Newmarket Era and Express, 17 Dec 1952, p. 16

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rfv J FROM I V McCaffreys CCHTRI CKKISTMAS NOVELTY URNS NORWAY CHRISTMAS T SEE THESE ON DISPLAY AT Flowers McCaffreys s PLACE ORDER fOt PLANTS CUT ETC King City And District to BE DELIVERS AT STORE OPEN TO PM EVERY EVENING UNTIL CHRISTMAS Main St Newmarket Phone V At meeting held the hall on Dec Mrs law- Boys reviewed the which the branch has sponsored during the past year She mentioned the WI the community Hal loween party and the euchres which have brought people to gether to maintain social inter- est and Impress the usefulness of the as an organization She also read an article on Ontarios highways When the roll call was ans wered on how to gladden some ones heart at Christmas ref erence was made to the Christ mas greeting cards For tar- away friends or shutins an accompanying personal note is always appreciated Scripture verses on cards have a special meaning to the sender and the receiver Miss Marjorie told how Christmas is observed other lands in Scandinavian countries the season begins on Dec when presents are dis tributed with Christmas pay ob served as Holy Some tra ditional songs used at Christmas- tide have originated in pagan lands For current events Mrs Clyde Cairns told how the women of now ie Dee India live It is important thai will THE BEST VALUES IN TOWN AT Cliff COUNTER Insleys customs and Interests of women around the world be understood so that those who will be dele gates to the Triennial Conference of the Associated Country Wo men of the World which meets in Toronto next year will be appreciated Miss Hoys told the group of Ihe need of community help In making cancer dressings which are used units of the Canadian Cancer Society Christmas Vesper Service It was a privilege for a congre gation to witness national Christmas vesper service of the Canadian Girls Training per formed at Presbyterian church on Sunday evening Wearing white middies and blue skirts blue lies were Miss Carol the leader and her six pupils from school Jane Walker Judy Strain Marjory Mar garet Moses Kathio and Gillian Brown were seat ed about the altar table which held an Bible and two lighted white tapers After taking pari the wor ship service they sang choir numbers Mrs Leonard Shrop shire was the pianist- After a short address by the minister Rev- who told the story of the lighted candle in the window the service was performed School Wins Cup of the gathering at School on Dec was the presentation of the King Legion silver cup won by the school for the third successive year in the annual school poppy fund competition Comrade Phelps chairman of the poppy campaign presented the trophy which will ho permanently held by the school Under the leadership of Miss Evelyn Courtney the teacher has raised a total of 14011 in three annual campaigns This year pupils collected leading schools Mr Phelps said he will establish a shield next year in of his fa thers war service Mr and Mrs Hector Barber Mr Ross Barber Mr and Mrs Bayes Toronto who are friends of Carol school teacher attend ed the Christmas vesper service held at church on Sun- day evening Miss is the local group leader Mrs Hugh Ross returned last Thursday from Brantfoird where she her aunt Mrs James for several days Showers The marriage of Elizabeth Rose Douglas daughter of Mrs Douglas and the late Frederick Douglas New Scotland to James Earl son of Mr and Mrs A line of King will be consecrated at St Albania- Anglican church on Saturday Dec The brideelect was honored with showers recently At the home of Mrs Ernest Rank New market a miscellaneous shower was given by a large number of friends Assisting Elizabeth were Betty Webster Kettleby and Barbara Ryder A countrywide miscellaneous shower was held at New Scot land school on Dec when the gifts were opened by the future groom and the cards read by the brideelect On Thurs- a stag for Jim given by his fellow employees of the Telephone Jim Ross Kinghorn will attend Mr and Mrs Ed re turned to their home at Edmon ton after a threeweeks visit with their many relatives and friends It was years since Mr Pa ton visited his home town at Just before they left for home they were given a party at the home of a cousin Edgar Badger Toronto Mrs Charles nee Dor othy Ball was surprised with a shower at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Jas Ball on Thursday evening Dec which was ar ranged by the Presbyterian A- There was a very large gath ering- and the bride received many fine gifts which were opened by her sister Miss Marie Ball Mrs Fred Chat- burn of Aurora was also pres ent She was her sisters matron of honor when Dorothy became the bride of Charles son of Mr and Mrs Howard of Owen Sound at a ceremony performed by Rev David In Presby terian church on Saturday Nov Fred Boll brother of the bride wag groomsman Tltc ore living at Ball farm home 3rd line Mrs Folliott fcy will return from- several weeks visit with her son J Cincinnati Ohio after the New Year Carols Chimed The ringing of Christmas carols was heard throughout the village countryside on Monday when they were played at the pipe organ of Saints Ang lican church by a musician from the Lye Organ Co Toronto The system is attached the organ and amplified from the roof of the church They are the gift of Mr Stanley Watson to the church in memory of his brother Charles Watson who passed away in August A dedication service will beJ held sometime soon Retiring Treasurer An important activity of the of King United church during the past year was the creation of three life member ship to Mrs Stone Mrs and Mrs J Car son At the election of officers held at the home of Mrs A J Gordon on Dec Mrs was reelected presi dent for a second term Wis Stewart is past president Others are Mrs see Mrs I I Scott Mrs Verdun Gor don assist treas Mrs J P missionary monthly and world friendship Mrs G Stone supply sec Miss Lena Cairns assisted by Mrs Ross Stuart and Mrs pianists Mrs Rock Mrs G temperance sec Mrs assisted by Mrs Christian stewardship Mrs Stewart community fellowship Mrs assist ed by Mrs I Scott and Mrs A J Gordon Mrs Gordon replaces Mrs- Green who was treasurer for about four years On behalf of the auxiliary- Mrs Mrs Scott presented Mrs Green with a leather bound pocket book at her home on the evening of Dec She vacated office because she and her husband are planning to live in Toronto In January hav ing sold their general store SHARON At the December meeting St James church held at the home of Mrs- Ivan the following officers were elect ed for the ensuing year presi dent Mrs Fred Hall vicepres Mrs Phillips see Mrs Mrs Ivan Living Message secre tary Mrs Joe Hall The annual bazaar held at the end of November the aus pices of St James was well attended in spite of inclem ent weather The Juniors took an active part which was most helpful and appreciated Our sympathy is extended to Mrs Eugene Kiteley in the loss of her father Mr John Sal- ten There will be a Christmas Eve service in St James church conducted by the incumbent Rev Aw Arthur A carol ser vice under the direction of Rev IS The Newmarket and Express Wednesday Dec organist will begin at 11 followed by Holy Com munion at An invitation is extended to all VANDORF The public school Christmas concert was a won derful success The hall was filled to capacity and a good program was presented under the direction of the teacher Miss Wilson Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Norman Burns Port Credit on the birth of their baby daugh ter Barbara Jean Mr and Mrs Wilfred are the proud grandparents We extend our deepest sym pathy to the family and rela tives of the late Mrs Freeman Allen who passed away early Saturday morning Wesley United church Sunday school concert will be held on Thursday evening Dec at the community hall at oclock Mrs J Loveless is spending two weeks with her daughter Mrs It A White Miss Ruth visited friends at on the weekend Mr Harold has been taken to Toronto Wellesley hospital and is doing well Mrs Fred Pattenden enter tained little children on Thursday afternoon in honor of her daughter Lindas third birthday i Canadians during 1951 ate of meat per capita according to latest figures In their peak year as meat eaters Canadians gobbled pounds Mrs Robertson has home after spending a fewday with her cousins in Peterborough The quilting held Tuesday in the hall by the Institute was well attended with ladies present As it was the regular meeting a short business session held in the afternoon Mrs Bernard capably replied to the Mr and Mrs Norman lough by and boys Toronto spent Sunday with Mr parents Mr arid Mrs Sunday school gathering was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Norman Kay on Friday evening with about present Awards and treats were given the children arid Mrs Harold Pollard and spent Sunday after noon with Mr and Mrs Charles Pollardv Sorry to report that both Mr and Mrs Earl Morton are in the hospital and we wish theni a speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Hoyden Prosser Toronto spent the weekend with his parents Mrs Cecil For Swings The trustees of Kinghorn school and Miss Evelyn Court ney the teacher were over whelmed by the response to a i lit THE FINEST TELEVISION EUCTROMHE AND to to VICTOR TOWNSMAN VMiUK CONSOLE MODEL 20 CONSOLE MODKI- 46900 TABLE MODEL 41950 21 MODEL 48900 MATCH I NO BASE MOTOROLA MANTEL MOTOROLA 21 CONSOLE 54900 Aerials erected and up ma sets Awuum DELIVERY Thin in the in at if a best And drama fine and children Into your own home with all reality of a Pergonal Appearance Beare Ratios Television and Appliances Kinghorn school bingo draw- held at tlic school on the evening of Dec The was organized to raise funds to supply the playground with swings Miss Courtney had hoped to augment the 100 which the children had raised during the past year Or so but when the re ceipts were counted there was over 300 The pupils will get their and not a penny of the saving fund will bo touched While a good crowd was ex pected and lables had been set up for euchre in the class room the schoolhousc was filled nearly people Many stood all evening and many turned away when Ihey found there was no accommodation There were euchre tables with six or more persons to a table The entire even was so well that despite the congestion things moved along smoothly I Davis whose great grandfather built school gave the address of wel come Mrs school section won the turkey In the first draw Harry King and Stanley New Scotland each won chicken winner of ladys first prize euchre was Wood bridge who receiv ed a silver relish dish Others were Mrs McDonald china and Agnes consolation Audrey I a chicken for f rst sot of steel drenches consolation C A Black nut cracker set Dingo prizes were by Mrs It Smith of Newmarket Mar Walker stu dent Miss Mao Sturdy Toronto expull of Kinghorn Mrs Stewart Nora and hoys KKSWICK CO and laeb PHONE KESWICK ONTARIO NOTICE TO ONTARIO MOTORISTS Re Unsatisfied Judgment Fund Notice is hereby given that pursuant to the Highway Traffic Act and with the issue of motor vehicle operators and chauf feurs licenses an Unsatisfied Judgment Fund Fee of will be collected from each person to whom is issued a 1953 license This increase in fee is required in view of the fact that the 50 cent fee heretofore collected has proven to be inadequate to meet the demands for payments out of the fund Since when the fund was created payments out have exceeded During the current year it has necessary to obtain an of from the Treasury Department in order to make tK required A further advance will be required to meet the anticipated before the end of the fiscal year March A detailed statement of the Fund may be obtained by writing to Registrar of Motor Vehicles Parliament Buildings Toronto 2 GEO Minister of TORONTO December 1952 Light delicate distinguished Blue Grass is a favoured fragrance particularly in gaily Blue Grass Bath Sets Each Set a gift of wonderful luxury to make her bath time a fragrant timdl Bine Grow luxory Both Both irf Dtttfftft and Mist Hand and Both and Hand Grass Putting Powder Petal Waters and Bath MM The Best Drug Store Main St I f

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