la King City District Thomas Maple has tendered her a post at Richmond Mr was chosen by the local school board from a number of week ruining the tar pot cants He is interested in vehicle road tools and damaging and takes an active part in Near The Toronto and York Roads resignation to take storage shed on the third conces sion of King was destroyed by a flash fire Thursday morning of tons of calcium The blaze was caused when the nearby tar pot boiled over and caught fire- The tar was being heated before attached to a truck loaded with four tons of gravel which was parked on the roadway A calcium sprayer was saved The clouds of black smoke set up by the burning tar could be seen for some distance There was some danger of explosion from a gasoline pump near the burning building Cameron Clan Picnic District connections of the Cameron clan who attended the Cameron picnic held at Vellore on Saturday were Mr and Mrs Ralph Burns Mr Burns Mr and Mrs Marshall McMur- chy and family Miss Mr and Mrs Cam eron Smart Newmarket and Mrs Ada Cameron and son Rus sell There were present King District ladies bridge club had a days outing in Toronto on June when they shopped had dinner at the Coun try Club and went to the theatre Kingcrafts Meet June Associate members are wel come to attend the box luncheon and monthly meeting of King crafts Guild vhich will be held at the home of Mrs James Baxter seventh con cession south of the King-Noble- on Wednesday June 24 at pm is requested jo bring her own lunch and enjoy the beautiful surroundings of Kincaldrum Members will exhibit the work of tho past year If the weather proves unfavorable the meeting will be held the following day June 25 Cars will leave King City corner at noon Kingcrafters who attended the exhibition of Ontario Weaving and tea sponsored by the Wo mens committee of the Canadian Handicrafts Guild of Ontario on June 11 were Lady Mrs Johnston Mrs Mrs Stanley Hunter all kinds of sports Letters of thanks will be writ ten by the school board secre tary Raymond Burt to Mr tyd Harris music supervisor who conducted special choruses at the school at the Coronation service also to King City Busi ness Mens Association for con tributions toward the Coronation festivities About children are now eli gible to start school in the fall With the outgoing number the school stands to gain eight Present estimate of next terms enrolment will be about 103 Gold Medalist Mr and Mrs Irving Scott their son Douglas J Scott Miss Barbara Vining and Miss Jean Jackson were guests at the grad uation exercises of nurses at Toronto East General hospital held on June Miss Margaret Chambers Toronto fiancee of Douglas Scott won the gold medal for highest general pro ficiency in the class for a three year period Others attending were Rev Jenkinson and his wife Mrs G Mrs A J Gor don Miss Kay Clark Mrs E Rolling Dr McKay and Mrs McKay Maple Post Graduate Scholarship A post graduate scholarship was awarded to Miss Marion Bums daughter of Mr and Mrs Ralph Burns when she graduated on June from the Royal Victoria hospital school of nursing at Barriel She will be given a six months ob stetrical course at St Michaels hospital Toronto Her friend Miss Betty Orchard formerly of Oak Ridges won a scholarship to take operating technique in the same hospital Marion also won a prize for general neatness The convoca tion was held in Barrio district collegiate and afternoon tea was served in the nurses residence of the hospital Those attending were Mr and Mrs Ralph Burns Bill and Don Burns and his wife Wilbert Burns on uncle Mr and Miss Kay Clark Mrs Mrs Fred Curtis Mr and Mrs Jin Mrs and Mrs Wells of Toronto Mr and Hard Bryan Mrs James Henry Mrs Jim Burns Mr and Mrs John Baker At the Aurora Horse Show In the womens division a large at tractive exhibition of Kingcrafts weaving rugging and leather drew many visitors on June To Teach in King School William will take his first teaching position at King In September From Toronto Normal school he will have his interim teachers certificate this year He will teach grades 3 and Miss Ethel BABYS KING CI and Mrs Ball Aurora Misg June and her sister Ruth of After completing her course at the Toronto hospital Marlon will re turn to the hospital for a year Two Life Memberships Five life memberships in a Ijttle over a year have indeed been an accomplishment of the United Church Womens Mis sionary Society of the King City auxiliary At the home of Mrs G Rat- cJiffe June 11 Mrs M Jen the president and Mrs Stewart immediate past president became life members of he of the United Church of Canada Mrs was conferred as a gift from her friend Mrs Arthur Green of Islington Mrs Stew arts came from her auxiliary whom she led for five years Rev D C ft Michell will con duct weekly prayer and Bible study for the next few weeks Anglican church Oak Ridges On Tuesday June the of King City United church will be held at the home of Mrs Archie Campbell when the will be guests of the auxiliary Food Division Winner For the third time Mrs Geo Eaton Hall Farm won the Robert Simpson special for the highest number of points in the food division womens section of the Aurora horse show on June The prize was a silver plate with pyrex bowl valued at Out of entries she took six first seconds and third prize which gave her 3 cash In addition Mrs won the Cooks honey special for a silver bread tray and the Dom estic shortening speciaL Her daughter Carole won first prize in the adult class for home made white bread and the Au rora Milling silver bread tray She made 14 entries taking four seconds and two firsts Miss Kay Clark and Mrs A attended a public meet ing held at Richmond Hill last Thursday evening when a Can cer unit was organized to include areas south of Richmond Hill to Steels Corners Mr and Mrs Grant who have been in England for for the Coronation have been several weeks and were there touring Scotland They visited their son in England Mrs James Armstrong spent several days early In June at the home of her daughter Mrs James Stewart Ave Toronto when their first child Melody Ann Stewart was born on June 1 Mr and Mrs Arm strong now have two grandchild ren In Car Accident William Crook Korean war veteran was Involved in an acci dent early Monday afternoon when he lost control of his car on the seventh concession at Frys The car left the road ami rolled over three or four times down a foot em bankment going 200 feet Into a field He was removed to York County hospital at Newmarket for observation The model Mercury was completely wreck and was towed to Fleetwood Motors Mr Crook aged 24 is employed by Smith and Millard construction company He lives with his parents on the Commun ity King Ridge Miss Barbara a cousin of Mrs Irving Scott and her friend Miss Jean Jackson both of Detroit were visitors the Scott home last week Miss Vin whose home Is In Port Huron Is a Visiting Nurse which is an organization comparing with the and Miss Jackson Is a nurse at the Ford Hospital They came to king City to attend the graduation of Miss Margaret Chambers Mr George Billings has sold his home on Kcele St north to Mr and Mrs Wallace who will take possession the first of August Mr Billings ex pects to move Into the new bun galow which he is building on James St Boy Injured By Fall receiv ed an injured foot by a rusty nail which ran two inches into his instep when he jumped from a pile of lumber in the village park He was driven to Dr J office Aurora by his father Ivan Jorgensen where he received treatment Mrs James Keens had the mis fortune to fracture her right leg between the ankle and knee last Saturday evening She tripped while walking on the grounds of a friends home where a number of guests were being entertained She was removed to Western hospital Toronto on Sunday Anniversary Service Anniversary services will be held at two centres on Sunday June At Presby terian church the 119th anni versary of the founding of the congregation will be observed at 1 in the morning and in the All Conduct Iny mm Forest Area In The North An inventory of the forest re sources of the Timiskaming dis trict of Northern Ontario in which lies one of the chief gold mining areas of the province has been completed by the Division of Timber Management of the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests It reveals among other facts that percent of the square mile area is productive forest and that while the three princi pal conifer species groups red and white pine Jack pine and spruce are not being their utilization is such that a very narrow balance remains to provide for losses from fire in- evening Rev David and Mrs branch will hold its first spoon the presiding minister will preach at the morning ser vice when David Penny a skill ed musician residing at New market will be present Mrs Elliott ville will be the vocal soloist Mr John will play his viola For the evening service Prof David Hay MA DD Knox College Toronto will be the guest preacher and Aurora Pres byterian choir will provide the music Dr Hay will also chris ten the fourmonths old Peter Christopher the son of Rev Mr spoon At United church the Sunday school will conduct an niversary services Rev the minister will be the preacher at the morning ser vice at and the Sunday school choir will sing For the evening service at Rev Richmond Hill and King City United church choir will be guest participants On Wednesday June the annual strawberry festival will be held on behalf of the Sunday school On Friday June the La dies auxiliary of the King and other agencies The report of the Inventory just issued in brochure form well illustrated with photographs graphs and tables suggests that more attention can be given to agriculture in where only about five percent of the total land area is developed agricultural lands In the southeast quarter of this district the report points out lies considerable land suit able for agriculture flat or gent ly rolling with a few major creating alluvial high quality soil Agriculture might well increase in this area and consideration should be giv en to this aspect of development strawberry supper on the lawn of All Saint Anglican church from 5 to 7 Should it rain supper will be served in the church basement Mrs Ellas Bice is auxiliary president Mrs McDonald King City postmistress had the mis fortune to have the side of her car smashed on Sunday evening She was making the turn from the east at the main intersection when a car from the west col lided with her vehicle She was unhurt as were her three pas sengers Miss Dennis Miss Stewart and Mrs Proctor Tall pines near Flame Lake in the Chapleau area of Northern Ontario Department of Lands and Division of Timber Management TO BUILD 35 HOMES INKING CITYS NEW SUBDIVISION A building boom will be stag ed in the Heritage Park Thursday evening at All v5sion within a couple of weeks Saints church King City and on Friday evenings at St Johns Sponsored by Lake Marie and King Athletic Association at 1230 noon and Old and evening by rxnz J i Si J Come am Free Porting your Picnic Basket and enjoy yourself J by the con struction company jvhlch will erect houses on the site The property was first developed by the owners Mrs Jackson her brother Jack Humbly who sold to Valentin The company Is taking land for the roadway which was put in by original own ers By agreement with King township the roadway will be completed to the satisfaction the county engineer Water mains wero installed by Jackson and solid brick houses will bo onestorey bungalows compris ing five different outside in side plans They will bo fully insulated with hydro installed electric fixtures and cement walks houses will have five and six rooms according to the plan- subdivision was originally purl of the Henry Humbly farm Jack Parsons has a site on tho southeast corner of the park where ho Is building a com modious prefabricated home In southwest part of tho sub division J a Toronto man is building a home The whole properly when complete ly developed will be a fine resi dential section of King City clone to St highway MVw ir- Pond k II Brick n- i v iTTfc- 5 it SEW FINER optional at extra cost on new acceleration ami new overall ANCI optional at attra coat you better iUt you you where you ECONOMIZER REAR AXlf with Automatic reduce revolution In Drive Range for more go on In apectnculnr young life Pontine has won fl place In public favor more quickly than any other reaching an amazing peak of popularity because has always provided standards of fine car comfort luxury and beauty at a consistently modest price Some of the reasons for Pontine spectacular climb In public favor and popularity are shown right on this And youll discover many many others when you Inspect and drive a for yourself other car In the price range It brackets can compare with for all round value dependability and advanced features Truly dollar for dollar and feature for feature you cant beat Pontiacl Visit your Pontiac dealer see and drive I Motor r in the Li with drama hot rat ell port thouiand V