a r- i Specialist Gives Some Tips rivCwMfntvrf Mf MM its ROLL SUNDAY Some are miserable You start off all wrong on Monday feeling all washed up- And you go on feeling the Afue way The only thing to do in rase like that is to tone up the thai probably at the bottom of sensation If you are not really ill then a good bet that lack of pep and Joy of living due Jo and bowel not functioning properly mean that axe causing headache nd a feeling of general misery So do about it- Try Thats your answer In Kroscben you get the minerals that are found famous Mineral Spas Theyll help your body clear away very gently Then youTl feel brand new all over see All it about as much as heap dime Take it in your when you need it KRUSCHEN ait sum Speaking at the November meeting of the Newmarket Hurt Cultural society Leonard Butt commercial grower of gladiolus outlined the proper cultivation of this flower The following is Mr Butts advice to Glad grow First dry off the conns as rap idly as possible In the fall after you have dug the glads Put in shallow containers such as fish flats or six quart baskets In the glacis didnt have too many diseases and could be treated roughly Today glads need careful handling Seventy- five to degrees temperature gale yellow Spotlight apricot Patrol pink tight Pic tried Personality Phantom lieauiy dark and Span True Love Elizabeth the Queen Orchid Marvel darker red Red Charm Mid America Fire Brand blue Have Blue Beau purple King Leer Lancas ter reddish purple Burma Tunis Mohamet and High Finance plant early Storage Store glads around degrees temperature Check carefully and dust with To do this put smalt number of bulbs in a bag with the dust and shake care fully Return to container and bulbs- for about three weeks Is ideal Stir the glads occasionally to do a second batch of allow any damp spots Planting The furnace room Is good for this or the bedroom If you can get away with it After this normal treatment they are ready to clean The best time is when the old bulbs pulls off clean without injuring the new bulb or i ct r J I- L A v A Storage rot is very common in the fall One can have this problem with storage diseases in damp fall particularly Fungus diseases enter the bulb If the soil is wet through the base between the old and new bulb Find fun gus before the bulbs are cleaned Perhaps In cleaning cause a wound In the base of corm when separating and cleaning glads Keep warm and dry until base has had time to heal over By the same token when taking husks off you might form a wound at the top of the This would be a good place for disease to enter There is an In crease in diseases when the fall Is cool and damp Fifty degrees is best for stor ing Keep bulbs thoroughly dust ed with DDT or some funguside such as if you are aller gic to DDT dust Is good in such cases We used to keep bulbs at 30 to degrees Now we realize that that was too cold Dont remove husks when re moving old bulbs This will de hydrate the bulb Dip in para- wax if any of the husks are acci dentally removed If you see scab dip in some funguside When you sec black specks all oyer them or big black areas all the bulb try to remove with a knife If you cant remove till it looks clean underneath discard Dont risk infecting soil and all your glads by using these infected ones Virus No one has satisfactorily ex plained what virus is When we grow glads from seedlings we have no virus Virus infection dwarfs a plant and gives it a mottled flower Pull up and discard any like this Two or three with virus infection if left with other glads will infect half of them by the next year and per cent the second year Selection Glads are a very rewarding You dont have to pay a Jot of money to get started in this field First try for a col lection of good standard glads Renew your stock regularly bulbs bloom first and big bulbs can be divided into two if one is very careful to get one- half of the root with each side Reliable glads for any garden include white Leading Lady Silver Wing Florence the husks from the bulbs a couplo of weeks before planting Most of the commer cial growers leave that top part on as wrotection Home garden ers usually clean it all off Plant glads five to six inches deep If you want giant spikes give lots of room Dont plant more than two bulbs to the foot and have the rows about 24 to 30 inches apart Glads are best in the open They dont seem to do so well in the shade of trees We dont recommend the use of commercial fertilizer under the bulbs It might come in contact with them It must be at least two inches below them We recommend a top dressing fertilizer use a band of fertilizer about six inches on each side of the row in which the bulbs are planted One can use nitrate of soda when spikes show Spray for thrip all druing the season If you want to you can use a foliageadder in the spray This will odd at least six inches to a plant Showing When cutting glads for a show the proportion should be two- fifths below the lower flower and threefifths above This is the standard accepted and rec ommended for the North Am erican and Canadian Gladiolus societies If you are not certain about cutting glads check with the old timers in the district Try to get your glads to the show with as many florets open as possible without the bottom ones being faded It is permis sible to remove one or two bot tom florets if they are faded If left on the entry will be penal ized Leave as cool as possible if trying to save an early bloom er for the show In the States most big exhibitors have their own refrigeration for storing their glads Ideal temperature is degrees and humidity Nurses Hear Final Lecture In W The sixth and final lecture of Nursing in ABC Warfare as given to York County Nurses Association had Miss Mary Mar shall Meade a graduate of St Bartholomews of London lecture on Nursing Goals in Warfare The film shown was Survival under Atomic Attack and many nurses expressed the hope it could be seen by all the people of Canada to give them an idea of what to do if an Abomb is ever dropped in this couniry Miss Tunney president of the association took charge to sug gest that a Civil Defense com mittee for the nurses of the dis trict be set up Members of the committee named were Miss Thomas superintendent of the York County hospital Miss Ver- na Smythe head of nursing staff of York Health Unit Mrs Bos- worth Newmarket Mrs Morris Aurora Mrs Sutton Miss Meade in her talk point ed out that mass disaster could be in peacetime as well as war that the importance of an organ ization is to know how to pro ceed at such time She said she hoped the civil defense organiz ation would be also for peace time so that what ideas are learned as a preparation for war can be used at home She urged the nurses to utilize knovledge from the course and to try to interest others in the idea of civil defense prepared ness stressing it is a good idea to prepare for the worst which may never happen The film Survival showed how a family can prepare a place of safety in case of attack preferably using a cellar with a stock of canned foods fresh water flashlights blan kets and other necessities ready at one moments notice and take to the prepared shelter The film showed what to do if a person is caught in the open at time of an atomic attack and not near any prepared shelter A doorway was shown as a lo gical place else merely throw ones body to the ground beside a curb or some solid face in arms and a coat if possible giv ing protection to the head hop ing in all cases that large pieces of debris do not fall upon you The class of nurses was broken up in several discussion groups and a question on the course handed to each group to discuss and write out ideas The whole class studied ideas of each group Further films lectures and practical demonstrations will be shown or given at monthly meetings of the York County Nurses association to foe car ried out to help the nurses fur ther their understanding of the subject V News OfTheWJ M ft- Ay The next lime go to see Ed Im last and had a is l News for this column must be in the office Monday night Copy must bo written as briefly as possible and confined to news and reports Other than routine reports and announcements will be printed separately The branch will tion held in Toronto in I ifc IB had V a r but J- J- r vs TON Subject to change add Information GEORGE HOTEL NEWMARKET Phono meet at the home of Mrs Garnet Evans on Wednesday Dec Motto Peace on earth good will toward men Convener Mrs Ellas will be in charge of the program based on com munity activity and public re lations We will also team about UNESCO There will bo the annual exchange of gifts at this meeting Hostesses will bo Mrs A Smith and Mrs Gar net Evans The November meeting of the branch hold at the home of Mrs John Grant with the Mrs iM in Urn chair The motto The foundation of every coun try the education of its youth was discussed Twelve members answered the roll call 4 famous person always admired Mrs Miller art report of thtt of Institute convention frcshrnents were served by tho I- Union branch met at the home of Mrs Thursday afternoon Dee were members two visitor and two children pres ent Members joined in singing several Christmas carols J guv a suitable re ply to the motto Scatter- glad ness Joy and mirth all along the paths of earth A contribution of is being sent to the Hospital for Sick Children Tho Institute service Brighten your home with Col or will be held at Sharon hall Jo March Jl kemin A social time was had dur ing the exchange of gifts fol lowed by a dainty lunch A vote of thanks was extended to Mrs by Mrs I Hose t Lakeside branch will hold meeting Dec at pm in Memorial hall Keswick call a Christian custom pro gram story by Mrs Agar carol singing Will the ladles kindly remember the- cookie sale Parents take notice The well baby will bo hold Thursday Dee IB in United church school to A pm regular meeting of Newmarket branch will bo held on Thursday Dec pm in the hoard room St In of Christmas pro gram Ih Mrs Sharon branch held its Down bet at homo Willi present Holt call was well nil way to a was to bring a soft toy Wvbailoriatid to nn A appolntis buying gifts for preschool child- ion to fioMttlt Urn in of conceit A Ilea waaalsfi to council about hi of Sharon hall It do- elded we Join Union Ml In Sharon full March for your homo with col or Miss Armour Is to bo in fttid Mrs W Osier very worth while from carols and of Christmas gifts brought the meeting to a close MAPLE HILL The held its monthly meeting last Monday evening at Mrs home Miss Hunt superintendent of Toronto City mission was the speaker and told of this very needy work which is being carried on by the Toronto City mission A special offering for tills work was taken and a large amount of clothing sent On Wednesday night Mr Toronto showed colored slides of work which is carried on In Peru South Amer ica by and Mis Large Rev Large was a former pastor here The young peoples group journeyed to on Fri day night and provided the pro gram at meeting in the church A social hour followed and a dainty was served school children under leadership of their teacher Mrs are busy pract ising for their school concert which Is to be held on Decern- her Birthday wishes are extended is week to Barbara Noble- ton years old on Friday Dec Joan Smart Newmarket years an Saturday Dec Harold Sharon years old on Saturday Hetty Moss Newmarket 11 years on Sunday Dec Ihtiy Ann Jacques Newmarket years old on Sun day Dec old on Sunday Dee Hobby Newmarket It years- old on Monday Dee IB mi Tuesday Dec ft Hall Niwmurkct years old Wednesday Deo Heather years old oil Dec years on Wednesday Deo in your and a of and birthday club KtiHWUJK Oil ft unit tt PHONE WW V42 Compact Table Model Radio Phonograph Combination speed m Selfcontained PLAYER to r a RECORD PLAYER ATTACHMENTS speeds Electrk KETTLES CLOCKS from up Kgi ELECTRIC PERCOLATORS from i ij i AUTOMATIC TOASTERS Sunbeam wwv tv- STi ELECTRIC MIXERS from 2550 up ELECTRIC IROHS from to 1450 SHAVERS Phillips Electric 2995 Sunbeam ELECTRIC STEAM IRONS 2495 SANDWCH GRILLES From 1225 up BOUDOIR AND TABLE LAMPS Various Prices Our ection ir W J- Radios Television and Appliances MAIN ST PHONE 355 I 41 fc vh i l f s fisv If 5 fJtruf jsr Doit i In and beauty youll find that 63 Is now and In many ways It has that low took that draws admiring anil broader rear deck land a touch of continental a now typo of curved windshield and on attractive now wraparound roar window which you twitter vision Youll like smart new Instrument panel with Its central fllovo compartment for easy access new and new colours add a further note of to finest cars over produced in field When you take the wheel of this stylish more compact youll quickly dis cover that in performance too is new and finer Youll find that this new handles with astonishing liflhtness and ease surety to parks without effort On highway youll ex perience finer performance and easier ac celeration at higher speeds result of now higher gear ratio And Overdrive available at extra cost your highway driving becomes even smoother and moro economical Arrange to get behind wheel and put new Dodge through its paces i When you drive a new Dodge you find a 3way smoother ride steadier more level setter Youll agree its most comfortable ride youve ever in any car at a comparable price Its a ste rule because of a frame a tower centre of gravity new positioning of the wider rear springs Its a more lev ride the result off synchronized and J weight Its a softer ride because of and wider Be among the first to experience now lido Phono your DeSoto dealer tor a 4 DODGE DODGE RECENT v IN CANADA BY WRVSl CANADA 0M a