if v V IRELAND LANDING The May meeting of the United Church was held at the home of Mrs A Boyd on Thurs day May with a good attend ance It was good to see those who have not been able to attend for some time also our younger members After the devotional and business session a delightful lunch was served by the hostess Mrs Boyd Mr and Mrs I- Hicks and daughter Ruth visited at the home of Mr and Mrs A Hare on Sunday There was a good attendance at the United church on Sunday night when the Mothers Day service was held The scripture was read by Fred Sadler the stories by Gail Jaques and Lor raine French The offering was taken by Terry Jaques and Ron nie Brittain and two numbers were sung by the girls chorus Ottawa -7- A weekly letter from the member of parliament for York North and reports Prime Minister Louis St Laur ent and External Affairs Minis ter Pearson have returned after an important and success ful visit to Washington The Canadian delegation went to Washington backed by an un animous resolution of the House of Commons protesting against restrictions on Canadian im ports Canadas representatives urg ed President Eisenhower and congressional leaders the neces sity for early advances in the field of world trade liberaliza tion They report a friendly re- are that Owe District Resident Veteran Of Boer War Dies In Winnipeg Man At one time a resident of the Newmarket district and a veter an of the Boer War William Brock died recently in Winnipeg t He was the eldest son of the late Isaac Brock and Elizabeth Wood- AND YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD RELIANCE DEALS I have no hesitation in making that promise The new Reliance gasoline at our pumps is the best we have ever marketed It is a product of the most modern processing equipment and refinery techniques so fur developed petroleum science and tech nology New Reliance isnt just a socalled im proved gasoline It is new The anti knock characteristics of both Reliance Ethyl and Reliance Standard are substantially increased as a result of better octane ratings The volatility factors which influence start- acceleration warmup and mileage are based on new higher standards all rigidly controlled What does all that mean to you Just tins if your car is a recent model with compression ratio engine you can count on getting maximum performance when you have new Reliance Ethyl in your took All cars and most trucks are certain to perform better with either Reliance Ethyl or Reliance Standard Easier cold engine starting and greater freedom from vapor locking faster acceler ationquicker warmups AND LOWER COST OF OPERATION PER MILE me other benefits patronize your service station you enjoy you neighbourhood Reliance I- hope yoirll try new Reliance in your car nest time you gas up I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised at the much better performance youll get out of your car and the lower cost of every mile of transportation new Reliance delivers i Write me at our Head Office Ontario let me know what you experience is with new Reliance Ill appreciate it Vice tut and General A FRIENDLY CHALLENGE TO EVERY MOTORIST WITH RELIANCE GASOLINE to your own satisfaction just how good Reliance is nuke it for 500 Youll he convinced Reliance gives you mm meg wm i MCaOUTfON All lie reserve power of your engine when yon need is you W nth Reliance MHCAOII fl A thoroughly warmed- up engine in far leas time greater economy and less of Engine strain You travel farther for less with new Reliance Start proving that now Tank up with today i ii v i it A -Cf- i Si RELIANCE t- President Eisenhower is keenly Brock and to the Canadian of the late Stanley Brock viewpoint Recent Our A m- i ewer- w J was a veteran of the Boor War and a member of the Queens Own Cameron wow Highlanders unit representing visit Kjng flt hb home Wakefield Apartments in Winnipeg was born near Holland Landing and attended school there Later he was employed at the Henry Cane and Sons manufacturing company at New market for several years In 1004 he went to Winnipeg and was employed by the Can adian Pacific railway for years prior to his retirement in Ho was in the real estate business until the time of his death He was a member of the Canadian Legion Band in Win nipeg and a member of the Bro therhood of Railway Trainmen point restrictions Toronto have been the result William influence in the can Congress Alt in all there is every reason to be confident that much the Prime Washington Unemployment Insurance Canada has a fine record in the field of social security legislation old age pensions family allow ances unemployment insurance to mention only a few outstand ing provisions The policy of your government has been to improve legislation in this field at every opportunity and times and economic circumstances per mit In adherence to this policy this week Parliament adopted amendments designed to im prove and increase the usefulness of the Unemployment Insurance Act The effect of legislation just passed is to provide that a per son who is in receipt of unem ployment insurance benefit will continue to receive such benefit notwithstanding the fact that or she may be incapable of or unavailable for employment by reason of illness injury or quar antine This improvement in benefits will be accomplished without any increase in contri butions to the Unemployment Insurance fund Some time I hope it will be possible to further amend the act to make unemployment due to illness a qualification for un employment insurance Farm Loan Act The Farm Improvement Loan Act was designed to provide short term credit for the im provement and development of farms and for the improvement of farm living conditions The contribution which this act is making to rural Canada is evidenced by the increasing use being made of it as shown in annual report presented in the House this week Loans to Canadian farmers climbed to in an increase of about million over 1951 Under this legislation the fed eral government guarantees rea Letters to the editor are the writers must be knows to the editor The Editor I found encourage- came the following breezy In that editorial headed ern comment which seems to Essential To The Economy in this reader to merit the spot light Good for Newmarket It During his service in the Boer the course of which your news paper goes to bat for the nations basic dairy farming industry in the following keen fashion It provides more than 2250- 000 Canadians with all or part of their livelihood It provides greater stability to agriculture than any other type of farm en terprise and agriculture despite present industrial expansion is still the foundation of the Can adian economy It conserves the top six inches of our soil upon which we depend for our very existence It is perfectly sonable to say that this import ant national industry should re ceive the same protection as other industries such as the auto mobile industry If we could buy American automobiles at the American price there would hardly be any Canadian automobile indus try The industry is protected dairy farming has as much right to the same protection he was with the Colonial Auxiliary forces Surviving are his wife Anna Williams Brock two sons Stan ley Quebec and William A Kelowna BC Two surviving sisters are Mrs William Fond- rick Rochester and Mrs William If Wilson Winnipeg and brother Aubrey also of Winnipeg funeral service was held in Winnipeg with interment in the Chapel Lawn Memorial Gar dens Winnipeg When I clipped the above pic ture and sent it along to one of my prairie friends for his edi fication back in due course may be true that a free market is a wonderful system in many respects because it reflects widespread opinion of current buyers But business profes sional and labor groups shun free markets as the devil does holy water Each group wants as high protection as it possibly can achieve Under such conditions it hardly fair to expect the to be enthralled by a free ket system which will provide him with no price security but allow him only a marketing vice under which prices varylii from minute to minute from hour to hour from day to day and from month to month I am merely a consumer of the food and fiber which flows into the marketplace but I hap pen also to be an urban reader who is only a couple genera tions away from the farm and am aware of our link with the top six inches of our soil upon which we depend for bur very existence Birthday wishes are extended this week to Charles Fleming Kettle by W year old on Friday May Charles Kettteby 10 years old on Friday May Elaine Marly mi Everest New market years old on Friday May Patricia Smart Capital years old on Saturday May Dorothy Taylor Newmarket percent of the amount loaned years old on Saturday May by the bank to farmer for the David Roberts New- purchase of machinery and forjniarket years old on Saturday general improvement of farms May including housing clearing of new land and purchase of live stock The ceiling on individual loans recently was raised to from Interest is five per cent The report in the Com mons by Finance Minister showed that farmers ob tained loans since the act came into force in Loans totalled fcill the end of farmers had repaid percent of the accum ulated total Claims paid the govern ment to the banks to rover losses totalled last year up from in and bringing total claims for losses since to representing merely 01 percent of the amount lent in the seven years Salary The matter of the salary paid our prime minister was brought up in the House recently Prime Minister St Laurent is not com plaining localise he certainly is not occupying the high past he does because of any financial ft is well known us a leading member of the Bar he made several times a ministers salary hut he entered public life out of a sense of duty to his country The Prime Minister of Canada Susan Ruth Gardiner years old on Saturday May Edward Toronto years on Sunday May Irene New market years old on Sunday May William Arthur Vau- itarf years old on Sunday May Keith Browning Aurora 12 years old on Sunday May Anne KetOehy years old on Mon day May 11 Robert Nature Wright Aurora years old on Monday May 11 Margaret Newmarket years old on Monday May Jacqueline Davis Sharon years old on Tuesday May Roy Aurora years on Thursday May Hilly Allan Newmarket years old on Thursday May Send in your name address age and become a member of the Newmarket Era and Express birthday chili lain and President of the United States are much better off Prime Minister Churchill gels the equivalent of a nd President year a is paid in salary and a year in salary and The Prime Minister of allowances and a free house FIGURES of Annual Reports make come from the chemical industry record million spent new new Plant button plant where waste are turned dioxide essential to pulp mills in the magi f AM when to v i ii 1 j J J t i- Tr nald minister making a formally Aft v base French zone of Germany Canadian AH Force British by authorities High Canadian French in the cere v ft Sabre J T to 5 if r i m 1 radio Stars of Tomorrow rceiy hi award from internationally known musical figuremlMwaraJbhnson Over in musical awards vtMnv Canadian were who topped he eight talented Canadian tf one- teas j i CAM- I