Newmarket Era and Express, 31 Dec 1952, p. 8

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i tj i- 1 The Round mm TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE NEW YEARS I find each year that these ver- mm give my New Years wishes fid the friends of this column I wrote them just for that the night before New Years And all through the house livery creature was stirring Yes even the mouse No stockings were hung In the chimney with care For we knew old St Nicholas Wouldnt be there The children werent nestled All snug in their beds They were all out of doors With their skates and their Jl-ii- sleds I Mama with her knitting And with my book Had just settled down In the warm Inglenook When out on the lawn There arose such a flutter sprang from my chair And threw open the the great moon was shining As brightly as day And there stood an angel In shining array V Right through the great window So softly it came Then hovered and watched us With eyes like aflame Saying What have you done With the presents gave The silver wrapped courage love all men crave for these are the traits That count up above Faith courage and love Then he swept through the win dow Out into the night And we heard his sweet yoke As he floated from sight Peace on earth is the message I leave you again Give glory to God And good will to SCOUTGUIDE MOTHERS The ScoutGuide Mothers aux iliary Newmarket will hold Its annual meeting election and In stallation of officers In the Scout Hall on Monday Jan 8 pm All mothers of scouts cubs guides brownies and rangers are invited to attend Light refresh ments will be served BEST OF HOUSING SITUATION Newmarket Social News I Marian Martin Patterns The golden wrapped kindness The gem studded faith you keep them or use them All down through the year If so my accounting Should cause you no fear j looked at mama And mama looked at me And both looked as guilty As we well could be With new eyes we gazed Down the path we had come And saw all the kindnesses We might have done The swift words of comfort calm words of hope The bright ray of faith When sufferers grope- shadows of sorrow On dark paths of fear And we saw had failed much Within the past year Then said the angel Ill give you once more The keys which will open My gifts as before I So see that you use them BROWNIES AND GUIDES The first meeting In the new year for the Newmarket Brown will the usual hour on Monday Jan Guides will meet on Wednesday Jan at the regular INVITE PUBLIC TO AUXILIARY ANNUAL MEETING annual meeting with elec tion of officers for York County Hospital Womens auxiliary will be held in the Agricultural Board St Newmarket on Tuesday Jan pm The annual reports will be pres ented by the various committee chairmen A cordial invitation is extend ed to the general public to at tend this meeting Representa tives from all contributing or ganizations to York County hos pital through the auxiliary are urged to be present and it Is wished that members throughout district plan to attend this important meeting Light re freshments will be served This stork too weak to fly south when the winter arrived in Germany is making the best of housing problem by hibernating with a family of pigs In the village of The big bird caught by some boys who seemed to understand its predicament eats pounds of fish a day Mr and Mrs Robert Me Carcan St Davids spent Christ mas and the weekend their parents Mr and Mrs Bert and Mr and Mrs Gardiner Mr and Mrs spent Christmas day with Mr and Mrs Carl and daughter Toronto Beverley Hughes seven year old daughter of and Mrs Russet Hughes came home on Christmas eve from York Coun ty hospital where she had un dergone an appendectomy Rev and Mrs Bab- cock and sons Bruce Harry and Lome spent Christmas with Mrs Babcocks parents Mr and Mrs Harry VansikJe Marmora Mr and Mrs Leonard Chap- St spent Christ mas with Mrs Chappelles par ents Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Elgin Evans plan to leave next weak to spend the winter months in Sarasota Florida Miss Louise Russell Toron to spent the weekend In town the guest of Mrs Horry Hill Mr and Mrs Hun- Hamilton spent the week end with Mrs and sister Mr and Mrs Samuel Jefferson and fain ter Mr and Mrs Gordon Cook and daughters Mr and Mrs Donald and daughter Sharon To ronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Bert Christmas visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs included Rev and Mrs Lloyd and daughters Centre Mr and Mrs Bruce and children and Mr and Mrs Lome Holiday visitors at the homo of Mr and Mrs Alex included Mr and Mrs Wallace Tipping and boys Tottenham Shoal Creek Alberta Mrs Ross Martin Mr and Mrs Harold Toronto Mr and Mrs Henry Totten ham Mr and Mrs William El liott Mr and Mrs It and daughters Mr and Mrs Jack and son and Mr and Mrs John and daughter Mr George A Wilton Jr left Toronto on Monday morning to take a course at At a family gathering at the homo of Mr and Mrs- Walter Hall for Christmas were Mr will Mrs Preston and family Mr and Mrs Norman South Porcupine Mr and Mrs Roy and Rodney Windsor and Mrs Arthur Pros ily Holiday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Nelson Ion family included Mr and Mrs A and Mrs Hill and English pantomime made its initial appearance on the Newmarket stage on Boxing day when the Newmar ket Dramatic in collaboration the Betty Gordon Dancing club presented the fairytale Jack and the Beanstalk Three performances were given M 9WM not to OH TO MEET I I m The regular meeting of the will be held at the home of Miss Prospect St on Tuesday Jan at pm -v- PLAYER FRACTURES Jimmy McAxthur one of our up and coming young hockey men who performs left wing for the Gorman Smoke Ring the first major casualty of the North York minor hockey league season Jimmy in a col lision with Jim Aurora bantam defenseman suffered a fractured left wrist In Monday nights North York bantam ho ckey league game at the local arena Jims skating mates are pulling for a quick recovery and an early return to ice lane pa trol The Week Of Prayer Jan 58 1953 will be observed in the churches and with the speakers herein named Mun Jan Fit ENDS CHUUCll Rev J Rhodes Jan GOSPEL TABERNACLE A Collins Wed Jan CHURCH OF THE Rev Bull Jan BAPTIST J- A VV-yV- Miliar True to the traditions of pan tomime a longlegged girl Laurna played the Prin cipal Boy Jack arid a man Mike was the Dame the stocky buxom but coy Widow v Lovely costumes col orful settings music song and dance routines combined with new lighting effects to make it an evening of ton tot actors and audience Casting was ably handled with possibly one exception One character- Odorous Egg the bailiffs sister was supposed to- be a scrawny unattractive fe male who was having difficulty in interesting man in matrimony Cast in that role wa3 fern Even when acting as a shrew she looked charming More than one male in the was heard to comment Cafet see why any of them would need to be coaxed to- her or Where are your eyes boy But how can we talk about Jack the Beanstalk wilh- mentioning For those who unfortunately missed the pantomime presentation wo add that Clarabelle was the cow Remember the one he sold for a bag of beans Nov may not have won any awards at the Royal Winter Fair but for our money she was ex cellent Two lightfooted young danc ers and Wan da Hill as delighted the audience vith a comic tap routine Even in making her exit drew applause She must have taken a few lessons while attending Hetty Gordons dancing classes There could be no other explan ation for those rhythmic shakes as she retreated behind the cur tain Another animal in the cost which deserves mention was the Hen that laid the golden egg It cackled with infinite satisfac tion and rightly so for not since Easier time have seen such an egg It must have been a connoisseur of chicks who creat ed such a fine bird And the beanstalk have mentioned it y With the of a telephone pole bora the weight of various mem bers of the cast theymounted Mrs Allan Johnston and Mrs A Young Toronto Mino accompanied by his son and daughterinlaw Rev and Mrs Lloyd Judy and Lois Centre visited on boxing day with his mother Mrs Richard Hillsdale Mr and Mrs Bud spent Christmas lagers and in the finale when all the old woman Florence Goldsmith who had flitted mysteriously through the play in ominous black robes turned by into the good fairy who cast her spell of hap piness over everyone And so the curtain came down on the first pantomime presenta tion by our local drama club There were a few rough spots the pace of the first act was a rifle slow and We felt a certain of her lines in those opening scenes by the Widow But they were small faults Credit lines are due the stage manager- Ken- Learning who was assisted by Bob Chad wick Jack Fisher and- other members of the club for the excellent backdrops and stage settings The new lighting effects added to the production as did the cos tumes makeup and properties The thunder and lightning was realistic It never ceases to amaze us what wonders can be wrought by the costume director Vi Dales Take one pair of long unmentionables some brown dye and combine with and and the basis of Jacks costume results We extend our congratulations to the production coordinator Barbara Hamilton drama direc tor Dorothy Bowman and dance director Betty Gordon for their venture Into this new form of entertainment that is new for to cal audiences Such success as their 1052 production Jack and the Beanstalk deserves repeti tion Pantomime should be an annual Boxing Day presentation from the Newmarket stage with their parents Mr and Mrs Cecil Woods and Mr and Mrs Bert Mr and Mrs Alex Hilts and son Terry spent the weekend in Little Britain the guests of Mr and Mrs Lome Smith Wayne and Billy with Mr and Mrs It and friends Toronto colled on land their grandparents over visitors at the homo of Mr and Mrs George were Mr and Mrs Fred two daughters Nancy Ruth had supper Tuesday night with Mr and Mrs Newmarket return ing home the same night as their son Wayne was 111 In bed at home Mr and Mrs Garnet Myers and family Gormley Mr and Mrs Eddie Wright man and fam ily Newmarket had a turkey dinner with their parents on Sat urday night Mr and Mrs Lyman ftrid daughter Carol Ann Wood stock and Mr and Mrs V While Toronto spent Christmas ff1 1270 I Christmas holidays Mr and Mrs Glenn Kill and family visited on Christmas day at the home of their mother Mrs Harry Hill Mr and Mrs Elgin Evans spent Christmas day with Mr and Mrs George Barker Sharon Mr and Mrs Orval were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Jack Prim rose and family Richvale Miss and Miss Bobbie To ronto spent the Christmas holi days in town with relatives Mr and Mrs Charles Jamie- son and family accompanied by Mrs P Freeman spent the Christmas holidays in London the guests of Mr and Mrs A Mr and Mrs A Hicks and daughter spent Christmas day at the home of Mrs Hicks parents Mr and Mrs Arthur Hare Holland Landing Mr and Mrs Ellis Wadding- ton Toronto spent Christmas USE REMNANTS Plaid Plain prettiest fa shion for am scholars Momt Be thriftywise use remnants and sew another dress with the dollars saved Scallops bib ef fect perky sash all the details she loves Choose short puffed sleeves or long sleeves Sew this patch pockets now iraw Pattern Childs sizes 2 Size dress yards 35inch 38 contrast This easytouse pattern gives perfect fit Complete illustrated Sow Chart shows you every step Send CENTS in coins stamps cannot be accepted for this pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send your order to MARIAN MARTIN care of the Newmarket and Express Pattern SEW EASY CASUAL Quick make a casual dress one that stays crisp all day al ways look smart and neat whe ther you go to work shopping dating I Choose a check or plaid and bind it in contrasting color for a smart effect Pretty collar i Pattern Misses sizes 36 40 Size 10 takes yards 35inch yard contrast This easytouse pattern give perfect fit Complete Sew Chart shows you eve THIRTYFIVE In coins stamps cannot be accepted for this pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Send your order to MARIAN MARTIN care of the Newmarket Era and Express Pattern and Kathleen Georgetown Mr and Mrs and fam ily Toronto Mr Prank and Miss Evelyn Bullock Bramp ton and Mr and Mrs Arnold and family Newmarket Mr and Mrs Ira Perth S- Visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs C Johnson for the Christmas holidays were Mr C Johnson Toronto Mr and and Mrs W Johnson and fam ily Toronto and Mr and Mrs Don Johnson and family New market and Mrs Ken Pontine arid family spent the Christmas holiday at the home of Mrs parents Mr and Mrs A Ottawa Mr and Mrs Forrest land Saskatoon are spending the holiday season with the tatters parents Mr and Mrs RECORDS Records for ALL occasions PARTIES DANCES etc with their soninlaw and Proctor IP News Of TheW- see News for this column must be in the office Monday night Copy must bo written as briefly as possible and confined to news and reports Other than routine reports and announcements will be printed separately it to reach the castle Giant NEWS FROM the Is pleased to announce the new addition to our menu BEEF DINNER served with creamed potato HOURS FOR WINTEK Monday closed all day Wed Saturday pm MOM will be Wtii em after bom of the Xlflck to his associates Many ft blow vas required before Jack could foil the mighty beanstalk bring the terrible giant to his doom Of course we really didnt see the giant being brought to his doom But we did witness one of his enormous boots Hying down so ho must have been in proper- like Jill the giants servant maid transformed into a radiantly princess when true to all fairy lules the story ended everyone happily ever after Pat Dunn Jacks pretty Jill Her sweet voice was in character with her role when as the ro mantic female lead in the play she sang several solos John second successful character in as many nppeiiranees be hind the His gait convulsed his audi ences The perfect counterpart was provided by young Way no as the Mr- Chips Coupled with mem bers of the Dramatic club were about two dozen dancers pupils of Dotty Gordon mail types ballerina were the dainty fairies Older girl in school nd vU- A double ring ceremony performed In St Angli can church on Satur day afternoon VAbhoUbf Lloyd town when Dowlas bird daughter of Mrs arid the late Frederick Douglas the bride of James ion of Mr and Mrs J King con scene of the was dec orated bronze rind ilie organist was Miss and Mr Stan Har ris of Toronto sang Promise Me meeting of Zephyr branch was held in the hall afternoon Dec with members an swering roll call a shower for shutins Two visitors wero presents Christmas were sung Ten dollars was sent to the Sick hospital- an nual appeal It was also decided to purchase chairs for the hall Next months meeting be ing annual mens the executive was left in charge of the evenings entertainment Mrs Walker and Mrs now members elected to the hall board 3 short Christmas program was followed by a social halt KKSwicK I m Prize winners in the recent KesNvtck Ladles Softball club euchre held in Keswick arena were as hour boxes for shutins were packed and delivered Union branch will meet at the home of Mrs David Eng lish on Thursday Jan at pirn Motto only way you can preserve our heritage is to build upon if Reply Mrs Ir vine Rose Bolt call on old landmark of the district Topic historical research and current events Program Mis Micks Mrs Mrs S Shanks Hostesses Miss Violet Micta Mrs Hodgson Mrs D Greenwood Mrs j cheer llio bride was given In tea kettle her brother Murray third bushel Douglas wore a gown of champagne lace over matching satin styled with collar long sleeves fit and full ballerina She wore halo of cit ing net and veil and carried 11 prayer hook adorned with a mauve orchid and Ivy As bridesmaid Miss Webster wore mauve gown with net over dress was a Dutch and her flowers were unit yellow Act A of was Ids gown with net over- ushers Douglas and Douglas nephews of I he A was held In Noble- ton community hall with nearly W guests In the lino the ehoso a at navy black muiir- ck and f ami white mums The mother wore ruby navy hat with cones Fred Thompson fourth capon Mrs Keswick fifth capon Hunter Now ma navy accessories and of pink roses and For supper sewed by Hi Albans the brides able decorated ami muins and centred with a tiered wedding cake lite bride light wool gabardine null heal and match ing shoes and bag wore aiv thlil corsage and for the United she worn a top mat of tangerine wool The couplo are making homo of whom grnoiu l iitt of the lleli Talitphooa Company out of town giursts at ilia grooms Mrs Kilo and bus- of Ken White mi lotTwnJon meeting of branch was held at the homo of Mrs with good representation of mem- efficiently ban- by Mrs A Pollock A fliiftritity of cookies was brought lit At the program The First was sung Mrs Agar told two beautiful Christ mas stories in her able a spiritual uplift to oil During following social program side of surprise packages took place Delightful refreshments served by Mrs Pressor and MrsD McGenert Mount Albert WI will meet at the Community hail on klmisday Jan at pm nil call My Favorite lodger and Display Hie program commit toe consists Mrs and Mrs Cromer Is an open meet ing ami the men are Invited will be the guest and the subject Is Everyone Is The Sharon WI will meet at tin borne of Mm Fry on pm I colt call An Incident of Woncer Days Historical research Mrs Haines current events Mrs Mrs Osier I and Mrs K The Music Shop MAIN ST ROBERT BUDD MANAGER i Your Health and Happiness In New Year It is our sincere wish that mil the best of health and happiness in the New Year DRUG MAIN ST MARKET fill ALL OUR FRIENDS FOR 1953 FROM iL froj hrv

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