Newmarket Era and Express, 14 May 1953, p. 9

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TRffHOttt A very interesting meeting of the Recreation com mission was held on Thursday night May when the following members attended J E Buchanan chair man Steadman vicechairman Councillor David son Jones and Murray and Glass John S C King and A Holmes PAGE NINE THURSDAY THE FOURTEENTH DAY OF MAY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTHREE Mr Don Glass called attention to tfae dance to take place on Saturday evening May at the Armories and also the mam moth band display to be held in the town park on Sunday night May starting at It was also resolved that the com mission send a float to take part an the parade on Saturday after- noon May and that members of the hockey team ride in it Mr Steadman gave an inter esting report on the handicraft class and Mr Offord indicated that the swimming classes for filiated with the Queens York Rangers and the Col Dunham trophy to the musketry team for the best team in the Regimental Cadet Shoot This registers the third year that Aurora has won the Dunham trophy and Cober won secondplace medals at the shoot The shield for the best troop in the battalion was presented to troop five under the command of Cadet Lieut Andrews and Troop Sgt Major McGinnis instructors girls held at St Andrews college spectators were all delighted were proving a great success- j what was regarded as an Mrs was highly outstanding display The for her services in connection with the latter Mr Glass commended the secretary- treasurer Bell on the fi nancial report he had prepared for the present four months of the year The chairman brought up the matter of the fines defence fund and the commission decided to give full support to the commit tee in charge of it chairman of is Dr The recreation director Mr- P was commended ion the bright detailed report he presented in regard to his at tendance at the convention of re- cipal of the school Mr J Knowles said the performances they had witnessed far exceeded his expectations in view of the fact that wet weather had made outdoor drilling impossible The We heard with sincere regret from Mr G that he and Mrs had decided to retire from business and had sold it to Miss Ada and Miss Vel- ma Wood of Toronto friends of the They are both very charming ladies of con siderable business experience and we cannot imagine better successors to the Whitelaw Gift store The two sisters will be creation commissions held at i well liked by an old clientele of recently The report what is a really exclusive that as many as dele gates were in attendance and that it was the largest meeting held in the eighth year of similar conventions Mr said the report was a one a view shared by all mem bers present At the suggestion of Mr Steadman the commission decid ed to put dance and other attractions in the last week of August Curfew Bell A brief but exciting discussion took place on the feasibility of recommending the introduction of the curfew bell in Aurora to prevent the children running loose late at night as one mem ber expressed it while another member asked if the curfew should not be rung for the par ents instead of the children While there was general agree ment that many parents in Au rora let their children run about far too late at night the commis sion felt that any steps that might be taken to effect better discipline among the children was a matter that should be left to the town council Cadet Inspection From Cadet Lieut Carol Fish we have received at our invita tion some very interesting notes on the Aurora district high school cadet inspection which was held in brilliant weather on Wednesday May at the cam pus Many parents occupied chairs to watch the entire cere mony The inspection officer was Major A McGinnis of the Queens York Rangers and af ter the inspection there was a display by the trumpet band The battalion then carried out and troop drill and the boys troop conducted a lesson on the use of the gun Form ing a square the battalion held a brief memorial service for for mer high school students who lost their lives on active service Major then made presentations of the Strathcona shield- to the top battalion of last years inspection in the group Heeds Your mm Store New agent Tobacconist etc Business Founded We shall greatly miss our friend BG from his accustom ed place on Main street where he has flourished and made peo ple feel happy for nigh on 30 years He has friends all through York county most of whom he addressed by their Christian names As he patted the child ren on their heads he made their mothers and grandmothers laugh with his perennial waggish wit The Gift shop had more potent beneficial qualities than doctors medicine If you entered it feeling in the blues you came away with the feeling that on every dark cloud there is a silver lining We wish Mr Whitelaw and his very charming wife many years of happiness from their business retirement Not A Good Idea The Parks Board has justified its existence by carrying out some good work But if there is any truth in the suggestion that they propose to use the south bank facing the lawn bowling greens as a parking space in that case we have no hesitation in denouncing it as a crazy no tion The same suggestion was made last year and wisely scotch ed To have a glare of windshields and glittering car bodies in the line of visibility when you bend down to throw your bowl from the north end of the greens will be a severe handicap to the best bowlers and a disaster to learn ers Theres plenty of space on the old parking ground for two score cars and more without let or hindrance to the half dozen or so children who play around in the broad area south of the tennis courts That spot has always been the recognized parking ground for visiting and local car owners Why not leave well alone by re nouncing the crazy suggestion of parking cars on undulating land unfitted for such a purpose Royal Theatre Mr Manning Shore who took over the management of the Royal theatre on a temporary basis when Mr Frank was promoted to the manage ment of the has now become manager of on theatre at Kingston He has been succeeded by Mr LeRoy who will be the permanent manager in Aurora A native of Tororlto Mr has just come over to from theatres with which company he spent several years He has had considerable theatre managerial experience opening a new house at New Toronto in and at other locations A youthful married man Mr is very communitymind ed He has taken a great inter est in childrens activities hav ing sponsored clubs and other amenities on their behalf We predict he will prove a very popular asset to Aurora What Will He Do Now What will Reeve Cook do now since the Banner has gone on record to describe dissolved as incorrect It says in a coun cil report Agreed to let the latter form stand although in correct as stationery years ago had been printed that way and a considerable amount was on hand This would appear to mean that if enough stationery is on hand council will go on using it no matter whether what is printed on it is or Seems a funny way to conduct and we dont think all members of will in fu ture to dissolve themselves m in correct stationery is on hand YONGE STREET IMPROVEMENTS It was made known at the last meeting of council that the improvements being carried out on Yonge street are to cost more than the amount originally estimated The point made was that the amount beyond the esti mated cost would fall on the town without help from the provincial department Such a conclusion seems prema ture having regard to the generous treatment Aurora has recently received in grants from the provincial gov ernment Auroras Main street needed the improvements now being made on it and it will be most regrettable if the work is halted in any way or pared down for reasons of some extra costs which could not have been foreseen The equipment for the doing of a good job is on the spot and the improvements already made look good After all the work is of considerable extent and it is not surprising that the original estimate of approxi mately has been found to be underestimated The provincial government will we understand half of that sum We agreed with opinions expressed that if the total work cost or it should be done Council took that view and supported a motion by Councillor Davis seconded by Councillor J Mur ray to see the job through The best advertisement any town can have is an attractive main street Fortunately in contrast to many other towns the layout of Auroras Main street lends itself to the improvements now being made on it IS IT WORTH WHILE A discussion on presentday education proved highly interesting Among other participants were Dr B K Dr Phelps and Dr A majority opinion appeared to agree that basic education was being sacrificed to an overindulgence in sport There is no doubt at all that that is true The contradiction exists that while more and more money is being spent on schools and education the educational qualifications of students are declining The reason for the decline is an overemphasis on sport The arithmetic tables the spelling and grammar books the quality of handwriting and composition are being ne glected for the playing fields with the result that gradu ates from the universities are often unable to spell cor rectly the simplest words Too much attention is being given to school trim mings rather than to the basic purposes for which the schools primarily exist We hear of pupils having to walk long distances in high school passages and corri dors to reach class rooms separated only by stairways We hear of public school pupils being sent home because of having economy steel plates on the heels of their shoes It could be that as regards the latter satin shoes will have to be worn in future by the pupils Is all this faldaall worth while Would it not be better for the pupils to concentrate a little more on the basic purposes for which they attend school and a little less on external trimmings After all they go to school to improve their minds to become qualified to enter the hard competitive world they will inherit in a few short years is secondary to the real business of living and working There is too much present evidence of that important fact being overlooked DESERVING OF TRIBUTE Human nature being what it is most people make the most they can out of a good bargain The exceptions to the rule are scarce Because of that fact we think Mr John W Bowser deserves a special hand for his action in taking less than the amount contracted for the work his company did on the remodelled public school could have kept the money and no one could have complained The reason no one could have complained is that no one need have known t h a the contract was over estimated by that much money The Aurora Building company was able to do the job for less than the amount the school board was prepared to pay and the money was thus saved to the town As we said human nature being what it is we think that such an action must be very rare John needs no bouquets from us but we think it is right that an action of this kind should have adequate notice on the public records Among other purposes served by a newspaper is the giving of praise where praise is due and such praise is due in the connection named Mr Bowser is a native son of Aurora who has had the satisfaction of realizing great success in life m A He carries his success with commendable modesty Everybody knows that he takes great pride in the quality and workmanship of his buildings Now mora people than before will know that he does not charge more for the work his company undertakes than the amount he honestly thinks the job is worth Thus be combines ethics with business and makes a success of both Hockey Team I The last meeting of council was the longest we re member in the records of the present mayor It lasted from 8 pm punctual starting to am There was a lot of business of a mixed character and half a dozen bylaws thrown in But four and a half hours is a long time on a hard seat When routine matters such as minutes accounts and correspon dence had been disposed of coun cil heard a wellstated petition from Douglas E Clarke son of the wellknown and greatly res pected Clarke The petition concerned the 300 grant for the purchase of for members of the hockey team Mr Clarke argued that the boys had earned some recogni tion from the town and would he much disheartened if the propos ed honor were denied them at this stage He put the case for the boys clearly and convincing ly in wellchosen words There seemed fib reason for refusing the request by the time he sat down lines Defence Fund At the previous meeting of council all members were agreed that it would he a good thing to apply the grant for sweaters to the proposed fund for the defence of Walter Fines It was the may ors suggestion and it received unanimous support Councillor Davidson maintain ed the position he had taken pre viously that it was more impor tant to use the to help Fines than to spend it on sweaters In reply to this Mr Clarke took the line that it would be found pos sible to raise from a can vass of the town He was wor ried lest the members of the hockey team would feel that they had been let down by council The discussion lasted for a con siderable time But when Dale King and J Murray threw in their weight for Mr Clarkes pe tition the debate soon ended leaving nothing more to be done than a thank you from the delegation which included Mr Andy Cioss Councillor Kings Report Councillor King chairman of the finance committee presented a threepoint report which rec ommended what was described as the equalizing of assessments the engagement of on outside firm of assessors to do the work and the further recommendation that Mr George Wilkinson town clerk carry out assessments for the present portion of the year on the same basis as last year If the first and second recom mendations are left over for next years council they may come to nought We understand how ever that it is intended to en gage an outside firm some time this year If that is carried out a real beginning may be made towards fair assessments in a municipality where they are in a deplorable condition of inequal ity opposition to Mr Kings pro posal to hire an outside assessing firm came from Reeve Cook who asserted that it was not good to have an outside assessor Mr Cook could on the basis of his past history be depended on to oppose such an innovation as an outside firm coming in to carry out assessments Why he should fear such a change seems ground less An outside assessor would approach assessing problems free from the impact of local preju dices In the end Kceve Cook was left holding the opposition flag all by himself All other members of council lined up behind Mr King Tax Delinquents Councillor King introduced an other motion to the effect that all those in arrears with taxes should be sent a registered letter demanding payment within days Failure to meet the de mand would legal action being taken for recovery of amounts owing Centennial Train The centennial steam train will be celebrated on Saturday morn ing May and the mayor in dulged himself in an appeal for the support of members of coun cil even to the suggestion that some of them might cultivate side- burns reminiscent of the old boys of the year He des cribed how he would be wearing an ancient hat symbolical of that of the whole This was kindling for a little fire that quickly arose Deputyreeve Murray drew at tention to the departure from custom and wanted a debate there and then to settle as he said this matter once and for all Councillor Murray said he sign- eel his name to the motion and he intended it should stand as it was If the deputy wanted to use the word dissolve then let him sign his name to it said Mr Mur ray The mayor suggested that dissolve remain while the sta tionery it was printed on lasted with the town clerk interpolating the remark that there was enough of it to last them for ten years When Mr Murray repeated the word resolve on a further mo tion Clarence objected on the grounds that the mayors ruling was being disobeyed Mr Mur ray retorted that he was doing nothing of the kind and that meant his motion to remain as it was Reeve Cook said the wording should be left as it was and added that there was no difference be tween the two words No Ruling We did not hear the mayor rule that resolve must not be used I our hearing he suggested that the present stationery containing the word dissolve be used up We can confirm what the reeve said that the present situation caused amusement It does and for the reason that people are amused that council dissol ves itself when actually it docs nothing of the kind Former councillors Mrs Field ing and Mr J Gundy refused to be dissolved and used the correct word resolve Why cant the present council acknow ledge that the wording on the motion form is incorrect and cease from making itself a source of amusement Dodie Street How many people in Aurora could state the location of Dodie street In reply to our enquiries how the name came Into exist ence one who should know told us that he believed it was a pet name of a lady who was either the girl friend or the wife of someone concerned In the draw ing up of the plans of the subdi vision He admitted he was not sure on this little history of streetnaming We would hate to throw a wrench into the smooth workings of a sentimental journey but must admit that to us it seems an odd name for a street however intoxicating the name may sound in the ears of others It might appear that the planning board could sit in on finding a more appropriate name to sug gest to council which has the final say in such matters For Friendly Personal Service Shop At JOHN MORNINGS DRUG STORE Aurora Telephone On the reading of a law Murray moved and Councillor Moffat seconded a motion In which the word was deleted and substituted to fivea feet that councillor Into scorn Aurora The United church Minion Circle met on Monday evening May at the home of Miss Mary Annan The Evening Auxiliary held its May meeting at the home of Mm Bruce Agin- Monday evening Mrs Bruce is a former resident of Aurora Mr Chas son of Mr and Mrs Catherine Ave left on Monday last week for Cochrane where he is employed with the for the summer Mr and Mrs James Fisher will hold open house In celebra tion of Mr Fisher birthday at their home Maple St May from 3 to in the afternoon and from to in the evening The Trinity church Guild met on Tuesday evening May at the home of Miss Anna Smith Mr has sold his business to Misses and Ada Wood Toronto Miss Jolyne and Miss Marjory Bailie Toron to were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Clarence The of the United church was held in the church parlors on Thursday afternoon Mrs Graham gave the last chapter of the stud book and Miss Jeanne Barnes was soloist The of the Presby terian chinch held its May meet ing at the home of Mrs Leslie Wilson Spruce St on Wednes day afternoon Mrs Killen Sut ton was the guest speaker Sister Daniels of Queen Mary Lodge No has been made an honorary member of the Grand Lodge of Ontario West She is the only chartered member and also honorary member of Queen Mary Lodge No Aurora Sister Daniels and Sister Ross members of Queen Mary Lodge No 204 Aurora attended Grand Lodge at Sudbury recently While there Sister Daniels was asked to draw the lucky ticket on a quilt which she herself had donated to Grand Lodge On June Mr and Mrs Teasdale will celebrate their wedding anniversary Both are in good health For years Mr Teasdale regularly attended the market at Newmarket Councillor J Murray and Mrs Murray spent the weekend at their cottage Belmont Lake v v fc w Mis Bertha Andrews ton spent the weekend with her Mr Andrew The annual rally day servlcw were held in the United and Presbyterian churches on Sifo- morning Mr and Mrs Norman Man ning and family Hamilton were on Sunday of Mr and Mrs Roy Mrs Roy Metal editor af Annra Bar telephone she win be to news and reports f tags PILES Don For relief painful plica medicated Dr Chases Soothes as it heals A treatment for over home DR CHASE te Antiseptic r CMfldrt Mott GARDEN STAN a TA Gmrdtn NT Turner WE SIM Our New Location ON STREET NORTH OF RICHMOND HltC Opposite View i rf J WEEKDAYS 8ATURDAY it v v- SATURDAY MATINEE AT j J i ACTION PACKED I COLOR BY TECHNICOLOR GEO MONTGOMERY i fc PLUS A NEWS SHOW CARTOON L p V TJT ri aj ptj 1 WHO PAYS Your Accounts Receivable Record Are Destroyed by Fir

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