Newmarket Era and Express, 31 Dec 1952, p. 9

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Spits TmM i a hat down on Mvij day can give one a rid- frustrating feeling about the same feeling Mwmarket Spitfires are this week Spite moved tote Saturday night a weeks rest primed and determined to take a wit of Bushs What happened well before evening was over Spits were rimslng their hats the Ship builders and a loss That in- was the same score by WUdi Builders nipped the pita here In their first meeting of the minutes Spits looked to have them set up for a win over the Bushmen For up to the eight minute mark of the third Spits led the Build ers To get that lead the Spits had to dig hard from be hind a middle of the second period deficit Then the Spits determination hit a snag They drew two penalties in quick succession White shorthanded saw their opportun ity aria- caught fire for four goals in four minutes Result a Spit fire lead changed deficit and it was a gone game for the Mowisonmen The Bill Johnston and Grant Firth spear headed tour of the five goals Don Smith made his mark with two and it was one each for his linemate helpers Spits fifth and final goal came in the sixteenth minute after Colling wood were leaders produced by Fred Myles setting up the play Ken and Jack Andrews and winger Grant Winters didnt get in on the goal scoring act but did draw assists in the Spits cause Arena 2 JO pat Senior hockey rtltttOMUffl 1 to 1015 skating Jan 7 to skitiRjv Tit SPORTS COLUMN Stmt If I could re-roll- the film of these are of the things Id like to see Terry in the Detroit Red Wings nets playing any one of those in comparable shutout games in the Stan ley Cup series Sugar Jim Henry the Boston Bruin making his last gallant stand against in the Cup series with his noso broken his eye lids mere slits that had been carefully pried open before the game Rocket scoring goal No for a new National League record unaware that his final shunt had sent puck roiling in turning deathly pale and almost fainting when he realized that the long strain lasting five games had ended at last Rod making the 25 yard run after taking a 36- yard pass to snatch victory for Toronto Argonauts over Hamilton in the dying moments of the third playoff game to decide the football title any of the races in which the great grey colt Native Dancer 2-year- of the year spreadeagled his field the fantastic ending to the Maxim fight when Robin son outweighed collapsed from the fearful heat and his own exertions grimacing and shadowboxing bis way to Olympic triumphs on cinder path and road stamping falsa the greatest distance runner of our time coach Casey Stengel of the champion Yankee juggling to make those attting pitcher changes in the last game of the world baa twit series lee Black tall smiling softspoken Negro pitcher ataraa the opening of the series and winning it Big Jean giant Quebec Ace and mostsought amateur by professional clubs cranking up for one of his great freewheeling rushes then roaring along to score as the blazed their trail to the Alexander Trophy Milt Schmidt of Boston Bruins one of the greatest of modern ice stars whistling home goal No 200 the night of March and Bobby Bauer of the immortal Boston Kraut line of returning fur one glorious night in the Big Time to score a goal George a 17-year- old trapshooting star from Saskatoon with ice- water in his veins winning for Canada its only gold medal at the Olym pics games against the best shots In world And the film of wouldnt be complete unless you wet on the 59yard line when Edmonton a deficit and went on to eliminate Cat In the western football race and Week later after losing the opener of the final right In to Winnipeg took the final game to the everybody except who called the shots all ale a film all that would be Id like to see and so would everybody else I Calvert DISTILLERS The bowling boys and gals who regularly spill the pins at Joe Smiths and the North End alleys are taking lite easy during the Christmas New Years holiday rush Your strikes and spares columnist has this one wish for the bowlers In May your best score in be your worst in Happy New Year A note from the Thursday night ladies league Myrtle Dunn led the scoring with Other scorers over were Hall Dales Jean Scott Olive Hugh- son Helen Tomlinson Ella Hoffman league marksmen flashed a big scoring week in their bid for Christmas dinner Bob topped the scoring with Other high ranking were Keith Davis Ivan Ruddock Dan GUI 653 Jack Alan Daniels Geo Roy Turkey winners were Dan Gill Jack Sheet Metal Keith Davis Machine Shop Bob Press Shop Geo Hill Harry Hodge Harry Fowler Don Brown Alan Daniels members of Vorclone team won the chickens won the hidden single prize and Frank Daniels won the hidden triple score award The Newmarket and Express Wednesday Dee The BY New Years musts include for Aurora a successful floodlight campaign and a junior hockey championship for Newmarket Intermediate baseball cham pionship and crown for Charlie VanZant plus at least a group championship for the Spits for a bantam hockey flag for Doug March- ants youngsters for Bradford the intermediate lacrosse crown for Richmond Hill artificial ice for a revival of the most popular sport For another O A trophy for Bob for Sutton the County for the third straight plus a successful venture into the for Mark- ham the rural honors for Ernie of obligations and a strict supervision of playing ros ters and comparative strength made of the teams It is quite possible that both and Newmarket might have made other group arrangements if it had been an ticipated that Midland would fall by the wayside It is equally un fair on Midland players who might have made other arrange ments for the season could have used one or two players like Clarence The Cat salubrious goalie Fat Swales exAurora Indian Harry Morrison Bun and that old favorite Mutt are deserving of a better break incidentally look much better in senior B now with the addition of Jack Drew exHamilton Tigers at centre ice one of their two lateseason im ports Drew played with Atlan tic City last season Clippers are finding the going a little rougher than expected in the Big Six senior B group as are Peterborough Belle ville and Look for the Clippers to Jake oh some playing strength soon Horace Kendall coach of St Eagles and a Softball College vol- championship to christen the the info that he has one new ball park appropriately for his better teams in action and NORTH YORK HOCKEY MEET Hare Keswicks super sportsman has a bit of New Years cheer for all the teams in terested in a North York ladies hockey league reports there will be a meeting to organ ize the North York Ladies hockey league in the Keswick arena Fri day Jan 2 at pm Each and every team interested in entering is asked to have a representative present Special invitation is extended to Mount Albert Kettleby Newmarket and Auro ra SPITS AT HOME JAN Newmarket Spitfires next of ficial home appearance in Big Eight Intermediate A OHA ac tion will be Thursday Jan Visitors on that occasion will be Milton CoOps Spitfire execu tive were advised last week that Midland Flyers had dropped from the Big Eight race That advice saved the Spits a trip to Midland Dec but has left them with a couple of open Thursday nights on the schedule Although its not official theres also a rumor that Fergus Big Eight basement dwellers have tossed in the sponge for this season RESUME JAN Newmarket and District and their Aurora Town League after taking a week off to recover from the Christmas festivities will spring back to action stations next Tuesday Jan In the N action in the Newmarket arena at pm Vandorf will cross war clubs with Kettleby and at Town Regents will have a go at Mount Albert in what promises to be the prize game of the early season In the Aurora league at pm York Rangers vs Flyers pm Ditch Diggers vs Chappies WINS MONEY Alvin Timothy St Newmarket was the winner of the money raffled by the Newmarket Ladies hockey club Draw was made at last Tuesdays town league hockey games Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned and Repaired Hour Service RICHMOND BOX TURNER of America You hove full days In New on this delightful 1 to visit oil the toots In one of most end cities Alley Napoleon House Hie Stove Market Versailles Oak and the quaint shops and resorts of me Old ft nth Quarter are Just a few of the sights youve wonted to Going there and back by bus odds to yew trip Keswick at least one or two minor hockey cups For the Junior championship tor King a rural title for Bruce Hall and all the lads Remember these are only wishful thoughts rright now and not predictions as that notsobad to all of us Grey beard Old Man makes way for the rosycheeked cherub Kid 53 Happy New Year Midland Shamrocks will open the New Year season of hockey at Aurora and with two straight losses to Owen Sound and staring them in the eye the Aurora Bears will be alt out for a win to regain the group leader ship now resident in CoUing The race promises to be a hot one as Owen Sound is now plenty potent and the Rocks are coming too Albert Sweeney up from mid get played the nets on Friday against the Sound and did a fair chore He looked a little ner vous in the first period and then settled away nicely All four clubs have used two goalies in the schedule and all four clubs are well protected in the nets The insurance of Sweeney for plugs a gap in the Aurora mark The kid will do Several of the had better pull up their or some of the juveniles will moved Up and new faces ought Might as well mention that Bill Smith George Pepper Martin and Bob have not hit their best or are playing inandout hockey The can do better but will they break out The players have more than made good so far and Smith with two years in junior should be outstanding in the group Both Smith and Martin have not been able to score their quota of goals Hush mouth but entries for minor hockey closed at the weekend and as of Saturday no listings had been received for Aurora Newmarket Sutton and Richmond Hill clubs Its prob ably an oversight or the mail went astray but we can remem ber some moments like last seasons entry for Aurora which was made too late The count as of the week end was Juvenile series Bolton Bradford Keswick Little Bri tain in and Midget Bee- ton Bolton Bradford Keswick Bantam Bolton Keswick Port Perry Sorry to see and missing from the list Special orchids to the lads at Keswick Bolton and for their efforts on behalf of the kids Sunny talented puckchasing son of Charlie Ay rora Bears who was of Bradfords best last season is playing fine hockey for Yank Boyds club in the West Toronto mer cantile this year Ron who was with Aurora Bears in is likewise doing well with in the New Toronto Com mercial group Quite team could be formed from exNorth Yorkers perform ing in the Toronto mercantile groups Heroic Cain and Bill Grant ore with coaches Eddie Williams Ron Freddie former Aurora Hears are available Moo A 1 tiff Mil MOM TORONTO mm jo Millionaires or Clip pers arc in shape as is Benny Harris formerly of Sutton S The withdrawal of ftlidland from intermediate series is something that some serious considers fw future- it stands and Spit- the only two intermedi ate A entries in the north ac tion Both will therefore auto matically be in the playoffs Both too will have two ope dates because of tho change Before a club en the MA eusttantkl bo potted the v that the Prep school crown- for should rest with the red and white Kendall can floor one team that averages oyer six feet two inches in height while their scoring record prior to the holi days was impressive In one game against Tracy Aurora club the Andreans had a three figure margin on the play John Stuart is sojourning in Florida these days and the former Aurora boy will probably pur chase a hag or two at Tropical Park despite preChristmas re solutions- Joint was in eighth place in senior scoring as the year came to a close being third in actual goals scored but down in the assist department Looked like a pro hockey list with Fer guson Tommy Burlington Buck Joe Carbeth Harry Dick and all ex- American leaguers in the first twelve Good luck to likeable Eddie Fit- kin exMaple Leaf Gardens pub lic relations impresario who takes over the sports broad casts once occupied by Dave Price The likeable Mr Price who has the hot stove league and multifarious other interests now including the picture rights to the Grey Cup will be missed but will prove a capable substitute By the way speaking of family resemblance take a look at Price on Television and then drop back a few years and have a look at Councillor Dale King of Aurora Mr King is Prices nephew and the resemb lance is more than somewhat Bill Jones former AuroraNew market athlete of the late 30s is back again as coach of Newton- brook hockey club who are en tered in the junior series Ted once catcher for Richmond Hill softballers in the North York league and Joe who was- the scoring star of Brampton Camp in the district A season are playing senior with Woodstock Joe in addition coaches the Wood stock junior club Ten years ago this inonth New market juniors were grouped with Richmond Hill Navy and in a fast travelling junior group Lets see now the had Red Joe Her man Bradford- Hal Bob Bill Murray Bob Smith Angus Gordon Pear son Bill Hopper Mike Thomp son Bill Anderson Doug Case Provost Camp Ken Bruce Grant Blight Hill had among oth ers Heroic Rose Bill Son Mickey Sutton Jones Ray Castator listed Carl Boris Hal Gibson Kddio Michaniuk quite a group with Markhtim win- j njng out Sri a great finish for the group laurels Sutton Aurora is in his 20th straight year of hockey all played in Aurora and a good sin cere effort put forth every time out Ken Davie Sutton and Mt Albert is probably the holder of the longest straight years of play in the district If recall right ly has been going strong the past years Belated to Ellis new councillor school trustee in and Bob Barrio do ing ft repeat performance Junior grouping finds Alliston Beet- on fjobleton and playmates with Fergus George town and Dixie in anoth er Section y SO a rw 4 MA 6 Forfar Van Thorns Smith MA Van Van 35 A Forfar Van A t itft- And Town League Victors Winners in the Newmarket District hockey league dish at the arena were and Newmarket Re gents pulled a surprise to upset Mount Albert Town Regents had to work hard to nip 32 Theres no get ting around it Com bines cant hold a lead For the umpteenth time since they mov ed in to play in the they were early leaders Tues day over the Regents Goals by hustling Glen Mur ray and Jim set them up with a first period lead over the Oilmen Regents trail ers mainly because John Weed- on Kettlebys activated net- minder refused to be beaten was kicking out labelled shots in pro style That state of affairs held up until the final minute of the second period Then with chief morale booster Mel Stickwood Coach Father J McCabe and assistant coach Hack Cain urging them on Re gents hit fast and furiously for two quick goals At Thorns trapped a pass from Stan Gibbons and it was 21 seconds later Molts Thorns dropped in a shot to tie it making his first appearance picked up an assist oh goal and Thorns was also a helpmate Murray earned the hero role for the Oilmen as he whacked in the game winner at of the third with Cliff Gunn the aider shattered the halo of invincibility that has hung over Murray Edgars dorf erupting for three second and three third period scores routed Mount Albert It was the second loss of the season and shaved their first place lead to a single game A great goaltending display by Tommy Hulme a stout defensive job by Loring Andy Lloyd and Mike made the Vandorf victory pos sible Loring picked up two goals and an assist to spearhead s attack Andy Lloyd Archie Forfar Howie Timbers And King Suffer SetBacks Aurora Bears Use First Home Game and King City lost to their southern cousins Klein- burg and Bolton in the closeup games in the King- Vaughan hockey loop Friday Kleinburg hit for four first per iod goals to tumble In the late game Keith two goals and Ted Derbyshires single staked Bolton to a win over Norm Taylors King City Maroons As a result of the games Bolton increased their first place lead Bolton Is fol lowed by Kleinburg King City and in that order in the league race Two goals apiece by Harry arid Ken paced KleinburgV win over Bud Brown and Alex Cain fired third period goals for the In the late game Don Murray and Bob Hodgson were King City In last weeks action King City tripped while Bolton rolled to a win over Kleinburg Jim two first period scores gave King City a victory road start Ted Rogers John Richards and Doug Terry supplied Kings clinching tallies Murray Edwards slap ped in a second period score and Bill Winters and Bud Brown were Schombergs third period Ted Derbyshires two and single sniping efforts by Harvey Wallace John Irons Jack Gib- son and Tommy built Leaving the beefs and counter- beefs to fall where they may we have to Impart the tearful tid ings that Aurora Bears had their homo winning skein snapped by Owen Sound Greys Friday While the Closs-Uowntrce- Bears hibernated under the influence of Christmas stuf fings Sounders chucked in four goals In the first minutes and that led directly to the Bears taking a licking Trailing the Bears hit the scoresheet at of the first Bob relayed his Bob Veale Into a position for corner pocket Lemon Sounders goalmouth custodian was the big stumbling block In the Bears path to get closer Lemon grabbed off several lab elled shots in the closing stages of the first and continued to rob the Bears In round two As It was the Bears settled for one goal hi trie middle session Grant Edwards produced that one and Cook was the the assistant These two were Auroras best attackers They worked again- In cahoots in the early minutes of the third to bring the Bears back within one of This time It was Cook ie on trie shooting end Score read in favour of the Sound Boltons win Walt Bell and Harry connected for Kleinburg counters and Clem Ellas were Vandorf other snipers John with Skip Taylor assisting spoil ed Tommy shutout no tions in the cage HOW THEY STAND NORTH MINORS Juvenile Aurora 3 Newmarket StouffviUe 4 4 Richmond Hill 3 Midget Newmarket 12 Aurora 3 3 3 7 Rich Hill 0 0 Bantam Aurora 3 7 Newmarket 3 NEWMARKET DISTRICT Mount Albert Vandorf 3 Regents 1 optimists Leafs Bruins Red Wings 2 Black Hawks Rangers JUNIOR J W Aurora 3 Owen Sound Midland 2 AURORA LEAGUE Ditch Diggers Chappie Aces 2 Victory Flyers York Rangers Midgets Win Over Aurora Exploding their biggest show of scoring power of the season Newmarket Optimists fired three second and three third period goals to rack up a win over Bill Mundells Aurora Legion in a North York midget hockey League exchange at Newmarket Friday The win Increased New markets lead atop the league The Lowell Waller coached Op timists now have run their skein of victories to five straight Earl Lothian promising young hot shot gave the Wal ler boys their start BIB Cain Norm Smart and Warren Towns- ley shifted Into position to let fly second round counters In the Bob Wilson Charlie Mo and Don Thorns punched home Newmarkets concluding tallies Little Britain Keswick pm OHA junior Aurora Bears Owen Sound Jan pm Nobleton arena North York bantam New market vs 9 North York midget Newmarket vs Penalties will kill you they say and they did the Bears At Pepper Martin shuffled off to the sin bin for elbowing While he was passing the time of day Sounders ran in two goals and it was all up with the Bears Souped up scoring got rolling again in the last minute of action completing his hat trick to boost the Sound ers ahead Pepper Martin and Bill Smith both long overdue in the scoringassist column statistics combined for Auroras fourth goal to shave the Sound ers lead That close tally came with just seconds to go Pep per Martin doing the actual shooting Albert Sweeney making his Initial appearance In the Bears cage suffered from rookie Jit ters in the first minutes Af ter getting his sights adjusted Mr Sweeney turned in a credit able job Shots on goal showed the Bears Sounders to A Canadian department store sales dollar breakdown shows that cents goes for wages- Next biggest item is 14 cents for taxes ROSS BURGESS PLUMBING and HEATING Deep and shallow well pres sure systems Installed and serviced FOR SERVICE i PHONE NEWMARKET iV a -r- Sports Calendar Jan 2 pm Aurora arena Junior Midland Au rora Bears pm Newmarket arena Optimists vs Bangers p m Wings Hawks pan Bruins vs Cana dians pm Newmarket arena North York Midget Hill Newmarket pm arena North York Juvenile Aurora vs pm arena King- Vaughan double header vs Bolton va King City North York bantam Aurora at rural Kewlck Comets Wood villa Newmarket North York bantam Newmarket J p Newmarket arena North juvenile Aurora Jan arena Newmarket and District hockey doubleheader Vandorf Kettle Mount Albert and Aurora arena Aurora town leaf Ditch Warn Happy New Year to ail our friends mid May we take this to thank yon and to say that we look forward to ser ving you in STEWART Had to Television Appliances 113 Main St Ph iZ ij si iy

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