Newmarket Era and Express, 11 Dec 1952, p. 1

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PttSJF f AURORA NEWS FRONT PAGE Second Section AURORA AMD THE RURAL DISTRICTS OF NORTH YORK CIRCULATION Average for three months ending September Newmarket 167ft Aurora Others TOTAL PAID WAR YEAR i NO NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY DECEMBER SINGLE COPIES CENTS EACH i Mm AM Xms Fifty bavins J- Lion club have for a 1 donation the Santa Christmas to be held at the Foxy theatre in place of the usual flinta parade The Lions Added on the donation at their turkey dinner Monday this week Santa was present at the meet and gave each of the Lion present from the Terry guest of sang two solos I the Lionj basket fund are The following we nations made since last week Limited Evans Pollocks Shoes Leather Co Newmarket Lingerie Peter Gorman limited Davidson It Penrose Atkinson Drugs 1000 It Simpson Co Noble Newmarket Grill Grant Anonymous Newmarket Fire Brigade Amlvfirsiry and Mrs Jacob Gould celebrated a great event on Monday Dec their fiftieth wedding anniversary The celebration marked not only the many years Mr and Mrs Gould have been together also trie many years they have resid ed in the same community Of their two children a son Harry lives on the farm adjoin ing the Goulds and Mrs George Edwards Uvea at berg They have four grand children and three great grand children all of whom were present at at home cole- During the afternoon and evening Mrs Scott New market poured tea at the Gould home Gifts from neighbors and friends were received also golden roses from the grand children Their two small great grand children Judith McCutcheon 3 and Donna dress ed alike in poppy red taffeta with white lace trimmings pros- the golden roses The grandchildren are Betty Ed wards who is at the Imperial Bank Murray Ed wards Mrs Donald Colleen berg and George Gould an Aur ora high school student who lives on his fathers farm next to his grandfathers THREE SENTENCED Sentence was passed on Tues day Dec by on two charges of breaking and entry The latter charge was laid following the arresting of the trio at Allans stat ion Aurora on Nov Marcel the oldest member of the trio and owner the car used In the crimes was to nine months defin ite and six months ate both sentences to run eon currently The other two Fred Johnston and Albert received suspended sentence for a year probation DISTRICT FARMERS ATTEND ANNUAL HUNT CLUB DANCE mm is v iP The Toronto and North i York held its annual Farmers Night party at the Newmarket high school last Friday night The club holds the party for farmers over whose land the club hunts during the year Two couples above represent the young and the hottooold people who enjoyed themselves at the dance Left are Mr and Mrs Chahner Black 1 right are Jo and Don Milne both of Aurora junior set relaxing after the below are left to right Patsy Hall Elizabeth Newrofh Bill Taylor all of Sharon Don Bond Queens- ville and Freda Bosworth Era and Express photos Publishing Dates Of The Era And Express The Era and Express will change its pub- days as In other years to facilitate the post office arid ensure the paper will reach subscribers in good time daring the Christmas rush The following are the pub lication dates from now until tte New Year V a Wednesday Dec Monday Dec monitor Dec 31 Advertisers and correspond ents are requested to bear these dates in mind and ar range for their ads and copy be made up early for these special issues To facilitate the publication on these earlier days advertis ers and contributors re quested to have their material at the Era and Express office at least two days before the publication date of each issue Publication on Monday Bee gives advertisers the op portunity of reaching readers of the Era and Express early Christmas week Last minute specials for late shoppers may be carried in that issue The arrangement also gives the staff of the paper a served Christmas holiday Street Plan To Widen Narrow Walks ART CLUB TO HOLD SALES EXHIBITION FRIDAY SATURDAY The Newmarket Art club will hold a sales exhibition in the fire hall auditorium Main St oh Friday and Saturday Dec and The show and sale of oil paintings will be open to the public during the afternoon and evening of both days until 1030 About exhibitors are ex pected to exhibit over oil paintings in the show There is a total membership in the club of over Weekly meeting have been held this year with the group meeting in the basement of the town hall each Thursday for painting and sketching classes Demonstrations by the old timers in the have high lighted these informal meetings Motorists Gain Seven Feet S Pedestrians To Have S3 i 80 GROOM AGED Over friends and neighbors SAY FAREWELL A group of friends from the Newmarket Gospel Tabernacle gathered at the home Ben el at the home of Mrs T Cum- Keswick on Satur day Dec at a shower for Wil liam A Clarke and his bride-to- be Mrs Mr- Clarke who is and his bridetobe who is received many useful gifts PARTY The Temperaneevillo Sunday school Christmas concert and a supper for children sored by the will be held on Dec 22 The concert will be put on by members of the Sun day school and Santa wilt moke his annual visit to present child ren with gifts from the Christ mas SCOUT CHURCH PARADE On Sunday Dec Cubs Scout Rovers Guides and Brownies will parade the Christian Baptist church All are asked to meet at the Scout boll on Sunday at am in full uniform invitations from churches are always welcomed by these organizations COMING EVENTS FRIDAY DEC Christmas bazaar and afternoon tea New market Legion hall under the auspices of Legion Ladles aux iliary to Supervised nursery for children SATURDAY DEC in Holland Landing Community hill at George Mitchells oircheitra Admission Every body welcome SATURDAY DEC Johns in the Town Hall at Jackpot games special game SATURDAY DEC and Newmarket Art Club exhibition and of oil etc Upstairs at Fire Weal Christmas M last a lifetime Open after- noon and evening till I WEDNESDAY Pec Bias bingo in the Newmarket Town Halt at under we auspices of the Newmarket Veterans Association good prizes hams and groceries prize No chaw Jackpot cards games Jackpot Proceeds for Christmas Basket fund DEC Han Messiah parts I and by Trinity choir and in tie m THURSDAY DEC in Aurora Legion In aid of the Toadies Auxiliary Good prizes games lime oclock sharp FRIDAY DEC The Well- Baby Clinic from to pm at the York County Health Unit Please note change of date to third Friday for this month only SUNDAY DEC Christian Baptist church morning service Senior choir glorious Christmas music Evening service Junior choir candlelight service Mar- Ian Gibson will sing from Messiah Other- child soloists ringing exquisite numbers Mrs Eugene- Cane direc tor TUESDAY DEC bingo nt Legion Hall Newmar ket at ID games for turkeys and Jackpot wealth and door prize THURSDAY DEC Christ- mas dinner will be served at Country Acres by res ervation only Marlon Atkins DANCING at Mount AlhoYt every Saturday night from to to Norm Burling and his orchestra Bus leaves King George hotel sharp DANCING every Saturday at Old Jersey school to Ford Wilson nd his Top Hatters ber on Friday evening to say farewell to Mr and Mrs Sidney Smith and family who are mov ing to Thistletown A social evening was spent and Mrs Smith was presented with an electric tea kettle HUMANE SOCIETY MOVES The North York Humane So cietys shelter has been moved from Newmarket to Ross St Au rora Residents ore asked not to call the Newmarket numbers formerly listed for the society as they are now numbers for householders in Newmarket Concerts I The season for Christmas par ties entertainments and treats for the towns Sunday schools has arrived The Gospel nack held Its annual Christmas treat on Wednesday Dec 3 The church was filled to ca pacity for an Interesting pro gram which featured individual recitations musical numbers and scriptural plays The Norman Park present ed attendance prizes and assisted by teachers gave a gift and treat to each child St Pauls Anglican church will hold its Christmas party for tho junior and senior departments on Friday Dec at with the kindergarten classes having a party on Wednesday Dec at pm On Friday Doc the annual Christmas entertainment for Sunday school pupils of the Christian church will gin at pm Trinity United hold its school cert with on that evening The Christmas of church will church on pm Monday the night for two other school parties church will hold theirs in the form of a supper at with Santa paying his visit later Church of the concert and treat for Dec will begin at On Tuesday Dec the Christmas program with dialogues singing Santas visit and treats will be held at Salvation Army citadel at pm v- J- ELECT A THAXTER REEVE OF SCOTT Albeit was elected reeve of Scott township at the township elections on Monday Reeve Thaxter polled votes against his opponent Alfred who polled 305 Bain had been elected deputy- reeve by acclamation at the meeting Nov The three council members elected were Edgar Luther Luke John GJIlJvray Defeated candi date Clarence who polled votes CITTOHAVE Thursday Dee at 8 is the date set by the trustees of police village of King City for of a trustee to fill one place on the board for the year Nominations will be held in King City Masonic hall Andrew will be the returning officer more candidates are nomin ated than is necessary to fill the third position on the board an election will be held on Mon day Dec 29 from to pm in the Masonic hall Donald and Robert were given acclam ations on Nov as two mem bers of the trustee board for following nominations on Nov when eight were nom inated Mr and Mr were the only ones to qualify It is important that a large representation of the vill age be present at the nomination meeting on Dec FRANK KNIGHTS WINS FINAL PHOTO Frank Knights was the final winner of the farm photo contests which were con cluded in the Era and Express last week Mr Knights form is on the fifth concession of North township one mile south of Mr Knights has fanned at the same location for 22 years He said over 20 people colled him to say that a photo of his farm appeared In the paper but being a subscriber he had already identified his own form AND P The annual Christmas party of the Newmarket Business and Professional Womens club will be held in the fire hall audi torium on Monday Dec p Members are reminded of the gift with a price limit set at Each member will bring a male guest to the party Refreshments will be served REiPP01NTEO TO BOARD William was to the High School board for a two year by the Newmarket council Monday night Kenneth Stiver Is the towns other representa tive One appointment is made annually for a two year term Mr who has been of the Newmarket Memor ial Arena commission since arti ficial Ice was Installed Is a member of the Newmarket Cemetery board ami board of Stewards Trinity United church He has served on the high school board for years A long considered municipal pavement and sidewalks and utilize space on Newmarkets Main St Mil fe54 in the early spring Roads committee Charles VanZunt described specif Its- council Monday They showed tli widened seven feet average be narrowed KPi dersse Some work will the winter months on miiir sins but the rnalri pa of project will start the wheii becomes The narrowest section tit present paverrieht are wide- according tqheft They wilt te wi3enet fe 34 feeh rowed ta blocfe cases slopes edge the hindrance to present will be The first concern of ket businessmen will be length that wilflH be held up by the VanZaiit said feaiPH Newmarkets Main St has been greatest headache to merch ants and municipal administra tions ever since the introduction of the automobile At one time a second Main St was considered with the suggested construction of a new street along the path of the old Metropolitan railway rightofway but the Idea given Tenders for the construction of new pavement and roadbed new euros gutters arid some sewage and Water services will be called for Dec Ten- DRIVERLESS AUTO SWB Newmarket said he saw a ghost car make a left hand turn and drive past him in Aurora last Monday evening Mr AVest was driving north past the Aurora dairy when he saw a car start up from a park- space between the cafe and the sidewalk The car made a quick to the left and cross the directly in front of hini without its lights turned Mr West sounded his horn and blinked his lights then noticed there was no driver in the other vehicle The car had roiled down an incline and finally came to rest near an embank ment Maybe people should leave their parked cars in gear rather than depending on the emergency brake said Mr West HOWARD BRICE BUYS AURORA BUSINESS A Newmarket businessman Howard has purchased a meat store in Aurora formerly owned by Stewart Patrick Mr Brice has had years ex perience in the food business and has enlarged his grocery and meat store in Newmarket on a volume basis in the past two years having made an association with He plans to spend all his time at the Aurora store in the near future and will employ three people there A large staff con tinues the operation of the New market business He says that the operation of his on a large volume basis has been a success and that he hopes to conduct his Aurora store on same principles The Newmarket businessmen with the Roxy theatre management are sponsoring a special Christmas party with Santa Claus and special childrens movies at tlte Theatre the afternoon of Monday Dec The Christmas party will be sponsoring the Christmas party in place of a Santo parade for from the ages of one to Two shows will be presented the first from pm to 3 pm and the second from 3 pm to 5 pm Santa Claus will be at the theatre anil at 2 pm he will be out on Main St to greet the smal ler children Candies oranges and nuts will be given out to all children at the door of the theatre Newmarket businessmen are which could not be arranged in Newmarket this year A canvass was made by businessmen on Main St and 200 or more was collected for the party Lions club has donated and the Newmarket council author ized a gift of when merch ants made a request for financial assistance at a council meeting Monday night The theatre has a capacity for at one sitting Nearly children will be looked after in the two film showings at the party Businessmen have also lighted Christmas trees at the town water department property at the south end of Main St Newmarket Optimists plan to erect a large lighted Christmas at the King George hotel where they will bo selling Christmas trees aid of their boys work two hours front of store quired to lay concrete will be covered by pedestrian traffic wilt again v Some streets per to- St will be limited tPjOhvr- way traffic in some ot- time during the work it take art one month to complete the 1 of each block on Main St each block will be cpinpletely closed to vehicle traffic proxinatcly days enough for set according t6 While the concrete block Is curing started in the next walks Will be laid before work pa the IS started Council did not decide what do about parking meters MiV- suggested that they moved away from the sidewalks and placed next to- buildings to prevent damage by vehicles There was opposition to the idea Some members said that merchants would not want meters in front of their store windows Brick instead of concrete gut ters were suggested Brick cost no more and removal of sections of gutters for main tenance work would cost less Mr VanZant said Similar gut ters have been constructed in the city of Toronto VM Copper pipe services are to bo installed into buildings They should last a lifetime the roads chairman said The present roadway has no base and it is suspected that there are empty pockets below the surface of Main St Road experts have ex pressed fears that heavy trucks would someday break the pave and fall into these suspects ed cavities The new roadway will have a inch gravel fill and eight inch concrete base and a three inch asphalt top What If all the tenders higher than our ask ed Councillor Charles Boyd Her added that it may cost Newmar ket more money than was ex pectcd The county and the province will have to pay more in the same proportion Mayor Vale replied The county is paying for the centre feet of new roadway and the province pays a certain percentage of the cost r loir ToPmMarts Messiah Next Wed Night church The objective for Busy Beavers a group of boys under the leadership of Harold Tite ton Ave Newmarket is to rebuild toys and dolls to give children In hospitals this Christmas The Busy Beavers have already rebuilt many toys but they ask Newmarket residents to donate old broken toys regardless of condition so can remodel them They will also accept donations of money to buy more paint and equipment Mr phono number is Above is a photo of some of last years work Left to right Beavers Floyd Morton Bobby Byers David Ernest Tito Louis Johnny Best and Lawrence choir of on Wednesday pm In the CO parts of Iran Tho Messiah for the second consecutive season While the performance will not ho a complete one cohesion of the text of vocal narrative is preserved through judicious omissions Parts I and III will be given virtually in whilo in Part If six of the choruses are to bo omitted Tho oratorio is ex pected to require about two and onehalf hours In performance United ore Alio Maire Soloists for the evening are organ fund Newmarket with the ex the tenor who is solo ist Pauls Avenue Road Toronto They soprano Ell mezzosoprano Donald Kenneth ton baritone performance Is under the direction of church Norman W Hurrle The choir Isi anxious that the public will avail themselves of the opportunity of scaring in this religious drama All are welcome and an offertory will be received for choir fc l J a l

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