Newmarket Era and Express, 27 Nov 1952, p. 2

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j Pages from the fa I citizen in Newmarket interested in old land marks is not happy about a suggestion made at a town council meeting recently to remove the old tower from the sponsor a couple of boys in the Junior Citizens Band which had its first practice last night Our having some in struments rebuilt in the city this week an expensive under taking and is using his pension a and Express Office Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger the town hall building Couldnt they reconsider cheque to do it and try to preserve one of the I dont need this old age few remaining landmarks of money he said If I could Newmarket asked a reader this week- This particular citi zen has visited the state of Pennsylvania and while there discovered two other buildings of the same vintage and the same architecture Apparently these see the value of their landmarks- I saw two town halls of exactly the same as our town hall The buildings have been paint ed white and wonderfully pre served said our reader who is of the that the history of our town hall dates back almost to the middle of the past century In the opinion of the chair man of the property comroit- Joseph Dales the tower is unsafe and should be taken down In a few weeks work is to be started on re pairs to the roof and it is as sumed that the tower will be taken down at this time Our readers remarks are worthy of consideration The preservation of our old build ings is worth while if at all There is sufficient the past shown by natives of Newmarket exresi dents tourists and amateur his torians to preserve these re minders of the past and they will be valued far more in the future An old friend of the paper who is a friend of most any ones is a strong supporter of the Newmarket Citizens Band He came to this office and said he was looking for ten men who would support the band under a scheme of his own in vention Our friend is well set sufficiently so that he is using ftis old age pension cheque to From the Files just find ten other men who dont need theirs we would have the finest Junior Citizens the province and Serving Aurora end the rural districts of North Era very of Main St by Era and Express limited Subscription for for or in advance copies of ooch of Class A of Canada Canadian Wot Newspaper I and the Audit of a Second Office Department Ottawa fdllor ION GEOftGE Sports Idfor that he was off down the instruments under his arm to catch the bus to the city- Each of the young lads who are being sponsored incident ally would not otherwise have had any hope of buying a good brass horn such as they now PAGE TWO will have Arrests of two York County policemen in connection with a Dominion store breakin and attempted robbery in the city was a shock to a number of civic officials and ourselves Although it may be consid ered not nice to mention this we note that at least one of the policemen attended sol emn ceremonies at both Aurora and Newmarket council meet ings last week when the York county police association mem bers presented framed colored pictures of the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh The respect for policemen in our county and communities was commented upon by Mr and Mayor Joseph Vale The irony of the incident which followed our report of the cere monies last week is in no way a reflection on policemen It is a tragedy concerning indi viduals There is no simple way of analyzing the workings of the human mind These men rep resented law and order prob ably worked diligently in de tecting and overcoming crime yet they themselves have be come victims of their own ac tions the causes of which may never he explained It is a human tragedy PACINI Job printing end Production t v I A PAG THURSDAY THE TW DAY OP NOVEMBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTWO Apathy is shown by the small attendance at nomina tion meetings Apathy is seen in the reluctance of capable men to qualify for council positions in the small number of civicminded persons who offer themselves candidates Apathy is noticeable in the tone and feeling of the nomination meetings The retiring council was not questioned on any matters few reports were made on committee activities and no questions were asked about municipal business It is too late to alter these facts this year It is hoped that next year will be better The council was elected by acclamation But there is to be a deci sion about the mayoralty next Monday and school board trustees are to be seated The people of Newmarket can still give critics like Mr something to think about by getting out to the polls and marking their ballots every one who possibly can and 50 Miss of Sha- yo leaves Chicago on Sat urday being one of tne girls from tho province of Ontario who won in the recent judging contest There ore also lb beys going in the same party at the expense of the Ontario gov ernment v J Borland bursar of Knox College was in charge of both services last Sunday in Hi Andrews Presbyterian church Mrs has sold her house on St to Mr King township and Deputies and Lyons have been attending County Council ail this week Mis Kidds parents who have been here on a visit since Thanksgiving left for their home in last Saturday Mr and Mrs motored them as far as Ham ilton Miss daughter of Mr and Fred of the King hotel gave a miscellaneous shower on Sat urday evening for Doris a About a dozen and a half girl friends were present Miss Myrtle Peters and Mr of Bedford Park Toronto gave a kitchen shower last Friday in honor of a bride of week A number of girl friends were present According to city papers Miss Lamb rand- of Mrs Jack son of Newmarket has won an oilier scholarship the Col vas fortunate in securing two deer and re turned home last Friday Thanks to his generosity the editor of the Era includ ed among the list of friends that were permitted to enjoy a roast of venison The pastors of four different churches in Newmarket have agreed to close their services earlier than usual next Sun day evening to permit a grand rally the Christian church at oclock to he addressed by Mr Weeks of Toronto Mr Eves got back from Arizona and California on Tuesday morning having en joyed the trip very much There were in the party and they rode ail the way from To ronto to California and return in a private car fitted up with all the comforts of home About one dozen prize win ners at the late fall fair of the North York Agricultural So ciety have not yet drawn their premiums The would be glad to have all un drawn prizes paid so that the books for the year could he balanced Mrs Chaa and little May have both been on the list for the past six weeks but are now improving Half the time they eon- fined to bed Miss took advan tage of the Her Jin excursion to visit relatives in Waterloo Mrs Sutherland at Gait and Mrs Jackson at Miss Grace is over from Michigan visiting There were no great issues which came to light at nomination meeting last Friday night The acclama tions given to all the councillors indicate that electors themselves either consider that there are no issues or they are not interested Acclamations could in some cases indicate that the electors are in no way worried about the administration they are going to get from the council Acclamations could be taken as an indication of confidence by the electors But we doubt it We would interpret the acclamations as a sign of apathy There were only three councillors acclaimed who are serving on the 1952 council The others did not give any outward indication that they had given much thought to standing as candidates In most cases they accepted their nominations with an offhand indefinite attitude about standing for election As it happened there were just enough candidates to qualify to form a council There is no way in which one could believe that there was a definite expression from the people through the nomination proceedings One cannot believe that the electors took pains to signify their wishes for any particular kind of administration next year other than the nomination of two candidates for the mayors office As predicted last week there will be an election for a Newmarket mayor this year the first contest by can didates for the mayoralty since 1947 Newmarket can look forward to an interesting race next Monday It is expected that it will be a close contest Both candidates have indicated they have much to offer The present mayor Joseph Vale refers to his fine record of service to town of Newmarket The challenger Mrs offers a change and a different outlook towards Newmarkets affairs There was a considerable amount of confusion about who was going to run for mayor during the last moments of the nomination meeting Not until late Saturday was Newmarket sure whether there would be an election for mayor or not One thing can be said at this stage that the forth coming election for the mayors office has stirred up more interest for election day it health ier sign for Newmarkets stale of municipal affairs SUPPOSEDLY DEMOCRATIC Bruce awarded on basis of In town this week the results of the first year in Messrs Miller and Doyle the Vacuity of Arts Bliss do la was guest of honor of the Lon don Womens Press Club last week- May poured tea and coffee and was assisted by Mrs Cordon Hut chison and Mrs Charles Thom as Margaret Clarke llussell read a clever poem about for the of honor HOME TOW I spent Sunday in of Mr and Mrs Miss Charlotte Dickson is spending a month or with her brother Mr J Dickson Miss Mable Coombs and her sister Edith spent over Sunday with their Mrs Charles Kirhy r 9 A quotation from the Polish publication Glos is worth considering around election time The article is based on a report of a returning emigrant Mr and was given as part of his reason for returning to Poland from Canada would like to tell you about the allegedly demo cratic elections and methods of ruling the country says Mr In the elections to municipal councils only those can vote who have their office that is enterprise or landed estates Because factory workers and farm hands have no enterprises they have no right to vote and they cannot be members of munici pal councils and decide communal matters There are also elections to parliament but since as a rule those who manage the municipal councils are only candidates it is obvious how bourgeois tho parliament is Tho premier appoints the senators and nobody has the right to recall a senator though he may he the greatest oppressor of the nation You must wait till he dies The whole parliament and senate is ruled by British governor and he in turn by the multimillionaires in New York This shows what supposedly democratic government is like Briefly speaking it is the rule of tho dollar We all know that Mr article docs not present the truth Nearly everyone in Newmarket may vote in municipal provincial and federal elections But if Mr looked figures to how many people do vote in municipal elections it is easily understood how ho was led to believe that we have not a democratic system that a small percentage of the voters elect our representatives How concerned are wo in our own country about finding out tho facts basis of municipal government How important are our civil right to usi a individuals At tho nomination meeting last Friday night thorn less than people attending Wo can venture the guess that thorn will bo many more than who will criticize and find fault with tho council and tho a school board Have those people flniiJJfifcones who do v not vote right t must bo practiced on local level be and free from corruption In this state of apathy POWER OF WOMENS VOTE It is entirely possible that in the last presidential election the womens vote was the deciding factor There are many facts supporting this opinion First there were more women eligible to vote than there were men Secondly the issue of corruption in the caused more indignation among women than among men Finally the mothers and wives gave an indica tion of their protest against the war in Korea There is at least one more point worth mentioning in connection with the vote in the United States that women are spending more time at home They were exposed much more to electioneering by radio and televi sion titan were men The result was that Sri some parts of the United States there was a stronger organization than in others Women set up their own election machines drove other women to the polls and provided baby sitting services for each other We ought to face the fact that f the issues are serious enough and tho electioneering is intensive enough even in our country an election could be decided by a determined feminine vote While the questions which brought out the womens vote in the States do not apply to Canada political issues here are just as open to the modern means of propaganda as they are across the border This might well apply to local muni cipal elections as well as to provincial and national con tests It all goes to prove the truth in the old saying about not underestimating the power of the women WHAT IS A CANADIAN we are and becoming more so a rather mixed people There is no pure Canadian racially And in spile of the tremendous pressures to confirm pressures of mass media of various kinds to standard ize our habits of eating dress sleeping rccrcatiou and thinking we are still considerably unalike says the Swift Current Sun And the degree to which we maintain this of habit especially of thought although other habits affect thought will deter mine to no small extent the vigor and health of that somewhat nebulous spirit and body of ideas we sum up in the word democracy VvrVV VV When we want the newcomers to become Canadians do we not mean that we would like them to soon under stand and find a place in the fairly wide range of con cepts habits methods and relationships which we in clude in our understanding of democracy that they will learn the language we speak so that wo can communi cate with them that they become acclimatized to our social recreational and cultural pursuits so that we can bo at home with them and they with us that in fact they become so much at homo and a part of our communities and our nation that their first allegiance when ft crisis calls will be with us A Canadian then is a person who feels at home with Canada and his fellow Canadians Your favorite correspondent and Slim were relax ing in the blue room at SlinYs piano box mansion Wednesday night under the influence of television shack had been in a bad state of repair recently the supporting beams having rotted and it was listing dan gerously Slim being his usual ingenious self purchased a V set and the mass of girders and wires that go with It for I it be as cheap to buy the stuff as to have a construction man fix up me place here said Slim Now the girders and wires straddling the piano box man sion give it the required sup port Dozing In front of is like dozing before an open fireplace If Slim and I are not in a dozing mood we carry on some of our sparkling con versation It is a challenge to Slim and I this television It competes against our snappy witticisms our silver eloquence Now and then we find our selves shouting and arguing against the background of a giveaway show Unlike other people we pay no attention to the program We do not sit wrapped in attention afraid to start up a conversation to us is nothing It is just a con venience to support SlinVs house and give a sufficient glow so one can see ones way around the packing cases in the blue room It was on a rainy night this Wednesday night when Slim said Guess Ill turn on the television get a little cheery warmth and light into this here place We were dosing through a program on the Royal Winter Fair on this evening as the rain pattered on the roof I was conscious of some cattle walking past I heard a few moos and possibly a few There were horses I think and a man making comments on the passing moos It was during an amblepast by a number of Jersey cows that I stretched yawned and opened my eyes What Had I seen right sat up with a jolt It seemed that I had seen a familiar face on that screen but immediately blamed It on a false image Then it appeared again Yes it was It was Dairy Farmer It was our own Dairy Farmer who parades up and down columns below us I stiU could nt believe my eyes The associ ation of Jerseys and Dairy Far mer just didnt add up Our Dairy Farmer is a Guernsey man and nothing else On waking up SUm peered with interest into that screen There our Dairy Farmer We saw Dairy Farmer being pictured peering into an other down in near the cattle ring Then later he began talking right at us We were astounded It was just like watching Santa v We forget now what old Dairy Farmer said because we were so interested In just looking at him He was talking spinel if thing about the Jerseys which were ambling by Dairy Farmer was in the of today and according him television is the coming thing in the dairy business Only the other day I read that cows which watch TV give more milk It turned out old Dairy Far- was helping Norm with his TV cows down at the fair According to they are acting welL We are real proud of our Dairy Farmer We only hope doesnt forsake his Guernseys- for these Jerseys i 1 w 1 The top Six Inches by Dairy Farmer i The man who sot across from us at the table has been connected with the dairy busi ness all his life He brought up a large family and he is recognized as a nationally known leader in his breed We discussed cows and shows and meetings and finally we came to milk lie told us that he is worried He feels that substitutes are making slow and steady inroads into the market hitherto reserved to dairy products He thought that sometime in the future not iii lifetime though the dairy cow will have to take the back seat He came that great country south the border and lie that the is probably as hard hit as any part of the country The east ern states with their high population can still pay tor and in ttte west and the southwest conditions of pro taction are so favorable that dairying is profitable His solution was of course the same as we have come to recognize hist few years stiff resistance to substitutions and more economical produc tion of milk We have to breed a large cow which will convert ages into milk efficiently and then make our laud grow a lot of roughages which can be handled with farming Our pastures under our climate will have to be ir rigated to do this and our sea son will have to be stretched out by drainage and growing of suitable pastures and by breed ing cattle which can take those few cold weeks in the fall and not go to pieces This is a pretty large order and it wilt take a generation of dairymen to do it These remarks coming from a man whom we respect a great came just a few days af ter our annual meeting for milk producers in this district What made this meeting so outstanding in our mind is the report we heard on the of the milk foundation We saw a film prepared for use and saw some pos ters used by the foundation and listened to a talk by one of their men The fact that con these two occurrences talk on the future of the and the work of the foundation is of course easy to see We will have to have time and money to effect the changes necessary to survive The work of the milk foun dation by assuring that the younger generation knows something of and is brought up to appreciate milk a food and the men who produce it will give us the chance to make the necessary changes in our methods of pro duction We do not have too much time We are living in an age of substitutes and synthetics we make something from something else and then make it look like what it isnt There is an excuse and a justification for this in coun tries where there is not enough of the real thing or where of development have to be accomplished in a short span where there is not enough food or enough money to invest to produce enough food could even be argued that there may be a shortage food on this continent without some substitute There was such case during the war Hut we are rich and we are spoiled and we want quality We drive the best cars and have the best and wear the best clothes And the dairy cow is the only one that can give us the quality in this type of food that we want By education advertising and more uptodate and intelligent merchandising and selling business of quality will salvation y v GAME NOBODY WINS FUTURE OF AGRICULTURE In recent ami particularly since iiiiVg of the war re have been significant in Canadian Agriculture points out The Pin- uncial Post number of fanners Turin labor force have sharply yet production has Untied to increase Mechanization largely explains that Willi still more especially in more complex and specialized of agriculture and with I aid of science hi giving us crops better fertilizers and better control of pests and diseases we can expect prediction keep on increasing j- limit wo seem to is the amount of available laud that can be used for cultivated Crops Without drastic change in cannot expect any grout expansion acre age That caution applies to the United States and much of rest of world as well 1 not of en right In and inut it not faction of fa of that J rf I fc-

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