Vs i Choice Peas Choice Corn choice PeachesZ SKOAL IceWsfers cello fr A I Aylmer Dessert COTTAGC BRAND BROWN WHEAT fc- a Nucoa Margarine Blue Cheer SLICED OR a Ml SPECIAL WESTONS BISCUITS Wedding J jTrv i SPECIAL JERSEY BULK of SPECIAL MIsms a J fc I y IN LOW M CAIORMR aircM JS lJJ J 5 To JOI Added Pectin i mi Jt- J Each J fclid Skralder Vy Li iiiiiiA- A World By Caroune Ion The federal election has been set for August After much speculation on the part of political organi zations as well as individuals the contest has been officially opened with the announcement of the elec tion date To many Canadians and reputation In his address he fortunately it is more true of the made a plea that the democra cies should not compete with communism by elevating fear into a civic virtue making de nunciation the test of loyalty and making sterile conformity the test of good The preceding day June Henry Cabot Lodge Jr chief US delegate to the United Na tions spoke at Bishops univers ity convocation In his address he paid tribute to Mr Pearson Your minister of external af fairs is witty delightful charming he said He is also wise farsight and courageous The UN Gen eral Assembly is indeed fortun ate to have such a man as its president and Canada to he congratulated Newmarket Social News TAGGERS WANTED Taggers wanted for the Newmarket Veterans Tag day on Saturday June Anyone wish ing to tag please call Mrs Fred Cass Newmarket DANCE A Jeans party will be held by the Betty Gordon Dancing club for its members on Thurs day June The group will sit down to supper at pm in the Newmarket Legion Hall Entertainment includes a full- length feature film and Ross Bertram professional Magician from Toronto will be present Members of the clubs executive will wear costumes This party will close the season for the Dan cing club WCTU- MEETS The WCTU met on Wednes day June 3 at the home of Miss Starr with the presi dent Mrs Beckett presiding Mrs J Shier took charge of the devotional exercises June is the flower month of the and Mrs Meads is superintendent She read Shut In hut not Shut Out also Take your Best and Give to the Worst Mrs read on the Coronation of our gracious sovereign written by John Mase- Mrs Start read Somebody Cares and Miss read Busy Days Mrs Bull told of the work being done in this department throughout the pro vince Refreshments were served and a social time spent nations women the event will be of little or no personal interest or concern Generally speaking we women are not politically conscious We accept the rights and privileges of democracy without taking our share in its responsibilities As mothers and wives we sup port our sons and husbands when they are called to active service in time of war Wo re bel with a fierce burning hatred against the waste of war the raising of our manchild for death or mutilation on the battlefield But accept the necessity for fighting to main tain a way of life in which po litical freedom is only one of many we enjoy In wartime the our country did their share For some it was active service in our forces For others it I was long hours in unaccustomed industrial employment to fill the j vacancies as the men answered J the recruiting For many others it was volunteer time j spent in canteens and recreation I centres in knitting and parcel packing through the sacrificing of the superficial adornments of female society Democracy is not won on the battlefield alone The lanes of free thinking are not kept open only by convoys and air patrols In times of peace the fight con tinues But now it is not with guns and ships and planes It is with the intangibles of attitudes and purposes Have we reached such com placency that all that matters is the satisfaction of our material desires We have a new refrig erator or television set so airs well with the world How can we call ourselves Canadian citi zens if we do not think about our government and make our opinions known and felt In Europe today there is a genera tion reaching adulthood which has never known political free dom Indifference is a blight that can destroy democracy It will lead to the oneparty system the antipathy of democracy Dicta torship and communism are the inevitable developments of a continuing disinterest in a na tions affairs by its people As I in the case of a sickly infant who is fed j so the peoples under com- influences are not to think for themselves They are fed a restricted diet They think what the party wants them to think They do what the party requires of them They have lost their individuality What can we do We have no influence you say And yet it is only when each man and wo man in a nation or community contributes his share that true democracy is reached On the municipal level we sen each year that only slightly more than half the eligible vot ers bother to exercise the fran chise Certainly the right to complain or criticize the actions of council or school board is not restricted to the voters How much better it would be if each citizen contributed constructive ly first by studying the issues involved second by encourag ing qualified people to run for office and third by supporting them at the polls The same is true at the provin cial and federal levels Many particularly during this summer time election of August will not trouble to vote A political address when aired over the radio will receive short notice as the dial is twirled to another pro gram They will consider it a waste of an evening to attend a rally or nomination meeting But to such meetings and rallys to listen to speeches and read articles from all the political parties to decide inde pendently on ones candidate is being and to support him in the riding scheduled WINS GENERAL PROFICIENCY AWARD Bailie of Toronto East General hospital won the general proficiency award given to the top student of the first year class of nurses The award was pre sented by Dr S K Ngal at the graduation exercises of the class of 1053 on Saturday June SKETCHING JAUNT The first sketching jaunt of the summer season is being held to night by the Newmarket Art club Members are to meet at the Corner Cupboard at pm All nonmembers who ore inter ested are cordially invited to join the group on its outing Next Thursday June the Art club will meet in the base ment of the town hall at pm Mrs G Man is a guest at the home of Mr and Mrs P J Tod Mr and Mrs J R Wataon were weekend guests of Mrs Watsons sister Mrs Agnes Rob- son Many former students of Pickering college with their wives attended the annual re union at the college over weekend Mrs John Moore and sons were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Leslie and visited the scenic at Mrs Lome Church Brad ford is spending a couple of weeks with her soninlaw and daughter Mr and A Gould and son Mr and Mrs David Walker wore Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs J Walker Mr and Mrs Walter Couch Holt visited Mr and Mm Frank on Sunday Mr and Mrs Stewart Dow Wayne and Mrs Hazel visited Mr and Mrs Fred Dow on Sunday evening John Gabel son of Mr and Mrs returned home from Sick Childrens hospital Toronto last week John had undergone a major operation and is progressing satisfactorily Mr and Mrs J A Tod Ian and Phillip Kitchener were Sunday guests the home of their parents Mr and Mrs P J Tod Wal tor raves Landing spent Saturday even ing with his sister Mrs Frank and Mr Widdifield Miss May Yates Toronto Is spending a few days with Mr and Mrs Charles Yates prior leaving for Vancouver where she plans to make her home for a while Miss Etta Wilder Keswick visited last week at the home of her cousin Mrs Frank Mr and Mrs J Struth- visited Mrs fa ther Mr Gordon Kemp Isling ton on Friday night Mr Kemp underwent an operation at the Western hospital Toronto the previous week Miss Lorraine and Mr Harold Burbidge spent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Charles and family Mr and Mrs Charles and family Mr and Mrs Norm Burling Mr and Mrs Gordon Cook Mr and Mrs Robert Bunn and Mrs Lottie attended the graduation exercises at the Royal Victoria hospital on June Miss Lorraine daughter of Mr and Mrs Chas graduated that day Mr and Mrs St Catharines visited Mrs Pregers parents Mr and Mrs for the weekend MISSION CIRCLE Mrs Saunders will give a book review at the closing meeting of the Womens Mission circle Christian Baptist church Newmarket on Thursday June The group will meet in the Sunday school room at pm The book to be reviewed is Venture in Faith Any members having books from the reading course are asked to bring them to this meeting A cordial invitation is extended to the ladies of the congregation Mr and Mm Fred attended the Fletcher Mooncy wedding in Toronto recently Mr and Mr and Ron Donald of South Porcu pine Mr and Wal ter over the weekend Mr A White will be leav ing for England on June for a twomonth vacation She will be making the trip by plane Aurora the Mr and Mrs Fred ConktlnY on Sunday May 31 in Trinity Anglican church Aurora The godparent were Mr and Mrs Robert Aurora and Mr and Mrs Goo Rich Newmarket After the ceremony tea was served to about 20 guests Miss Evelyn Taylor and Mrs poured tea Guests were pent from Toronto and Aurora HOLD FINAL BANQUET OF YEAR The York County Nurses asso ciation closed the season with a turkey dinner at the Newmarket Legion hall on Tuesday June It was attended by nurses from the district Guest speaker was Mrs George Fish Aurora president Miss Bertha gave an interesting re port on the groups activities September 1 has been set as the likely date for the next meeting are the duties involved in main taining political freedom They make up price tag which is fastened to that bill of goods democracy Already it has coat so much but its cheap at twice the price A meeting of wide interest in North York riding is being held on Saturday June in the Au rora high school when the can didate for the Liberal party will be named Hon Lester Pear son Canadian foreign minister and president of the United Na tions assembly will be the guest speaker York riding was fortunate in having John a leading Progressive Conserva tive speaker at a recent meeting was unable to time his visit for the PC rally at which the attendance was listed at approximately Coming he did the following week Mr was heard by only a few hundred It was a great pity for he is a brilliant man and an able speaker Mr Pearson has established a reputation as a statesman and as a public speaker Earlier this week when with President Eisenhower he delivered a speech at Dartmouth college Mr Pearson maintained this to begin on September Mrs Fish who spoke on the topic importance of being merry was introduced by Mrs Gladys Morris Mrs Fish said that it was neeessary for every one to cultivate a happy frame of mind Death disaster and disease are favorite conversation topics of the majority of people They should be avoided in every day conversation Mrs Jean Rogers moved the vote of thanks to the speaker The draw on tho stuffed toy clown which had been donated by Mrs Green Aurora was held at the banquet It was won by Mrs Mrs was surprised when presen ted with a birthday cake At the close of the meeting an evening of bridge was enjoyed by the group CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Women Helpers of the Friends Church gave a surprise birthday party for Mrs Hill Queen St one of their mem bers on Friday June Mrs Hill celebrated her birthday After presentation and a so cial hour a delicious lunch was served NIW IDEAS of with Roll-to- You Put food right at your finger tips Anothar Frigid a If fa NEW IDEAS In styling Raymond locwydtsigrttd cabinet compactly buih to you mot food pact in kitchen NIW IDEA of big HoW up to pound of food Buy in quantity it TOT and for torn IO6 ft Moctel ALSO SEE all the other Frigidaire model priced as low as a St Newmarket will make your draperies lined or unlined often curtains slipcovers bed spreads lined or absolutely free if you purchase your material here iv Be sure to bring your measurement Minimum length for draperies inches Minimum yardage Bin yardage for slipcovers chester field yards chair I yards This te only one of IN All will expertly made according high J for J