rtLt Iters- SftUlWoN V -V- PAPER NEEDED i Aurora Shows Fine Progress CalamityHowls Condemned Page The Newmarket Era and Excess Thursday Dec Wood and Stoker Coal Orders taken for Gravel Sand and Crushed Stone and General Hauling Just one main pattern part to cut and sew for each adorable item Jumper blouse pixie hat overalls dress petticoat panties Think of the hours of fun your girl will spend dressing her doll Be thrifty use scraps Send for this pattern fast Pattern Fits dolls to 22 inches tall See pattern re quired yardages This easytouse pattern give perfect fit Complete illustrated Sew Chart shows you every step Scud THIRTYFIVE CENT In coins stamps cannot be accepted for this pattern Print plainly SEE NAME ADDRESS NUMBER Send your order to MARIAN MARTIN rare of the Newmarket Era and Express Pattern smart simple- sew pattern For that new basic skirt you need sew one version without tab detail in gabardine or wool Sew another skirt with the unusual tabs in a luscious new tweed team it with sweaters for a smart casual ensemble Pattern Misses Waist Sizes 25 32 inches Size 28 takes yards 54inch This easytouse pattern gives perfect fit Complete illustrated Sew Chart shows you every step Send THIRTYFIVE CENTS 35c In coins stamps cannot be accepted for this pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send your order to MARIAN MARTIN care of the Newmarket Era and Express Pattern Editor Aurora News Being merely a taxpayer and not anymore I have rather amused by all the calamityhowls since the advent of your paper We all know that the Banner had been comatose for or years printing the street gossip which everyone had heard be- fore the paper was published until you took over the editorial page and won an award of merit Then the roof fell in and the paper changed ownership p6T the town I see new houses going up on Wellington streets east and west George St and Kennedy St and south end mostly on property for years The Baptist Presbyterian and United church es have completed new halls and the have made ac commodation for regular church services with a resident priest The shoe factory has increas ed its plant the knitting factory has had to build a new factory to take care of increasing busi ness Mr Cousins has a large plant for production of broilers and to be doing nicely with his ponies The General store has added to its premises the hydro has a new office building the Bell Telephone company has outgrown its present home and is forced to expand the Imperial bank has erected one of the fin est buildings north of Toronto Two hew schools the equals of anything in Ontario have been opened recently Two other projects which the sleepers had talked about for years are in operation namely increased water storage and the widening of St within the town for which thanks are due to the council New sidewalks in many parts of the town have been laid down And Kennedy St has got its sewers Many other signs of progress new buildings and new businesses not mentioned herein prove that in the last year or two Aurora has gone ahead One firm last week reports the taking on of additional staff We have three service clubs all of them doing won derful work We are at the top in a musical sense winning share at Kiwanls and other festivals The eyesore on Well ington has been replaced with a new industry The evidence is there to show that we are doing very nicely with a population under 350O But the paramount essential In any town is a paper which keep3 its readers informed and plays no favorites Yours truly L Wilson Aurora AURORA SOCIAL NEWS Continued from Page Maple have purchased a home on Royal Drive and will take poss ession shortly Mr Harry manager of the Hart Manufacturing Comp any has been elected president of the Board of Trade for the coming year The Rebecca Ladies held a suc cessful bazaar on Saturday after noon The large number of booths were completely sold out and a delicious tea was served by the ladies Miss Mary Adams was elected president of the Aurora District high school literary society for the new year with Miss Janice Carter secretary and Miss Jackie Seaton treasurer Rev J was the guest speaker at the regular meeting of the Home and School association on Monday evening I and Miss Case was solo ist J Dr Williamson Edmon ton Is visiting his sister Mrs P J Hughes Temperance St The New Canadians Club is holding a Christmas Party at Cousins Dairy on Wednesday Dec Are you planning Christmas parties in your home or church or are you spending the holidays with friends Why not phone your correspondent about it Phone ITS HOT TOO EARLY To place your Christmas l Order for plants cut flow ers and mistletoe COUNCIL SIDELIGHTS What They Are Saying See our display of decor ative centre pieces trees evergreen wreaths and attractive planters Main St Continued from Page value having regard to his long municipal experience and the fact that he is no soft soap sup porter He is an outspoken civic representative who is held In high respect by the citizens of one of Canadas most prosperous progressive cities Of newspaper criticism he once went on the record as saying that no one should enter public office The December 1 meeting of quantity of gravel that had been council was a quiet affair Mayor Rose was absent because of Ill ness and his place was taken by Reeve Cook The only subjects hat stirred some discussion was the disposal of gravel and some town insurance The life of the present council petering out There was a twilight atmosphere about its last meeting Next year- wilt bring new problems and they will be handled by men who purchased Both councillors had the thought that full informa tion should have been available on the areas where the gravel had been laid down holding that was not sufficient h a vouchers for purchase of the gravel had been signed by the town foreman jc- This is but one instance among others that should tie placed to the credit Councillor Tucker when his one years services to lustration of such negligence potholes at the arena Councillor Murray did not gain his point in asking for other competitive rates In com who could not take it Which is in line with what Mr Churchill once said that a public man who couldnt take criticism should go to bed and stay there March Of Science A few evenings ago at the home of a friend we saw tele vision for the first time It was a firstclass set and the results it brought were we imagine the best obtainable at this early stage of a new scientific discovery Iri the course of it- few years we suppose the which were shown on the screen will have grown to full stature At present television is t with the company by Underbill where radio CHIROPRACTIC ST collection of MONUMENTS that we almost any both to kind We make memorials to order of Youll And our work excellent always and our prompt and reasonably priced son MAIN ST NEWMARKET have had experience of council the taxpayers is taken into Mr William Davidson count The differences this will be a newcomer but we know him as a hardheaded practical Englishman who wilt certainly pull his weight Out standing among the coun cil members Councillor J Murray has done excellent work on behalf of the ratepayers of the town lie has pulled no kind sad coat punches on matters that he be lieved needed ventilating For his conscientious work he has Life Association Fire Automobile and Casualty Newmarket newspaper has had with him ore mainly concerned his fence of the arena board and the zoning bylaw We ye are correct in stating fence of the arena was motivated not by his belief that Murray pointed out that there was no time left for such enquiries this year in view of the present insurance prem ium falling due almost immedi ately The contract therefore acceded to it might have proved useful if this matter had been brought up earlier in the year so that other competitive rates have been obtained The neighboring municipality of Newmarket a ye A J itself several thousands of dollars annually by an overhaul of its insurance AUTO car financed received more kicks than thanks from certain He has been ganged up more than one occasion We think that the majority of the ratepayers have greatly appreciated the courage and ability Mr Murray has dis played as a member of council an election taken place it is our belief that I he voters would have reworded him- by placing him near the head If riot the head of the polls Thai stal wart Victor might have taken first place in which case think Mr Murray have taken a second That have been reward for the Banner ho has more than once hod reasons to of People are not fooled Councillor Tucker at the lost meeting of we ifelt was a matter for regret Mr Tucker not be faking part In Us proceeding in 1053 As It wo have said on Mr Tucker proved an able councillor Inc know ledge he has town fairs during would have of vajue the the coming year At the last council meeting lie along with Councillor Davis pressed for fuller information on the disposal of considerable IB For Friendly Personal Service Shop Telephone -a-p- i 1 Fuel Oil and Stoker Coal it had done a good job which the facts disprove but a feeling of generosity towards heard colleagues As for the zoning bylaw Mr Tucker is perfectly entitled l his views on In any case it appears certain that it will never pass in its present form if it is passed at alb The- same mem bars who opposed it be back on next years eouheil and we believe they outnumber its sup porters c Council Another matter that should be placed lo Mr Tuckers credit his refusal to put the town to the cost of an election in the circumstances ix Is to shortly before the- line for candidates to qualify or resign With the that ho might be given a position else with he Withdrew from Wo understand any move to a new Is on lo until Iho late We do Mr Tucker Ukes much iind would pari it with great regret I la likes public work has dovolcd himself it with he look part hi a ho knew what he wont ed to 2 Urn mills faction of thai vot yave him support at the 1051 While as we fllfltod wo cotihl always sup port his his supimrters know that he gave frond tfr them and the town ami Ida absence council in loss Personally his IhsMrflHce Council J Murray is no- IKimtfepcrslstent the coal of the new under was described Policy asked if- other could he The hew policy transacted through one of the companies represented by Mr Under bill win the former policy which cost G3Gm It is not always easy to under stand policies Hut if wo this correct- the town will be paying a near annual premium to protect Itself against claims that might he by any citizen suffering accident on town property where town negligence was proved The representative for Mr Underbill took as an at the time of the crystal sets J w was taken back some thirty years or so to recall one of the outstanding pioneers if not the discoverer jf radio We refer to an of name of Professor Baird He achieved great fame arid per haps great wealth But when We remember him he was poor and obscure so poor indeed that he found it a struggle even to sur vive At that time he lived in one In the town of England- He was then experiencing all the torments of disappointment is possible that experiments nixed with occasional flashes of success- Then came moment Kodak Brownie MOVIE CAMERA nun Priced as low as costs In the absence of clari fying information no certainly BROWNIE CAIERS sonic to the ratepayers could be effected if competitive rales were with costs of town insurances Fire Fire chief Harry Jones was again congratulated oh- an excel lent report of local brigades work during the present year This voluntary work on the part of local citizen is deserving the highest tribute In paying tribute to it we wonder if there is any risk of our being charged with knocking town Well like the risk and sny aloud that Aurora fire bri gade has done swell job Slide PROJECTORS from KODAK TOURIST CAMERAS- from when ie convinced a man of newspaper owner ami part movie producer that his succeed if chough money were placed at his disposal The money was forth coming and radio became a By the television set the ether evening Professor was sit ting in with lis as a vivid mem ory for whatever new develop ments may take place in the new est science of the air waves that man genius must be recogniz ed Thirty years or so ago he Page Col up Screens and Slide for the Pan Kits Plash Guns Everything tor the Photo Pan CHRISTMAS Next to Post Office MrliCes ARE riTr