iM WEEDS NOTICE is hereby given to all property owners in accordance with the Weed Control Act Ontario that unless weeds growing on their lands within the Town of Newmarket are cut down and removed by June 26th and also throughout the season the Town may enter upon said lands and have the weeds cut and removed charging the cost against the lands in the taxes as set out in the Act RAGWEED POISON IVY CANADA THISTLE CHICKORY WILD CARROT etc require special and continuous attention and should be uprooted and de stroyed immediately growth is evident I I MILLER Weed Inspector Town of Newmarket 39 GET RESULTS r w if- Hi FOR POTATOES belongs to the versatile family of carbamate which give powerful disease control without harm Unto give outstanding early and late blight action is so mild that will not damage the foliage It may be safely used either alone or combined with other spray or dust materials in even the hottest weather TWO EffECTIVE For early and late blights Apply as plants are to inches high and continue weekly In weather favor ing late blight applications may be necessary every or Dust This combination product his the ad vantages of an organic fungicide and also gives superior control of potato C4L Potato WW Co For blight For crop aphid Dust Developed for and blight bet excellent for other crops M POT POT Highly effective beetles and other insect WW Ntmmn ft a -T- CANADIAN INDUSTRIES UNITED OT T v IKYING MAIN ST WALK WINS PRIZE I r The Main St project in spite of some inconveniences noise and dust has its advantages One enterprising merchant tied right in with the project and turned it into a good advertising stunt C Morrison offered a prize to the person who guessed the time closest to the actual time of laying the sidewalk in front of his store On Tuesday the side walk was put down and Timothy St baker won the prize a sports jacket JUNIOR LADIES AID CLOSING MEETING The Junior Ladies Aid Chris tian Baptist church Newmarket held its closing meeting of the season at the home of Mrs J G Edwards on Monday June a In charge of the devotional period were Mrs Groves and Mrs James The theme of the meeting was The Church and readings Empty Seats and White Spires were given by Mrs Groves and Mrs A social halfhour was enjoyed at the close of the business ses sion Refreshments were served by the hostesses Mrs Ralph Adams Mrs Roy Gibson Mrs Herman and Mrs Stuart Andrews NEWMARKET VETERANS Some weeks ago I promised readers I would explain the ori gin of the ForgetMeNot This small flower is a symbol of our purpose to honor our fallen a visible expression which helps us in saying They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old Age shall not weary them nor years condemn At the setting of the sun and in the morning We shall remember them Lets not forget on Saturday June 20th the citizens of New market will be requested buy a ForgetMeNot tag Buy one wear it with pride it will show you have not forgotten them All proceeds from the sales are earmarked for one purpose which is to lighten the burden for those who are in needy cir cumstances As a reminder do not forget June 21 la Decoration Day and drumhead service at the New market cemetery All organiza tions ore cordially invited to participate in paying homage to those who have gone before Executive members are re quested to attend an executive meeting on Friday June at pm sharp The social committee Is re questing assistance of any Vet or lady to prepare sandwiches on Saturday afternoon from oclock on for the social hour following the Sunday service IP NERVOUS TENSION is nuking iff liable rundown nervous a Spring Tonic relief upset you A Dont just long for Dr Chaws NERVE FOOD MivfeW Prepares To Deal With Disaster HOW ARE WE SETTING UP DISASTER SERVICES Aim of Canadas civil defence services for dealing with disaster is broadly to minimize the toll of catastrophe in terms of hu man suffering to keep loss to a minimum to maintain production and bolster the will to fight where there is a hostile force to combat and to maintain the wiH to come back from natural cal amity Government manuals issued for public information detail essential measures to be under taken as designed to reduce loss of life and injury to afford medical and other assistance to the civil population to ensure that essential production will continue to restore public utili ties and services as quickly as possible and to mitigate proper ty damage which may have been caused Since civil defence in its very essence is the assurance of the continuity of community ser vices the main operational re sponsibility apart from overall planning training and coordina tion falls on those local munici pal agencies which are called upon from day to day to main tain the normal amenities of life in Canadas urban communities and other organized areas Thus Civil defence authorities point out selfhelp and mutual aid keys to the defeat of dis aster are responsibilities of each and every citizen The lo cal governments the munici palities are responsible for the provision of an organization so that the people can produce co ordinated selfhelp Provincial governments are charged with providing mutual aid between communities and the federal governments role is that of ensuring that appropri ate defence measures are taken that there are services to put them into effect and that such activities are coordinated for maximum effectiveness Defence For civil defence purposes Canada is divided into target mutual aid and mobile support and reception areas Their names are selfexplanatory They embrace every section of the country cities most likely to be attacked or where disaster would wreck the heaviest toll communities not so likely to be struck where supporting aid could be mobilized quickly to help those which suffer and the rest of the country where in ad dition to emergency relief fa cilities could be enlisted for care of victims of the areas devastat ed Defence Communities organized to deal with disaster are setting up ser vices which include police with volunteer auxiliaries fire with volunteers to meet extraordin ary fire hazards health services organized for the treatment of casualties and maintenance of community health standards ambulance volunteers for rapid movement of casualties rescue workers for recovery of people trapped in collapsed buildings welfare volunteers to reduce such stress on the public as dis aster might bring engineers to aid in restoring public utilities clearing debris etc and war dens to provide aid information and leadership to local groups and individuals in coping with their troubles Organizing The federal government has gone far to see that adequate services are established trained and equipped It has provided siren warning systems to possible target areas contributed lo the cost of provincial civil defence projects underwritten part of the cost of standardizing such essential tools as firefighting equipment trained thousands of people who in turn will in struct others in approved civil defence methods provided spe cial radiological and other in struments and has carried on a continuing information program to tell Canadians what they should do if disaster strikes The government has also done much to alert and prepare medi cal people social workers and others needed to care for casual ties and has stockpiled medical supplies and other essential equipment at strategic points across the country The provinces have all set up civil defence organizations and many of the major cities have established and are training strong forces for emergency duty Canada is indeed preparing for concerted action to tackle what ever emergency may arise Not the least important of her efforts has been directed towards en listing the active interest and co operation in these measures of the individual citizen Selfhelp being the essence of civil de fence the country Is that everyone should know what to do in disaster and that every community should be so organ ized trained and equipped that Joss both human and material would be kept at a minimum SEEK OPEN Access to the Lake beaches would be made easier if the recommendation of the North Gwillimbury planning board in a letter dated May to North council were car ried out At a meeting of the North Gwillimbury planning board held on May at the township office it was recommended that for the benefit of the township as a whole the general public and Franklin and Del beaches that the roads called SLtncoe Albert and DelSalle be opened onto the old original Metropolitan road The other day a friend said to me I think a bit of poetry now and again in your column would be appreciated So here you are and may this be an inspira tion to you all COMFORTED OF GOD When filled with sorrow and despair trials more than I can bear These precious words dispel each fear Comforted of God When lonely forsaken too By those I thought were friends and true How precious are these words though few Comforted of God When weak the body racked with pain And suffering seek for rest in vain There comes the soothing sweet refrain Comforted of God In moment dark and sorely pressed With cares from which there seems no rest I go to Him and on His breast Am Comforted of God When from loved ones Im called to part And naught can soothe the ach ing heart He bids my sighs and tears de part Comforted of God thank Thee Lord that Thou dost hear When sorrows weeping brings near And to heart this of His Word CD Whan thou faurdmad and in Rim that Ms id B of Kami God ft- of Mr Lord 3mm f tad of all Cor NEW BYLAW The North Gwillimbury town ship council is working on a re vised building bylaw which it will have for submission to the Municipal Board at an early date Ho Evidence To Show Land Private Or Publk On Lake Shore The Smnlley Survey was in the forefront again at a North council meeting when mention of it was made in a letter from township solicitor Joseph Vale The letter was in answer to a query as to whether or not Stanley subdivi sion owner had the right to cut trees on certain properties on the lake side of the lakeshore road id Filey Beach Joseph Vale said We attended at the office of W S Gibson in Toronto as Mr Gibson was the surveyor who prepared this plan He got out his field notes and Informed me that the road does not form any of Plan but that Plan Just subdivides the land lying south of the lake- shore road Accordingly the problem of whether or not is any land lying between the travelled road and the waters edge of that is private property can be settled only by determine whether or not the road al lowance laid out by the Smalley survey runs along the waters edge at this point If it does then the 66 feet from th waters edge is part of the road allowance and accord ingly any land between the tra velled portion and the waters edge would be part of the road allowance and not private pro perty If the survey road allowance does not run along the waters edge at this- point then if there Is any land between the road and the waters edge It would be private property and the right of Mr Breuls to this land would be a matter between private persons and not a matter of concern to the council of the township The survey referred to Is not the same survey of con cern to council last winter out la the first survey made by A In the Lake Simcoe area of land lying directly south of Roches A by cou to Mr Ernest Griffiths who pro perty at Orchard Bttch to first instructing Mm to remote a fence from the roadside bring some re apogee Ms fence metre to be lees than rie ef the lake- PRESENTED WITH LIFE MEMBERSHIP IN TRINITY A life membership was pre sented to Mrs EL Richardson at the meeting of the Womens association Trinity United church Newmarket on Thursday June Mrs M B Seldon pre sided over this closing meeting of the season and was the speak er The life membership was pre sented to Mrs Richardson in rec ognition of her long and faithful service to the organization She was president of the for 17 years The presentation was made on behalf of the group by Mrs Harper Price and Mrs J Morris It is the first life mem bership to be awarded in the Womens association at Trinity United Mrs Seldon who presided over the meeting spoke on one of the Untold Tales of Quebec Mrs told of the romance of the Duke of Kent Queen Vic torias father and of his life in Canada V vyr V A- 1 9 you M pocketbook HOW CO Start with PAIDUP mora for other axpamas mora hand to month baying Tour bin tan of Mae for wont at BRIDES FATHER SPEAKS UP 9 As a mere male I told my daughter what mother grandmotlMr to keep washing white Blue in the rinse will keap white ratty white Trust Dad to give good ad vice she said later Blue prevents clothe taming yellow and out of the blue cornea the wash TO- J I- V Hon z SECRETARY OF STATE FOR EXTERNAL AFFAIRS 04 t i A PRESIDENT In the mmm fm ATiVlfiM at the I SO N TONOHINATEAI