rtMT fis Mr GOOD FRIENDS IN I TO MY THANKS FOB CONFIDENCE YOU ME IN ME TO THE PUBLIC SCHOOL FOR ANOTHER It KV-i- rr GET RESULTS vk vr f I ww v j X k I t 7 J L L J- v j mm i V I IARDS0N 1 ttn i A rfil iV- r i I J- v r i The Hound By WITH and PIANO When fiegimilng to I- warned- Beware superla tives How well I have heeded this through the years can hardly say but in writing the Canadian Concert Association of Newmarkets program of Decem ber am going to treat this warning with the contempt it deserves and use all the care to use From their effective opening to their ghostly finale the Song- men held their audience in a de lightful reciprocity of giving and receiving enjoyment Very effective was David magpie effect of black and white against the dove grey and black of his but more effective was his art in drawing from them the music which carried us away on wings of song The first group of songs gave us a chance to realize the did balance of tone its flexi bility precision and its capabili ties of taking listeners with the singers whether they were hunting passing by or rolling down to Rio Their next group of songs touched a chord which never fails to vibrate for the pathos which is the negro heritage from years of slavery the humor which survived it and the simple piety which pervades all spir ituals have an appeal peculiar to themselves In his folk songs Mr terlong included one of Scotland which was not on the program but which was given because he had been accused of neglect ing that nation The interpre tation of these folk songs was an intriguing bit of work It is a strange thing that from lands close together should come songs differing so widely The English folk songs have a madrigal quality which seemed to be peculiar to Merrie Eng land the Scots have the and loneliness of the highland hills in their composition while the Irish have the devil-may- care attitude that seems able to triumph over all their heart burnings It says much for a conductor that he can play on the emotions of his singers and draw forth the response in mood and tone color which gave this program its appeal for every listener the applause In their last group the Song- men gave delightful color to Mexican Czech and Jamaican songs I suppose it is trite to say that we all do well what we like to do and no one could lis ten to David Ouchterlony and his and doubt for a moment that they loved to sing It colored their expression vocal and facial and in no time it drew the audience into the warmth and glow of this love We basked in it and like so many Oliver Twists kept asking for more more And now the curtains close but the memory of the sweet sounds lingers still The charming young golden- gowned pianist Dorothy John son appeared twice on the pro gram first in four numbers by Chopin then in three by Deb ussy In the first Chopin number Miss Johnston did not show her fine technique and interpretative ability but in the Nocturne in sharp minor the flowing quality became ap parent and in the Etudes Op No I and Op N there ARMITAGE fej Dont forget the old time dance at the Bluebird on Friday Dec Glad to report Margie Cook is back to school her tonsil The children of School are working hard these days preparing for their Christ mas tests and annual con cert which is being held on Fri day evening Dec at oclock There is exceptional talent among these young folk and a special Invitation is extended to all The have moved Into their new home on Davis Dr The annual ratepayers meet ing at Union school section No 3 King and Whitchurch will be held at School on Mon day evening Dee instead of the usual Wednesday between Christmas and Now Years It Is especially requested that all ratepayers attend this meet ing as there arc Important new developments to discuss and It Is to the interests of all concerned There was a good representa tion from this Hunt club dance held in the New market high school last night Mr and Mrs Brown re are visiting their i lighter and soninlaw Mf Mrs Lewis until after Christmas when they go York to visit Mr Browns sisters On January they leave for and Ireland sailing on the Queen Mary and plan to re turn after the coronation was a of touch and a brilliancy of execution that de lighted her hearers The first Debussy numbers were descriptive in character and were finely interpreted The brilliantly climaxed Miss Johnsons part of the pro gram She responded gracefully to an encore It is delightful to realize how brightly these young artists shine in the musical sky After the concert was over the artists were entertained by the choir of Trinity United church Over coffee and de lightful confections we made the acquaintance of the performers Needless to say this was a pleasure for according to Ar chies and my experience true artists are the kindliest people in the world and so for an hour pleasure reigned supreme then home and to bed Zephyr News The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Bee Mr David Graham passed away on Sunday Nov He was in his year Mr Gra ham was a short time His wife who was Mary him about years ago After her death he lived with his son Dewey and family The late Mr Graham was well known and esteemed in this vicinity where he lived and farmed for greater part of his life He is survived by his son Dewey two grandchildren Daisy Mrs Mont real Stewart Toronto and one great grandchild Funeral service was held in the chapel in Mount Albert on Tues day afternoon at 230 Interment in Zephyr cemetery Our sympathy Is extended to the family Mrs J left on Thursday by train for Los Angel es California where she will spend the winter with her daugh ter Helen and family The of the United church held a very successful bazaar on Friday evening last Although the attendance was not as targe as expected The proceeds were above expectation and amounted to This money will be devoted entirely to the missionary work of the United church The Zephyr United church Sun day school held Its annual meet ing on Monday evening Dec The Womens Institute will hold their December meeting in the community hall on Wednes day afternoon at 230 pm The rollcall will be answered by a gift for the shutins A number from here attended the softball league banquet held at the Aurora on Saturday evening last Gordon on behalf of the league presented each one of the play ers with a beautiful with the league crest on it Not many fans attended the banquet but all who did report a pleasant and enjoyable evening Mrs Profit returned home after visiting in Toronto Mr Mrs attended the commencement held at high school where Miss Irene teaches Government statisticians re port that 1500000 was collect ed in as the result of spe cial and antidumping duties on textiles Sanitary Contractor Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned and Repaired 24Hour Service RICHMOND HILL Make It A Meet Your Friends At The D HESS Drag Store Two Graduate Pharmacists St Aurora Tel 5t Calls REMEMBER mm York County Hospital IN WILL The WMS of the United church held its Christmas meet ing at the home of Mrs on Wednesday of last week A trio of little girls An- Lois and Linda sang two carols and Mrs Donald Stiver sang the Holy City The Christmas Story was given by several readers and all sang carols The election of officers for the new year was taken by Rev P when the following were elected Mrs man vice pres Mrs corves sec Mrs sec Airs Steeper pianist Mrs Snyder supply convener Mrs J Thomp son M Monthly Mrs temperance Mrs Pearson christian stewardship and friend ship Mrs The meetings are held the first Wednesday afternoon of each month The Chamber of Commerce has done a fine thine for the town in putting up the names on our streets Next Sunday morning Dec will be White Gift Sunday at the United church when everyone is asked to bring something to send those who have very little at this time of year just a bit of Christmas cheer The Cheerio group had a suc cessful bazaar on Saturday after noon and proceeds amounted to eg Mrs left on Fri day to visit her sisters the Miss es Todd at Kingston one of whom Is very ill Mr and Mrs J Oliver spent last week in Toronto at the home of Mr and Mrs Percy Thompson Mr and Mrs Sparrow spent Sunday at the home of Mrs Sparrows sister Mrs Wm Mr and Mrs Will Evans and Betty Clarcmont were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Steeper Happy birthday wishes to our and demonstration last Friday Mrs Maude and Mrs Sarah Miller spent Friday af ternoon as a guests of Mrs Most of the Brown Hill child ren and adults attended the Santa parade at Sutton Mr and Mrs Bruce Rye and two sons Ronnie and Brian visited Mr and Mrs Roy last Sunday Mr John spent his birthday at home with a few neighbors and his nephew Ross Mitchell The Free Methodist church is looking nice with a lovely while ceiling and new crystal globes for the lights Rev Casement wish es to have the church finished for the Christmas party Sun day school at 230 pm Mrs Doris has been ill for the past week old neighbor Mrs Jas Arnold now in Montreal who has passed her birthday- Mr Harold Hayes had the first Iamb arrive in his flock on Dec early for spring lambs en the We would like to correct an Item of last week in regard to the amount paid by the village for the recent survey the total cost is 6500 and we pay one quarter of it not just as you read last week Remember the Santa parade next Saturday afternoon at 2 pm when prizes will be given for the best float decorat ed bicycle and to lucky shoppers with treats for all kiddies from Santa Claus Mount Albert Chamber of Commerce is spon soring this grand parade Mrs Jones Welland who has spent the Inst month at the home of her daughter Mrs returned to her home this week Mr Jack Arnold has moved into her new house on North St Glad to see Miss Mildred Dike is able to be out walking again with crutches her broken heel is mending nicely The CGIT will hold a vesper candlelight service on Sunday evening Dec at pm in the church when Miss Lapp Toronto will be the guest speaker Mrs Hill and Mary Toronto were weekend visitors at the homo of Mrs Agnes Crowle PINE ORCHARD The Community club will meet at the school on Friday ev ening Dec at oclock The program will be in charge of Mrs Harry Brammers group A short play is being prepared Willing Workers met at the home of Mrs J Harper on Wednesday afternoon Dec They decided to hold a White Gift service for the Fred Victor Mission Toronto on Sunday Dec at the church service at 230 pm Encouraging reports were received from the officers for the past year Elected to were hon Mrs A Lloyd and Mrs C Toole Mrs James Hope Mrs Elsie McClure sectreas Mrs Ross Annitagc assistant Mrs John pianist Mrs A pro gram com Mrs J Harper convener Mrs W Mrs Hope Mrs Walter Johnston Mrs Arnold Johnson and Mrs Johnston serving com Mrs John convener Mrs Horace Mrs Jack Pres ton and Mrs Elmer Starr visit ing com on the fourth Mrs El sie and fifth Mrs W Christmas readings were given by Mrs Arnold Johnson and Mrs Armitage Christmas carols and an exchange of gifts -v- added a Christmas touch to the meeting Lunch was served by the hostess Mrs Harper The January meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Horace Mullin Several enjoyed the hospital ity of the Hunt Club social even ing at Newmarket high school on Friday evening Dec Sympathy is extended to Mrs A Lloyd and Mrs P Wood on the passing of Mrs Lloyds sister Mrs Dan Lloyd in Cali fornia recently The election of officers of the Whitchurch Township of Agriculture was held at the home of Ross Pine Orchard on Thursday evening Dec Officers returned by ac clamation are past Mc- Millen pres Edgar Dennis 1st vicepres J Sytema 2nd vice- Gordon sec Ross Armitage treas Mrs Ross Armitage county directors Edgar Dennis and Garfield After a discussion on warble fly control the secretary was instructed to obtain further in formation It was decided to meet the township council to make arrangements and discuss the necessary bylaw for warble control The Whitchurch township far mers will be given information on warble fly control by a paid advertisement in our local pa pers and by public meetings BELHAVEN The annual installation of of ficers of Simcoe chapter No was held in hall recently The retiring Worthy Matron Sister Joan Johnston also retiring Worthy Patron Breen thanked the officers and members for their kind co operation Visiting guests from the chap ters of the district were wel comed The installation of of ficers was under the direction of Nancy assisted by Elea nor Thompson Cora Cole Pollock and Joan Johnston The installing marshall was Rowena Stork chapialn Georgie Thomp son organist Jessie Pinkham Beaver chapter installing pat Jack Baines POSTPONE CLASSES The Betty Gordon dancing club will not meet during the holidays The next classes will be held on Tuesday Jan with no classes on Dec and 30 TURKEY Served from noon to pm v CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS DAY Please make your reservations in advance KING PHONE I NEWMARKET Just In r JUST LOOK AT IT Mm b r fi look I- i- lV- NO DUST BAG TO EMPTY SWIVEL TOP CLEANS ALL OVER FROM JUST ONE POSITION GERM TRAP TRIPLE FILTER ADJUSTABLE SUCTION VERY QUIET RUBBER CUSHIONED MOTOR SEE BUY YOURS TODAYx- at lances SALES AND GUARANTEED SERVICE Next to Phone Newmarket w v Days To Xmas Mrs Hilda Humphreys and son Billy have had a few holi days In Toronto A number of folk gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs Ben for a fine evening SMITHS PHONE MAIN THE has a wide assortment of practical gifts w Dullcraft Wooden Ware Susans Bowls etc Wide assortment of tumo jewelry Dominion Luggage Hassocks Record Sewing Cabinets etc Table and Floor Lamps Corner and Wall- v Brackets M Pottery adorned with lovely Artificial Flowers A nice assortment of Steins tail Glasses etc Table- cloths Serviettes 1 Occasional Furniture by Coffee Tables End Tables etc Dont forget to m m m J mm m m mm m send f IS 9 mf Card this j v -tvWt- itr WViSt ac r Cis