Aurora Social News bur may or may not have progress receded by the Era and Express In STis our pleasure to draw attention to It naturally proud of the who by reader to the newspaper we represent A reou his newspaper should not be TttHHON P NINE THURSDAY THE NINTH PAY OF APRIL NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY- AND FIFTYTHREE does not take pride in working for it For many reasons we take pride in our association with the Era and Express Two or three of these reasons we shall shortly state For the moment we draw attention to the new figures ap pearing on the right hand cor ner of the front page under the title Circulation At the end of September the paidup number of copies were 353 At the end of December these figures had risen to Some readers may not quickly realize what we mean by paid- up copies The figures mean that readers have paid for their copies of the Era and Ex press and that this is a GUAR ANTEED circulation The regu lar weekly printing of the Era and Express has now to the allhigh figure of During the two years that we have been associated with the Era and Express its paidup circulation has increased nearly copies weekly We are WILL HOLD TEA The Trinity Anglican church Guild Aurora are holding a tea in the parish hall on Saturday afternoon April from three to Make It A Habit Meet Your Friends At The IDA Graduate Pharmacists St Call St WILLIS The Rexall Drug Store News agent Tobacconist etc Business Founded St Aurora Telephone For Friendly Personal Service Shop At JOHN MORNINGS DRUG STORE Aurora Telephone PAINT A ROOM rt tor the PR ice Of TWO OF LEARNS SOMETHING NEW wrote thk rhyme must have realized how important Hue to happy homemaking For instance to get the whitest wash the kind that a bride proud I found one must Blue Just a or two in the rinae any tinge in my beautiful trousseau and Blue costa less proud of that fact too Reasons For Success Since we are engaged in the agreeable task of emphasizing the of our own merchan dise we would like to empha size a few of the reasons which we believe explain it First and last the Era and Express is an independent newspaper In its should be written Their only pages its writers have the free dom to write what they think censorship are the proprieties by all responsible journal we are old enough to he father we have the freedom to say that during the six months since his appointment as managing editor of this news paper Mr J- Jack has proved his qualities When occasion requires it he can write editorials that excite com munity interest and provide civic leadership Many of these edi torials have been praised by business and professional men within our own knowledge ready he has justified all that we predicted of him at the time of his appointment The Era and Express has a large number of able country correspondents and some excel lent women writers including Mrs Caroline Ion and Mrs Isa bel In Mr Geo Haskett this newspaper has one of the most vivacious and able sports editors in Canada sup ported by the Aurora sports commentator Mr Its Top Six Inches feature writ ten by Dairy Farmer is wide ly appreciated by farmers and all who are interested in the in dustry Other Reasons Because of the high rating of the Era and Express as a class A weekly and an ABC mem ber its advertising services are being increasingly used by na tional and district merchants In recent months a far greater amount of advertising space has been bought than at any time in the history of the newspaper Much credit for this must be given to the appointment by Mr Struthers of the present adver tising manager Mr Ron who has had wide experi ence in his special field It should be emphasized that circulation figures are guaran teed by independent auditors employed by the Audit Bureau of Circulations Such are some of the factors that explain why the Era and Express is today enjoying a topmost position among leading Canadian weekly newspapers Special Announcements We take pleasure in drawing he attention of our readers to the wide range of exhibits con tained in the Bowsers of Au rora announcements on the sec ond Aurora News Page and the financial statement of the Re creation Commission indicating its evergrowing community ser vices to Aurora Recreation Commission A meeting of the Aurora Re- creation Commission was held on Thursday night April under the chairmanship of Mr J EL Buchanan Other members of the commission present were Councillors Jones and Murray Cliff Don Glass John A Holmes and Stead man After the minutes and finan cial statement were presented by the secretary- treasurer Har vey Bell committee reports were given by Councillor Murray Mr and Mr Steadrnan A fi nancial statement presented by the chairman of publicity Mr Don Glass will be found in other columns of this Issue Tributes by the chairman Mr Buchanan were paid to mem bers of the Lions and Rotary clubs in connection with their services at the rink on Satur day mornings Other Business Among other business was the appointment of the recreation di rector Mr P E to the parks board In a review of the proposals concerned with the centennial which is to be celebrated on May Councillor Jones expressed the wish that the commission might play a prominent part Mr Jones was supported by the chairman and Mr Glass and other members Mr Glass pro posed a band display on Sunday evening May 17 in the town park and in agreement with the wishes of other members of the commission a committee was formed to take of this and contingent matters The com mittee named was Councillor J Murray Don Glass and John Mr Buchanan expressed the hope that floodlighting would be operating on date of the cen tennial and Councillor Murray informed members that the poles were already in the park and he anticipated that everything would be in readiness by that date Page Col its DISCRIMINATION When the Aurora Banner went off on another of no promotional stunts and claimed that the chicken business had become the leading- industry in Aurora and district we corrected that false impression Mr John Sisman vicepresident of the Sisman Shoe com pany followed on by an address to the Aurora Rotary club in which he gave facts and figures which proved how necessary our correction of the Banner was We were not belittling the chicken industry AH we were doing was to try and maintain a sense of pro portion in relation to Aurora industries The danger of discriminating in favor of any one particular industry is that it presents a probable erroneous picture of the economic life of the community concerned Conse quently more damage than good is likely to result from such promotional adventures Some years ago when we undertook the agreeable task of writing up the industries in Aurora we took care to include the smaller as well as the major indus tries thus preserving a balanced picture of the econ omic life of our community We carried out the same rule in our later series Know Your Local Merchants We took care not to single out any particular industry or merchant for special or promotional mention For example There are three wellknown druggists in Aurora J P Willis John Morning and Hess To each of them we gave equal space equal public ity in our writeups the emphasis being on biographi cal data and carefully avoiding promotional discrimina tion Not in a single writeup of any one of our industries or merchants has any complaint been made that we favored one as against another In short the policy of this newspaper is to support all our industries and merchants not to discriminate here and there for advertising or other reasons higher than the mental calibre of those who compose it We have to hand one thing to Reeve i PRAISE OR PERISH Last week we remarked that the prestige of a town council is no who compose Cook He has often changed his mind but not in regard to Aurora News Page He has been hostile to it from the start A year ago he voted that it should get no town printing and he voted the same way on March 16 But what about DeputyReeve Murray It was he who said a year ago that our paper should have equality with the Banner On March he was the mover of the motion that outlawed our newspaper He did not even wait to ask how much town printing our news paper had had Nor did any other member of council ask for that information It appeared that the deputy- reeve and reeve were determined to kill our news paper if they could This attitude suggests to us the type of advertiser who threatens to cut off his support unless he receives a plug Such requests are fewer than they used to be But there was a time when advertisers buying large amounts of space in newspapers assumed that they had a right to some favorable notice We wonder if the reeve and deputyreeve would have been so anxious to blot us out if we had found good reasons to praise them in our newspaper Generally speaking we think their work as muni representatives has been of a poor standard and we have not hesitated to say so Our opinions cannot be bought or influenced by a bit of printing work We are not prepared to damage much less sabotage the town by saying that the work of certain municipal representatives is good if we know it isnt PLEASING EVERYBODY Pleasing everybody is impossible He is a foolish man who tries to do so Worse than that he is a knave for in order to try and please everybody a man must have a new face for all whom he contacts To some he must say yes and to others no whichever way the wind blows When such a doublecross creature lies down to sleep he must often wonder what he is going to look like in his dreams There isnt a preacher in Aurora who pleases all the members of his congregation There isnt a preach er anywhere in the whole world who pleases all the members of his flock Any one of them fortunate if he pleases the majority Where Christ failed it is hardly likely that His disciples should succeed Indeed His mission caused so much uproar in the short period of three years that His enemies crucified Him The easy and the safe way is of course to express no opinions at all I keep what I think to myself said a man to us What he meant was that he did not voice his opinions beyond the hearing of his friends He plays safe He reminded us of the tortoise that moves slowly and with infinite care and pulls its head in at the slightest sound of danger There is of course a certain kind of merit in such studied reticence But it is the sort of merit enjoyed by a mummy While one is alive and breathing it must be hard to resemble a mummy And had he but known it even the man who kept his opinions to himself did not please everybody For somebody said of him that you dont know what soandso is thinking for he never opens his mouth Hes just a deadpan Pleasing everybody doesnt matter Good contro versy and intelligent action and out of both should come progress CNR Requests Guarantee But Fails To Get Majority Dog Control Amended Bylaw A regular meeting of the town council was held on Monday night April 6 when the mayor presided and following the late arrivals of the reeve and deputy- reeve all members were present A highlight of the proceedings was a discussion on the steamtrain cen tennial which had an astonishing sequel After the presentation of the minutes accounts and correspon dence Mr president of the board of trade submitted a number of proposals in connec tion with Coronation celebra tions He informed council that the ministerial association pre ferred an indoor rather than an outofdoor service for the reason that a greater solemnity could be preserved It was intended to hold the service in the High school auditorium Some members of council in cluding Councillor J Murray stated their views in favor of a drumhead service Councillor Davidson said that it might be difficult to accommodate every body in the auditorium if all town organizations were present Councillor Davis said if it were the wish of the ministerial assoc iation to hold an indoor service it was not for council to question their decision and Mr Seston said the association was definite on their decision Grant Concerning the decoration pro- amount had been collected from passengers travelling on the special train at a cost of 105 return Furthermore the would return cents on each ticket sold and it was quite like ly said the mayor that the town could make an overall profit of over The Gleaners da of the Bap tist church met on Monday ev ening at the home of Mr Robinson Wellington St Mr Paul Proctor and Mary Toronto were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Mr Bray spent the weekend with his par ents Mr and Mrs Frank Bray The Anglican church Guild will meet at the home of Mrs Wellington St on Monday evening April at pm Please note the change of date The Toronto District Ayrshire club held Its annual ladies and social night in the form of a banquet and dance at the Gray- stones on Wednesday night Mr and Mrs David Johnson Toronto spent the holiday week end in town Mr and Mrs Chas Copland Mr and Mrs Lambert and Mr and Mrs Roy visited last week at the home of Mr and Mrs Clayton Anderson and family Brampton The United church Womens Association met on Thursday af ternoon in the church parlors Mr and Mrs Selcons Corners were guests on Sunday of Mr and Mrs Frank Griffith Mrs McRay and daughter Anne were guests over the weekend of Mr and Mrs Norman Johnson St Andrews Ladies Aid held Councillor Davidson expressed springtime tea and homebak- surprise that the should want a guarantee of from a small town like Aurora Questions Asked Councillor J Murray said he fully agreed with the remarks of Councillor Davidson and won dered why the town should be asked to give such a guarantee Councillor Moffat asked if the was contributing anything and the mayor answered No Mrs Moffat said it was the business of the CNR to run trains and she was surprised at the request for 180 grant Why should Aurora contribute Councillor Moffat asked Coun cillor Davidson said the request seemed screwy to him Deputyreeve Murray thought sale in church hall Wednesday after The young of tint Baptist church a entitled- la It ia the school room of the church Monday evening The Easter meeting of the Evening of the United church held on Tuesday at the home Mrs Roy Spruce St On Friday of this week the Evening Group of the of the United church is sponsoring a rummage sale in the Sunday school room of the church The Presbyterian church Ev ening Auxiliary met on Monday evening at the home of Mrs Geo Ward Mrs and daugh ters Islington are guests this week of Mrs Chas Webster Mr and Mrs A attended the annual dinner and dance of Canadian Legion on Wednesday last at the Royal York hotel Mr and Mrs Edward Cole have returned home after spend ing two months in Florida Mrs J who former ly resided on Temperance St and who moved to Ottawa after the death of her husband has re turned to Aurora and leased an apartment from Mr and Mrs James Morris Wellington Si Mr and Mrs Donald Nelson and son Buddy Page Col posals president Seston suggest- the town would make money out that council make a grant he was favor of the 250 to of trade in con nection therewith This gave rise to some discussion with Council lor J Murray commenting that it seemed that the board of trade was seeking a grant with the work being done by town employees Councillor Moffat asked Mr Seston if he did not think the board of trade should assume some of the cost of the decora tions from the funds they had on hand to which he replied that the board had- not thought of that Mrs Moffat said she saw no reason why the board of trade should not help adding humor ously that she was Scotch by I nature to which Mr re torted that he was Jewish by nature He further stated that the board of trade was offering council its help After further discussion the re quest of the board of trade for a 250 grant was approved Parks Board Mr Corner and Mr C Adair appeared with reports on the work of the Parks board Mr Adair secretary to the board gave a detailed resume of the work carried out last year to gether with future proposals con cerned with the planting of trees and general carctaking of parks and playgrounds Mr Corner chairman of the board further reviewed the work that had been carried and suggested that council might make a similar grant to the board as for the year This was agreed to and councils congratu lations were offered to the board for their past work Aurora Bern Dr and Mr A appeared before council to sug gest in appreciation of the excellent showing of the junior C hockey team a grant of should be made for the purchase of for some 20 members of the team Dr reminded council that the team had brought a revenue to the rink during the season of When the matter was brought up at the new business stage Councillor J Murray com mented some length on what he described as the neglect of the higherups to support their local hockey teams He said that the higherups could help local hockey by their attendance at games On a motion by Councillor Murray seconded by Councillor Davidson the grant asked for to be spent on was approved Steamtrain Centennial Following a committee report by Councillor Jones in which he stated that a good meeting had been held among town organiza tions in connection with the steamtrain centennial a pro longed discussion took place Outlining a proposal which he said emanated from the directors of the CNR the mayor said it was suggested that a special train might be run from Toronto to Aurora twenty minutes ahead of the centennial train carrying an estimated passengers for the celebration events The mayor said it was suggest ed that the town make a grant of to the but that it would be returned in fun when grant He admitted that there was a gamble as far as the weather was concerned The mayor he felt sure that the town would make mon ey When Councillor Murray asked him if only 170 were taken in from passengers whether the the CNR would return the the mayor said he couldnt an swer the question Turned Down After further discussion Dep utyreeve Murray moved and Councillor Clarence Davis sec onded a motion that the be guaranteed the sum of in connection with the running of a special excursion train between Toronto and Aurora on the cen tenary dale When the vote was taken only Reeve Cook Deputyreeve Mur ray and Councillor Davis sup ported it after which the mayor testily retorted Damn It Ill pay the 180 myself Councillor Moffat said she thought it was small pickings for the CNR to ask Aurora for 180 with Councillor Davis re torting that it was small pickings for Aurora to refuse it The mayor said he would ask a CNR representative to come to Aurora and fully explain the matter Dog Control Councillor Moffat chairman of bylaws introduced an amend iIor control bylaw which will prohibit the running large of all dogs for the year round The bylaw received its third reading and comes into effect Immed iately When It was suggested that the bylaw published In the local paper Councillor Jones ob jected saying that It would cost too much and they had voted to save money on such advertising It was agreed to publish a small pertinent statement indicating penalties for dog owners who disregarded the new bylaw Debentures Concerning the issuing of de bentures for nn approximate sum of to cover borrow Councillor J Murray said that matter should have been dealt with two years ago during which time the town had been paying heavy Interest on bank borrowings He suggested that there had been neglect on the part of Cook chairman of finance for some of the period and people should know it was no fault of new members of coun cil that the delay had taken place Reeve Cook said he was pre pared to accept responsibility where necessary and was under stood to remark that Councillor Murray was only seeking public ity to which Mr Murray replied that the reeve didnt doso badly himself Deputyreeve Murray said no good would come of digging up the past and suggested the mat ter be closed j Other Business A tender from the Rosa com pany was approved for the Hill- view road sewers at and a new pickup truck for the fire and water department at a coat of was approved Council adjourned at pm A full review of the above proceedings will be given in our Council Sidelight in next I weeks of Aurora New Page Editor I A cheque for marking the first dividend on preferred stock paid to the Government by the the new structure authorized last year is turned over to Hon Lionel Minister of Transport right by Donald Gordon Chairman and President of the Canadian National Railways The dividend cheque also represented the first peacetime surplus for the since the boom FROM SATURDAY PM SATURDAY MATINEE AT PM j ADVENTURE ROMANCEl AN EXTRAVAGANZA IN TONY CURTIS PIPER LAURIE IN