Newmarket Era and Express, 9 Apr 1953, p. 16

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it J a District Improvements in Kin City matters are noted on three corals first ttic highway ap proaches to the have road name entitled of King City Speed limit are placed St south wood garage King St has the sign at the eastern a I quest 1 through the township council The inefficient street lighting especially on Keel St south is over A sun switch is in opera tion which is controlled by the amount of illumination in the air The switch mechanism has a photo electric The old fashioned and obsolete time switch which has set the at the extreme western end of t and off time for lamps gave this street They have been up the ghost after burning a erected by York County Road fuse burning the tods and final- result of a re- 1 when the clock refused to nick Wells the forced to hand switch With avoided trust- Bob haft borrowed a sun switch from hy dro until a permanent set costing is ready Mr McLeod also reports that a new grate has been put on the catch basin on Doctors Lane Legion Emehre The Legion Ladies Auxiliary euchres are proving interesting means of raising funds On Mar at Legion club house win ners were Mrs Leonard Dion Oak Ridges and Ivel Wood first places with Mr Dion and Mrs Eiias Bice for consolations On April 1 Mrs Bice the presi dent had the euchre at her home and Mrs Len won ladies first and Mrs Ernest consolation Mr wail high man and took the coosolatkxi Wood Mr will provide her home for a eu chre on Thursday April Tbe regular meeting will be held at the dub rooms on Monday April John was born on at who hat established the hew business in the poet of fice Mw McNeil Aft Dick Milne and Trances Mrs gut ware at King last Saturday Stewart Howie J visiting soma rf Mr and Mrs A J Boyd neighbors who has Mrs W McDonald and staff son David Toronto were guests been in hospital for and the mail carriers moved to of Mrs on Sunlover nine weeks ha recently new quarters this week in the day David remaining lor a few I come through a severe heart at new office which is the day this week Also visiting his tack and is still on the danger pride of the Whcnaintcr for a few days was Bud list He has been in the opened on April Rod- St John Quebec with four times in the past year and a his wife and two Easter Sunday which fell on April nine years ago His mo- Bell was the first to tier will entertain I purchase stamps for his Sunday school which ha tion children attending as soon as Clay Ward the farm is free of mud interment of Clay Ward is superintendent of the Sunday school When Perrys new pharmacy was made in King City cemetery on Monday afternoon He passed away suddenly at his home on April He was opened on Wednesday April 1 husband of Charlotte a festive atmosphere prevailed a sister of Miss Maud and friendliness on behalf of King and Miss Lily nearly 300 patrons was Crossley Toronto and a brother by John Perry druggist of Hugh Crossley Two Mr and Mrs Ernest Wilson and the senior Wilsons Toron to visited at the home of Mr Mrs A Kelloy on Easter Sunday Miss Carol and Miss Anne motored to Peter borough on Sunday tor three or four days with Miss Norrads sister Son In Korea Mrs Reg Winter and Mrs Winter says that her son Private Dennie Winter is ex pected home from Korea in June He has been overseas since last June and is attached to the Field Ambulance Mr and Mrs Ross at tended the funeral of Daniel Nobleton held on Sat urday afternoon at the Funeral home Bolton with in terment in King City cemetery He was a brotherinlaw of Jars Iii -J- F Newmarket iver It isnt far from where you are to your DRUGSTORE iMft may HYDROGEN PEROXIDE ox 2 76 or LORIE FRENCH BALM ONE SALE exceptional VALUES FLOOR WAX lib 76 Amos Andy Show We reserve the right to limit the quantities purchased by customer Orfainat SALES lot Silt your tfvtn ftonwlly For only Jw MK duplicate low ORIGINAL SALE MUST United to o mm e s April mm and is j PRODUCTS tot ox lSilS AMAESTHETIC ML 276 tot 2M Reull Com 2 36 2W76 of VCR ONE MARROW Powder 276 teU lip AW S iS Boll ALCOHOL RUBBING COMPOUND or 2br96 hot Tonic with a 2MSl Sac 2 A 51 Penetrating 286 Tonic 2126 Sweet 9C Sweet ja7xra2i Sweet Sweet 2r Wait Lot and Moth 286 G ox Puretwt Cod Oil 2r116 COO LIVER OIL FORTIFIED Cod Compound Cod liver Oil Compound Tablets 2 201 A and VITAMIN C TABLETS 1 We 2 Vitamin 2M B Compound Tablets hot Pureteat Vitmio Tome with Yeast and 2101 box Halibut liver Oil Box Halibut oil Capautaa box Purest MulUple Vitamin improved box Vitamin Capsules- rt improved 2 box Wheat Germ HI Capsules 2126 box Vitamins and Minerals w I Wi box Vitamins and Minerals Capsules tube BurnCXntment Ointment ox 266 i Salve 236 tin Rexail Zinc Hi tut whv fi Ointment IK Ointment tube Anaesthetic Hemorr hoid Ointment tax 76 rt SOLUTION Me hot Klemo Liquid t a- av Kwll Tablets 2 Dot- AAREX TABLETS 105s sss a 2 or linyTot 2051 box Asthma and Hay Fever Tablets 2or Mates 2 Chlorophyll Com pound Tablets ft 2blOl One Minute Headache Powders tablet form 24a 236 One Minute Headache Powders tablet i- KIDNEY and BLADDER PILLS 261 lac box Mi 31 Antiseptic Throat Tablets 24s Magnesia Tablets Minted 250 Milk of Magnesia Tablet box Result Orderlies lox Rexail Worm tf Dl hot VaiiUta Flavouring or 2 36 ttc Castor Oil Epsom Bottle OIL American tube Toilet lanolin lie Tincture no rod bot Witch 5I 1144 COUGH SYRUP 2 Cod Over Compound with nt tfwoteia 2126 Tasteless Ex tract Cod Liver Compound Fortified with Vitamin D wos 2126 We Cherry Bark Capsules 25V 276 IK box Rexail Cold Tablets Compound with ft Throat Gargle 3oa2or Jar Rub 246 Nose and Throat Relief with Aqueous AorOI box Quinine Bro mide Laxative 2W41 49c Bottle REXALL COUGH SYRUP 2 66 TioyTot 2051 Now Drops Nose Drops Lit- STATIONS BRUSHBS COMBS SUNDRIES Corrcpondence Cards VeUoia Regent Papeterie Vellum finish Swans Down Spiral Laid VeUum finish Envelopes Regal Social envelope Ribbon box envelopes Long Laid Vellum envelopes Deckle 2aetfOl enveloped Decorated with Pttwywillow Note Pads Ruled 2l6 Pads linen Berkley Pads Vellum Water Treael PADS 2 36 44c Water Tread letter Linen Finish 2or Lord Baltimore Blue lined rt Berkley Vellum Finish Envelopes 216 Linen finish 16 Baltimore 22 1 Everyday Greeting Cards I2intos2ar Old Colony Fountain Pen Ink Old Colony Mudlage 2orl 4c Retail Lead Assorted Colore Fountain Tens Assorted Colors xa Toitli Brushes Nylon 2A26 Recall Tooth 236 Retail Klenso Dental Plate Tooth Brushes Nylon Bristles in plastic tube shapes 251 the TOOTH RUSHES MC tJli 51 Nail Brushes Nylon Retail Nail Nylon Bristles 2w 66 1 lair Brush Ion Bristles la Box Dental Floss vial Defender Rubber ninor large roll ProCap Oxide Plaster Wain Roll PRO CAP ZINC 236 roll Retail Plaster I PLASTER 2M yds 2 A 46 mm quick- S Acting Plaster i MONOGRAM CLINICAL THERMOMETER In Case 2m151 Retail Baby Pants Ptaslie aQ dedUira or large fitoik DoubleTab Nipples Packed 3 to aCaitoio2Mil 4 Nipples for Blades Bobby 10c Gents Dressing Cbtutis Retail Dressing assorted colors lie Combs ladles 2l6 Curl Combs 2or Fine Combs While Rexail Rubber a Pocket Corabs 14e Rexail in c HANDLE COMES war ladies Combs Black o pkg Bob Pins Black or Brown 3d Card V 75 Round Make- and Shaving House 2M76 2akM6 hold Scissors Sun Glasses Assorted for Men and Women 2or 76 4125 Porcelain Ivy Flower rota Donkey and Design Car and Cleaner 44c FURNITURE POLISH Sot 2M61 COSMETICS DENTAL SHAVING NEEDS -la- Face Box BLUE f j He of NAIL MUSH Oily Perfumed Hap i VIALS 1 TO 4 Vial Carnation Blue Gardenia English JiO toDrinty owotr mm 2 lavender Bath Crystals OUSTING f or My Night tjr-cEr- Bloom jar Cold Cleansingor Vanishing Cream a A ate Bottle Southern Pi i i i- bot Coconut Almooda 2 SI nut Oil 2 Svv Wi as 44c Box UUT SOAP a Cakes In Box KlenM Me Snap 240 ARMENIA re it TALC MA wm fei MVNIOMT MUDT hot Apple Honeysuckle Blue Cologne 45ebot3WBayR Lavender Cologne 2X86 Klento tube KUnso Dental 40 MS Gardenia After Shaving Lotion 296 Gardenia After Shaving lotion Shaving 256 5Sc Tube STAG vender Mentholated Crtfara Reg- or Lotion lanilots lavender i fifl Lotion 296 BBi Bet- I Haas and had reside ttUMv acre farm lor Abo Mr was te yw and bom on King- Vau4an Stan lay Kerr SUrvivo art hit widow four sons and four daughter C minister at King conducted funeral service The and One entertain ing team Freda Dent and Wells Singers and Marilyn Cook pianist will take part in Mother and Daughter banquet on April Miss Hilda who been in star for three months intends to come home for the month of June July and The cli mate there agrees well with her that she wilt remain there in charge of an office on behalf of her sister who has the Anne Travel Service in To ronto Mrs Arthur Green Islington spent Easter weekend at the home of Mr and Mrs Lett Mr and Mrs- Jack Parsons and children are moving in with Mr Walter where they will live until they build their new home in Heritage Park They sold their home on Keele St to Aubrey Campbell OTHER KINO ON PAGES AND IS KING CHANGES TAX COLLECTOR AND TWP CLERK A bylaw was approved by King township council for the appointment of clerk Harold G Rose as tax collector to replace Charles H Ross Mr Rose will receive a salary of plus the sum of 200 for car allowance retroac tive to January Miss Betty steno grapher will have her annual salary increased by for her work in connection with taxa tion accounts Mr C H Ross has been ay- pointed building inspector for the township a position he for merly held On a full time basis his salary will be per an num plus 500 car allowance Mr Ross had been tax collector since 1925 During the early part of his career he was in charge of the south part of the township and Lloyd collected for the northern section of the municipality It was the practice then to collect taxes by house to house calls He used a horse to make his rounds John Van William and William Watson were a dele gation from the Holland Marsh asking King township council that the Holland Harsh roads act for construction and be scrapped and township pay the coat of con struction The proposed hardtop road would be built from bridge to bridge at said taxpayers in the Marsh area had paid 100000 since the act was passed and there was little to show for it The area would retain the act for dust preven tion Council asked for an esti mate of the gravel needed King council approved the third plan on the subdivision at King City which will be recommended to Toronto and York Planning Board for its approval The consent was giv en by council on understand ing that Mr Dew owner of subdivision give a marked cheque to the township for the building of mother road and in stallation of a water main to this roadway If he carries out as he has in the past we wilt not hear of trouble about his lots an official stated Lome Graham Richmond Hill presented a proposed subdivision plan to council situated north of Bond St at Oak Ridges He advised by officiate to redraft his plan to 10 lots from with the understanding plan would be forwarded to Toronto and York Planning Board other property sanctioned by council RESIDENTS Continued from Pag 10 there Councillor Douglas asked whore factories could located Keith a pe titioner suggested the south west or north east side of the village Reeve Armstrong said that he did not consider that the new factory location was in a resi dential area since it was next to railway tracks He also said that he saw no advantage In forming a zoning area for the village when already procedure had been taken to form a plan- board in the and to make the whole township planned area Col B A Upjohn a petitioner said that people would net move to King City unless there were zoning He asked what proceed ings should be taken in the for mation of a ratepayers associa tion He was advised to to the village trustees Reeve Armstrong said an as sociation would to thin in a growing village T The of council Watt seek the advice the fcrahfe solicitor relation to a bylaw industry mod in to to about the mow it US

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