mi iA i May BRING THE j RIDES ETC TO UXBRIDGE MAY 18 FUN FOR All Mr and Mrs Calvin Preston a recent bride and groom were the guests of honor at a miscel laneous shower and presenta tion which was at the Van community hall last Mon day evening A good program was presented by local talent and the happy couple were presented with some very love ly gifts An enjoyable social time was held at the close of the evening Mr and Mrs Austin Richard son visited their daughter Mrs Ralph Cook Toronto on Friday Mr and Mrs Kenneth Bacon and Wayne Stouffville were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs John Irwin and family Mr and Mrs Wesley Lehman Claremont had dinner on Tues day night with Mr and Mrs Herbert Oliver Miss Emily Hicks Birming ham Miss Ruth Oliver and Miss Sylvia Smith spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Oliver Communion services were held at Wesley United church on Sun day LEGION NEWS of Commerce is building a better community ALL BOYS UNDO 14 ON JUNE 2ND CANADIAN LEGION Branch Ill JUNE RULES WEIGHT LIMIT WITHOUT DRIVER MAXIMUM WHEEL DIAMETER MAXIMUM WHEEL BASE LENGTH MAXIMUM WHEEL TO WHEEL WIDTH YOU MUST HAVE STEERING AND BRAKING CONTROL PHONE ENTRIES TO DEL PEMBERTON ACT FAST BOYS LBS INS 6 FT FT SHARON Mr and Mrs Jack Vernon Dawn and Wendy spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Vernon Miss Nora Shaw is visiting in Hamilton for a week The Sharon Home and School association held its nomination meeting on Monday April 27 in Sharon school with 21 members present A discussion on plans for a new school was Mr and Mr Hall took part in the discussion and gave us valuable information on these plans Mrs Ivan gave a brief report on the con ference held recently in the Royal York hotel Mrs Steck represented the association at this meeting Sunday May 10 being Mo thers Day or Christian Family Sunday there will be a special combined service of church and Sunday school at the United church at am Parents are invited to attend with their children Both the Zone and the District elections are over Comrade Harold Eaton our immediate past president is Zone Commander Comrade Harold Sanderson is Zone secretary and Comrade Chic Roney is Zone sports officer We note that the Newmarket baseball team is starting to get in shape All com rades are asked to give the team their support It looks as if there is a good chance of a cham pionship for Newmarket Sup port the team from the start fellows We expect our team to go to Preston on Saturday This will be for the provincial championships Please remind the neighboring kids about the Soap Box Derby on June Lets have a big entry list See the ad in todays paper about rules Comrade asks that everyone turn in tickets on the Road Area Fomted Marsh At- A lying between the Holland River and the canal in the west part of King town ship has been designated as No road improvement area It forms part of what is known as the Holland Marsh Drainage Scheme The third reading of the by law was approved by King town ship council on Monday The petition to have the road im provement area formed was sign ed by twothirds of the landown ers The tax levy set on Area is 1158 mills for to raise KESWICK Mr and airs Leonard Gillson West Hill were Sunday guests of Mrs Leppard Mr and Mrs J Burrows have moved into their newly built home on Church St Mr D A Haig one of Kes wicks merchants is at home again convalescing after his re cent operation Mr and Mrs Goddard have installed a new set in their rest home Coronation prize just as soon as is the week of the music oossible Lets get out and step J a busy time many of the school VANDORF MEETS Mrs George Dewsbury newly elected president will preside at the next meeting of the Vandorf Womens Institute to be held at the house of Mrs H Sleeth on Wednesday May Please note the date because the meeting is being held one week early this month And bring along your purses The treasurer is collect ing fees for roll call The topic is in the charge of the Agricul tural Committee Em tad Benito v f r I Enough for ten men or even more if he multiplies his effort with the latest farm implements such w field cultivators milking machines combines and tractor And when tea men we hard at work you make ten times as good use of every hour And your income is of course greatly increased- So if a lade of ready cash stands between you and any one of these mechanical farmhinds you owe it to yourself to look into the question of a B of M Farm Improvement Loan Drop in at your local Bof office just as soon as find it convenient Youll be pleasantly surprised at the Loan and arranged Boost tits of your woefc up the sales Have you scon the TV set in the store win dow Comrade Alex Hands reports membership is on the increase Remember membership does not end in name only You are not a member until you are a paid- up member We must have all arrears in dues in right away The first quarter of the year has already gone by and actually those paid only to the end of 1952 are no longer considered as members Dont let yourself be stopped at the door The firm of Constable and Ma- gee has loaned us a float which is waiting to be decorated Please contact Alex Hands at and lets get in and make it a big show Members of Branch feel honored that the girls of Betty Gordons dancing class are able to make use of our hall for their training sessions A community effort of this magnitude is of tre mendous value Dont miss see ing them at the town hall on Thursday Friday and Saturday of this week and Friday next week Wednesday May is next Bingo night Comrade Sid Brice would like eight volunteers to help with this project Phone him at OBITUARY Matthew Little Matthew Little died at Toronto General hospital on Saturday April 25 after a short illness He was born at in the son of the late Mr and Mrs Robert Little He married Millie in After her death he married May Lepard who also predeceased him Mr a retired car penter He attended the United church and was a member of the Oddfellows Lodge Surviving are one son Ross Toronto one daughter Mrs Boyd Newmarket one sister Nel lie Toronto Four brothers and four sisters predeceased him Rev C P conducted the funeral service at the Chapel Mount Albert on Tuesday April Pallbearers were W Dike Draper W Stee per Harrison and J Harrison Interment was in the Mount Al bert cemetery MOUNT ALBERT MEETS The Mount Albert WI will meet in the Community hall at 2 pm on Thursday May Roll call Canadian Industry Tour to Marshalls Chick pils here who are taking part Keswick has a lot of promising musical talent Traffic To the lake on Sunday was very heavy Mr Mann was at home from Detroit for the weekend PLEASANT On Sunday May 10 a Mothers Day program will be held at the Sabbath school The Womens Guild meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Wm Moulds on Monday even ing May at oclock Please note the change of date A number attended the Bible study on Tuesday evening at Bernard Davidsons home A number from here attended the anniversary services at Maple Hill last Sunday Mrs Alex Hopkins is kept busy these days caring for her mother who is ill We hope for a speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Wm Moulds and Mr and Mrs Bernard Davidson visited Mr John Johnston and Clara at Nest let on last Tuesday MOUNT ALBERT There will be special talent next Sunday evening at the Gos pel church from the Bible Col lege at oclock The Sunday morning service at the United church was the re ception of new members and seven more were added to the church roll by profession of faith There are a few lots town which are rather a disgrace and could be easily cleaned up Now is the time to do so for the sake of the Horticultural Society who are trying to have a beauti ful village Make your place one to be admired and while doing this the street in front needs a bit too Some very needy repair have been done to our sidewalks We only hope more can be done as there are places needing it CORONATION TOURNAMENT Better start thinking about getting your togs and spikes out of mothballs men Mickey Smith shoots out word that the Newmarket branch of the Canadian Legion plan monster Coronation tournament on June The tournament will be staged at the local fair grounds The tournament is open to all Newmarket town league Aurora town league and Lake Simcoe league teams The win ner will pick up a handsome Entries can be sent to Mickey Smith Legion sports di rector Wed like to get six teams reports Mickey Smith Better get your entries in early men and avoid the rush KING The Toronto and North York Hunt will be held on Saturday May at am at Mrs How- dens farm 3rd concession east one mile north of the On Wednesday May 13 the Mrs J B Lash farm the former property will be the scene of the hunt 2nd con cession east north of the Jar vis sideroad A- V iwri BACK IN HARDBALL Motley Joe Case wholl likely be the busiest executive in Ml Albert breezes in with the report that Mount Albert will again enter a team in the North York minor base ball league bantam series Case will coach the team and Art has accepted the managers The team is be ing sponsored by the Mount Al bert Legion Last season the Mountle ban tams got into the baseball swim for the first time and this season with a year under their belt should be up with the leaders in the league race Luxuri MIRACLE FRIEZE SMALL DOWN PAYMENT DELIVERS LOOK AT IT Lines are low sweeping dramatic Heres look and feel of quality in every inch with its welted cushions and backs and the luxurious nylon fabric Its cushionized of course this for only fc We also have other new chesterfield suites in stock from up SEE IDEM TODAY AT 161 MAIN STREET s Ml i 1 i w i Vvit mi I s MADE READY Hie ifA BROWN ALBERT j mii J f A CLOTHES Clearance of ALL mens ready made suits Yarn dyed worsteds Pic Pics gab ardines Choice of the House Reg 5475 to 6975 36 to 2 JP Clearance of all WOOL EN GABARDINE TOP- coats- III i i iim Imported all wool Gabardine Suite rich shades to choose from Order in any style desired No charge for oversize Made to sell at You save 2500 V A r I I II i MENS BOYS WEAR MF Save I Values up to Teal bluegrey taupe tfi4k navy Sizes to i J BB a A AJtWrd 9 I