Newmarket Era and Express, 14 May 1953, p. 14

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Newmarket given of the and Peel Womans j counties convention held at Kes wick on April Miss Edna Grant field secretary for Toron to was the speaker If you want your life to be a happy build a service station she said Miss I Starr gave a paper on the United Nations using a of Arthur Sweepers Luke from the verse tic Th Demands Our of Mothers Sunday and Today the United Na tions has been brought Into al most every problem of interna tional interest she said Christian Temperance Union met at the home of Mrs on Wednesday May with the president Mrs Beckett in the chair Major Collins of the Salvation took the devotional the tenth chapter the wonderful life Fanny Crosby After the business part of the over a report was The Hobby club will hold its next meeting on May at the home of Mrs Bill Bales Mrs Harvey Miller wilt have charge of this meeting roll call written on paper the place where I would like to go on our bus trip in June lunch committee Mrs Taylor Mrs Crone Mrs Evans and Mrs H Wright Mr and Mrs Jim Oliver Ruth and Smith Vandorf Miss Hicks Birmingham Rig visited t CUD DiUUXE v- One of over wallpaper paint wood or plaster gives you skintight surface that actually shells dirt Grease grime and ink Spots wash off with soap and water Dries in one hour you can go back over missed spots even after the surface is dry and they will never show Gorgeous colors smart- ready- touse shades or interim your own for colorful walls and ceilings youll love to live with A gallon iMtfktif if Fort WHScn J Oft A and county an mtdhat Qntatio anxious toll for help words of comfort and advice theres drama every day IK THE For forty years in this office on Bridge Street Dr has answered the calls of his patients Today at Dr still continues his practice in Place a practice winch has touched Jives of thousands Think of the reassuring comfort the help in time of trouble brought to millions because doctors everywhere can lie quickly reached by telephone Think what this means to you and your family in peace of mind in safer more pleasant living Then youll realize that no price can measure the value of your telephone TELEPHONE COMPANY Mrs Archie Dike last Sunday Mrs Maud Hall spent a few days visiting Mr and Mrs Cecil Taylor last week Mr and Mrs Meek Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs George Barker Mr Clifford Morton Queens- villo had supper on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Stewart Mr and Mrs Edgar Grace and Lucy visited Mr and Mrs Doug Thompson on Sunday Mr and Mrs Angus and fam ily and Jerry Toronto and Mrs Angus Nichol Long Branch were guests of Mr and Mrs Will Shields on Sunday Mrs Stewart and Dale visited Mr Harold Smith Niagara Falls on Sunday Mrs Lillian Boyd was a recent guest of Mr and Mrs Lloyd Balsdon Mr and Mrs Kenny Newmar ket were guests of Mr and Mrs Bruce on Sunday Mr and Mrs Ralph Harrison Mount Albert spent Sunday with Mrs Lulu Edwards Mr and Mrs Howard and visited Mr and Mrs Morley Moore Port Hope on nsv k Our bingo held on May was better than ordinary Some cash prizes were given Our bingo chairman is making on effort to find what our supporters desire Our next bingo date is May Its the last one we will hold un til September That means the jackpot must be won To the wives and mothers of our members we contemplate forming a ladies auxiliary If you are interested in helping your husband or son and the Newmarket Veterans in general please contact the secretary Dont forget our tag day June 20 All funds raised on this day will be earmarked for a special purpose to help needy veterans and their dependents Our next general meeting May will be the last until September Many items of in terest to all members are on the agenda A large number has expressed a desire to attend the Coronation pilgrimage parade at Niagara Falls June Arrangements for transportation to and from must Sunday and attended the be made Anyone interested is service when their grand- J asked to contact LaParde secretary no later than May daughter Beatrice Pauline was christened ZEPHYR The held its May meet ing in the Sunday school room on Wednesday evening last week Over 30 ladies were pres ent A good program was pro vided Mrs Harmon of Albert was the guest speaker and gave a very interesting ad dress Mrs Oldham accomp anied by Mrs Snider rendered two lovely vocal solos The meeting closed with a light lunch and social half hour Mr and Mrs Wilfred Gal- and family of Dundalk Mr and Mrs Geo Parker and Peggy and Mrs Milne Weston were guests of Mr and Mrs on Sunday A number from here attended the cooking school in Uxbridge on Tuesday evening of last week Mrs J has re turned home after spending the past six months with her daugh ter Mrs Verne Rowley and family Los Angeles Cal There were over present at the Mothers Day service in the United church Sunday school HOLLAND LANDING The second anniversary of the Victor held at the home of Mrs J Gordon recently Officers were elected as fol lows president Mrs Lang- ridge sectreas Mrs Sad ler program com Mrs ender and Mrs J Gordon Fol lowing the election a party was enjoyed by the members who is ill Miss Ann Louise To ronto spent the weekend with her grandmother Mrs The Cheerio Group will meet Saturday May at the church This is a change of date and place Mr and Mrs Kit chener were weekend visitors at the home of their daughter Mrs Geo Snyder Mr and Mrs Marilyn Catherine and Maria Newmarket spent Sunday at the Steeper home Mrs Shields leaves nexi Sunday to sail for England with party of friends to attend the Coronation and then travel on to the continent to Italy before returning home Mr Frank Clarke gave an inter- Mrs Esther Boyd has talk and demonstration by been visiting her sister Mrs Congratulations are extended to Hillside school No East which won second prize in the rural school chorus at the York Music Festival held at lost week Also congratulations to Mas ter Ernie Hathaway also of Hill side school who won second prize In junior vocal solo class boys under Mrs A was the musical conductor in both cases Master Lome Burgess enter tained his friends in honor of his sixth birthday last Tuesday Mr MacKinnon who has been living with his daughter Mrs J has returned to Keswick to spend the summer Mrs Lew Irwin attended the Anglican convention in Toronto last week Congratulations arc extended to Miss Jane Roberts who won second prize in the junior vocal solo class girls under at the York Music Festival at Wood- bridge Mr and Mrs Clair Smith Windsor visited Mr and Mrs J Smith over the weekend Miss Hazel spent a day in London last week Mr and Mrs Wes Tor onto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs A J Milne Mr and Mrs Dawson Fierhel Toronto visited Mrs Geo Cole on Saturday Mrs Dew spent the week end at Aylmer visiting her sister Mrs Church who is ill Mr and Mrs Reg Mcintosh and girls visited in on Sun day Miss Emma Doane Toronto spent Mothers Day with Mrs Chesley Miss Marilyn Dew entertained her friends at her birthday party on Monday The Evening Auxiliary will meet on Tuesday evening May at the home of Mrs Frank Johnston Miss will have charge of the devotional ser vice Mrs Elton Armstrong New market will be the guest speaker Please bring all articles for the bale A special request for childrens clothing for Korean children has been received Please bring a donation for this Hostesses are Mrs Mrs Musselwhite Dr Ar- and Mrs Glass The excellent weather on Sun day caused a very heavy traffic through our village Mr and Mrs Reg Smith and children Mrs- Archie Smith and Mr and Mrs Milton spent the weekend at Falls and North Bay A special colored sound motion picture Outstretched Hands will be shown in Baptist church on Friday May 22 at pm Rev and Mrs Doug las Percy of the Sudan Interior Mission will be present and Mrs Percy will be rendering special music Everyone is cordially in vited to attend ONE FARM THREE S6 IN SEVEN MONTHS He Three sets ot twins on farm within the past sevea months is probably a record They were born on Farm owned by W Steven and managed by P farm is situated on the third con cession of Whitchurch township a short distance south the Aurora side road m Mr Carr states that the maid en heifers were all sired by Clarklynd Eagle a four year purebred registered Shorthorn bull The fine heifers and bull calf are all doing well I HORSE SHO i- BRING THE I I His subject was the two ways of life Mrs Austin Cain is spending a couple of weeks with friends at Niagara Falls The members of the local bowling club attended a banquet given to them in last Friday evening Rev Mr Chapin Greenbank occupied the pulpit in the United church on Sunday evening due to the illness of Rev We all hope Mr Thornloe will have a speedy recovery and be able to be with us again soon MOUNT ALBERT Mrs Ross had several mem bers of her family from and Toronto to visit her over Mothers Day weekend Saturday June will be Alberts annual sports day bigger and better than ever Mrs Sarah Cain had several members of her family with her for Mothers Day from Cooks- town Pickering Whitby and Newmarket and also two nieces Misses Florence and Martha Zephyr Mr and Mrs Anthony Linda and Barbara Ann Bradford were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Hoy There is the odd peach tree in town which this year is full of blossom The heat has brought on flowers early and we hope cold weather docs not come he beauty Mr ami Mrs Murray Thomp son and Larry spent Sunday with his parents Mr and Mrs Jas Thompson A number from here attended Masonic church service at Trinity United church Newmar ket on Sunday evening Rev P was guest speaker Mrs Bill Coupcr went to Brampton over the weekend to visit her father Mr Johnson Mary Rolling for the last month Dr and Mrs spent the weekend with relatives in Hamilton The of the United church held its May meeting at the home of Mrs Sinclair with a goodly attendance The program theme was the United Nations and Missions and a short skit on this was taken by Mrs Sinclair Mrs Thompson and Mrs Steeper Mrs Evans was soloist The ladies were very pleased to report a of 39 The committee in charge of purchasing a new organ for the United church met with the of ficial board on Thursday even ing and decided to purchase the organ after hearing sev eral others Mrs A Broad and Murray and Mrs Steeper attended a musical recital in St Andrews church Orillia on Friday evening Marie Broad who teaches in came home with them to spend the weekend at her home The neighbors gathered at the homo of Mr and Mrs Alf Green on Saturday evening and pre sented the newly married couple Willi two verandah chairs Mr who comes from Rodney thanked them all saying that in his short time hero ho found Albert people very friendly and was sure he was going to like living here Mr and Mrs Green are leav ing for Rodney on Tuesday whore they wilt spend the two DETOUR BUSKS The Gray Coach Lines an nounced this week that buses are from the Main St most t irons during reconstruction work Travellers are reminded to hoard buses the terminal rather than try and stop them on the si reels PINE ORCHARD The Willing Workers of Union church held a meeting at the home of Mrs Arnold Johnson on Wednesday afternoon May 9 with present Mrs Elmer Starr and Mrs Leslie Harper had charge of devotionals An inspiring paper on What is Prayer was given by Mrs Em- Sheppard roll call a flower or bird of the Bible was answered by everyone present In honor of Mothers Day a hymn was sung and Mrs R Armitage read A Little Parable for Mothers Mrs D Preston conducted a Bible qui A dainty lunch was served by the hostesses Mrs Arnold Johnson and Mrs Douglas Hope At the Mothers Day service at Union church on Sunday May Raymond Kenneth Lloyd son of Mr and Mrs Andy was dedicated in a baptismal service conducted by the pastor Rev A Church service each Sunday is am and Sunday school at Mr and Mrs and boys of Aurora and Mr and Mrs W Johnston Earl spent Mothers Day with Mr and Mrs R Chapman Mr and Mrs Russell Collins Toronto were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Ross i A J Is now contracting cucumbers for the season i f i i High prices for cucumbers this year and there are SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR GOOD PRICES For your contract or for more information about this PROFITABLE CASH CROP Phone write or see Phone Newmarket Rev John Rotting of New Era Mich conducted the ser vices here on Sunday Ascension Day service will be held next Thursday evening the Christian Reform church Most societies discon tinued their regular meetings until the fall season r- tZ id is that guarantee in vv L r i 7 IT i fc ien npi f The new Architects Contractors Howe who have a i osier to handler weighs only tetit not W9Mlg or affords protection A oik i f I I it A m ft I i A mm i jf Rev and Mrs Oddvar Berg COtOUtS i 11 S3 loi 6ISCO mice i ROOF BISHOP A EVE A

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