the world FLOWERS THE BEST BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi A end effective rem for ok rief of bronchitis tight or chest coughs and colds cents The Best Drag Store MAIN STREET A rf A FOR EVERY OCCASION AH the Wort 5 MAIN STREET tin NEWMARKET CEDAR fence posts Harold Glover phone CUT flowers W Hill Davis Dr phone New market SALE Strasler FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND AMBULANCE SERVICE k A 1 J IN CAi KFBII ON DODOS KIDNEY PILLS aft My SATURDAY JUNE Auction sale of highclass household furniture electric stove new elec tric refrigerator new walnut diningroom suite chesterfield suite dishes cooking utensils and carpentry tools in the town of Aurora at Conr aught Ave estate of the late Mrs Alfred No reserve as property sold Terms cash Sale at 1 Les Mount Clerk A S Farmer auctioneer SATURDAY JUNE Import- auction sale of head of Hereford cattle grade register ed Hackney mares tractor near new implements standing grain and corn pigs farm stock implements eta on lot con Pickering Town ship 12 mile south of Green River on Altona Property of W Terms cash No Proprietor quitting Sale at pjn Ken and Clarke Prentice auc tioneer SATURDAY June 27 Auction sale of farm implements house hold furniture H tract or combine ft cut household furniture dining room suite dishes and equipment on lot Whitchurch 2 miles south of Aurora the property of Garnet Evans No reserve as farm is sold Sale Pm Terms cash A S Farmer auctioneer phone 67312 Stouff- ville 2 Wicker end tables Kitchen buffet Dropleaf tables Verandah chairs Cocoa mat Rugs 3 Scatter mats 2 Hall runners Number of pictures Kitchen chairs vacuum cleaner and at- tachments Lawn mower Garden tools Garden hose Watering can Carpet sweeper Trunks Small cupboards washing machine copper Washing machine electric Bedside screens Curtains Commode Bedroom box Crocks jars dishes and many other articles too numerous to mention Time of sale pm DST Terms cash J Harper Clerk F Smith auctioneer Auction IS VOW TO THI route COST Of begin aft SJfir of Household effects the property of RDBROWN 54 Main St Over Bank of Montreal SATURDAY JUNE Chesterfield large chair stool covers Floor lamp lamp table lamps Walnut side table 2 small side tables Mirrors Upright bookcases Quantity of books Tube Sparton radio with table Piece suite walnut table Bedroom suite mahogany steel bed Mattresses Clothes hampers sewing basket Odd oak painted drawers Small cabinet to match couch Kitchen table chairs Sundry chairs and tables Westinghouse stove Kelvlnator refrigerator electric washer Pishes kitchen utensils glass silver pictures and other art icles too numerous to mention Terms cash Time 1 pm Smith auctioneer Mount clerk Sales and Service AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE the property of MRS H VERITY S Corner of St and Davis Dr opposite ReUs Corner SATURDAY JUNE 27 Studio couch and 2 chairs Rocking chairs Antique arm chair and kitchen arm chair Dining room extension table with leaves Dining room chairs Kitchen chairs Odd chairs Kitchen tables 1 High back sideboard with mirror Low china cabinet Kitchen cupboard with glass doors in top section Low kitchen cupboard Double beds steel springs and mattresses Single iron bed and springs Threequarter oak bed high bed stead Dresser and oak Odd dresser Wash stand Chest of drawers Small fancy tables Glass wall bookcase and secre tary and stool Harrison coal and wood Coal and wood heater Good box stove Monarch oil stove with oven Wall striking clocks Washstand kitchen Several oil table lamps Linoleum coverings for other floors Old Domestic sewing machine covered couch Aladdin lamp hanging lamp rug 12 Wall hat nick with mirror Feather pillows and quilts Garden tools and stovepipes A quantity of preserves and pickles also empty sealers Quantity of dishes crockery utensils and numerous other articles Lawn mowers ladder Time Terms Cash Smith Auctioneer NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE of Chattel by Auction Whereas Mrs Mo Mullen of Newmarket Ontario is indebted to the undersigned the total sum of 135 for storage on one International Panel truck bearing license No serial number B and three months have elapsed since the said sum ought to have been paid default has been made in payment NOTICE is hereby given that at It oclock in the forenoon on Sat urday the day of June at the place of business of Mort on Bros Limited at Eagle St Newmarket the said truck will he sold by Mr Smith auc tioneer by public auction sub ject to reserve bid DATED at Newmarket this tenth day of June Morton Bros Limited Howard Morton President BIRTHS DOWNWARD Mr and Mrs Clint Downward nee Audrey Wright are very happy to an nounce the birth of a daughter Janet Lee on June 1953 at Toronto General Hospital Priv ate Patients Pavilion Mother and daughter doing fine First grandchild of Mr and Mrs Gord on Downward Newmarket FOSTER At York County hos pital Sunday June 14 1953 to Mr and Mis Norman Poster Newmarket a daughter Mar Sandra SPEZIALI At York County hos pital Tuesday June to Mr and Mrs Vincent Newmarket a son Paul Vincent WALKER To Mr and Mrs Wm Walker Newmar ket at York County hospital Wednesday June 1953 a daughter Carol Lynn A sister for Patsv and Louise CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all who made donations and made it possible to purchase new uniforms for the Girls Intermediate Softball Club Newmarket Girls Intermediate Softball Club CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere gratitude to our friends and neighbors for their acts of kind ness and beautiful floral tributes during our recent bereavement Alex Mathewson and Family CARD OF THANKS In the midst of our sorrow and grief we wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our many relatives friends and especially the neighbors for their kindness and sympathy shown us in the loss of our dear daughter Ruth We especially wish to thank the donors of all the beautiful floral offerings the pallbearers Rev and and Rose for such ef ficient management of the ser vices Mr and Mrs Lome Keffer and boys JUNIOR OLYMPICS The Newmarket recreation commission is organising a junior Olympics track and field day to be held at the Pickering College athletic field on Satur day June The meet is be ing held particularly for child ren of elementary school age physical edu cation director at Pickering College is cooperating and as sisting with the event Frank Hollingsworth is assisting with organization in the schools Chairman of the recreation commission Joseph Dales says that the purpose of the compe tition whicfetwill be an annual event is to skills to ele mentary school children More attention is being paid to this age group all across Canada he says At the last meeting of the re creation commission Frank Hoi lings worth a public school teacher was appointed to do part time work as a community re creation director The Newmarket ami and Murray the actual plating oh a pair of errors a sour peg and Lloyd Harvey a single in the top of the eighth Earl Hill doled out five hits Don Gibson laced out two to lead Lloyd Harvey Murray MacDonald and Thorns contracting for the others In field work of Jerry Hugo Don Gibson Murray MacDonald and Lloyd Harvey played a promin ent part in the Newmarket vie- run mm JBS A M CARD OF THANKS On behalf of their daughter Miss Grace and them selves the Rev P and Mrs Colclough wish to express their sincere appreciation for the efficiency and kindness of Dr and Dr Edwards the sup erintendent and assistant super intendent and nurses of York County hospital Thanks also are due the officials and members of Hart Manufacturing Co of Aurora and to all who sent flow ers and magazines to Miss at the hospital ENGAGEMENTS AUCTION SUE Of household effects The property of the late LILLIAN TOOLE Prospect St Newmarket THURSDAY JUNE piano with bench and records 2piece Chesterfield suite j Mission Oak dining room suite Dinner wagon Walnut settee Sewing machine Oak den table Arm chair Floor lamps bedroom suite Brass bed mattresses Mahogany dresser Mahogany vanity dresser wash stand Walnut cedar chest Large mirror Walnut arm chair Occasional chair Ottoman stool Small table card table Fernery Small pedestal Odd chair Hall table and mirror Gibson refrigerator new General Electric stove good f while i-11- ftlAWNING CO NOTICE NEWMARKET CEMETERY DECORATION DAY The annual decoration service at Newmarket Cemetery will be held on Sunday June 21 at pm All are Invited to the ser vice Charles Willis Mrs A Carruthers treas NOTICE DECORATION DAY QUEENSVILLE Cemetery Dec oration Day will be observed on Sunday June Honor your loved ones by placing flor al tribute and making the ceme tery a place of beauty Regular service will be omitted Alan Shaw pres Fred K Dew NOTICE PINE ORfTHATm CEMETERY DECORATION DAY The annual Decoration ser vice will Im held at Pine Orchard cemetery on Sunday June at pm welcome Elmer Starr president Douglas Hope NOTICE To CREDITORS IN TIfE ESTATE OP JOHN LUNDY late of the Township of East in the County of York Yeoman deceased CREDITORS of the above nam ed deceased who died at the Town of Newmarket in the County of York on or about the 13th day of July are here by notified pursuant to the Trustees Act to send to the undersigned proof of their on or before the 10th day of July after which date the assets of this estate will be dis tributed having regard only to the claims which the undersign ed will then have notice DATED this 29th day of May Walter Executor Ontario Violet Robinson Executrix Newmarket Ontario IN KNCrTT In memory of a dear father James who The rolling stream of life rolls on Rut still the vacant chair Recalls the love the voice the smile Of one who once sat there Lovingly remembered by VeraMaud and Mar IN CHANTLER In loving memory of our darling grandson and nephew Charles Buddy Chant who was suddenly taken to be with Jesus June 22 1937 Up there among the angels Our little Buddy stands Waiting for us to join him In that holy happy land Up in Gods beautiful garden Away from all sin and care Asleep in the arms of We shall meet our Buddy there Always lovingly remembered by his Grandma Jones and ties and uncles KING In loving memovy of our dear sister Pearl King who en tered into rest June 3 She is gone but not forgotten And as dawns a year In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of her are always near Days of sadness will come oer us Friends may think the wound is healed But little know the sorrow That lies within the heart con cealed Sadly missed by Viola Herman the girls KNOTT In loving memory of a dear uncle James Knott who passed away June His charming ways and smiling face Are a pleasure to recall He had a kindly word for each And died beloved by all His niece and nephew and In loving memory of a wife and mother Mary Jane who passed away June 18 If we had the whole world to give We would give it yes and more To hear her voice and see her smile anil greet her at the door But all we can do dear mother Is go and tend your grave And leave behind tokens of love To the best mother God ever made Sadly missed by husband and family In loving memory of our dear mother Mary Jane who passed away June Two dear bright eyes a tender smile A loving heart that knew no guile trust in God that all was right Her loy to make some other bright Of sick or suffering one she knew Some gentle act of love shed do No thought of self but of the other I know He said Well done dear mother missed by Jack and Mar- Ian In loving memory of our mother Florence Nettle who passed away so suddenly June 21 Time takes away the edge of grief But memory turns back every leaf Sadly missed by daughter Hazel Harvey Gerald and Ron WALKER In loving memory of our dear mother Gertrude Walk er who passed away June and a dear father Byron Walker who passed away May Though life brings much that Is altered And years faring friends that are new There Is one thing that never alters Thats the loving memory of our dear parents remembered the CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the committee and all those who In any way contributed to the success of our Sports Day Special thanks to the teachers for their work In planning the public school field day Mount Albert Park Board Mr and Mrs Freeman Thomp son Keswick announce the en gagement of their daughter Shirley Jean to Mr Harold Brace Coates eldest son of Mr and Mrs Joseph Coates Holt the wedding to take place June Mrs Delia King Keswick wishes Id announce the engagement of her daughter Lillian Dorothy to Mr John Wesley son of Mr and Mrs The marriage will take place Wednesday Septem ber Mr and Mrs William Winch Belhaven announce the engagement of their daughter Phylls Dorinne to Mr Gerald Leslie Griffiths son of Mr and Mrs Leslie Griffiths Toronto The marriage will take place on July oclock in Keswick United church Mr and Mrs Rose Cedar Valley announce the engage ment of their daughter May Mr John Robert Styles son of Mr and Mrs George Styles Cedar Valley The wedd ing will take place quietly at the brides home Saturday June Wedding BILLING BARKER A pretty wedding took place in the First Baptist church Au rora Saturday May 30 when Marilyn Barker daughter of Mr and Mrs Rex Barker Newmar ket became the bride of Floyd Billing son of Mr and Mrs Allen Billing Aurora Rev J McFarlene conducted the cere mony Given in marriage by her fa ther the bride looked lovely in a pink wool suit and white acces sories She wore a pin which was the gift of the groom and a corsage of sweet heart roses and Her bridesmaid Donna chose a pale blue wool suit and white accessories She wore a corsage of pink roses The grooms brother Donald Billing acted best man and tie tubers were Ross and the brides brother Donald Bar- The reception was hold in the church hall The brides mother received in Elizabeth blue crepe with navy accessories Her navy hat was trimmed with pink flowers She wore a corsage of pink carnations The grooms mother chose navy blue with white hat and navy accessories and wore a corsage of deep red carnations Later the couple left for a honeymoon to be spent in Belle ville and Montreal Upon their return they will reside in Au rora Jack Cains No Hitter Helps DoNut Boys Defeat Mount 201 Theres something intriguing about the name Do- Nut boys The DoNut kiddies were aglow in their new uni forms Monday and tested them out successfully against Mount Albert in a North York bantam baseball league contest by 201 Jack Cain Coach Frank lingsworths top bracket took charge of that department by hurling a nohitter that rates him a in the hall of fame Cain aided his own cause with two hits and his chief helpmates were Lome and Don Zogalo Aided by a flock of walks giv en up by Brian Stokes and assumed command with a seven run third frame out burst It was an important win in the DoNuts march as it put them solidly in first place in the five- team group It was Mount Al berts first loss of the season when -r- til Ill ft rt v I- I tfTTS V mm TUB 1 Ft J J X rf- m King Whs Guess us old timers will have to retire to the rocking chair Bs have dropped out of the Peel- York picture Couldnt sign a pitcher reports Bill Trailers erupted for five runs in the sixth to gain a win over Kettleby Ken Archibald and Doug Brown shared the pitching load for the victors Frank went the route for Kettleby Murray Ed wards four base smash was the big blow in the Schomberg triumph Tony Roman assaying his pitching start of the season on the King City rubber handcuff- on two hits walked four and whiffed as King City shut out 30 Last Thursday benefitting from Tony Romans threehit pitching and solid base knocking from Bob Parsons Chuck Shields and Clark Archibald King City celebrated at win over Ket 1 I I PHONE r An flpologT We are sorr- that It MUSICAL as announced I S7T M ffi C Hydro lines in the auditorium are sorry you were disappointed watch r Mitre announcement A 7 GRACE CHURCH Newmarket BasebaMers Shout Out Beeton 20 Ken hurled a sparkling onehitter as he and Newmarket Legion shutout Combines 20 in Beeton last Wednesday in a South baseball league contest It was the Legionnaires fourth straight win and set them up on even terms with Aurora for the league lead was robbed of a no- hitter when Don Letts cuffed a Texas league shot into left field in the initial frame It was a ball game as the teams raced through the regulation seven innings in under an hour Conch Herb Cain and his opposite number Kory elected to go an other two Newmarket scored their two runs Ken THE IMPLEMENT HEADQUARTERS DAVIS DRIVE WEST NEWMARK1 Telephone 95lgggfl Til KESWICK OPTIMIST BIRTHDAY PARTY NEXT THURSDAY Keswick Optimist club is hold ing its annual birthday party with a dinner at the Royal hotel next Thursday June 25 District officers from Toron to St Catharines and Newmar ket will install the new officers A good program with an excel lent dinner ensures a good even ing for Optimists their ladies and guests Reeve Roy Pollock and Percy of Keswick are attend ing the Optimist International convention at Washington with their wives Plans are well under way for the Sports Day at Keswick Mem orial Centre on July A band will lead the monster parade and and individuals are to their floats now An excellent Idea of Tommy Johnsons was the parking lot which now permits motorists to treat themselves to a drive through Keswick on a Saturday The new show room at the Pollock garage In Keswick Is an other nice village Improvement freezer A spacious refrigerator with frosting CfSNL7 The food freezer provides has a capacity of lbs You never frost the refrigerator compartment pletelyaufematlc adjustments to make This cubic ft model foods fresher longer and on Trade- in SEE THIS AND TODAY