ftKsar I I v I J- i W7 ft i I J I i ges from the Editors Notei About the business of a Santa parade we feet while writing this on Tuesday that there Is a weakness in Newmarket which has been wilting the enthusiasm of pub lic spirited citizens of Main St and other streets We were urged to announce a Santa parade meeting in last weeks paper to be held on Thursday night At the meeting six or eight wellmeaning souls turned up Little was done except to agree on dates not available and the meeting adjourned until the following Monday in hopes more would join our happy group- On Monday night with eight or ten present everyone agreed that it was getting late for or ganizing a parade and the en diminished in num bers Feeling that the ab sence of a parade would be a disappointment to the town and district a few diehards at tempted to rally the weakened cause The last suggestion gasped out was Announce in the newspaper that there will be a parade on a certain day at a certain time everyone will fall in and cooperate We may lack faith in human nature but we would hesitate to make such an without more dependable foundation or at least one or two promises A committee had been drawn up granted but it consisted mostly of ab sent citizens No chairman was named No one was put in charge or offered to take charge A pretty poor risk we felt Launching a parade within a week and a half requires work ordering costumes candies contacting organizations ar ranging for a band acquiring floats canvassing for funds and marshalling the parade to mention some of it The Santa parade this year suffered a common malady The symptoms lack of respon sibility interest and coopera tion The effects no fore sight no courage no planning and probably no parade in the end is too much for one man two or three men It is unfor tunate that a few enthusiastic merchants who carry the re sponsibility for community pro jects have become weary but we cant blame them Now everyone waits for the other man to act Some of the other men rightly feel that they would be walking into trouble with no support from behind This is written on Tuesday Anything can happen by the time our last press run is made Thursday At least we record our notations here as a guide for next years Santa parade As a public service we pub lish the dates for various Santa parades in the district Holland Landing Mount Albert and Sutton on December Aurora December Holland Landing a progres sive little community up the valley is booming along with great plans for its parade Everyone seems to get together in Holland Landing and they get things done Holland Landing patiently called Newmarket a number of weeks ago to find out the date of our parade The Landing did not want to conflict with our dates It is fortunate that the Landing did not choose to wait for Newmarket to make up its mind Good for Holland Landing From the Files of and 50 Years Ago Mrs George Brown formerly of the King George hotel has such a friendly feeling for the people of Newmarket that she has come back here to reside Mr Gordon Hunter has been appointed manager of a branch office of the Bank of Montreal in Montreal He has been en gaged with Lead Young and Weir of Toronto for two or three years and left Wednesday night to assume his new posi tion Mrs William Taylor and her mother Mrs and some friends of Toronto made a motor visit on Sunday to see Mrs Churchill who is still quite ill Mrs Nornan Col let and her sister Mrs Meredith both of Toronto formerly the Misses visited their friend Mrs Mae on Sun day Mr and Mis J gave a dinner and bridge party last Saturday evening to a number of friend Mr and Mrs and Clara visited her brother Mr Coombs in Toronto last Sunday Mrs Diamond and little son of Point visited with Mrs on Friday last A Mr and Mrs King of Lind say spent Sunday with her sis ter Mrs- A Cornell also a brother from Lindsay Mr Hodman Mr William has returned home after an ab sence of about three months in the west The public school teachers enjoyed a bridge party at the home of Miss on Tuesday night Mr William of Toronto visited Mrs Kirby on Wednesday DECEMBER Employment for all the spare girls and women of Newmarket and vicinity now assured A wholesale clothing establish ment in Toronto has secured the vacant store at the north end opposite Wilsons store house and under the manage ment of Mr Allen business op erations will commence as soon the plant can be installed Twentyfive sewing machines wilt be put in at once and more if required The town hall was packed last Tuesday night to hear the entertainment under the aus pices of the Templars The drama entitled The Upper Hand something similar to Ten Nights in a Bar Room only having special reference to the Referendum was done pretty good for local talent there being about a dozen char acters Nothing pleases a former resident of any locality more than to receive a copy of his old home paper It is a nice Christmas present to make an absent friend The many friends of Mr Wright will regret to learn that he is very poorly again He has been confined to his bed most of the past three weeks Mrs Ben Cody returned from the hospital in Toronto on Monday and stood the Journey admirably Miss Cody accom panied her and will remain home till January Miss ft Forrest of Mount Al bert visited her friend Miss Walton of Newmarket Mode school over Sunday Miss Sara Belfry and her mother leave tomorrow for Hamilton to spend the winter there and in Toronto Mr and Mrs A Coombs entertained a number of their friends on Thursday night of last week and Monday and Tuesday nights of this week BOSSIE COOPERATES WITH PHOTOGRAPHER fyi f L Z J j I i 1 h 2 i- j FT 5H Lf tBr 5 v A J ant Serving Newmarket Aurora and the rural districts North York The Era The Express Herald 1895 every Thursday or Main Newmarket by and limited for two for one year in advance Singh copies ore each Member of Clou A of Canadian and me Audit Bureau of Authorized ox Second Class Mail Post Office Ottawa JOHN Manning editor CA8CHIMI ION 5ports LAWRENCE Job Printing end Production THE L PAGE PAGE TWO THURSDAY THE FOURTH DAY OF DECEMBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTWO NOT ONLY THE MERCHANTS Failure and frustration noticeable in attempts to organize community projects such as the Santa Claus parade are expressed in the same old complaints about lack of cooperation and interest on the Main St The oftheard plaintive question is How can we do any thing if we have no organization Merchants are among the first to admit that few of them can agree on the slightest issue Former chambers of commerce and boards of trades failed because of disagreement over unimportant details regular store hours holiday closing times and the result was that prevented consideration of more important issues We are quick to condemn the merchants It is true that the merchants benefit from progress The more good will in Newmarket the more people will come here and it is a boost for progress But too often we hasten to put the whole responsibility on Main St It is unfair to say that the merchants are the shirkers At a recent meeting of Main St merchants a business man said The merchants never let you down when it comes to a donation You can collect of money but when it comes to giving time that is a different question The merchants are hot the only ones who are guilty of this attitude in Newmarket There has been a suggestion that a junior chamber of commerce be formed Such organization would be open to any progressive young person There are persons in Newmarket who want to take active parts in community projects who are interested in civic affairs but are reticent about joining In on Urn activities of the community There is no encouragement there are ftp openings or opportunities for them to express their ideas Such an organization as a junior chamber of commerce would increase interest in municipal affairs It would encourage persons to attend council meetings take an interest in beautifying the community or help ing to acquire services 16 the benefit of everybody such as a new library While the activities of such an organ ization could benefit the community in its projects it could set example and encourage interest by older groups as well Everyone has a stake in the community not only the merchants Residents managers factory workers merchants and young people live in the community and in some way they or their families have some interest in Newmarket The lack of cooperation on Main St is often charged by persons who themselves are as responsible for the good will in Newmarket as the mer chants themselves Aff MORE THAN ONE OPINION It seems logical that new industry in town means progress one citizen attention to the possibility that new factories could result in higher costs to the municipality and that we may have all we With the establishment of a large industry at New market more liouses would be needed and subdivisions spread out beyond the present town borders our friend pointed out Costa of municipal services being- vny high at he ho increase in population a assessments would outweigh the expense of the towns share of now streets mains arid We had assumed that the increase in population result in progress It has to lie to us another who makes his living in the city of Toronto the need for industry the event of a a socalled mill own is hit way he hear com- about factory smoke injuring our residential areas on hand and on the other hand it is said that that- same smoke means jobs for people progreas for the community There is more than oho way of looking at Our first critics doubts for now industry ought to Ik taken up by town council or the industrial committee of the town council Our critic said ho had previously that a planning ftpeciulist he engaged to assess the value of new industry for the town If this possibility that high costs of municipal services at the present time remove the do- V ito of new industry it should be known by the people responsible for municipal administration So far we have heard no discussion of the sort from council It is easily seen that there is more than one opinion about what is best for our community It is worth the consideration of every citizen OLD ROLE REVERSED Next month the Ontario Agricultural Council has a couple of requests to make to the Federal Government It wants all socalled food surpluses to be gathered up and given away to foreign countries At the same time it asks Ottawa to maintain firmly all financial supports of food prices in the domestic market and even raise substantially the floor prices for hogs The Financial Post feels that regardless of the reception that expensive demand will get from either the government or the taxpayer it would certainly bring a gasp from some of the fathers of the pres ent generation of Ontario farmers Fifty years ago they were accusing the farm implement companies of doing on a much milder scale precisely what their grand sons are urging with such enthusiasm today And of course there was never a shred of proof that the im plement people were selling binders cheap to the foreigner and making up the loss in prices to the folk at home Now wo seem to have turned a complete somersault But this time the actors are playingopposite roles and with grander gestures In the old play the consumers were only expected to pay part of the total cost not all of it ESKIMO SUMMER The Printed Word The leaves having long since quit preening them selves have dropped down to huddle from the winter which now seems a sure thing Walking in the woods at this time of year one feels the place is resigned to what is coming But the moss wetted by the late autumn rains has become quite showy for moss These hardtosee tints are about only hopeful note around they are a sly de fiance a sign put up by those about to be overrun that they plan to rise again later on In its herbaceous logamous way moss cocks a snoot at winter Or if youd rather the moss is like a plain girl who having stayed on until all the other girls have been dated now blushes from getting some attention It is long past Indian Summer but for the moss this is Eskimo Summer VALUE FOR MONEY Fort Erie Review Canadians should give serious thought to figures on defence spending quoted in the Toronto Globe and Mail In the threeyear period Canada will spend billion on defence Denmark only 381 million- However Denmark will then Have men in her active and reserve forces compared to Canadas 170000 In other Denmark have received more than times value for her defence dollar Tins is of course an ion Canada is sending military aid to other countries whereas Den- receiving aid these factors would lend to modify the shocking comparison in results from dollar r- But when all allowances have boon made there is pointing to the fact that the title payers defence dollars are to a certain extent being dissipalcd very least not spent ftfi Si va ago Instances of plain stupidity in purchasing for the forces have 10nbMiigliitoJKiilv members of the Opposition A Imost any member of the Reserve Army has a tale of shortages of vital Value received fur money expended is equally whether the purchase bo or butler Cat Reports i p s By Gin g Appearance of low cost Am erican cigarettes and cheaper Canadian cigarettes and a still cheaper mystery brand of chewing tobacco started a price war and an investigation in Cuttin Corners early this week The price war first broke out in Ottawa a week ago when two chain stores began sell ing American cigarettes at cents a package To offset this move another store low ered prices on popular brands Last week in the nations capital an suggested that on escape clause be used in the Geneva trade agreements to bar imports of the cheap Am erican cigarettes He the imported new brand as an outdoor cigarette Anyone who would dare to smoke it in the house would be chased out by his wife or his neighbor said the Any one who has attempted to smoke oven two or three puffs knows that its manufactured out of what we call distress tobacco Thats nothing to what has been going on in Cor ners A new brand of plug tobacco was being sold in the pool rooms and barber shops earlier this week at a fantas tically reduced price The low price created a ter rific boost in demand but dis appointment was felt among the majority of customers when they found it was Our Corners cor respondent reports that patrons of the Academy wore seen to stagger into the street gasping and clutching their throats Others had to cast away ruined dentures At a special meeting Mayor said that a Cor ners investigation would be followed by sending a repre sentative to Geneva too At first the chewing tobacco brand called was thought to bo an Inferior import from the Then it was noticed that no tax stamps ap peared on the packages When the township police went to work on it the chewing tobacco in vestigation was narrowed down and localized to an old ware- the abandoned Thimble Pride Pickle Co lhC Cal side Arrested this on charges of illegal market In and manufacturing Slim gens explained Ail I was do- in was a demand our correspondent Slim stated With this price war on I could see oppor tunity every chaw Slim had been grinding up old cigarette wUh apple pulp from the cider mill on the banks of Creek over on the east side With certain old equipment from the pickle works he was turning out plugs a day of perfectly good plug to- baccy good for chaw good It is this sort of spirit of free enterprise that we admire in He is ever ready to take advantage of the op portunity when it comes along unfortunately did not turn out as Slim expected I would make a quick kill while the fever was high and then go outfit of business Slim ex plained m his cell Fortunes have leen made overnight ver know Thats the advantage- of free enterprise There are certain limita tions though I pointed out Yeah Theres just too many controls these days said Top Six Inches by Dairy Farmer- The big news of last week was of course the announce ment from Washington that the embargo will be lifted on March 1 on cattle and meats to be shipped to the United Slates When the border opens oil that day the Canadian live stock industry wilt feel like a man who had a serious dent and after long treatment and operations is now ready and free to go home lie has recovered but it will be some time until he can get a real days work clone and maybe never again will he be able do much as he did before and his whole life will have to be adjusted That is about the size of ft When the embargo opens our surplus cattle will find a mar- the States for grades and brands that they want at a price that will be set by their own cattle supply and the rate of exchange between the cur- We have an idea that it Will be very Utile different what it is today our only advantage will be that it will probably take our surplus off the and reduce her of tie on the farms Since some of these cattle have been held over in hopes of just such a move the men who sell it will make little money on them after expenses are paid Once these cattle are one and they are really last years crop all of us will have to make some adjustments in our way of breeding and raising livestock And the government or the proper agency will have to keep looking for a true market for our surplus meat and other agricultural pro ducts The situation Is maybe a little different for surplus dairy animals but not very much so March Isnt the usual time for large windier of dairy cattle to go south and east In some of the most im portant consuming areas they have a sliding scale for milk and the spring and summer price for milk is much lower than the Winter price Unless them is sonic speculative of heifers bred for fall freshening there wont bo any real movement out of here until later this year Afuin we cm- not expect the prices to he as favorable as they were a year or two ago After all It was ally high price beef which held up the market What we are hoping to see of course is that the pressure will decrease on our domestic market for milk and other dairy products But again as In the case of beef the roai solution will be some constructive move to re move the surplus dairy pro ducts like cheese ami milk to a market where it Is really need ed You may think that we have a one truck mind and wo know many who would say that wo have We may under estimate the importance of the opening of lite lt us we are wrong Yet ho matter how looks at this business always cornea out lis the same way The United States is a good market to take tip occasional sur plus and some type of products but it isnt our market Perhaps the hog producers will get the most benefit out of the March date It would seem reasonable that hogs will not go down for too long to cent level Finally we should give soma credit to our neighbors to the south for acting In this maimer In ft speedy and cooperative way at the earliest possible date permitted by their sta tutes It was gesture of good I BRITISH RYE ENTRY WORLDS BEST ther ways of making a profit from cattle other than filing them for milk or Den of Hoi Ari and to photo contest He wad awarded third If the servant not of people the their inMngemmt on righto agent In international and national If not the function of the to the direction of those activities on choice r i Entering the competitions for the first time a British entry walked off with world honors at the Royal Winter Fair Toronto in the rye judging Prize for the entry was received by Darke British agricultural attache in Canada left and trophy Is Barber Victoria Square r