j lack to very panful B effort foe J to sloop or bead remedy tint In brought fettH to Don from the Misery of day you I Cet today c ARROW and ties the perfect sift for Him At Morri son Main St and St Aurora t- to mi Or NORTH how the beaches waited on the many in aaldaa for the rating day to he on Saturday u4 I I was the est messier of to aj few to nai the fefer that yen may rate In- to very las- I far Hon between ItoWf to Utter of ever awl at all times there delegation to ftfli tola- qui if elected I will warfc hand way Certain with far yean- in to teres I heliere to la reality to the voter ttato is to the with the of the trawhle before in he- ta to a and y5 favor to am Jjg tor tare yeara last la atom to thank yea to veto ia the sella the heat inform In the POLLOCK KM Seventynine players have registered for action the Newmarket Optimist club- sponsored bantammidget hockey league A big triple header attraction Dec will get the league under way and there will be a trio of games each Friday thereafter reports boys work chairman Ken Stephens First night schedule is as fol lows pm Redwings Ran gers pm Leafs Canadians Bruins vs Black Hawks Balance of the schedule will- be published next week Team coaches and rosters were picked this week as follows fl Bruins coach Don Warner players P Harper Smart Bellar Thorns Smith Page Down Centre By AB Friday night will be a big one in Aurora as the hungry district junior hockey fans tired of see- ing Aurora juniors beaten by as feeling that maybe is Au roras year and that the Bears a chance of beating the Shirts In 10 games over the last three years the crownhear ing drop May Hutchison P but one to Aurora club this fill aieehTg the- tables turned Eddie hag been working his boys no dnipprt hftt son 541 Marlon The Newmarket Era and dlnmD dTAnU Standing Queens 13 Dubs l B Black Hawks coach Ed players Alien P Jef ferson Mills Jones Garrett Sutton p Porter ren j Red Wings coach Fred players J Mulder beater Hall Burling den Maple coach Bill players J ft Arfeinstaiii Wilson Allan Stokes coach Bill Hopper players J Walker Morton E ft Rogers I Rangers coach Lowell Waller players Cook J J Hopkins Cain A Foster P J Cain Bugler A Burling ft Campbell Little wooden pegs were drop- ping for Town Leaguers over the past two weeks Charlie 819 271 276 was featured Other top were Steve Joe Men- Bill 755 Milt ley Roy Ed Or- ton Ivan Gibson Del Doug Beckett Bill Hind 685 Reg Wilson Ki Curtis 663 Eric West League Standing Office Special ty Combines Meteors 22 20 Kickers Legion Metal Workers Rockets Turkey Catchers Newmarket Dairy Nov Mary Cuxrans was tops over past two weeks in Wednes day afternoon ladies loop Other top scorers were Louise Smith Ruby Henley Dales k0bmb Newton Barrio SCHEME invited to attend and join in the of this fichemo which will become effective in the now year Statiding as of last week in the Monday Night Ladies Leag ue Happy Gang Speed Balls 13 Tugs Jays Watt abort pace 266 Sfptid Dean number two 250 Other top scorers Claire Flo sparked the Friday Ladles Lawn Bowling league with Olive Marie Penrose Standing Alibi Ikes Dabs Sparkles i YOUR Keawlek Bernard Davidson secretary Whw I bm to torn for fl to an to the ad tte on or war really put bo wt w wiy too for trips Wp t toenfoyonrj visits tad forth PARIS AM LOW ROUND TRIP TORONTO BUFFALO HAMILTON LONDON Subject to change Ticket and information at KING GEORGE HOTEL NEWMARKET Phone players from last Bysh fles are- experienced junior SWWSTvKS mentor arena three nigfit learn the score of the Owen Sound wood threeli iines the one that coitfpaf on the of KmVnce Too that Aurora high school cinmenc is fiooked for same night Last week Comniencenient took Bob Bob Veaie from We hope there are lip this week from this score Sneaking of casualties Andy Classy who plays a steadyheady game every time out may not start due to a knee injury sustained in the Owen Sound game Tie Owen Sound game was a dandy arid if it is any criterion of what the junior season Is to be the fans will bo packing the arena short ly Rain kept the crowd down fa around last week- The club cant carry the load of travelling on attendance of that size It was our first glimpse of the club in two weeks and the new additions have certain ly added strength Bill rugged Pickering College boy hails from Toronto is not in shape but will be mighty to have around Wit aras Borberv hav the front although like not yet as far advance a their mates in condition We understand Barber mtre a line composed of Veal ad and this trio of ers should be the talk of th roup before the year is out lie from last year and thai eaves Williams Bill Pepper Mar tin and Warren for third trio Ash of course is a certain ty and like can double on defence George Wall Fines Bob will be sure defence starters and the fourth will named if Andy Jr doesnt play Joe Cucum ber Burke is playing great hockey in the nets and his cool ness under fire has won him his new title The Owen Sound game brought to mint the number of times the Sound and teams from these parts have played Mark- ham Millionaires tangled with the Sound several I times since the war and during the war Owen Sound won the intermedi ate championship in from Markham Aurora Army defeat ed Owen Sound eh route to the intermediate championship in J big series with Sound teams that remain in the minds of many will be however seasons of 102627 and The series was Fin for the Ontario championship when there was only one series regardless of the of the municipality Newmarket met Owen Sound Greys that year in the finals the Greys winning the title at the old Mutual Street arena In Toronto on the round On March 3 kids were beaten bogged by The next game on saw a tie at arid the critics believe that New market kids over a longer scries might have gone on to win that year- The Sounders defeated in the Eastern Canada and Port Arthur in tlid Memorial Cup finals The Newmarket roster had Beg Corbott and Col- borne Ames in goal and Chuck Thorns on defence with Charles Doug Mar shall Freddie Murray Bruce Murray Lister and Bill Thorns in their lineup Bill Thorns was only one to go pro Aurora Tigers played junior hockey with Owen Sound in and on season hold on even record Waterloo Siskins Sound in finals and Aurora was third team in the pro vince prior to the In retrospect there seems to bo a sad commentary on the pres ent day crop of junior There wasnt in our opinion a single on either club on Friday night likely to play even minor pro or senior hockey as it a con stituted today We dont know the Whether In or 12 yeara the brand of hockey hag changed much that you cant compare properly We dont think were looklne at rnaHey Alice Gibson Jgrihe Flo Cam 535 Annie Flo 525 Osborne Ede Hall Nora Hester Clark Elsie 502 Ethel Myrtle Dunn spilled the pins at clip feature Thursday Wight girls over the past two weeks Other iap were Edna Gil 582 Dales Marie Hazel Ben- Helen Joyce Both- well Ella Doris Grant Blight featured the scoring in the Hoffman circuit with a including a single game Harry had Roy Smalley Doug Campbell single game Alan Jl Ruddock Bob Geo Scoring last week Press Shop Machine Shop Vorclone 5 Sheet Metal Standing Vor- and Press each Sheet Machine jV I IN SCRAMBLE pas to send a strong team into the scramble or North York Bantam league Honors The team is being sponsored by the Schomberg club Last season the reached the OMHA semifinal round In bantam and on completion of their North York league sched ule will make another bid for the Ontario title Deltbce player and hockey Doug has been named coach of the team Bill Is man ager and Bill Breedon Schom- sage is chief in both departments CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH gJ We the undersigned council elect for the Township of Whitchurch for the year wish to thank the ratepayers Of the Township of Whitchurch for the confidence placed in us by giving us an acclamation to the following offices which confidence we will endeavor to merit KTcLaugMln V- m m Fred Timbers -Y-i- P Graham J 1 J Having decided to retire from council I hereby take this opportunity to convey to the ratepayers of the Township if Whitchurch my sincere gratitude for the confidence placed la me by me to council for the past oar years and show the council elect the same cooperation which I have enjoyed BANCROFT Five hit the circle in the Office Specialty Offleentens League over past two big gun Bob 242 OtherVtpp Were Frank Hodge 646 Roy Ben nett Ron Jenkins Fran cis McFarland 6G5 Standing and tied 14 each lands Bennetts Bud set a torrid 246 pace to feature the Davis Leather scoring past two weeks Ned shot a 653 Les Wright Bill Jim Cull en Harry Thorns League standing 30 Jordan Brown Shirley Wardens 63 topped three game efforts in Office Specialty gals loop the past two weeks Other good ef forts were turned in by Audrey Eva Whitfield 560 Flo Mary Climp- past through rosecolored glasses and the present in clear white light either There are no Bill Thorns Ben ny Grants Jack Joint George or Tom my in the present- day crop How many of the present crop will make junior A The Newmarket club of was junior A in class It costs more to run a junior ho ckey club today too Twentyfive years ago every boy on the Newmarket team was a most of them born there This year Owen Sound in and Aurora in both ire largely composed of district players or homebrews with a minimum f imports most of whom arent really that except for weird rules in this regard What your opinion as to pres entday players and hockey com- pared to that of yesteryear Wed be glad to have your com ments for future guidance and use hard to relax in ihc den- chair Then youll be J lo know thai dentists drill now lias a rival a new device which drills by means of a fine spray of aluminum oxide powder They say the new technique takes the out of bavins a tooth fixed Manufacturers in many fields keep coming up with new uses for aluminum And our research people arc often called on for help in finding a remedy for their production aches and pains Many the result is another Cana dian plant opening up to new and we Ail aluminum pro duct Aluminum Company of Canada Lid Mens station coats length wool and nylon gabardine beautiful colors teale bluegrey navy and fawn Sizes to BLUE- ONLY 2930 FULL LENGTH COAT Size to Junior station wagon toys and coats outstanding value v plain check design Satin quilted lined for collar 3 to yrs BOYS STATION WAGON COATS Boys full fur collar Youths Noordyke cloth An Boys alt wool golf hose -i- f i An Invitation COME AND SEE THE A THROUGH THE COURTESY OF i f i y J r Full of magnificent