JV ic- r J- t S- May AmI Cornel Reports For 1952 -V- Held at the Lions Hall on the evening of Nov 20 nomination night In Aurora would have gone down in local history as one of the most orderly and bestman nered meetings but for an outburst of mudslinging and abusive tactics on the part of two former mayors of the town and one lady making a second bid for office after suffering a severe defeat year j The very large audience heard Mayor Rose and member of council deliver accounts of their during the year and accepted assurances of work eccompUshed with dignified ap plause and a total absence of question or heckling It was late in the evening when busi ness seemed a close that former mayors Dr and Mr Underfill launched tirades at the Aurora News Page and its editor Sinclair who was at home be cause of illness Neither of the two spokesmen was seeking office although they Indulged their audience in long which have vptftSi rise to resentment many remark of a personally abusive ifcaricter having been uttered in the absence of the man who was being attacked it Is felt that was taken of tin audi- which had gathered to hear addresses concerned with town business and not personal mat- which the speakers appear ed anxious to ventilate Mr the lady candi date for council election describ ed the writings In Aurora News as putrid Someone re- called the instance where the celebrated Dr Johnson was ac costed by a lady who complain ed of something ho had written Which she disliked In a temper called Johnson a nincompoop Turning to her Dr Johnson replied Madam I can give you reasons for what I write but only God con give you an understanding Mayor Rose paid tribute to the work of his council which he described as a- heavy year He claimed that a great deal had been accomplished He handed out sheafs of praise where he felt they were due He gave special commendation to the newlycreated Parks boar3 He gave praise to the police He noted the reasonably high issu ance of building permits indica tive of town growth and pro gress He said that while a great deal had been done much remained to be done Mayor Rose covered the range of council activities He de scribed his council as a color ful one By which he it was assumed weft not yes men Be a renewal of if re turned to office he do his best The mayors address was well received- Been Cook Deputy Reeve Cook to the large crowd in attendance despite the rainy with matters that had come within his orbit as chairman of the finance committee He ex pressed his belief in the future of Aurora If returned he prom ised to serve flif town as he had tried to do in the past DeputyReeve Murray said he had thought of quitting this year but found the challenge of the future too strong He outlined progress made by his streets committee He said there was a need for more paved streets He referred to the rising costs In volved in gravelling and oiling of streets He stated also that while council work had been a pleasure to him it had meant a sacrifice for Mrs Murray He asked for a renewal of support By the close of the meeting the deputyreeve had received an Councillors Councillor dealt with the duties that had fallen to him as chairman of the Property committee a position formerly held by Councillor Jones to whom he paid a strong tribute Mr also commended Mayor Rose on the excellent job he had done as mayor of the town especially in his conduct of the meetings- Councillor Jones reviewed the work of the fire and water corn- Page Column ORATORICAL BLITZ Underbill Attack Painful Pitiful Exhibition In what was obviously a premeditated attempt to discredit the wide influence which the Aurora News Page has gained in Aurora through its increasing cir culation Dr and Mr Underbill delivered long speeches lit the nomination meeting on Thursday night November Much of what they had to say was in thenature or a personal attack on its editor it all happened fitter a most orderly meeting at which retir ing municipal representatives had made reports that were entirely free from personalities Dr stirred his verbal cal dron for over half on hour How long Mr Underbill fulminated is uncertain but a reporters note book credits him with nine of statements mostly concerned with attacks on the Aurora News It U said that Mr Underbill has two set speeches One is in praise of himself as the holder of many town offices and the other is a denunciation of the editor of Aurora News Page for the reports ho has published on the admittedly bad condition of the arena which Councillor recently described as deplorable Mr Underbill is chairman of the arena board Dr is chairman of Planning board which has been endeavoring over a long period to get a contentious zon ing bylaw passed through In recent council he came Into conflict with town solicitor Mr who has opposed the zoning law In Ita present form The Aurora News Pago has opposed the zoning bylaw and certain other activities of the Planning board and consequently has in curred the displeasure of chair man Towards the end of his tirade Mr Underbill exclaimed Wish he was here tonight In a refer ence to the Aurora Page editor Hadnt guts to be here a lady supporter of Mr Underbill called out in evident chagrin at the failure of what has been suggested was a frameup demonstration Dr Recounting at length his mu nicipal experience told his audience of how years back he had begun to battle his way to mayoralty having been councillor for six years and mayor for seven He instanced many things that had been done in those years including buying a fire truck setting up of council chamber and clerk in one office building of the rink paying of streets waterworks disposal plant and sewage under takings put in Dr come to the subject of zon ing and after referring to the need for increased education on planning he mentioned two that had appeared In the Era and Express jhel one Era pages planning and the other in the Aurora News Pago said Not for Aurora actual fact is Aurora News Page editorials havo sup ported planning but have con demned the present zoningby law proposed for Aurora and did so In the editorial entitled Not for Aurora which was published on October editorial contained this sentence Planning is necessary But not planning that ties up community for an indefinite number of years That is the of the proposed zoning by law which is bad in principle and would be worse in practice Dr referred to talk he had with the editor of Aurora News Pago two years ago and did not gather that ho know much about planning Ho advised his hearers to truat us saying that speakers oh plan would be brought to town and hoped they would come and hear them To bolster criticism of the Aurora News Page even found it necessary to quote an anonymous letter IE Banners which it claimed written by a Newmarket man Mrs Moffitt candidate for council who spoke next In a bit ter attack on the Aurora News Page described writings as putrid Our own Banner she said gives us nko Dont coll it tho said Mr Underhilt Call it fifth column of Era arid Express After which ho proceeded to draw attention to numerous boards ho had served on and tho services he had rendered to town Ho said ho had boon mis represented Things ho had never done or said had been at tributed to him in the Aurora News Page Ho said that most of criti cism of the arena board came from people who had never served the people in any way Pago Column rora News J G SINCLAIR Editor OFflClJ AURORA flg TELEPHONE J PAGE NINE THURSDAY THE TWENTYSEVENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTWO 1 PEACE IN THE OLD TOWN r There twenty nominations for the council seats including the mayoralty but in the end acclamations took the place of contests We congratu late Dr Crawford Rose on again becoming mayor of the town We know of no man in Aurora who could position with more distinction than he In the minutes before the closing hour Bell who had been nominated for the office of to Dr Rose There are two changes He has rendered excellent his welcome Mr Davidson a of whose civic interest we have displayed as a we regret much departure of Councillor Ralph stepped to nominee MS in We Mr on some matters he supported but he is a ability Of his acclaimed successor it would be inopportune for us to speak we do not know her personally are tions foi public service We that she found it necessary to audience at the nomination meeting on Thursday night Nov that she considered pur writings were putrid The only occasion when we have spoken with Mrs was when she thanked us on the telephone for what she described as a writeup of a member of her family just returned from a business trip to South Africa Retiring public school trustees and hydro commis sioner Mr Baldwin were all acclaimed There will be peace in the old town on December 1 J OUR ANSWER former mayors of the town of Aurora made it their business oh Thursday night Nov to attack us and the newspaper we edit We supppse we should feel flattered at the thought that Dr and Mr recognize that the power and in fluence of the Au News Page is such that thy should feel it necessary to try and discredit it weapons of abuse and misrepresentation v treasons purely personal we did not attend tho nomination meeting on Thursday evening last Even if those personal reasons had not existed we no obligation to anyone the meeting so long as it was eompetent news coverage for our Such news ijpybrao was given by a firstclass reporter have transcribed and published in other columns of this issue If under other cos the personal reasons which kept us away had not existed we would in all probability been tendance at the nomination meeting we have for the three years The reports of the late happenings at tioiimepUngshO evidence of a concentrated and meditated effort on the part of Dr and Mr to dcjeiy its and bur newspaper The learned doctor even found it to an anonymous letter in the Ban nor to give ballast to his ballyhoo As for Mr Underbill he described the paper we edit as the fifth this reminds us classic analogy which appears to be peculiarly appropriate to the technique he has followed for some lime regarding US 7 Vv The technique Mr has followed in our case allege we have attacked almost every organization in town lie cannot bring the evidence to prove and for the simple reason that it a complete 1 said that ybu tell a big And wer again people 1 come tp ievo it Wa that a former mayor of Aurora should feel himself obligated such a technique as for ia delude that execp- tloii because we tbe jfiiy Ja of wiich bo chairman shall to oppose what wo think is wrong The planning has cost this town a sum approaching hav J Wi and W boards answer that gone off summer to abuse we to4 before the fietiiihg papei for Does ho and for recording votok bf another guess coming Page concerned We dont like being abused especially behind back We have to suggest that Dr meet us in public zoning bjrlftW and Mr Underhill meet in public debate on published on the arena If they agreeable we are ready In the event are not agreeable we suggest that henceforth they cease their a far as we and our paper are- COUNGIL SIDELIGHTS Better Go Out Of Existence Among the correspondence read at the meeting of council on Nov was a letter which proved to be the most outstanding highlight of the evenings proceedings This communication came from Mr W Stuart Mills vicechairman of the planning board and it announced his resignation to become effective at once Apply to Town CleflAui0y 5 iri Unless Council Can Control llEeSl The Planning Hoard It Had i Sl We are not suggesting that the resignation of Mr Mills is so very important We dont think it is What we are sug gesting is that the terms in which Mr Mills couched his resignation are important shed ding as theyfdoVa clear light on how the functions of the plan ning board can come to be re garded It the planning board Is to supercede the will of council it is time that so ambitious an or ganization is ended Council is elected by the will of by popular vote The people can control its actions by ousting members whose work Is not In accordance with the wishes of the majority of the taxpayers Oyer the functions of the plan ning board the people have no direct control since they do not elect its members What Really Happened What really happened can be stated briefly On October a joint meeting of council and the planning board was held Its purpose was to discuss the zon ing bylaw To that meeting the planning board hod invited an outside lawyer to attend and take part in the discussions Mayor Rose offered no objec tions to the attendance of the outoftown lawyer and he re ceived on to be pres ent Later when it was made clear to the mayor that such a course would amount to a breach of professional since Mr Leo was the towns legal adviser the invitation to the outoftown lawyer was can celled V Itis obvious that Mayor Rose had hot considered such a situ ation when the invitation to the outoftown lawyer was His invitation had been given quite clearly as a matter of cour tesy to the planning board But when he had to choose between an act of courtesy and a plain breach of professional etiquette as far as Mr Lee was concerned he rightly and promptly sup ported the position of the town solicitor and withdrew the of fending invitation Because invitation to the outside lawyer was cancelled Mr Mills appeared to have ta ken offence The degree of his offence Is lectecl in his resig nation and the terms in which he couched it would appear that Mr Mills felt that unless the planning board could bring whomever it chose to speak to council his services would he ended That is the central ar gument contained in his letter of resignation and in the circum stances concerned we suggest that it Is a bad and able argument Councillor Jones hit the nail on the head when he asked at last long time back it was sug gested that we and Mr Lee in some subterranean way or other conferred on planning board matters and that some of our writings on such matters could be inspired by talks we had with the town solicitor Such a suggestion is utterly false Mr anyone else for that matter has never inspired anything we have written On the subject of the planning board our only interest Is the public interest We have written on planning board matters as we understand them as the result of a study Planning Act of arid much other publish ed material concerned it Our opinions ore our own not somebody elses J This enables us to say that in our opinion Mr Lee has made an excellent job of enlighten ment on the ioning bylaw and the obscurities and dangerous legislation contained in it has made a close study of the zoning bylaw arid Is thoroughly familiar with its multitude of ambiguous clause as his con tributions to council and his letter to it clearly demonstrate Wny therefore should another lawyer be brought In to talk to council while the town solicitor is thoroughly competent to an swer all necessary questions Quite naturally Mr Lee took exception to the proposal of such a course and quite proper ly Mayor Rose and other mem bers of council concurred the cancellation of the invitation concerned when apparently the full import of a slight and breach Of towards the town solicitor were made evi dent V Waints Back The discussion In council on the evening of Nov again revealed certain degrees of vaf dilation oil the part of a members DeputyReeve Mur ray moved a motion that the Mills resignation be accepted together with an expression of regret motion was seel ended by Councillor who maintained his stand ah amendment was Councillor Tucker and second by Councillor King Councillor Tucker expressed the opinion that Mr MUu was better informed on matters than any other the planning a dif ferentiation which may not please all concerned When the amendment was put to the vote it was carried four to three Councillors Jones and Murray voting against it The deputyreeve who had moved the motion for acceptance now swung round and voted with Councillors Tucker Davis and King seemed strange to council and talk to support having regard Page Column 3 The Town Solicitor PLANNING BOARD Mr S Mills Resigns And Questions Council Procedure Editors Note The following j the text of Mr Stuart Mills letter of resignation read to council on Monday night Nov and which we have commented on in this weeks Council Sidelights Aurora November The Mayor and Council Town of Aurora Gentlemen On Tuesday Oct consider able discussion developed con- corning the episode which resul ted In of an invi tation to Mr Fred to speak to council that evening This episode involved the mayor Mr and certain other members of who wcro not named contribution to discus sion Was such that I it perfectly clear that the matter as very sort- oils not only In respect to discourtesy to Mr Kemp but also in that action taken by mayor and his advisory group of reflected an erro neous viow of relations which tinder planning act must bo maintained between tho council and planning board Since that evening as far an I know the council has seen fit to take no action in the matter and has thus concurred In the action of the mayor and the potnt of view which resulted in the may ors withdrawal of the invitation to Mr Fred Kemp I that on evening of Tuesday October the dis cussion revealed quite clearly Mr Lees contention was simply a whim for In my view no evidence whatever was to the contrary Additionally the planning board being a body corporate constituted by council and charg ed with certain lawful duties Is now in on Intolerable position In that council has seen fit to the right to control kind of which plan ning boon may present to if In support of their recommenda tions I regret very much that these circumstances have arisen but I feel that strongest measures and most forceful action I can are necessary and there fore tender my resignation to be come effective at once Yours very truly Signed Stuart Mils i viti J i i- MONDAY FRIDAY DOORS OPEN FIRST SHOW SATURDAY il DOORS OPEN FIRST MATINEE SATimDA I tntertainent 1 V li mm Ik Wit POWERS WAT BILL WILLIAMS SATURDAY MATINEE fTim Vi life m love and w iJfcf on J fc Hi I rWr- ANMHmiV irji 2 7 VVLl v WJv id a VflBwS- if- Ate l 7 I fc v