a- fltttos Note We have a complaint from a resident of the district and pass on a suggestion to the tags school who ride bi cycles Our resident friend re lates how on two has rounder the long curve at his bumble bee faxed colliding beys J We suggest thai town boys ride v the right way A the traditional shopping since the days As the oat as has the trend in urban and areas to instead of of as Are oi giving people travel And 1 from do their Friday ttfNwmarktEroie52 Express Herald Thursday of Main St by o limited Subscription two 50 for year advent arm 5c each of of Canadian pop Association and ifce Bureau of Authorized a Mori Port Office Department JOHN Managing Womens HASKtTT I ffcfiroi ION IAWRENCE RACINE lob Printing and Production tt farming We Mr Pegg for winning the the Lake Mr his pound has thwgh iflw drastic Chan s the and buggy THE EDITORIAL PAGE n dSs t C v the gritti catches here is T 4l ire a be weekend Fathers Day We wonder this just for the special occasion or it is a significant in dication of die trend of suburb an businesses to open their doors every Friday night Saturday nights have been that farm- Saturday nights TWO town Although the Are moving northward at an increasing is still a rural town serving a predominantly population outside its town limits The actual period of transition will be in the fu ture but when it will come no- body knows We may be all wrong about the farmers preference for Sat urday shopping nights but they still represent a large part of the consumer population Their opinions on the Friday night shopping hours could be THURSOAY THE PAY OF JUNE NINETEEN AND FIFTYTHREE SO IT IS AUG able- From the Files of Ago JUNE Mr J Muir got back from his western trip on Tuesday night feeling greatly benefit ed He brought with him his brother Mr of Chi cago who is just recovering from a railroad accident that him in the hospital for several months There were at Mr J Pattersons for dinner last Sun day the outoftown visitors be ing Mr and Mrs K Patter son and Mr and Mrs Edgar Patterson of also Mr and Mrs John Patterson of Ste Marie While Herbert Foster working for the Maple Leal Dairy Co was getting ice out he fell about J or feet to the ground and broke his leg While he is suffering great pain he is fortunate in not be ing more seriously injured We wish him a speedy recovery Mr Henry has got the grounds of the Industrial Home in fine shape Work on the new addition is progressing rapidly It can now be seen what splendid provision is be ing made for the unfortunate in this county Mr Will of Burks Falls called on his brother Mr Peter on Monday on his way home from Toronto where he was a delegate to the United church conference Mr Fred Saxton was in town on Friday calling on some of his old friends He is now at the cottage at Orchard Beach for the summer Miss Beatrice of General hospital Toronto who has been spending a couple of weeks holidays with her par ents will return to Toronto on Saturday Rev J Duncan of Thes- who attended conference in Toronto was the guest of his cousin Mrs Septimus Booth on Saturday Mrs Fred of Elgin Mills spent the with her daughter Mrs Herbert Wright before leaving to spend the summer In Cochrane with her son Mr Fred A JUNE IS IMS Mr W Allen has decided to build his proposed clothing fac tory on Prospect immedi ately north of Thompsons Ma chine Shop Plans are now be ing prepared and he expects to occupy the building in the fall The staff now numbers 26 and this will be doubled as soon as the new building is ready Work was commenced on Monday morning tearing out the front of the store occupied by Messrs Hunter Bros to make room for a more modern front Such good progress was made that the heavy steel gird ers were put in on Wednesday It is expected that things will be cleaned up today so as not to interfere with Saturdays business y Mr Stephen Wallace of To ronto was the guest of Mr over Sunday and has been visiting old friends around town this week Elder wife and daughter of were guests of Mrs Savage on Monday night on their way to conference at Keswick Mr and Mrs D McDonald and child of Toronto spent two or three days this week with her parents Mr and Mrs UrquharL Mr Harry Ward one of the firemen at Canes factory acci dentally slipped into one of the holes where the refuse shovelled in front of the boil ers and putting out his hand to save himself a nail ran through the thick part of the thumb It was very painful for some days and he has been tvo weeks off work in conse quence Mr Clarkson Timothy St has a large bed of lovely that have been in bloom since tlie snow disap peared Ernest was hurt at school by being struck in the head with a baseball bat He was laid up for a few days Masters Leslie and Wesley Spring gave a birthday party to of their playmates last Thursday afternoon and had an enjoyable time BIBLE STUDY AMONG INDIANS The date of the general election lias been set and all that remains now is the clear exposition of the issues to persuade the voters either to give a vote of confidence to the present government or to show disapproval and turn to the opposition Under these circumstances it is difficult to under stand the outcries about the election date itself Surely the election date is not a campaign issue Knowing the deplorably small percentage of people who vote and knowing that at the very height of the holiday season only percent of the population is away from home it is also difficult to feel sympathetic on hearing the cries of anguish coming from the opposition The only sympathy we have is for printers who must work extra time on voters lists and ballots in the summer months There are other lines of attack which could be made on the government Its handling of the immigration question may be considered to be timid and to lack imagination Neither are present agricultural prices a cause for happiness according to some farmers A few months ago the opposition worked itself into a serious state about the defence department spending Any of these may be taken as stimulants to public thinking or wondering There has been plenty of time for people to think or wonder about them But if the opposition will substitute for these such issues as election date they will not prove to the voters that they are able to form a government The opposi tion wanted the election Here it is Now let the public hear the new or old issues on which it wants to fight the election FOR YOUNGER ATHLETES The Newmarket recreation commission is to be commended for its interest in children of elementary school age According to an announcement this week the recreation commission is organizing a junior Olym pics day at Pickering College later this month From what the commission officials say the is on participation in all athletics It is hoped that the field day at the college will encourage and pro vide the opportunity for the younger children to learn the skills of field athletics There is nothing wrong with the idea of competition among the few but it is more important that as many as possible be given the oppor tunity to participate in athletics According to the commission members this is what they hope to accom plish There is no scarcity of enthusiasm for winning teams in Newmarket In both hockey and baseball there is opportunity for youngsters who already possess the skills to compete in games The opportunity for children to learn athletic skills however has not al ways been provided with so much interest There are only a few children who will grow up to become stars of the field the diamond or the arena There is a far greater number who will not become the sports stars of tomorrow but who can acquire satisfaction and en joyment through participation Their participation in athletics should be part of a well rounded education which helps them to become good persons It is true that a program of organized athletics in Newmarket may help produce some Olympic stars of tomorrow But more important for the children is that they will grow up having the benefits and enjoy ment through healthy experiences In athletic participa tion It is hoped that the commission will continue to be interested in this idea COMMONWEALTH TIES The final communique issued on June by the Commonwealth prime ministers is an encouraging indi cation that the various partners of the vast group of nations are as closely united in views on world politics as they ever were and probably more so The presence at the Coronation of representatives of all parts of the Commonwealth has illustrated the unity and the variety of the Commonwealth association of which Her Majesty is the head the communique said The discussions which the Prime Ministers held have once more demonstrated the concord which exists between all the governments and peoples of the Com monwealth despite their varying interests and circum stances in their approach to the major problems of the world today This sense of concord was strengthened by the discussions The discussions enabled the prime ministers to undertake a comprehensive and realistic review of the international situation and there was a personal exchange of views which will help all the Com monwealth governments to continue their conduct of foreign relations with renewed understanding of the policies and interests of their partners It is still a mystery to many nations It is difficult to understand how through a long period of transition an empire once based on strong and at times oppres sive rule could be transformed into a modern group of democratic nations in equal partnership It is even a mystery that is hardly credible to people of the nations themselves The Crown has held them together and no other explanation can be offered It is with pride that many people feel that Com monwealth ties are now stronger than they have been for many decades and that they are becoming stronger The modern Crown is becoming a symbol of peace among many nations The announcement that E K has re signed as headmaster of Pickering College came as a surprise to many Newmarket residents Mr will be head of the mathematics department of Kent College in the United States and will be succeeded by If Beer at Pickering Mr Beer has been associated with Pickering College for 26 years- having received his secondary school education at the college Residents of Newmarket realize that the town is losing a well known and admired person through the departure of Mr who also has been associated with the town and college for over a quarter century He a well known educationist throughout Canada and the United States He is author and coauthor of a number of books on mathematics several of which have been used by the education departments of Ontario and other provinces Sir probably is best known by Newmarket people through his direction of Gilbert and Sullivan operettas staged annually at the college for over years He is particularly well known for his talents as a performer He usually took a lead part in every production Even through this avocation he became well known in Canada Mr will be succeeded by a capable person in Mr Harry Beer an old boy of the college who came to Newmarket in the Metropolitan railways days as a student Having been a resident of the town for the most part of years the now headmaster at the college is no stranger and deserves the congratulations of the town as a whole on his new appointment FIGHTING AGGRESSION NOT THEORY From our point of view the end of the Korean fighting is the one thing necessary before we can start regularizing our relations with China under its new rulers the Financial Post says It has long been ob vious that such an endeavor must include admitting the Peking Government to the seat on the UN Security Council which belongs to the effective rulers of China To many Americans and to some few Canadians this idea is still shocking But it is only shocking be cause of the US habit of giving moral overtones to an act which should have a purely factual basis Cana dians dont like communist governments any more than Americans do But neither the Korean war nor tho cold war nor NATO nor any of our rearmament is designed to purge the world of communist political theory it is designed to stop communist aggression We have no intention of trying to fight or even boycott every country which has a communist government The ChineseRussian alliance is not a natural bond The potential differences are too many and too deep seated The proper course for Western diplomacy is to encourage these differences by offering China once the fighting is stopped an alternative orbit A Korean peace provides just the opportunity required It could be the first step also in reopening a vast and urgently needed market for the worlds goods We cant expect any permanent peace and prosperity with a great chunk of Asia closed to international trade The free world including Canada needs this additional outlet for its surplus products and for fast recovering Japan it offers the only real hope of peaceful prosperity Without this big natural trading area next door explo sive pressures are certain to build up It was over years ago that the first translation of the Bible Into the Cherokee language was done by a young Indian chief John Norton His work is still being carried on in the same territory in which he lived at where the Six Nations Indians are organizing a branch of the Upper Canada Bible society for the Mohawks Mrs Alfred Martin left who runs the Mohawk museum at Ohsweken reads from the Indian Bible to one of the Indian students Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger the one of the young printers Lome and the boss went away up to Hudsons Bay to fish on a recent weekend The shame of the year they came hack with no fish claiming to have eaten the same They went away and they came buck with naught said Slim dramatically on the following Monday morning There had been great prepar ation With large tents a sep arate one for food a ton can ned goods and other delicacies they set off on an early Friday morning for the wilds of the north to catch the biggest fish ever seen We walked miles through Indian country into Eskimo country declared Kittastroffy who returned with at least two broken big toes from a fall off a foot precipice We fought savage black flies and mosquitoes until there was hardly enough fight left in us It was harrowing It appears that this expedi tion from our office was too ambitious So much time and effort went into the prepara tions packing and travelling that little time was left for fishing Our heroic party reached the end of the hitherto unexplored regions of the north by Satur day midnight By foot and one thin native guide they set out for the legendary fishing grounds which had been so highly recommended to them They climbed over moun tains precipices through ra vines and rocks and swamps Early next morning they reached their ultimate destina tion with sighs of relief and weak cries of triumph and set tled down to five minutes of fishing before it was necessary to turn back on the homeward journey One fish was caught and like hungry they ate it We ate it right there and started for home said Kus- The boss is still too weak to relate his experiences He does not speak He only types Now this is the folly of so many a presentday fisherman To begin with fish repre sents the original inspiration But any relationship between a fishing weekend and fish is purely coincidental The mod ern fishing weekend has evolved into something like an African expedition by Frank Buck Why do people continue to say nonchalantly We are go ing on a little fishing this weekend So often such a statement is a hollow state ment a there Is little connection with fish because fish are not usually caught and it is not a weekend it is usually stretched into three days and possible four nights of self torture and exhaustion Kittastroffy and the boss were treated at York County hospital on their return for lacerations about the face body scratches bites bruises and shock They were released immediately from hospital be cause of the bad effect on other patients The Top Six Inches by Dairy Farmer We have been putting grass in our silo for the last few days and we hope to finish it before the grass turns into hay a dif ficult job this year On the lower fields the grass is ma turing under the impetus of the tremendous moisture of this spring and yet we cannot put any heavy equipment on those fields On the higher fields we arent doing so badly but even there the grass especially orchard grass is coming into head quickly For the first time this year wo have our own equipment and it certainly is showing us a trick or two This business of highly mechanized farming is a bit of a snowball The equip ment has to be not only good but very good and it has to be the right make The trouble is that it is hard to come up to these specifications We cannot very well discuss equipment by names and brands but one type of equip ment will work In light stuff and it is overloaded in heavy growth Any of the people who while thinking of the price of farm products quibble about prices should realize the tremendous investment in this equipment their depreciation and replacement cost and they would see how unjust their claims are This is particular ly true of dairy farming It also shows us what a tre mendous business the equip ment game is and we only wish that the manufacturers were more aware of their responsi bilities A lot of the equipment could be improved their pro duction schedules should be more in time with the farmers needs and they should be in closer touch with their dealers Often the dealer bears the brunt of the farmers criticism and often this is justified More often the dealer just takes the beating because the factories are sloppy in their shipping careless in getting the I machines out and have no idea what a day or two means when the pressure is on We cannot help feeling that the manufac turers are more sales conscious than service conscious I guess we will forget it all when the snow flics but our profit is made now and not next winter The quality of our silage as it is put up will be the deciding factor in next winters production and the hay we make this summer will determine the cost of produc tion in the coming season These are times of transition in farming especially in the dairy farming business We produce cheaper milk somehow and no other branch of farm ing has changed as much as in way of handling grasses and hay This change was most pronounced in the last five years It is a time ex perimentation To produce ec onomically to produce for pro fit will always depend on the success of what happens from the end ot May to the begin ning of July This probably accounts for the small attendance at the last Producers meeting which dealt with the surplus plant and its financing There are a lot of mental reservations and lot of misgivings in connection with it Our feeling is however that it should be supported We are asked to put up loan units equivalent to per shipper This Is not too high a gamble if it will improve whole At least this is some thing we are doing selves It will be a chanj from asking the the Milk Control help- v -v- it THnMiarftifW The Iberville named after the of early Canadian history voyage farther Into Arctic has ever attempted ship vrierwJtewii is