONS PLAN PROJECT FOR CONSERVATION DAM Lions club has an ambitious program for the vil lage to build a dam in the river at the old mill dam site which would supply cubic feet of water per second The purpose of the plan is to have a quantity of water flowing through the town for fire protection purposes and for recreation as well Victor chairman of the Lions town improvement committee presented the pro posal to King township council Reeve Armstrong suggested that the community enter into the scheme as a conservation auth ority He suggested that the Lions contact a representative speaker of the Ontario govern ment and call a public meeting from five persons could be named to make application to the council requesting the for mation of an authority With government approval the auth ority would be granted per cent of the cost of the project by the federal and provincial gov ernments Mr said an estimated cost of the proposed project would be about 3000 TO THE ELECTORS OF KING TOWNSHIP FOR COUNCIL Voting Monday Dec I -s- jvi I ee your Mutual Life representative about this today n- mm a K-i- J IV- I A it v7Ll PAINT YOUR WALLS with WINDOWS CLOSED K very coupons and you can collect a beautiful every Dollar Purchase we give our Goodwill Coupons coupons and you can collect a beautiful China eg coupons fives you SPECIAL dollar for lubrication oil- change ii I l il f ry K- i I gC fc 1 I iZ i j 4 fi sum will be substantially If Life dividends ore allowed To accumulate i 1 life inwranM from now until ago ii is a month J iMmmtUm Vi iVT- irJa i r VVVJJ i L fig J i after age 70 Mutual Ufa Security Plan combined with the Federal old JUJ I ontlmia t to inonth for ftfe Ct T v m On i J t TSrf tt A rt I fc